DEAR CHRISTIAN, let us consider the journey that we are going to take, this Advent season, what it is and what it is not...
CONSIDER THE SABBATH, Beloved of God: why it is sanctified by our LORD - my dear Christian soul?
It is because TIME itself is a choice instrument of the Divine Providence of God and so the days exist not for God who is eternal but for man.
And all things sanctified by our LORD are thus blessed not so that God may by His omnipotence add to His own exaltation, for that is utterly impossible, Beloved of God, as God can not be more exalted than He already is, can neither tolerate decrease nor accept increase in His Being as Itself being Truth Itself. Our LORD is a peerless God, my dear Christian soul, infinite in His perfection and so to begin to understand our God, one must first submit in faith to the reality that the one Being of God can neither be grasped nor understood by any created thing, seen or unseen, in time or in eternity for the one Name of our Most Holy LORD is an ineffable Name.
We all know our LORD by the Omnipotent Will that reveal to our hearts the presence of His glory, and as good servants, watch closely the Hand that sustains the labor of our existence.
We learn to know the nature of our one LORD through His actions even as He speaks to us in the stillness of our being, to reveal upon the ranks of the choirs closest to the Holy Sanctuary the radiance of the glory of the great Throne whereupon proceeds from the Will of the one Light Inaccessible the quickening breath that sustain everywhere the life of the one whole one.
Consider then, Beloved of God, the immovable Will that have sanctified the Sabbath, and has made the days into a labor of truth and restoration: Where is the new and where is the old, my dear Christian soul? Where lies the difference between life and life?
The only things that time shall ultimately reveal, Beloved of God, is all the things that reality is not - and so, when you shall consider time, you shall also consider the gossamer existence of its veil as well as the enduring purpose behind the reality of its flow that you may know what is nearer to you than you can ever imagine, and in the darkness and aridity of life, have resort to hope in the Deep of your own soul, for those good things that, in thy faith, are yet yonder ahead.
For man dwells in time - in exile - apart from the permanence of the unseen realm that he may remain in his holy remembrance of God and that God may remain in Him that in time he may pass over through the fire to the felicity of the new life which is the reward of his freedom.
Time itself is not an instrument of conflict, nor can the evil that the wicked do find solace and rest in its ephemeral folds, nor can the malice of things committed ever be forgot along the banks of its flow and you shall keep your remembrance of these things holy.
The labor of time is Holy Remembrance and its flow is directed so as to attain to the Will of the LORD of all creation, seen and unseen, the true purpose by which time was begun.
Beloved of God, think not that evil can disappear across into the reality of things hid precisely because evil has found no place in it, it would be utterly offensive to both reason and faith to think that time being sanctified by its Creator to the liberation of poor mankind may ever harbor the evil that its own flow is directed against nor evil withstand the cleansing of the tides of time and the righteous in time.
Therefore, my dear Christian soul, to bury the past, one must understand that the past is neither something to look back at nor something wherein we may leave parts of the present in - no virtue is rooted in the past and so no meaningful action is ever possible to those who dwell upon things beyond the pale of the present moment - here, in the Now.
The remembrance of time is holy that restores to God, the worship and adoration of His creatures.
Repentance and forgiveness in man, mercy and forbearance in God, all draw their objects not in the sinking of the sins of the past but in the arising of buoyant hope that is each moment renewed by the cleansing of the flow of time.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BELOVED OF GOD, let us take this journey in time, together - anticipating with sweetness, the eastward rising of the one, true bright morning star - the First of our First Magnitudes.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thou art God
and that is all.
In my absence,
Thou art present.
In my sickness,
Thou art health.
In my weakness,
Thou art strength.
In my folly,
Thou art wisdom.
In my ignorance
Thou art knowledge.
In my dullness,
Thou art discernment.
In my bondage,
Thou art salvation.
In my blindness,
Thou art true sight.
In my darkness,
Thou art true light.
Thou art God
and that is all.
Thou art God
and that is all.
In my absence,
Thou art present.
In my sickness,
Thou art health.
In my weakness,
Thou art strength.
In my folly,
Thou art wisdom.
In my ignorance
Thou art knowledge.
In my dullness,
Thou art discernment.
In my bondage,
Thou art salvation.
In my blindness,
Thou art true sight.
In my darkness,
Thou art true light.
Thou art God
and that is all.
Thou art One -
Peerless and Inaccessible.
Thou art One -
Peerless and Inaccessible.
Thou art Being -
Infinite in Perfection.
Thou art Beauty -
Unsurpassed in Wisdom.
Thou art Good -
Wondrous in Power and Might.
Thou art Strength -
Ready and Able to Save.
Thou art Will -
The Fullness of Compassion.
Thou art the Truth -
Thou art God,
Thou art God,
Thou art God,
Irresistible is the Sound of Thy Name
who can withstand Thee?
Friday, November 28, 2008
An Advent Message 2008
MY DEAR CHRISTIANS, this season of Advent, in the year of our Lord 2008, let us with one heart walk together in faith and good will and rediscover again the one hope that lay in the message of peace which is central to the joy at the heart of every Christmas season.
Let us with glad anticipation take this advent journey together as one Church of the baptized who walk in the darkness of this world by the light of Christ and endeavor to learn in the love of our Lord, the substance of His peace, that we may hope again with each other the hope of our Lord in each of us that we may be as one as He and the Father are one - if not one tradition, my dear Christian, if we are not yet ready to be the one Church of Jesus Christ in the world, then let us be as one heart, one love, one peace, one hope, one way, one promise, one liturgy of life.
Starting this Sunday, November 30, the first Sunday of Advent, through to December 25, Christmas Day, we shall begin a series of meditations on the peace which is the central message of the Christmas season.
This invitation is for all Christians who believe with force of faith in the one ineffable Name of the one triune Perfection - the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the Incarnate Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that is intrinsic to the salvific mission of the one Savior of humankind; who are baptized forever into eternal covenant with God and the great family of God, who desire to pray and watch together, to learn to heal together, to learn to mend together, to learn to hope together, to learn to be together and to learn to live the change that we shall try to find in ourselves along the way so that we may begin to see the difference that makes us belong to each other in Christ infinitely more than the divides that keep us apart in sin and in war.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Let us with glad anticipation take this advent journey together as one Church of the baptized who walk in the darkness of this world by the light of Christ and endeavor to learn in the love of our Lord, the substance of His peace, that we may hope again with each other the hope of our Lord in each of us that we may be as one as He and the Father are one - if not one tradition, my dear Christian, if we are not yet ready to be the one Church of Jesus Christ in the world, then let us be as one heart, one love, one peace, one hope, one way, one promise, one liturgy of life.
Starting this Sunday, November 30, the first Sunday of Advent, through to December 25, Christmas Day, we shall begin a series of meditations on the peace which is the central message of the Christmas season.
This invitation is for all Christians who believe with force of faith in the one ineffable Name of the one triune Perfection - the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the Incarnate Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that is intrinsic to the salvific mission of the one Savior of humankind; who are baptized forever into eternal covenant with God and the great family of God, who desire to pray and watch together, to learn to heal together, to learn to mend together, to learn to hope together, to learn to be together and to learn to live the change that we shall try to find in ourselves along the way so that we may begin to see the difference that makes us belong to each other in Christ infinitely more than the divides that keep us apart in sin and in war.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
On the Generation of Wealth and Prosperity V: The Free Market
MARKET FORCES are those diverse trends, some subtle, some obvious, that create cyclic patterns of complex weather which drives the prevailing climates of uncertainties affecting the common market.
Market forces are driven by the subjectivity of human necessity and is expressive of the disparate and manifold needs of a particular national community in the context of the needs of other national communities.
The complex relationships that exists between nations and the dynamic, inter-dependent nature of their common markets in real-time create uncertainty.
The subjectivity of the interpretive will that drive the necessary business initiatives within these market relationships inescapably create a fluctuating sense of perceived necessities significantly different from actual demand which drive the risks that are inherent to the processes organic to the common market.
Because the uncertainty of market forces is driven exclusively by the subjectivity of the common market itself, the necessary risk mitigation that opens the way to enterprise involves that every nation-state be able to externalize the nature and objectify the process of their common market.
The specific nature of the common market once established in general by the national community readily applies itself in particular to the prevailing economy that regulate the processes of trade and systems of taxation which in turn advance the commonwealth of the nation-state by degrees improvements are made to the commonweal.
The degree and distinction by which either nation or state exercise their necessary stewardship over the common market exactly define the specific economy which that particular endeavor of Country shall adopt in the attempt to advance the cause of its inception.
In a free market economy both nation and state attains to stewardship vs. ownership of the commonweal and to initiative vs. control of the common market.
The concept of stewardship in the context of the commonweal preserves the original intention of the commonweal in the context of the common community and that is common ownership of the good as a whole.
It is acknowledged and understood that stewardship of the commonweal requires ownership of nothing but the responsibility to serve that is a common belonging that we share as human beings.
Thus, stewardship of the commonweal recognizes and understands that all forms of ownership in this world are never permanent but temporary in their scope, being perceived in the absolute sense that all the things of this world ultimately belong only to this world, and that our responsible belongings are to the commonweal and to the life of our shared humanity.
Now, the free market is an economy determined and established in the commonweal.
And authentic entrepreneurship is stewardship of the commonweal.
For the goal of true enterprise is to improve on the reality of its own worth as a good integral to the commonweal.
Therefore, profit is not the end-result product of true enterprise but a means to advance the company good; to mitigate risk, recoup costs, overtake expenses, improve the business and ensure that its processes remain relevant in the context of the commonweal.
A free market bereft of authentic entrepreneurship and its vigilance over the truth of the business enterprise loses the foundation of its sense of relevance and economic potency.
For the function of wealth generation is to prosper the commonwealth, and wealth generation is the function of the commonweal.
Wealth generation in a free market economy is not independent of the commonweal, as wealth when it becomes the chosen end-result product of the market processes that are meant to maintain and advance the people become a corrupting and evil influence.
Therefore, wealth generation outside of the relevant context and meaningful perspective of the commonweal holds to no other loyalty but itself and thus, only multiplies the risks inherent not only to any rogue ventures operating in violation to the commonweal but also to the enterprise economy of the businesses that exists as a whole within the whole of the free market system of national initiative and state regulation meant to favor the good and reward the business good.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Market forces are driven by the subjectivity of human necessity and is expressive of the disparate and manifold needs of a particular national community in the context of the needs of other national communities.
The complex relationships that exists between nations and the dynamic, inter-dependent nature of their common markets in real-time create uncertainty.
The subjectivity of the interpretive will that drive the necessary business initiatives within these market relationships inescapably create a fluctuating sense of perceived necessities significantly different from actual demand which drive the risks that are inherent to the processes organic to the common market.
Because the uncertainty of market forces is driven exclusively by the subjectivity of the common market itself, the necessary risk mitigation that opens the way to enterprise involves that every nation-state be able to externalize the nature and objectify the process of their common market.
The specific nature of the common market once established in general by the national community readily applies itself in particular to the prevailing economy that regulate the processes of trade and systems of taxation which in turn advance the commonwealth of the nation-state by degrees improvements are made to the commonweal.
The degree and distinction by which either nation or state exercise their necessary stewardship over the common market exactly define the specific economy which that particular endeavor of Country shall adopt in the attempt to advance the cause of its inception.
In a free market economy both nation and state attains to stewardship vs. ownership of the commonweal and to initiative vs. control of the common market.
The concept of stewardship in the context of the commonweal preserves the original intention of the commonweal in the context of the common community and that is common ownership of the good as a whole.
