THE STRANGER, when welcomed by the community, is a stranger no more.
In the one Majority, the question of immigration, immigrant rights and human trafficking falls under the 4th Faithful Cause: Benignity.
The question of welcome is the central issue as regards to the subject of immigration.
The beneficent interpretation of the specific good as regards to the reality particular to the immigrant in ourselves and in relation to our one family of nations, the proper dissemination of immigrant rights and the effective measures to lawfully combat the gross indignity of human
trafficking are inter-related means to achieve in exile time for the stranger the proper welcome of our communities as an inherent right given them by our LORD Himself.
The question of welcome, if we should like to seek it's answers, is an exposition on the morality of human expectation.
What can our national communities provide for the stranger and what limits are required so that this provision may be in keeping with the common good?
Bearing in mind that the question of common good in the light of the one, indivisible peace is not a question of separate national interests or independent realities but is one that has to be taken as a whole, understood in the ascendant order that embraces the greatest possible, conceivable whole, lest "common good" become common lines of departure and devolve again into another excuse for conflict.
Issues, especially those issues that involve human life and the dignity of the human person, are frequently issues that if not given the proper weight of consideration by our national communities in exile time shall exact a greater and greater toll from the life of our shared humanity as the subject moves further and further away from the democratic tableau of our congresses and the august halls of our national capitals deeper and deeper into the inherently hostile darkness that blanket the lands of the inhabited earth.
The awful realities inherent to our inhabited earth itself, if we are not careful, shall weed over with thorns, our collective efforts to cultivate the light of human civilization in this darkness to the eternal regret of all.
The price that our national communities will eventually have to pay for inaction and lack of prudence shall always be greater than the initial cost necessary to overcome the inertia that prevents our one family of nations from advancing forward together across the marches of exile
time - eastward, towards the dawn and the shores of forever.
And this price shall be exacted in human lives, in honorable companions lost to us on all sides of the one side of the peace bearing in mind that each human life in absolute reality is not just like a demographic quantity that anyone can put down to paper as each unique and near infinite human promise can not be quantified, and with each promise lost to us, the lack that feed into our divisions grow until the gaping chasms that yawn from under us collapse to take our lives as well.
But let us not be anxious, for in the way of virtue and good, little things matter, as even the smallest light dispels the darkness. So let us not be filled with bitter contempt for the little things, rather, in recognition of the smallest good we seen in others, profess to our LORD, a witness of gratitude in Him and save our contempt for the evil in ourselves.
Let us be appreciative of the smallest kindness in ourselves and others so that even in the darkness of exile time we will in time have grown accustomed to the starlight in the soul that sees and certainly, we not miss the majestic sweep of our LORD's infinite beneficence, like the
great band of the Milky Way, the realization of which is profound to every heart that hopes in God.
Having said all that, I should leave this issue to the competency of our United Nations, the one Majority and to the nobility of the congresses and executive leadership of the nations of our one family of nations, most especially the elder nations of our poor world who are called to be more responsible than others - at this time.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
MY BELOVED FRIEND, our good LORD, through His actions in human history, most significantly in His dealings with ancient Israel as defined by the promulgation through our patriarch Moses of the seminal doctrine of western jurisprudence, the Ten Commandments, awakened in humanity, an expectation.
Our LORD deemed in time to slowly resurface in the deep of our memory a promise that lay dormant in the hearts of humanity; a universal way of morality that was the original conduct that was of our first parents, a nobility that after the long passage from autumnal Eden to the time of the liberation of the Israelites was already lost in the deepest recesses of the darkness of the pervasive evil that blanketed the soul of the nations of the inhabited earth.
We would have inherited this nobility of conduct by direct descent should faded Eden have withstood the lie of the Serpent.
But since the fall of our first parents, the special grace that bound together as one our lines of common decent and our lines of spiritual ascent was abruptly withdrawn and this tore asunder the balance that was required to keep man from turning in on himself in confusion.
All of this the Wisdom of God in eternity has foreseen, my precious friend, as it is evident in the actions of our LORD throughout history. For all of our God's acts after the fall of Eden were actions of restoration, in both His arms of mercy and justice, in all His gifts of the virtues, and most especially the Love that was embodied in the Incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ, were acts specifically meant to advance us into greater and greater union with Him and therefore, into
peace with ourselves, alone with the Alone, intimate with the Intimate.
The order in eternity that founded the one family of the nations of mankind is one of these acts meant in time to foster in the soul of man, greater and greater affinity with his Creator and achieve peace within himself and others by way of reciprocity and good will.
The instrumentality of the stranger is one of the primary means our LORD specifically uses towards this one, same, noble end.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
2 days ago
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