"THE FIRST and Foremost Defender of the one Republic whole:"
Sequence #3 of the Pax Pilipinas Series
TO KNOW IN THE FIBER OF THY BEING, above all things, O my beloved nation, that the LORD our God is but one LORD and to love the LORD thy God, O my people, with one Love alone.
To love the LORD thy God alone with all thy strength, all thy heart, and all thy mind, forsaking thy will to the one will of thy LORD, and to fear thy God with a righteous fear, serving thy one LORD through the whole of thy being both through thy body and through thy soul.
To seek the LORD thy God in the depths of thy being and to pray in thy innermost heart of humble prayer for a pious faith that seek to possesses nothing but God, a steadfast hope that seek to possesses all things in God and a courageous love longing only for Itself.
To walk by faith and not by sight and to seek in the secret quietude of thy own soul, alone with the Alone, the eternal presence of the LORD thy God Who is thy one, true Light, thy one, true Rest and thy one, true Liberation from evil.
To condemn the sin but to love the sinner and to judge no man unjust with the judgments no just man can make in the face of God.
For God is the first and foremost defender of the one Republic whole.
---<--@ For Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, let us celebrate the one ineffable Name of God in Jesus Christ anew with each of you...
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Venerable Isabel Larranaga Ramirez, pray for us
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Next: Sequence #04: Pax Caelestis
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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