It is acknowledged and understood that stewardship of the commonweal requires ownership of nothing but the responsibility to serve that is a common belonging that we share as human beings.
Thus, stewardship of the commonweal recognizes and understands that all forms of ownership in this world are never permanent but temporary in their scope, being perceived in the absolute sense that all the things of this world ultimately belong only to this world, and that our responsible belongings are to the commonweal and to the life of our shared humanity.
Now, the free market is an economy determined and established in the commonweal.
And authentic entrepreneurship is stewardship of the commonweal.
For the goal of true enterprise is to improve on the reality of its own worth as a good integral to the commonweal.
Therefore, profit is not the end-result product of true enterprise but a means to advance the company good; to mitigate risk, recoup costs, overtake expenses, improve the business and ensure that its processes remain relevant in the context of the commonweal.
A free market bereft of authentic entrepreneurship and its vigilance over the truth of the business enterprise loses the foundation of its sense of relevance and economic potency.
For the function of wealth generation is to prosper the commonwealth, and wealth generation is the function of the commonweal.
Wealth generation in a free market economy is not independent of the commonweal, as wealth when it becomes the chosen end-result product of the market processes that are meant to maintain and advance the people become a corrupting and evil influence.
Therefore, wealth generation outside of the relevant context and meaningful perspective of the commonweal holds to no other loyalty but itself and thus, only multiplies the risks inherent not only to any rogue ventures operating in violation to the commonweal but also to the enterprise economy of the businesses that exists as a whole within the whole of the free market system of national initiative and state regulation meant to favor the good and reward the business good.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
On the Generation of Wealth and Prosperity IV: The one Commonweal
THE ONE COMMONWEAL is the responsible stewardship of the common market by both the nation and the state; proper to the realities that contain their own mutual distinctions in time and dimensional space.
The commonweal is the common good the exercise of which forms the basis that continually inform the soul of the nation as a whole, in time and dimensional space, and therefore, directs the will of the state.
To improve on the commonweal means to consistently build and constantly improve through our own particular endeavors of Country those systems, institutes and habitations of our humanity that contribute to the overall discipline, peace, understanding and well-being, both material and immaterial, individual and social, corporal and spiritual, that generate real wealth and national prosperity not only for our present time but also for the sake of our posterity; those generations yet to come who rely on us to preserve for them a place in their future today through common exercise of responsible stewardship of the commonweal of Country.
The commonweal of Country is the shared sense of good that lead to a shared sense of hope that leads to a shared sense of belonging that leads a shared sense of destiny. To improve on and advance the commonweal is the foundation truth enshrined in every social trust that binds together in God the national hope that drive the will of every endeavor of Country.
For every endeavor of Country is directed towards advancing the commonweal in which both nation and state are joined together in a common market labor of hope with other markets that in time and in turn generates better health, greater wealth and sounder wisdom not as ends by themselves but as means to further attain to the ascent and achieve for the people the greatest good which is the commonwealth trust of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The commonweal is the common good the exercise of which forms the basis that continually inform the soul of the nation as a whole, in time and dimensional space, and therefore, directs the will of the state.
To improve on the commonweal means to consistently build and constantly improve through our own particular endeavors of Country those systems, institutes and habitations of our humanity that contribute to the overall discipline, peace, understanding and well-being, both material and immaterial, individual and social, corporal and spiritual, that generate real wealth and national prosperity not only for our present time but also for the sake of our posterity; those generations yet to come who rely on us to preserve for them a place in their future today through common exercise of responsible stewardship of the commonweal of Country.
The commonweal of Country is the shared sense of good that lead to a shared sense of hope that leads to a shared sense of belonging that leads a shared sense of destiny. To improve on and advance the commonweal is the foundation truth enshrined in every social trust that binds together in God the national hope that drive the will of every endeavor of Country.
For every endeavor of Country is directed towards advancing the commonweal in which both nation and state are joined together in a common market labor of hope with other markets that in time and in turn generates better health, greater wealth and sounder wisdom not as ends by themselves but as means to further attain to the ascent and achieve for the people the greatest good which is the commonwealth trust of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
On the Generation of Wealth and Prosperity III: The Elements of Country
EVERY ONE ENDEAVOR OF COUNTRY has three distinct realities:
1. the nation which is the community of the people;
2. the sovereign state which is the mandated authority that both represents and governs the nation; and
3. the common market where the one endeavor of Country finds its expression in time and dimensional space.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
1. the nation which is the community of the people;
- The nation is a cohesive, coherent and self-realizing social entity that is aware of its own self-evident reality. Thus, every nation is contained by a soul of its own, a spirit of being self aware of its own native hope, and born of the common experience of the one community of its people.
2. the sovereign state which is the mandated authority that both represents and governs the nation; and
- The state is the regental expression of the sovereign authority of the Divine Providence of Almighty God that exists in time to govern all of creation, seen and unseen. The authentic mandate to govern each nation is derived from the representative authority of the state as regent of the will of heaven on earth and all valid expressions of state require that this spiritual mandate be observed.
- Providential authority being sovereign in Itself by Itself exercises Its divine mandate to empower the hope entrusted to the soul of each nation and thus enable sovereignty in the state through the consent of its own nation. For the state that is sovereign holds true to the soul of its own nation.
3. the common market where the one endeavor of Country finds its expression in time and dimensional space.
- Every endeavor of Country being the synthesis in time of the nation and state is a labor that is proper to a place; a temporal locality in the visible universe, a physical territory upon the inhabited earth bounded by the soul of a nation. This place is called the common market.
- The common market is the one whole location where every and all legal exchanges in goods and services, material as well as immaterial, take their place; it is the one whole medium of all trade and industry within and without a nation-state.
- The common market is driven by the real-time needs of the common people as a whole; needs that express our native human lack; lack that give place to the reality of our hopes; hopes born of those dreams shared by the one whole of our humanity; and dreams that represent our one universal dreaming, as nations together.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
On the Generation of Wealth and Prosperity II: The Endeavor of Country
THE ENDEAVOR OF COUNTRY, in the context of the one family of the nations of mankind, is the labor of the inhabited earth, required by our LORD from all the generations of the one race of humanity spread across time and dimensional space.
It is the uniquely human endeavor of civilization that in the autumnal twilight dusk of our faded Eden, marked the beginning of exile time, one cycle of the one celestial season of the one soul of humanity, whereupon the hearts of our poor mankind, in generations spread far and wide across the vast and forbidding darkness of the unknown earth, is being continually tasked by our one LORD to preserve and advance the light of civilization in time and across dimensional space.
The endeavor of Country is from eternity a requirement which is universal to all creation, embracing both the seen and unseen realms being absolute in the reality of its scope across time and dimensional space.
The endeavor of Country is a one whole ordered array of truth, regental by nature of the will of Divine Providence, and particular by design of the specific individual realities made manifest in wholes upon ascendant wholes, that from least to greatest, stretch from distant hope to distant hope and find real expression here in our day in the quickening will of our nations to live in common community and establish for this, our inhabited earth, in exile time, the covenant order of the one family of the nations of mankind and prosper the peace.
The cumulative effect of social sins which are the burden of executive neglect, those numerous and diverse crosses of those intrinsic and attendant evils; that being - in the words of Christ Himself - as evil sufficient for the day afflict with much evil, every national community in the now. This burden of executive neglect, in the life of every nation, is an inherited weight of suffering inflicted upon the shoulders of every present generation and is a collective responsibility in exile time of the one whole lineage of the conjugal patrimony that forever and from eternity was set aside to preserve through and persevere with the souls of their particular nations, the peace that prospers the common good of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Now, the authority to govern the common peerage of humanity is divine and shall always be divine and is therefore, an absolute power of good which is a grace, a virtue that can never be truly held by the willful corruption and mischievous guile of the malicious nor realistically contained by the proud lie that make void the freedom of those adulterers who by their own evil, forsook the native hope of their own humanity to lie in bed forever with the beast of war.
Indeed, the one whole expression of the leadership of the peerage of humanity shall, at the Last Day, before the restoration of all things, be held to a strict and severe accounting of their eternal debt for upon their own heads, the life of the people shall be clearly, publicly and completely absolutely accounted for - every single one - by the Justice of God to Whom belongs all of life - down to the very last hairs on our head.
For the accountable credit of life, most especially human life, that is the near infinite substance of every nation, is an eternal loan from the divine Creditor of all sacred life. And this life being Itself shared by our humanity as our near infinite potential is like the talent in the Gospel parable, as a whole, the responsible debt of every one whole executive lineage called by our LORD to govern the common good that maintain the hope of the nations of poor mankind.
Those particular human souls who are called from eternity towards those necessary ends for which the executive vision and regental authority of their hearts were meant to provide must exercise in their common duty to govern, the right and responsible will, in order to enable, empower and advance the endeavor of Country against war and the ambition of war and establish for the one whole of the generations of the people, the present and common good of our nations which are the achievable fruits of the peace required of them in the specific context of their own times and places.
Peace which is the one rule of the Providence of God upon which the souls of our particular nations, being conjugal to the will of its executive custodians, juridical guardians and regental executors, in the final accounting of the one family of the nations of poor mankind, shall forever be judged, publicly and definitively, among the one whole of humanity for or against the one LORD of all and in all.
Peace which is the singular purpose of the one endeavor of Country; peace which is true light of human civilization and its prevailing magnitude; peace which is not the desolation of war but the vibrant and living glory of God fulfilled in the golden unity of both heaven and the inhabited earth; peace which is one and indivisible, and ascendant being courageous in the ascent of the one mountain of our one LORD, turning the souls of our nations eastward, sanctifying the hope of Country toward the dawn, unto the gathering, unto the one whole one.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
PEACE which in our every imperfect dreaming of Country soon become with the awakening of our hope, the perfect dream.
It is the uniquely human endeavor of civilization that in the autumnal twilight dusk of our faded Eden, marked the beginning of exile time, one cycle of the one celestial season of the one soul of humanity, whereupon the hearts of our poor mankind, in generations spread far and wide across the vast and forbidding darkness of the unknown earth, is being continually tasked by our one LORD to preserve and advance the light of civilization in time and across dimensional space.
The endeavor of Country is from eternity a requirement which is universal to all creation, embracing both the seen and unseen realms being absolute in the reality of its scope across time and dimensional space.
The endeavor of Country is a one whole ordered array of truth, regental by nature of the will of Divine Providence, and particular by design of the specific individual realities made manifest in wholes upon ascendant wholes, that from least to greatest, stretch from distant hope to distant hope and find real expression here in our day in the quickening will of our nations to live in common community and establish for this, our inhabited earth, in exile time, the covenant order of the one family of the nations of mankind and prosper the peace.
The cumulative effect of social sins which are the burden of executive neglect, those numerous and diverse crosses of those intrinsic and attendant evils; that being - in the words of Christ Himself - as evil sufficient for the day afflict with much evil, every national community in the now. This burden of executive neglect, in the life of every nation, is an inherited weight of suffering inflicted upon the shoulders of every present generation and is a collective responsibility in exile time of the one whole lineage of the conjugal patrimony that forever and from eternity was set aside to preserve through and persevere with the souls of their particular nations, the peace that prospers the common good of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Now, the authority to govern the common peerage of humanity is divine and shall always be divine and is therefore, an absolute power of good which is a grace, a virtue that can never be truly held by the willful corruption and mischievous guile of the malicious nor realistically contained by the proud lie that make void the freedom of those adulterers who by their own evil, forsook the native hope of their own humanity to lie in bed forever with the beast of war.
