"No soldier, of any side at any age, ever fought and died with honor intact to knowingly spread the flames of war. Every noble military heart and mind of all times and places have always been fighting for our last fading away."
NOTHING PAINS the memory of our nations more than those conflicts visited unexpectedly upon the intimate peace that surround the common reality of the closeness of our native community.
One must act with great caution when one is at the edge of a precipice and so the same holds true for the state who stands upon the brink of an abyss the depth of which is both unknown and uncertain.
There is a fragility in the economy of things that prosper and benefit the life of the people and this same fragility is exemplified by every individual human life.
If human life is fragile, then it must also hold true that this same fragility is inherent in all the systems and the institutions that serve our common humanity.
Truth by it's very nature is never contradictory. However, if we are to examine the contradictory truth, we are left with either lack of regard for human life or reckless disregard to the established good. Both of these mindsets are contrary to life and foreign to the native economy of Country.
Outside of what is particularly familiar to segments of common humanity, as in the case of refugees, there is uncertainty which is common but there is also the trauma of the uncommon certainty of those unfamiliar causes that have effectively overthrown the everyday rhythm of ordinary life. In severe cases, where circumstances surpass the very limits of despair, the experience of reality become disjointed from their humanity and they live as though they live not at all.
Conflict is the primary catalyst that brings all of this about. Where one is to enter a state of conflict, one must consider the costs and indeed when one really sits down to consider those costs, one who is truly committed to his or her own people must realize that these costs are
always infinitely more than what any individual state or groupings of states or even the riches of all of the existing states within our one planet are willing and able to absorb without resorting to some form of deception which is the mother tongue of war.
This tongue is not a native tongue of our common humanity, neither is this a native tongue of the angels and for both these reasons, it is impossible that this is an original tongue of our common creation. Even at the wake of Babel, the Biblical division of our languages was done along the lines of meaning which is the substance of the truth, it did not produce a language so alien and so incomprehensible to the soul of mankind as the language of war.
All of these are an untold truth that our common humanity must endure, as a labor of tears, with every conflict that was ever fought in the history of mankind.
And so long have many of our nations labored in tears that it prompts one to ask when shall we begin to labor in hope?
Therefore, it is with much concern that we witness in common with the other nations of our local region the ongoing dispute between Thailand and Cambodia for it's potential to lay to waste what progress we have struggled with great difficulty to obtain for our peoples within the framework of the ASEAN community.
Is the damage worth the gain where those damages are counted in proper names and not numbers and what gain, save self-preservation, can justify the loss one shall everyday incur in those whose lives are missing.
One who is given to recklessly spend the potent credit of the sacred life entrusted to all our nations must also be ready to make a precise account of those lives or seek of ways to remain earthbound forever.
It is with a sense of fraternal correction that one is impelled to convey this message along with a certain sense of respect for the common dignity of both our sovereign states as well as our individual human lives.
Not with any sense of contempt are these words conveyed for these are choice words meant for the choice hearts of those who belong to our local neighborhood of nations bound within the specific framework of the ASEAN community as well as the greater community of those nations within the specific geography of our region as a whole, a whole existing within the greater continental synergy of the whole of our Mother Asia and from our Mother Asia toward the other continental wholes that make up our one whole planet.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
Your blog is good!
thank you very much for your kind comments. may God prosper you in His peace.
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