Indeed, the one whole expression of the leadership of the peerage of humanity shall, at the Last Day, before the restoration of all things, be held to a strict and severe accounting of their eternal debt for upon their own heads, the life of the people shall be clearly, publicly and completely absolutely accounted for - every single one - by the Justice of God to Whom belongs all of life - down to the very last hairs on our head.
For the accountable credit of life, most especially human life, that is the near infinite substance of every nation, is an eternal loan from the divine Creditor of all sacred life. And this life being Itself shared by our humanity as our near infinite potential is like the talent in the Gospel parable, as a whole, the responsible debt of every one whole executive lineage called by our LORD to govern the common good that maintain the hope of the nations of poor mankind.
Those particular human souls who are called from eternity towards those necessary ends for which the executive vision and regental authority of their hearts were meant to provide must exercise in their common duty to govern, the right and responsible will, in order to enable, empower and advance the endeavor of Country against war and the ambition of war and establish for the one whole of the generations of the people, the present and common good of our nations which are the achievable fruits of the peace required of them in the specific context of their own times and places.
Peace which is the one rule of the Providence of God upon which the souls of our particular nations, being conjugal to the will of its executive custodians, juridical guardians and regental executors, in the final accounting of the one family of the nations of poor mankind, shall forever be judged, publicly and definitively, among the one whole of humanity for or against the one LORD of all and in all.
Peace which is the singular purpose of the one endeavor of Country; peace which is true light of human civilization and its prevailing magnitude; peace which is not the desolation of war but the vibrant and living glory of God fulfilled in the golden unity of both heaven and the inhabited earth; peace which is one and indivisible, and ascendant being courageous in the ascent of the one mountain of our one LORD, turning the souls of our nations eastward, sanctifying the hope of Country toward the dawn, unto the gathering, unto the one whole one.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
PEACE which in our every imperfect dreaming of Country soon become with the awakening of our hope, the perfect dream.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Haiku #178: Poor x
The poor, by and by,
here exist for you and I;
as seasons to serve...
The poor, by and by,
there exist with you and I;
as reasons to reign.
And so yield -
pray, fast: give.
The poor, by and by,
here exist for you and I;
as seasons to serve...
The poor, by and by,
there exist with you and I;
as reasons to reign.
And so yield -
pray, fast: give.
Haiku #177: Rich x
Happy the soul - who -
lays up treasures in heaven;
loving not the world...
The soul that is rich
is not contained by riches
nor possessed by things.
But seeks for
what endures.
Happy the soul - who -
lays up treasures in heaven;
loving not the world...
The soul that is rich
is not contained by riches
nor possessed by things.
But seeks for
what endures.
On the Generation of Wealth and Prosperity I: A Perspective
IN ALL THINGS GOOD AND TRUE, most especially with respect to our one family of nations, prosperity is all about the dream but in this world of ours, my honorable companion, we can not live on dreams; we have to be able to live within the dream, that we may in the dreaming be, the awakening of true Country.
REAL WEALTH to be absolutely real must be at all times and in all places unassailable in its reality or else, it is not real.
The problem with wealth and wealth generation, most especially here in our midnight world, is that the definition of wealth and its honorable pursuit is often profaned by things that are the means created to attain to our prosperity.
And as one family of nations, it is critical that we awaken in our hearts - those of us who are made to understand - that each of our particular endeavors of Country are ultimately directed towards attaining to true prosperity.
The one peace of Country prospers the people in a way that is real and tangible, manifest in the improvements made upon the soul of each nation and the lives of those generations who receive from generation to generation the peace that is the lasting heritage of every present labor that attains to prosper the people.
National prosperity is all about happiness. But war and the ambition of war would have it that we should forget this that we may soon devolve - wholesale - towards confusion and become vulnerable to the devouring gravity of the darkness which is itself.
The attainment of base things when it is completely forgot that the instinctive drive that summons every individual human being to the ultimate pursuit of absolute happiness is an impulse that is purely spiritual in nature, divides and detracts from the one wholes which is the established order of the governance of the Divine Providence of our LORD in all creation.
Every human being desire a happiness that is impossible for this desire goes beyond the temporal boundaries that limit the dimensions of this physical world and one would wonder why this desire is impossible to conceive were it native to the corporal vessel that each human soul is given to embody the creative ideal and represent the image and likeness of our LORD in this creation.
Then, one must constantly meditate on the reality that this uniquely human desire for happiness has its seat in the soul of our being.
Were we just mere animals, we would not be able to conceive of such things as are in the Deep, utterly beyond the reaches of those habitations that are proper to our native creation and consequently, proper also to the immovable will of our one LORD and constant Creator.
As human beings, we are gifted with both body and soul that we may be born into this visible creation, that we think and that we act so that the will of the one Creator may be manifest on this inhabited earth as it is in heaven and that all creation may glorify our one LORD with one heart.
But if the sacred capacity of the soul is forgot, the dignity of both our shared humanity and our one Creator forsaken and the pursuit of real prosperity profaned, we shall only be as unsung songs, utterly lost in the din of those endless battles fought in this midnight world, and the divine dream of peace that begot the one history of our salvation shall be constantly unborn to our reality.
Therefore, that we may soon realize, and that the darkness of the past may soon be left behind by those who, with effort and faith, turn away from its devouring and descendant gravity, it must be that we should recognize, in hope and good will, as the one family of the nations of mankind, those things proper to our original places as those nations established by divine covenant to maintain and preserve the one rule of Divine Providence upon this inhabited earth and prosper the peace.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BUT SEEK FIRST the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.
Matthew 6: 33
REAL WEALTH to be absolutely real must be at all times and in all places unassailable in its reality or else, it is not real.
The problem with wealth and wealth generation, most especially here in our midnight world, is that the definition of wealth and its honorable pursuit is often profaned by things that are the means created to attain to our prosperity.
And as one family of nations, it is critical that we awaken in our hearts - those of us who are made to understand - that each of our particular endeavors of Country are ultimately directed towards attaining to true prosperity.
The one peace of Country prospers the people in a way that is real and tangible, manifest in the improvements made upon the soul of each nation and the lives of those generations who receive from generation to generation the peace that is the lasting heritage of every present labor that attains to prosper the people.
National prosperity is all about happiness. But war and the ambition of war would have it that we should forget this that we may soon devolve - wholesale - towards confusion and become vulnerable to the devouring gravity of the darkness which is itself.
The attainment of base things when it is completely forgot that the instinctive drive that summons every individual human being to the ultimate pursuit of absolute happiness is an impulse that is purely spiritual in nature, divides and detracts from the one wholes which is the established order of the governance of the Divine Providence of our LORD in all creation.
Every human being desire a happiness that is impossible for this desire goes beyond the temporal boundaries that limit the dimensions of this physical world and one would wonder why this desire is impossible to conceive were it native to the corporal vessel that each human soul is given to embody the creative ideal and represent the image and likeness of our LORD in this creation.
Then, one must constantly meditate on the reality that this uniquely human desire for happiness has its seat in the soul of our being.
Were we just mere animals, we would not be able to conceive of such things as are in the Deep, utterly beyond the reaches of those habitations that are proper to our native creation and consequently, proper also to the immovable will of our one LORD and constant Creator.
As human beings, we are gifted with both body and soul that we may be born into this visible creation, that we think and that we act so that the will of the one Creator may be manifest on this inhabited earth as it is in heaven and that all creation may glorify our one LORD with one heart.
But if the sacred capacity of the soul is forgot, the dignity of both our shared humanity and our one Creator forsaken and the pursuit of real prosperity profaned, we shall only be as unsung songs, utterly lost in the din of those endless battles fought in this midnight world, and the divine dream of peace that begot the one history of our salvation shall be constantly unborn to our reality.
Therefore, that we may soon realize, and that the darkness of the past may soon be left behind by those who, with effort and faith, turn away from its devouring and descendant gravity, it must be that we should recognize, in hope and good will, as the one family of the nations of mankind, those things proper to our original places as those nations established by divine covenant to maintain and preserve the one rule of Divine Providence upon this inhabited earth and prosper the peace.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BUT SEEK FIRST the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.
Matthew 6: 33
Monday, November 24, 2008
Haiku #176: Doubt x
When in doubt, then seek
but in the seeking, the sincere
shall be sure to find...
For the faithful heart
doubts not with mistrust, but remains
until he is found.
Doubt seeks but
faith is sought.
When in doubt, then seek
but in the seeking, the sincere
shall be sure to find...
For the faithful heart
doubts not with mistrust, but remains
until he is found.
Doubt seeks but
faith is sought.
Haiku #175: Haste x
Do not be hasty
and in your judgments, be sure -
lest you should be judged...
Be even-minded
and in the steps of your heart,
neither rise nor fall.
Keep your pace
with God's grace.
Do not be hasty
and in your judgments, be sure -
lest you should be judged...
Be even-minded
and in the steps of your heart,
neither rise nor fall.
Keep your pace
with God's grace.
Haiku #174: True x
The happy giver
gives as our LORD gives, and so -
multiplies the gift...
But he who gives not
with the gifts of a giver
only but subtracts.
True giving
IS the gift.
The happy giver
gives as our LORD gives, and so -
multiplies the gift...
But he who gives not
with the gifts of a giver
only but subtracts.
True giving
IS the gift.
Haiku #173: Take x
All things made for man
or made by our LORD through men
are all things received...
And so they are gifts -
thankfully received, they bless,
but once took, they curse.
Ask and you
shall receive.
All things made for man
or made by our LORD through men
are all things received...
And so they are gifts -
thankfully received, they bless,
but once took, they curse.
Ask and you
shall receive.
Haiku #171: Glow x
If you are thankful
though winter may be waxing
and the chill winds blow...
You will find, my friend,
a myriad diffrent off'rings
to keep you aglow.
Warm hearts are
grateful souls.
If you are thankful
though winter may be waxing
and the chill winds blow...
You will find, my friend,
a myriad diffrent off'rings
to keep you aglow.
Warm hearts are
grateful souls.
Haiku #172: Blur x
To covet, my friend,
is to blur the distinction
between need and greed...
We are needful - but -
needful not because others
seem full, but because -
we are not,
and so give.
To covet, my friend,
is to blur the distinction
between need and greed...
We are needful - but -
needful not because others
seem full, but because -
we are not,
and so give.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Haiku #170: Deep x
The soul of man sees
by the sight of his heart - full -
of darkness or light...
Thy awareness - at -
the horizons of thy sight
rises or remains,
in the Deep,
The soul of man sees
by the sight of his heart - full -
of darkness or light...
Thy awareness - at -
the horizons of thy sight
rises or remains,
in the Deep,
The one Code
to our peerless LORD
to the one God
of our Father Abraham,
the one common Creator
of all common creation,
seen and unseen.
To your own sacred remembrances
and the memory of your peace
with God and with each other.
To the overcoming of your war
and the advent of your hope
at the dawn of our new dreaming
as nations together.
To thy own universe within
and to the riches therewith
those treasures that
neither thief nor tyrant
can deprive.
To thy own calling
to serve in the one Way
of virtue and of peace
and to thy own ascent
upon the one mountain path
whereupon all good things
find their meaning and merit
in the prayer of the heart.
To thy own labors
upon this necessary life
and to the hardships also
that this inhabited earth brings -
May you be satisfied
knowing in your heart
what you truly strive for.
To thy own endeavor of Country
and to the trust of thy own nation
may you embrace with your embracing
these wholes upon wholes
as far and as wide as you could
and with courage
and steadfast persistence
bring all your love
as near as it takes you
to the one Love
that unifies us all
to the one LORD of all.
To our Lord's poor
and to each other
as keeper and as friend -
to our peerless LORD
to the one God
of our Father Abraham,
the one common Creator
of all common creation,
seen and unseen.
To your own sacred remembrances
and the memory of your peace
with God and with each other.
To the overcoming of your war
and the advent of your hope
at the dawn of our new dreaming
as nations together.
To thy own universe within
and to the riches therewith
those treasures that
neither thief nor tyrant
can deprive.
To thy own calling
to serve in the one Way
of virtue and of peace
and to thy own ascent
upon the one mountain path
whereupon all good things
find their meaning and merit
in the prayer of the heart.
To thy own labors
upon this necessary life
and to the hardships also
that this inhabited earth brings -
May you be satisfied
knowing in your heart
what you truly strive for.
To thy own endeavor of Country
and to the trust of thy own nation
may you embrace with your embracing
these wholes upon wholes
as far and as wide as you could
and with courage
and steadfast persistence
bring all your love
as near as it takes you
to the one Love
that unifies us all
to the one LORD of all.
To our Lord's poor
and to each other
as keeper and as friend -
May we all remain faithful
from always to always
until the final gathering
at the end of days
and the beginning
of all things new.
from always to always
until the final gathering
at the end of days
and the beginning
of all things new.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
On Democracy
DEMOCRACY, simply put, is the presence of choice. Thus, it implies the presence of the human person as a rational being.
For an individual, democracy is a natural right owed to the dignity of the human person. The universe within ourselves is democratic, however, happy the soul that chooses to freely submit in love and obedience to the one Sovereign of all universes, seen and unseen. For the absolute value of the good of the democratic choice is that it ensures happiness.
Within a social unit such as one that comprises our nations, democracy is a civic duty, and the social virtue that underpins its responsible act is freedom. As a civic duty, democracy requires the rule of law to ensure that the discipline of the state is maintained and that choices that violate both the common good as well as the individual good are prohibited by act of law and its due processes uniformly and diligently enforced by the community police, also the suffrage rights that require the electorate to vote both their willingness to be governed as well as their willingness to ensure the continuity and legal protection enjoyed by those who by their own mandate, the people have duly commissioned to govern them in the state.
A democratic society or nation framed by a state that represents the responsible peace that is necessary to foster both the discipline as well as the well being of the national communities within her sphere of political influence, all share common values not the least of them being freedom, secular inclusivity or pluralistic egalitarianism, rule of law, equality under the law, the protection of human rights and the recognition of the rights of minorities, civic responsibility, the will of common defense, reciprocity of common good will, honorable citizenship and sacred trust.
But the necessary freedom that is required by a democratic society is not a freedom that liberates choice from either moral responsibility or personal accountability; this false freedom is called license and licentiousness is the vice that opposes freedom as a social virtue.
Freedom as a social virtue is akin to hope and does not exist to make choice easy, freedom exists to guarantee that the choice remains from all other choices that lead to happiness and liberation within the heart and mind of the human being that he or she may in turn become for others their comfort and reassurance that the path that leads to the open door of their own hope remains for them, a free choice and a way forward both for the peace of the individual and the responsible peace of the national community through him or her.
A democratic society may never legislate against human dignity, may never suppress the natural rights of individuals, may never inflict the force of law as a tyranny that offends the reason of the people and may never relinquish its faith in the Providential order that ensures
both the common good and the defense of the peace of the nation-state.
It must be understood that as trees require time and nurture to awaken from seed into sprout, shelter and protection to advance from sprout to sapling, space and sunlight, to mature into trees, and finally hope and good will to bear its fruit for others, so does our nations of the one peace require all of these, for one can not as in a mold shape the natural course of those realities that establish upon the truth of our nations those things that both belong to and pertain particularly to the uniqueness of their own endeavor of Country.
However, evil things, too, will not withstand the terrible crash of those same realities meant to foster with Providential benignity what good there is for these things lead away from the center of itself into Almighty God into places where evil no longer may draw existence and institutions of sacred life such as our nations meant to prosper the life of our shared humanity where they are founded in good and true things are not only pruned by their common experiences, they are
fostered by the peace that by their vigilance and sacrifice they continually merit and upon this they build not only their fortunes together but also contribute to the peace and well-being of generations yet to arrive.
But evil things sink into the mire, and at the dissipation of every moment, descend into the gravity of its lie, into the void and when the purpose of every moment in time has been achieved, shall be as no more.
Thus, we have come this far, so far that we must not lose our hope, O one family of the nations of mankind.
A democratic nation that loses its root in the faith that is universal in things unseen which Almighty God credited the patriarch Abraham with as an act of righteousness, loses its hope. And all nations advance across the vast desert wilderness of exile time according to the hope enshrined at her founding; a sacred trust and a labor of Country that is shared in common by her citizenry across the generations in time and dimensional space.
Thus, a nation that loses its hope, loses its dream and a nation that is made bereft of its own light loses its peace and become consumed by the darkness of this midnight world afflicted by war and sin.
For there is only one way forward, eastward to the dawn.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
For an individual, democracy is a natural right owed to the dignity of the human person. The universe within ourselves is democratic, however, happy the soul that chooses to freely submit in love and obedience to the one Sovereign of all universes, seen and unseen. For the absolute value of the good of the democratic choice is that it ensures happiness.
Within a social unit such as one that comprises our nations, democracy is a civic duty, and the social virtue that underpins its responsible act is freedom. As a civic duty, democracy requires the rule of law to ensure that the discipline of the state is maintained and that choices that violate both the common good as well as the individual good are prohibited by act of law and its due processes uniformly and diligently enforced by the community police, also the suffrage rights that require the electorate to vote both their willingness to be governed as well as their willingness to ensure the continuity and legal protection enjoyed by those who by their own mandate, the people have duly commissioned to govern them in the state.
A democratic society or nation framed by a state that represents the responsible peace that is necessary to foster both the discipline as well as the well being of the national communities within her sphere of political influence, all share common values not the least of them being freedom, secular inclusivity or pluralistic egalitarianism, rule of law, equality under the law, the protection of human rights and the recognition of the rights of minorities, civic responsibility, the will of common defense, reciprocity of common good will, honorable citizenship and sacred trust.
But the necessary freedom that is required by a democratic society is not a freedom that liberates choice from either moral responsibility or personal accountability; this false freedom is called license and licentiousness is the vice that opposes freedom as a social virtue.
Freedom as a social virtue is akin to hope and does not exist to make choice easy, freedom exists to guarantee that the choice remains from all other choices that lead to happiness and liberation within the heart and mind of the human being that he or she may in turn become for others their comfort and reassurance that the path that leads to the open door of their own hope remains for them, a free choice and a way forward both for the peace of the individual and the responsible peace of the national community through him or her.
A democratic society may never legislate against human dignity, may never suppress the natural rights of individuals, may never inflict the force of law as a tyranny that offends the reason of the people and may never relinquish its faith in the Providential order that ensures
both the common good and the defense of the peace of the nation-state.
It must be understood that as trees require time and nurture to awaken from seed into sprout, shelter and protection to advance from sprout to sapling, space and sunlight, to mature into trees, and finally hope and good will to bear its fruit for others, so does our nations of the one peace require all of these, for one can not as in a mold shape the natural course of those realities that establish upon the truth of our nations those things that both belong to and pertain particularly to the uniqueness of their own endeavor of Country.
However, evil things, too, will not withstand the terrible crash of those same realities meant to foster with Providential benignity what good there is for these things lead away from the center of itself into Almighty God into places where evil no longer may draw existence and institutions of sacred life such as our nations meant to prosper the life of our shared humanity where they are founded in good and true things are not only pruned by their common experiences, they are
fostered by the peace that by their vigilance and sacrifice they continually merit and upon this they build not only their fortunes together but also contribute to the peace and well-being of generations yet to arrive.
But evil things sink into the mire, and at the dissipation of every moment, descend into the gravity of its lie, into the void and when the purpose of every moment in time has been achieved, shall be as no more.
Thus, we have come this far, so far that we must not lose our hope, O one family of the nations of mankind.
A democratic nation that loses its root in the faith that is universal in things unseen which Almighty God credited the patriarch Abraham with as an act of righteousness, loses its hope. And all nations advance across the vast desert wilderness of exile time according to the hope enshrined at her founding; a sacred trust and a labor of Country that is shared in common by her citizenry across the generations in time and dimensional space.
Thus, a nation that loses its hope, loses its dream and a nation that is made bereft of its own light loses its peace and become consumed by the darkness of this midnight world afflicted by war and sin.
For there is only one way forward, eastward to the dawn.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Defender of the People
To the Lion of Pansjer -
The resounding clash
of steel against steel,
and the clamor of battle
was first fought
in the quiet of the night
and in the prayer of the heart
that rises like the sun
to bring forward the hopes
of your orphaned nation
and restore upon them
the guardian peace
of the responsible state.
The devouring foe
with relentless tenacity
have only succeeded
in establishing
in the hearts of your people
the desire for solace
and a shelter away
from the wilderness
of their wandering hearts;
a dream that was born
from the hope that
through battle
and through loss
you have triumphed
to maintain
not for yourself,
Amer Sahib,
but for your nation.
You are certainly
most cherished,
noble commander and
defender of the people.
The resounding clash
of steel against steel,
and the clamor of battle
was first fought
in the quiet of the night
and in the prayer of the heart
that rises like the sun
to bring forward the hopes
of your orphaned nation
and restore upon them
the guardian peace
of the responsible state.
The devouring foe
with relentless tenacity
have only succeeded
in establishing
in the hearts of your people
the desire for solace
and a shelter away
from the wilderness
of their wandering hearts;
a dream that was born
from the hope that
through battle
and through loss
you have triumphed
to maintain
not for yourself,
Amer Sahib,
but for your nation.
You are certainly
most cherished,
noble commander and
defender of the people.
Outlook 2050
IN THE 90'S, the concept of an information revolution was in the minds of many thinkers.
It was observed during that time that the emerging technological trends in the fields of computer processing, networking systems, and multimedia storage and communications, shall inevitably pave the way towards an evolution in the nature and science of information.
The science that have fueled those relevant technological trends was not very recent as the needs that drove these developments were born primarily from war-time military requirements dating back to the early 40's through to the Cold-War era right up to the tenuous years leading
up to the Y2K countdown.
As such, the inescapable probability that affected the thinking that seeks to address the undefined potential of the information effect of those technological trends was first observed in military and defense circles.
That these technological trends in question possess wide and various applications in many fields of human endeavor can not be denied but it can not also be denied that these technologies inadvertently combine to create a convergent effect which was perceived at the time, during the 90's, as a revolution in military affairs.
This convergent effect is better known as the information revolution.
It establishes the recognition, initially within military and defense circles, that the information revolution shall inevitably require from those communities a necessary adaptation.
It was understood at the time that this revolution in military affairs, particularly in western and coalition armed forces, constitute a vital and necessary effort.
The fore casted changes, it was perceived at the time, that shall from the information revolution exert an inescapable necessity shall require the relevant military not only to adapt to the current nature of things but also to evolve with the realities that constitute the shape of a new age, an information age.
The expectation that was inherent during those times was so great that there were some who were inclined to argue that the nature of conflict itself shall be irreversibly altered by the information age and while this is quite a very worthwhile hope to have, I argue the negative in
this regard.
I am of the conviction that the nature of conflict is unalterable and this unalterable nature underscores the significance and the gravity of the military undertaking.
Conflict shall always involve violence and this violence requires from the military as a whole both disciplined effort and willing sacrifice. The rigors of the battlefield expects from the military at the very least, an understanding of the intrinsic nature of conflict that the noble commander may understand the damage that results from using the military.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote that to prolong conflict is inhuman. I also subscribe to this ageless wisdom not because I understand that either decisiveness and/or victory can be constrained by time or space but precisely because I am of the conviction that the nature of
conflict is both unchanging and unchangeable.
If conflict were to be shortened because one's strategy is constrained by time considerations then one's military shall constantly suffer disadvantage in the field; timing and background timing, in the Art of War, heaven and earth, these are essential elements of sound military
Furthermore, to prolong conflict is inhuman not because the noble military lacks the will to attain to the victory but because military victory is pointless if one does not maintain the people.
I argue that the nature of conflict and the nature of the military are distinct and separate realities and where these natures are confused, the deception that the nature of conflict can become anything but evil and attempt to be true and that the noble military can become anything but itself and attain to the peace becomes quite problematic.
The soul of every human being, being established on reason, is prone to question matters regarding the nature of things, most especially those things related to our both our survival and happiness; individual as well as social; immediate, temporal and eternal.
And conflict being what it is when treated as one of these questions is frequently left unasked, ignored or suppressed, because most of us have acquired through learned history and our own experience of it that war and the threat of war are accepted as common realities where in fact, they are not common for the reality of war is very particular.
The divergent, incomplete or non-existent histories of many an untold record of our common existence as the one whole of humanity stand in mute testimony to the particularity of war.
One implicitly knows that these unsung songs exist for many are the questions that stir in the hearts of our nations and evident are the hopes that empower our sacred remembrances.
And we hope with the hope that is common to all nations that these questions shall find their peace with the farewell of our heroes at the sacred resting places of the guardians of our nations.
But these questions that stir in the heart must not stir for conflict for the stirring within the heart of man is so that his soul may come to a remembrance of the peace and peace as the common reality upon which our shared humanity may build those necessary bridges that shall in time restore mutual trust and create the necessary conditions to enable the establishment of the necessary moral certitude that shall serve to hold together in universal good will the one family of the nations of mankind.
War has been the prevalent and pervasive scourge of mankind that since ancient times have enslaved our nations, annihilated our civilizations and oppressed our shared humanity. It is false to think that the nature of war or conflict is amenable to change. Even with the dawn of the new information age and the great potential that this may represent to our nations, if we should fail to receive the hope that is inherent in the evolution of the times; if we should fail to break from the pitfalls of last age; if we should fail to honor our sacred remembrances; then the blessings of this age may turn into a curse and the information age and it's capacity to foster peace and good will among our nations turn into another era of war and genocide.
I am of the conviction that it is not the nature of conflict that great promise inherent in the revolution in military affairs means to ennoble, it is the nature of the military itself.
It is the heart of the military and by mutual extension, the heart of the nation of it's commission, that the new information age promises to renew. While the technical innovations and the necessary equipment that the military requires shall all stand to benefit from the improvements that shall advance with the science of the times, the nature of the military if it is confused with the nature of conflict shall only serve to defeat the purpose of it's mission.
The greater lethality of the conventional weapons in service today not to mention the massive capacity of unconventional weapons, nuclear and others, to inflict catastrophic damage to our national communities when their capacity to inflict violence are combined are said to be vastly more than enough to cause the desolation of war; the ambition of war.
Conventional weapons are a necessity of the honorable defense but as for those unconventional weapons, nuclear and others, where these weapons remain active in their potential, one must be mindful that these weapons exist for one reason alone and that is to cause the desolation of war; the ambition of war.
The overkill that exists as regards to unconventional weapons, nuclear and others, is an overwhelming statement of the times that I believe we must put behind us. No weapon exists in time for anything else but to deliver it's raw potential which is to inflict violence.
And if these weapons are ever utilized out of their context by hearts who are deceived by the will of conflict as a method of war, we shall to our great regret come to the swift realization that neither any weapon by itself nor the threat of its use, most especially nuclear and other weapons of mass and indiscriminate destruction, can ever maintain the peace of our nations, let alone the peace between our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
As an extension of the mind and heart of both the noble military and the honorable police, weapons exist to defend the peace of the state, uphold the discipline of national community and protect the common good of the people, but weapons by themselves, even brilliant weapons - the next generation of guided weaponry after smart weapons - do not have and shall never have the native capacity to discriminate as to whom, where and when their terrible utility is applied.
Having said all of that, I should like to bring all of these things together that I may clarify for you my present position as regards to the information revolution as it is pertinent to the military as well as to the nations of the peace and the outlook I have of the first half a century of this new age.
For I have given this much thought and have from before Y2K been so inclined because of personal ambitions at the time that was denied to me but which I now understand was due to those ambitions greater than myself and the purposes inherent in the calling that I now find myself serving even despite myself.
First, let us revive that expectation that was so apparent in the 90's as regards to the information revolution. This convergent effect of the emergent technologies whose actual existence we owe from the conflicts suffered by our nations in the past have found it's place not only in the military but also in all aspects of our living; from cell phones to the networks that serve them, from LANS to WANS to the Internet, from multimedia computers to computerized cars, from email and the virtual universe, from radio and television programming that brings us the world, from the revolution in military affairs to the globalization of our world, we are now much more aware of things around our planet and are consequently more anxious about the world around us.
Before we continue, let us not confuse anxiety with doubt. Anxiety is a fear of a problem and this fear is always irrational because the hope of the soul is not founded on the good of the established order of both the natural and the supernatural reality but in the evil inherent in the lack that brought the problem about. Anxious people are seldom trusting because of their focus on the evil of things and this focus only reinforces their anxiety and since anxiety is a fear, this passion elicits in our being either retreat or confrontation but where anxiety inclines the person to retreat, it is not to gather the self, and where anxiety inclines a person to confront, it is never to make peace. So let us not be anxious and where there is anxiety, let us be patient for hope and become for the anxious soul a guide back to the original order of things. Those of us who practice prayer and believe in the honorable religion of our particular faith traditions will do well to pray for those of us who are consumed by anxiety.
Doubt is not inimical to faith. Certitude in God is not reached by a soul gifted with both reason and faith without questions and no question may ever be conceived in the heart where the soul is never at times plagued by so much doubt. The absoluteness of our allegiance to the one peace does not become whole without first asking those necessary questions that are required to make the will of our faith complete so that even when doubts should and will arise in the course of time, we know enough on those occasions not to question but to seek for the answers through prayer and in consultation one with another.
What is inimical to faith is contempt for contempt casts its doubts not to seek for answers but to confound and confuse the object of its derision and where one is contemptuous of matters concerning things that belong with and pertain to a particular faith tradition proper to the honorable religion of any person of good will, the certitude that is proper to a faith that is fulfilled by answers shall become not just for ourselves, a strength and a comfort, but also to the person by whose instrumentality we stand to gain some spiritual good.
Having said all of these and considering the climate of the times, it is only understandable that many of us might be in doubt. Many of us might be of the thinking that the problems of the world can be solved by our not paying attention to the suffering of other people who are half a world away and that we must only concentrate on our own local problems. Many of us might be of the thinking that this new millennium is forlorn of opportunity not understanding that time is made for man and is therefore as itself a choice instrument that flows not only to found us in our remembrances but also to uplift us from the evils that require wings more than feet. Many of us might be of the thinking that the old ways of the past can safely and easily carry without negative consequence into this new age, and that war and the ambition of war can dwell among the closed ranks of a globalized world without tearing all into pieces.
All of these doubts arise from a lack that we all perceive, a lack of peace. This lack has given birth to a hope that is possessed by those of us who see the need in our world for respite from the relentless nature of war and the ambition of war; that not only our nations but our planetary whole itself is in great need of rest and regeneration.
The information revolution does have potential but this potential can not be completely realized without the paradigm shift that while it was mentioned by some thinkers as regards to the revolution in military affairs is not a shift heralded by external things as technology and its methods nor science and its applications but a quiet shift in the nature of the heart of the individual person.
Technological adaptations can not define the nature of conflict nor can computers of whatever capacity hold for our nations the means to attain victory for it is only attainable to those who know that where the Tao or the one whole way of war is deception, the Tao of war is not the Tao of victory, for the one whole way of victory is the one whole way of the one peace and that war is useful only when the conditions for peace have already been attained in the heart of the noble commander. These conditions require that we recognize the distinctions inherent between the nature of conflict and the nature of the military and having done so, discard one for the other that we may always know where to defend from war.
If the bi polarization of the Cold War has contained the desolation of war by the threat of no victory and at the aftermath has left our world embroiled in bitter cycles that have arisen in our regions like ghosts from the past, we can see that in a multi-polar world with its complex geo-political landscape, the deterrent that have kept the ambition of war at bay in the last age shall no longer constitute a water tight guarantee that conflict shall not overthrow the order of our nations.
Now, in the context of a multi-polar world that is globalized, the threat of arms to ensure peace or the threat of no victory for that matter as in the Cold War doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction shall prove not only ineffective but also dangerous because the tension that was maintained by the diametric symmetry of the opposition during the last age can not be maintained in an asymmetric form where there are no absolutes that shall define the scope of the conflict and therefore, contain the beast of war.
This is why I am an advocate of not only of nuclear disarmament but of a complete and global ban on weapons of mass destruction and the secure measures to control the proliferation of illegal technology that can be utilized to construct them. This is the first of the three pillars that constitute the doctrine of Mutually Assured Defense which provides an alternative to the other MAD as a means to deter and contain conflict within the established paradigm whole of the one peace.
Defense against extra-planetary threats such as rogue asteroids of sufficient mass to threaten our surface cities, I believe, can be carried out through other means that would not involve the multiplicate risks involved in maintaining a nuclear arsenal of sufficient strength so as to present to our poor world an ever present threat comparable to the probable meteor threat it is meant to possibly counter. Of course, extra-planetary defense, in terms of the one wholes, constitute both a sacred duty and a civic responsibility of the one planetary whole and is a vital necessity that shall only increase in its significance the further we shall advance in the information age.
A multi-polar world that is globalized and that exists within the one paradigm whole of the peace is cognizant of both the interdependence of our one family of nations as well as the individual uniqueness of each of our particular endeavors of Country.
There is no mold that shall dictate how a particular national community shall grow into a mature nation-state but there are universal values that shall serve to guide all of our nation-states, from the least to the greatest, to achieve for their people, the liberation that can only be possible where the choices of the citizenry are enabled by the wisdom traditions of honorable religion and their freedoms empowered by the responsible peace of the state; a peace that is universal within a universality that is meaningful; a meaningfulness that constitute the necessary certitude understood by the hopes and good will of our one family of nations.
The second pillar of the doctrine is the noble military. This pillar stands in recognition to the nature of the military that while required to adapt the necessary innovations that shall keep current the means that determine the methods employed by tactical combat units in the field such as kit and weaponry, vehicles, armor, artillery, etc., have and must always retain the heart which is the soul of Army. Because it is the soldier's heart at the heart of the profession of arms that ultimately determines for the military whole, the sharpness of it's ability to cut through to the heart of the conflict and dispel the fog of wars' ambition which has divided the field between our one family of nations and against the one side of the peace. Of course, any where the noble military is fielded, the civilian leadership must also respond to the same doctrine that shall integrate their intentions with their generals right down the echelons to the private on the field.
The third pillar is the Mutual Lines of the Absolute Defense. In the one paradigm of the peace, the borders of our nation-states are not limits that constitute the end of the one peace. These borders are the demarcations that define for our nation-states the boundaries of our responsible labors of Country. The one peace is a continuum that must be observed both in time and dimensional space and therefore, embrace the reality of all our nation-states.
To divide the one peace is the beginning of all evil for a divided peace is nothing but war and a peace that does not embrace the one whole is nothing but an appeasement to war. One must understand that there is an absoluteness to all good things, where evil is particular, the good is ascendant in its order and are therefore, inherently whole and applicable in all times and places as well as inextricably founded within the order of the wholes upon greater wholes within which the governance of our souls, our families, our national communities, our regional community, our continental community and our one planetary whole belongs as part and parcel of the greater and universal governance of the Divine Providence of God. These wholes align in their proper order to serve the life of our shared humanity and by extension the whole of the sacred life of our one planetary whole, including all animals and plants.
What war does to one, war does to all. There is only one defensive fold within the one peace and this is the defensive fold of the one family of the nations of mankind and where there are any breaches to the one peace, the Mutual Lines of the Absolute Defense constitute an outflanking system that shall draw from nations to the immediate boundaries of the incident, the utility of their stability forces. And shall require from our elder nations - mature nations who act as the
necessary shepherd states within the one peace - as well as from our United Nations their coordination and guidance.
These breaches to the one peace are not exclusively conflict related, disaster relief, search and rescue, humanitarian assistance, and other related non-combat missions that serve to foster friendships between nations and states and uphold the well-being and the discipline of the greater wholes, from the region, to the continent, to the one planet.
Finally, information, its nature, its exponential growth, and its potential without the enabling truth which is the tongue of the one peace is not only meaningless, it is dangerous. The fifth battlespace that was conceived apart from air, land, sea and space does exist, it is the one continuum of the one whole peace and where we - as the one family of nations - to utlize this, one with another, this battlespace shall provide for all, the necessary clarity to be decisive as well as the necessary decisiveness to know where and when to absolutely defend.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
It was observed during that time that the emerging technological trends in the fields of computer processing, networking systems, and multimedia storage and communications, shall inevitably pave the way towards an evolution in the nature and science of information.
The science that have fueled those relevant technological trends was not very recent as the needs that drove these developments were born primarily from war-time military requirements dating back to the early 40's through to the Cold-War era right up to the tenuous years leading
up to the Y2K countdown.
As such, the inescapable probability that affected the thinking that seeks to address the undefined potential of the information effect of those technological trends was first observed in military and defense circles.
That these technological trends in question possess wide and various applications in many fields of human endeavor can not be denied but it can not also be denied that these technologies inadvertently combine to create a convergent effect which was perceived at the time, during the 90's, as a revolution in military affairs.
This convergent effect is better known as the information revolution.
It establishes the recognition, initially within military and defense circles, that the information revolution shall inevitably require from those communities a necessary adaptation.
It was understood at the time that this revolution in military affairs, particularly in western and coalition armed forces, constitute a vital and necessary effort.
The fore casted changes, it was perceived at the time, that shall from the information revolution exert an inescapable necessity shall require the relevant military not only to adapt to the current nature of things but also to evolve with the realities that constitute the shape of a new age, an information age.
The expectation that was inherent during those times was so great that there were some who were inclined to argue that the nature of conflict itself shall be irreversibly altered by the information age and while this is quite a very worthwhile hope to have, I argue the negative in
this regard.
I am of the conviction that the nature of conflict is unalterable and this unalterable nature underscores the significance and the gravity of the military undertaking.
Conflict shall always involve violence and this violence requires from the military as a whole both disciplined effort and willing sacrifice. The rigors of the battlefield expects from the military at the very least, an understanding of the intrinsic nature of conflict that the noble commander may understand the damage that results from using the military.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote that to prolong conflict is inhuman. I also subscribe to this ageless wisdom not because I understand that either decisiveness and/or victory can be constrained by time or space but precisely because I am of the conviction that the nature of
conflict is both unchanging and unchangeable.
If conflict were to be shortened because one's strategy is constrained by time considerations then one's military shall constantly suffer disadvantage in the field; timing and background timing, in the Art of War, heaven and earth, these are essential elements of sound military
Furthermore, to prolong conflict is inhuman not because the noble military lacks the will to attain to the victory but because military victory is pointless if one does not maintain the people.
I argue that the nature of conflict and the nature of the military are distinct and separate realities and where these natures are confused, the deception that the nature of conflict can become anything but evil and attempt to be true and that the noble military can become anything but itself and attain to the peace becomes quite problematic.
The soul of every human being, being established on reason, is prone to question matters regarding the nature of things, most especially those things related to our both our survival and happiness; individual as well as social; immediate, temporal and eternal.
And conflict being what it is when treated as one of these questions is frequently left unasked, ignored or suppressed, because most of us have acquired through learned history and our own experience of it that war and the threat of war are accepted as common realities where in fact, they are not common for the reality of war is very particular.
The divergent, incomplete or non-existent histories of many an untold record of our common existence as the one whole of humanity stand in mute testimony to the particularity of war.
One implicitly knows that these unsung songs exist for many are the questions that stir in the hearts of our nations and evident are the hopes that empower our sacred remembrances.
And we hope with the hope that is common to all nations that these questions shall find their peace with the farewell of our heroes at the sacred resting places of the guardians of our nations.
But these questions that stir in the heart must not stir for conflict for the stirring within the heart of man is so that his soul may come to a remembrance of the peace and peace as the common reality upon which our shared humanity may build those necessary bridges that shall in time restore mutual trust and create the necessary conditions to enable the establishment of the necessary moral certitude that shall serve to hold together in universal good will the one family of the nations of mankind.
War has been the prevalent and pervasive scourge of mankind that since ancient times have enslaved our nations, annihilated our civilizations and oppressed our shared humanity. It is false to think that the nature of war or conflict is amenable to change. Even with the dawn of the new information age and the great potential that this may represent to our nations, if we should fail to receive the hope that is inherent in the evolution of the times; if we should fail to break from the pitfalls of last age; if we should fail to honor our sacred remembrances; then the blessings of this age may turn into a curse and the information age and it's capacity to foster peace and good will among our nations turn into another era of war and genocide.
I am of the conviction that it is not the nature of conflict that great promise inherent in the revolution in military affairs means to ennoble, it is the nature of the military itself.
It is the heart of the military and by mutual extension, the heart of the nation of it's commission, that the new information age promises to renew. While the technical innovations and the necessary equipment that the military requires shall all stand to benefit from the improvements that shall advance with the science of the times, the nature of the military if it is confused with the nature of conflict shall only serve to defeat the purpose of it's mission.
The greater lethality of the conventional weapons in service today not to mention the massive capacity of unconventional weapons, nuclear and others, to inflict catastrophic damage to our national communities when their capacity to inflict violence are combined are said to be vastly more than enough to cause the desolation of war; the ambition of war.
Conventional weapons are a necessity of the honorable defense but as for those unconventional weapons, nuclear and others, where these weapons remain active in their potential, one must be mindful that these weapons exist for one reason alone and that is to cause the desolation of war; the ambition of war.
The overkill that exists as regards to unconventional weapons, nuclear and others, is an overwhelming statement of the times that I believe we must put behind us. No weapon exists in time for anything else but to deliver it's raw potential which is to inflict violence.
And if these weapons are ever utilized out of their context by hearts who are deceived by the will of conflict as a method of war, we shall to our great regret come to the swift realization that neither any weapon by itself nor the threat of its use, most especially nuclear and other weapons of mass and indiscriminate destruction, can ever maintain the peace of our nations, let alone the peace between our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
As an extension of the mind and heart of both the noble military and the honorable police, weapons exist to defend the peace of the state, uphold the discipline of national community and protect the common good of the people, but weapons by themselves, even brilliant weapons - the next generation of guided weaponry after smart weapons - do not have and shall never have the native capacity to discriminate as to whom, where and when their terrible utility is applied.
Having said all of that, I should like to bring all of these things together that I may clarify for you my present position as regards to the information revolution as it is pertinent to the military as well as to the nations of the peace and the outlook I have of the first half a century of this new age.
For I have given this much thought and have from before Y2K been so inclined because of personal ambitions at the time that was denied to me but which I now understand was due to those ambitions greater than myself and the purposes inherent in the calling that I now find myself serving even despite myself.
First, let us revive that expectation that was so apparent in the 90's as regards to the information revolution. This convergent effect of the emergent technologies whose actual existence we owe from the conflicts suffered by our nations in the past have found it's place not only in the military but also in all aspects of our living; from cell phones to the networks that serve them, from LANS to WANS to the Internet, from multimedia computers to computerized cars, from email and the virtual universe, from radio and television programming that brings us the world, from the revolution in military affairs to the globalization of our world, we are now much more aware of things around our planet and are consequently more anxious about the world around us.
Before we continue, let us not confuse anxiety with doubt. Anxiety is a fear of a problem and this fear is always irrational because the hope of the soul is not founded on the good of the established order of both the natural and the supernatural reality but in the evil inherent in the lack that brought the problem about. Anxious people are seldom trusting because of their focus on the evil of things and this focus only reinforces their anxiety and since anxiety is a fear, this passion elicits in our being either retreat or confrontation but where anxiety inclines the person to retreat, it is not to gather the self, and where anxiety inclines a person to confront, it is never to make peace. So let us not be anxious and where there is anxiety, let us be patient for hope and become for the anxious soul a guide back to the original order of things. Those of us who practice prayer and believe in the honorable religion of our particular faith traditions will do well to pray for those of us who are consumed by anxiety.
Doubt is not inimical to faith. Certitude in God is not reached by a soul gifted with both reason and faith without questions and no question may ever be conceived in the heart where the soul is never at times plagued by so much doubt. The absoluteness of our allegiance to the one peace does not become whole without first asking those necessary questions that are required to make the will of our faith complete so that even when doubts should and will arise in the course of time, we know enough on those occasions not to question but to seek for the answers through prayer and in consultation one with another.
What is inimical to faith is contempt for contempt casts its doubts not to seek for answers but to confound and confuse the object of its derision and where one is contemptuous of matters concerning things that belong with and pertain to a particular faith tradition proper to the honorable religion of any person of good will, the certitude that is proper to a faith that is fulfilled by answers shall become not just for ourselves, a strength and a comfort, but also to the person by whose instrumentality we stand to gain some spiritual good.
Having said all of these and considering the climate of the times, it is only understandable that many of us might be in doubt. Many of us might be of the thinking that the problems of the world can be solved by our not paying attention to the suffering of other people who are half a world away and that we must only concentrate on our own local problems. Many of us might be of the thinking that this new millennium is forlorn of opportunity not understanding that time is made for man and is therefore as itself a choice instrument that flows not only to found us in our remembrances but also to uplift us from the evils that require wings more than feet. Many of us might be of the thinking that the old ways of the past can safely and easily carry without negative consequence into this new age, and that war and the ambition of war can dwell among the closed ranks of a globalized world without tearing all into pieces.
All of these doubts arise from a lack that we all perceive, a lack of peace. This lack has given birth to a hope that is possessed by those of us who see the need in our world for respite from the relentless nature of war and the ambition of war; that not only our nations but our planetary whole itself is in great need of rest and regeneration.
The information revolution does have potential but this potential can not be completely realized without the paradigm shift that while it was mentioned by some thinkers as regards to the revolution in military affairs is not a shift heralded by external things as technology and its methods nor science and its applications but a quiet shift in the nature of the heart of the individual person.
Technological adaptations can not define the nature of conflict nor can computers of whatever capacity hold for our nations the means to attain victory for it is only attainable to those who know that where the Tao or the one whole way of war is deception, the Tao of war is not the Tao of victory, for the one whole way of victory is the one whole way of the one peace and that war is useful only when the conditions for peace have already been attained in the heart of the noble commander. These conditions require that we recognize the distinctions inherent between the nature of conflict and the nature of the military and having done so, discard one for the other that we may always know where to defend from war.
If the bi polarization of the Cold War has contained the desolation of war by the threat of no victory and at the aftermath has left our world embroiled in bitter cycles that have arisen in our regions like ghosts from the past, we can see that in a multi-polar world with its complex geo-political landscape, the deterrent that have kept the ambition of war at bay in the last age shall no longer constitute a water tight guarantee that conflict shall not overthrow the order of our nations.
Now, in the context of a multi-polar world that is globalized, the threat of arms to ensure peace or the threat of no victory for that matter as in the Cold War doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction shall prove not only ineffective but also dangerous because the tension that was maintained by the diametric symmetry of the opposition during the last age can not be maintained in an asymmetric form where there are no absolutes that shall define the scope of the conflict and therefore, contain the beast of war.
This is why I am an advocate of not only of nuclear disarmament but of a complete and global ban on weapons of mass destruction and the secure measures to control the proliferation of illegal technology that can be utilized to construct them. This is the first of the three pillars that constitute the doctrine of Mutually Assured Defense which provides an alternative to the other MAD as a means to deter and contain conflict within the established paradigm whole of the one peace.
Defense against extra-planetary threats such as rogue asteroids of sufficient mass to threaten our surface cities, I believe, can be carried out through other means that would not involve the multiplicate risks involved in maintaining a nuclear arsenal of sufficient strength so as to present to our poor world an ever present threat comparable to the probable meteor threat it is meant to possibly counter. Of course, extra-planetary defense, in terms of the one wholes, constitute both a sacred duty and a civic responsibility of the one planetary whole and is a vital necessity that shall only increase in its significance the further we shall advance in the information age.
A multi-polar world that is globalized and that exists within the one paradigm whole of the peace is cognizant of both the interdependence of our one family of nations as well as the individual uniqueness of each of our particular endeavors of Country.
There is no mold that shall dictate how a particular national community shall grow into a mature nation-state but there are universal values that shall serve to guide all of our nation-states, from the least to the greatest, to achieve for their people, the liberation that can only be possible where the choices of the citizenry are enabled by the wisdom traditions of honorable religion and their freedoms empowered by the responsible peace of the state; a peace that is universal within a universality that is meaningful; a meaningfulness that constitute the necessary certitude understood by the hopes and good will of our one family of nations.
The second pillar of the doctrine is the noble military. This pillar stands in recognition to the nature of the military that while required to adapt the necessary innovations that shall keep current the means that determine the methods employed by tactical combat units in the field such as kit and weaponry, vehicles, armor, artillery, etc., have and must always retain the heart which is the soul of Army. Because it is the soldier's heart at the heart of the profession of arms that ultimately determines for the military whole, the sharpness of it's ability to cut through to the heart of the conflict and dispel the fog of wars' ambition which has divided the field between our one family of nations and against the one side of the peace. Of course, any where the noble military is fielded, the civilian leadership must also respond to the same doctrine that shall integrate their intentions with their generals right down the echelons to the private on the field.
The third pillar is the Mutual Lines of the Absolute Defense. In the one paradigm of the peace, the borders of our nation-states are not limits that constitute the end of the one peace. These borders are the demarcations that define for our nation-states the boundaries of our responsible labors of Country. The one peace is a continuum that must be observed both in time and dimensional space and therefore, embrace the reality of all our nation-states.
To divide the one peace is the beginning of all evil for a divided peace is nothing but war and a peace that does not embrace the one whole is nothing but an appeasement to war. One must understand that there is an absoluteness to all good things, where evil is particular, the good is ascendant in its order and are therefore, inherently whole and applicable in all times and places as well as inextricably founded within the order of the wholes upon greater wholes within which the governance of our souls, our families, our national communities, our regional community, our continental community and our one planetary whole belongs as part and parcel of the greater and universal governance of the Divine Providence of God. These wholes align in their proper order to serve the life of our shared humanity and by extension the whole of the sacred life of our one planetary whole, including all animals and plants.
What war does to one, war does to all. There is only one defensive fold within the one peace and this is the defensive fold of the one family of the nations of mankind and where there are any breaches to the one peace, the Mutual Lines of the Absolute Defense constitute an outflanking system that shall draw from nations to the immediate boundaries of the incident, the utility of their stability forces. And shall require from our elder nations - mature nations who act as the
necessary shepherd states within the one peace - as well as from our United Nations their coordination and guidance.
These breaches to the one peace are not exclusively conflict related, disaster relief, search and rescue, humanitarian assistance, and other related non-combat missions that serve to foster friendships between nations and states and uphold the well-being and the discipline of the greater wholes, from the region, to the continent, to the one planet.
Finally, information, its nature, its exponential growth, and its potential without the enabling truth which is the tongue of the one peace is not only meaningless, it is dangerous. The fifth battlespace that was conceived apart from air, land, sea and space does exist, it is the one continuum of the one whole peace and where we - as the one family of nations - to utlize this, one with another, this battlespace shall provide for all, the necessary clarity to be decisive as well as the necessary decisiveness to know where and when to absolutely defend.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Haiku #169: Act x
Virtue is ascent -
it is a power to act;
a habit of grace...
Virtue opposes
sin, uproots vice, creates good
with God through our hearts.
Virtue builds
and defends.
Virtue is ascent -
it is a power to act;
a habit of grace...
Virtue opposes
sin, uproots vice, creates good
with God through our hearts.
Virtue builds
and defends.
Haiku #168: Rise x
With ev'ry fall - and -
with ev'ry failure - you must -
promptly rise, have faith...
Pick yourself up - and -
learn, and be stronger for it:
Leave your sins behind.
Shake the dust
off your feet.
With ev'ry fall - and -
with ev'ry failure - you must -
promptly rise, have faith...
Pick yourself up - and -
learn, and be stronger for it:
Leave your sins behind.
Shake the dust
off your feet.
Haiku #167: Guide x
There are - in this life -
signal graces, turning points,
defining moments...
So with vigilance,
one must watch and pray, look within,
to the stars above.
Starlight guides
towards dawn.
There are - in this life -
signal graces, turning points,
defining moments...
So with vigilance,
one must watch and pray, look within,
to the stars above.
Starlight guides
towards dawn.
Haiku #166: Hard x
There's nothing easy
about this life - we all must -
climb the mountain path.
The one easy thing
is to quit the fight and fall
backwards, to the dust.
But we have
each other.
There's nothing easy
about this life - we all must -
climb the mountain path.
The one easy thing
is to quit the fight and fall
backwards, to the dust.
But we have
each other.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
On the Peace of Jesus Christ
"PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
John 14: 27
OUR MOST LOVING JESUS, owing to the great and profound Christian mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God possesses a human soul and all human souls are capable of the virtue, hope.
And all hope is vested in exile time as a becoming, a sweet and joyful anticipation for all the saints of God as each of their own hopes in God wax gloriously or a growing sense of dread looming upon the souls of the willful and unrepentant as each of their own hopes in God wane
Hope exerts a subtle and quiet presence in every calm moment in the now before each free and human choice is made and this virtue wax or wane in strength according to how much we share and express it, one with another, in good faith and common good will, primarily to our LORD and His unseen Church of the triumphant angels and saints who forever face the face of our LORD in the heaven of God's eternity, secondarily to the unseen necessitate Suffering Church in the void of the angels whose own hopes they have entrusted to those who obey and fear the LORD here on earth and thirdly to our own Militant Church here in exile time specifically as a calling to serve the needful elements of our Lord's poor communities among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
All human souls are capable of hoping but the soul of our Savior owing to the Hypostatic Union of our Lord to the one Truth of the Godhead possesses a hope that encompasses and embraces all human hope - in fact, the hope of the Savior of mankind IS the fulfillment of all human hope.
Every true hope culminates in the glory of God which is it's natural terminus for the glory of God in all of creation, seen and unseen, IS the culmination of all hope and this fulfillment in Christ culminates the purpose of creation in the beginning as it originally was intended and therefore has the august and able power to bring us all into fruition at the new beginning at the end of all things - at the passing away of the heavens and the inhabited earth.
False hopes, they sink in the mire, carried by the descendant gravity of evil's consequence, they shall collapse with the turning into ashes of all evil things from within to become with Satan and the reprobates, that one singular regret of all of hell entire.
Our Lord while He walked this world with us possessed the vision of God in the entirety of His temporal servitude to mankind, our Lord could see as far into His soul with God or as near as He pleases and so it was not only at the Agony in the Garden that our Savior has had to face the truth about our sins and the one whole entirety it's consequences built up in the righteous wrath of the Father in eternity.
Our most loving, Jesus Christ, knew all of this from the time he was conceived but it was only in Gethsemane that our Savior has had to face it in that hour, when it's time had come.
God by His own nature does not possess hope, our LORD possesses in His most beneficent will the infinite power to deliver and to uphold, to strengthen and to fulfill in the Truth which is His Being. Our LORD is the provider of all human hope and this can now only become clearer to our souls who can now comprehend in Christ what the Father has revealed in the Holy Spirit through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son.
The Peace of Jesus Christ is Christ's own hope here on earth, it is His own hope fulfilled and shared with us as our Savior's joy in His eternal vision of our own happiness with Him in the place He has gone ahead to prepare for us in the golden realms of the Father in heaven.
With us, who remain in God and in each other, our Lord's greeting of peace is ALREADY our own hopes fulfilled in and through Christ who IS our hope and when we say this to each other as one Church of the baptized and in good will with all of the righteous persons among the one family of the nations of mankind, we inherit through our Savior the power to give this hope unto others.
And we give this hope by becoming it, by being as our Father in Jesus Christ, by living to be one as God is one - and we shall do this with one love alone.
It is this upon this Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that the charism of the apostolate is founded for it is through this Peace that the one Solidarity shall fulfill it's gift - on behalf of Jesus Christ, our All - in the one, ineffable Name of the one Triune Perfection for our Holy Mother Church as a blessing unto all mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
AND IF I GO and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.
John 14: 3
John 14: 27
OUR MOST LOVING JESUS, owing to the great and profound Christian mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God possesses a human soul and all human souls are capable of the virtue, hope.
And all hope is vested in exile time as a becoming, a sweet and joyful anticipation for all the saints of God as each of their own hopes in God wax gloriously or a growing sense of dread looming upon the souls of the willful and unrepentant as each of their own hopes in God wane
Hope exerts a subtle and quiet presence in every calm moment in the now before each free and human choice is made and this virtue wax or wane in strength according to how much we share and express it, one with another, in good faith and common good will, primarily to our LORD and His unseen Church of the triumphant angels and saints who forever face the face of our LORD in the heaven of God's eternity, secondarily to the unseen necessitate Suffering Church in the void of the angels whose own hopes they have entrusted to those who obey and fear the LORD here on earth and thirdly to our own Militant Church here in exile time specifically as a calling to serve the needful elements of our Lord's poor communities among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
All human souls are capable of hoping but the soul of our Savior owing to the Hypostatic Union of our Lord to the one Truth of the Godhead possesses a hope that encompasses and embraces all human hope - in fact, the hope of the Savior of mankind IS the fulfillment of all human hope.
Every true hope culminates in the glory of God which is it's natural terminus for the glory of God in all of creation, seen and unseen, IS the culmination of all hope and this fulfillment in Christ culminates the purpose of creation in the beginning as it originally was intended and therefore has the august and able power to bring us all into fruition at the new beginning at the end of all things - at the passing away of the heavens and the inhabited earth.
False hopes, they sink in the mire, carried by the descendant gravity of evil's consequence, they shall collapse with the turning into ashes of all evil things from within to become with Satan and the reprobates, that one singular regret of all of hell entire.
Our Lord while He walked this world with us possessed the vision of God in the entirety of His temporal servitude to mankind, our Lord could see as far into His soul with God or as near as He pleases and so it was not only at the Agony in the Garden that our Savior has had to face the truth about our sins and the one whole entirety it's consequences built up in the righteous wrath of the Father in eternity.
Our most loving, Jesus Christ, knew all of this from the time he was conceived but it was only in Gethsemane that our Savior has had to face it in that hour, when it's time had come.
God by His own nature does not possess hope, our LORD possesses in His most beneficent will the infinite power to deliver and to uphold, to strengthen and to fulfill in the Truth which is His Being. Our LORD is the provider of all human hope and this can now only become clearer to our souls who can now comprehend in Christ what the Father has revealed in the Holy Spirit through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son.
The Peace of Jesus Christ is Christ's own hope here on earth, it is His own hope fulfilled and shared with us as our Savior's joy in His eternal vision of our own happiness with Him in the place He has gone ahead to prepare for us in the golden realms of the Father in heaven.
With us, who remain in God and in each other, our Lord's greeting of peace is ALREADY our own hopes fulfilled in and through Christ who IS our hope and when we say this to each other as one Church of the baptized and in good will with all of the righteous persons among the one family of the nations of mankind, we inherit through our Savior the power to give this hope unto others.
And we give this hope by becoming it, by being as our Father in Jesus Christ, by living to be one as God is one - and we shall do this with one love alone.
It is this upon this Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that the charism of the apostolate is founded for it is through this Peace that the one Solidarity shall fulfill it's gift - on behalf of Jesus Christ, our All - in the one, ineffable Name of the one Triune Perfection for our Holy Mother Church as a blessing unto all mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
AND IF I GO and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.
John 14: 3
Abrahamic Peace,
Peace of Jesus Christ
Haiku #163: Be x
Be imperfect - yet -
desire perfection, seeking God
while you walk this earth...
Admit to your LORD
your poverty, and your need
then you will have hope.
God alone
is perfect.
Be imperfect - yet -
desire perfection, seeking God
while you walk this earth...
Admit to your LORD
your poverty, and your need
then you will have hope.
God alone
is perfect.
Haiku #164: Rot x
Something is rotten
in our native Philippines,
rotten to the core...
Forbearance is good
but to steal from our people
cries out to the LORD -
for Vengeance
and Justice!
Something is rotten
in our native Philippines,
rotten to the core...
Forbearance is good
but to steal from our people
cries out to the LORD -
for Vengeance
and Justice!
Haiku #165: Jeep x
There were four strangers
all riding in a jeepney,
"mama, bayad po..."
And then it happened -
from hand to hand the fare went
stranger to stranger,
and with heart.
There were four strangers
all riding in a jeepney,
"mama, bayad po..."
And then it happened -
from hand to hand the fare went
stranger to stranger,
and with heart.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
O My Jesus
You are so good to me -
countless are the blessings
that You have showered upon me
so numerous are Your gifts, dear Lord,
that my heart can not hold them all
nor can my mind apprehend the fullness
of all the good graces You deign to provide.
O most loving Lord,
what am I that You should love me?
But You have called me, O Christ,
and so I am here, weeping and hoping,
I am a sinner and You are my Savior,
no longer do I question why I must follow
I have tasted Your water, and I pine
I have awakened to Your salvation, and I need.
O my Jesus,
have mercy on me, a sinner -
I weep because You have given me tears
for You have placed in my heart, O Christ,
a love that stirs in my soul
a constant remembrance of my sins
and so I weep, dear Savior,
these tears that keep me salty
and I hope with Your hope, my All,
until I offend You no more.
You are so good to me -
countless are the blessings
that You have showered upon me
so numerous are Your gifts, dear Lord,
that my heart can not hold them all
nor can my mind apprehend the fullness
of all the good graces You deign to provide.
O most loving Lord,
what am I that You should love me?
But You have called me, O Christ,
and so I am here, weeping and hoping,
I am a sinner and You are my Savior,
no longer do I question why I must follow
I have tasted Your water, and I pine
I have awakened to Your salvation, and I need.
O my Jesus,
have mercy on me, a sinner -
I weep because You have given me tears
for You have placed in my heart, O Christ,
a love that stirs in my soul
a constant remembrance of my sins
and so I weep, dear Savior,
these tears that keep me salty
and I hope with Your hope, my All,
until I offend You no more.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Haiku #162: Purr x
When I was little
I would hear my cat purr - and -
it put me to sleep...
I didn't know - then -
that dogs don't purr like cats do,
they grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr!
I got bit
on the arm.
When I was little
I would hear my cat purr - and -
it put me to sleep...
I didn't know - then -
that dogs don't purr like cats do,
they grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr!
I got bit
on the arm.
Haiku #161: Sight x
We know God through Christ
for in the Lord is the Light -
the life of mankind...
For the heart must see
before our feet takes a step
so in Christ, we see!
Not by sight
do we walk.
We know God through Christ
for in the Lord is the Light -
the life of mankind...
For the heart must see
before our feet takes a step
so in Christ, we see!
Not by sight
do we walk.
Haiku #160: Still x
Jesus Christ is Lord -
the Spirit of God proclaim,
in witness of Truth...
Truth is in motion,
Love is everywhere breathing,
but faith must stand still.
We witness
through stillness.
Jesus Christ is Lord -
the Spirit of God proclaim,
in witness of Truth...
Truth is in motion,
Love is everywhere breathing,
but faith must stand still.
We witness
through stillness.
Haiku #159: Meek
Be slow to anger,
rise not but be quick to grasp
the will of Wisdom...
Obey and fear God,
ascend the mount of Tabor -
bearing much good will.
"Fear not, it
is but I."
Be slow to anger,
rise not but be quick to grasp
the will of Wisdom...
Obey and fear God,
ascend the mount of Tabor -
bearing much good will.
"Fear not, it
is but I."
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Haiku #158: What x
Never be lukewarm,
but to God be absolute
or serve not at all...
At least, make this choice -
that thy soul may understand,
what joy or what shame.
Make thy path
one whole one.
Never be lukewarm,
but to God be absolute
or serve not at all...
At least, make this choice -
that thy soul may understand,
what joy or what shame.
Make thy path
one whole one.
Haiku #157: Nails
Our Lord Christ was killed,
upon this Cross He was nailed -
Who did this, O man?
Did Christ not wish this
for thy own sake, dear Christian -
as ransom for sin?
Why look thee
elsewhere but?
Our Lord Christ was killed,
upon this Cross He was nailed -
Who did this, O man?
Did Christ not wish this
for thy own sake, dear Christian -
as ransom for sin?
Why look thee
elsewhere but?
Haiku #156: Birth x
In my Mind, I dream -
the dream that gave thee thy birth,
here in exile time...
O man, ponder this:
From this world, thou shalt depart -
and My dream shall wake!
Where art thou,
O My dream?
In my Mind, I dream -
the dream that gave thee thy birth,
here in exile time...
O man, ponder this:
From this world, thou shalt depart -
and My dream shall wake!
Where art thou,
O My dream?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Haiku #155: Sigh x
Another shift done,
I sigh, and leave my labors,
to the rising sun.
I work the night shift,
and each day as I come home,
I smile, "hello bed!"
And sleep till
the moon rise.
Another shift done,
I sigh, and leave my labors,
to the rising sun.
I work the night shift,
and each day as I come home,
I smile, "hello bed!"
And sleep till
the moon rise.
Haiku #154: Lose x
Life is a battle,
a war to end all wars - fought -
from within the soul.
Christ is our vict'ry
set your hearts upon Him - and -
never quit the fight.
A will lost,
loses all.
Life is a battle,
a war to end all wars - fought -
from within the soul.
Christ is our vict'ry
set your hearts upon Him - and -
never quit the fight.
A will lost,
loses all.
Haiku #153: Low x
Let's take the low road,
the safe road and humble road - that -
ascends to our God.
Better a servant
in the Household of our LORD
than a prince of hell!
Be humble
and be glad!
Let's take the low road,
the safe road and humble road - that -
ascends to our God.
Better a servant
in the Household of our LORD
than a prince of hell!
Be humble
and be glad!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I AM the unsung song
that lives within a dream;
the seed within a soul.
Every infinite universe
embraced from within
the heart of God.
I am the road
not the destiny,
I am the journey
not the destination,
I am the dreaming
not the dream,
I am the becoming,
not the being,
I am the singing,
not the song,
I am the climb
not the peak,
I am what soars!
I begin with a praise -
I breathe the air,
and cry out loud:
Alleluia to the LORD!
I end with a praise -
I lift my head,
and bow my heart:
Alleluia to the LORD!
I am heartsong.
that lives within a dream;
the seed within a soul.
Every infinite universe
embraced from within
the heart of God.
I am the road
not the destiny,
I am the journey
not the destination,
I am the dreaming
not the dream,
I am the becoming,
not the being,
I am the singing,
not the song,
I am the climb
not the peak,
I am what soars!
I begin with a praise -
I breathe the air,
and cry out loud:
Alleluia to the LORD!
I end with a praise -
I lift my head,
and bow my heart:
Alleluia to the LORD!
I am heartsong.
Haiku #152: Lol x
I saw this lady,
one night - talking to herself,
and I thought it weird...
I said to myself -
"she's talking to herself" - wow!
"I'm doin' it, too".
(Laugh out loud),
ha ha ha.
I saw this lady,
one night - talking to herself,
and I thought it weird...
I said to myself -
"she's talking to herself" - wow!
"I'm doin' it, too".
(Laugh out loud),
ha ha ha.
Haiku #151: Chores
The...unwashed laundry,
dirty dishes, unkempt floors -
chores have to be done!
Then shop for groc'ry,
get things straight for the work day -
then STOP: It's the Day!
My labor rests,
so must I.
The...unwashed laundry,
dirty dishes, unkempt floors -
chores have to be done!
Then shop for groc'ry,
get things straight for the work day -
then STOP: It's the Day!
My labor rests,
so must I.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Armistice Day
TOMORROW is November 11, Armistice Day:
BELOVED OF GOD, let us observe a moment of solemn silence as we remember together on this day that profound hush that fell on the battlefields of WWI, enveloping all sides of the one side of the peace, as the guns fell quiet at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year of our LORD, 1918...
Lest We Forget.
Lest We Forget!
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Santis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
BELOVED OF GOD, let us observe a moment of solemn silence as we remember together on this day that profound hush that fell on the battlefields of WWI, enveloping all sides of the one side of the peace, as the guns fell quiet at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year of our LORD, 1918...
Lest We Forget.
Lest We Forget!
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Santis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The Nature of Stability Forces
STABILITY FORCES are clearly defined by three distinctive operational characteristics:
INSTEAD OF KEEPING THE PEACE, the stability force, operating within the one paradigm of the peace, is meant as a deterrent to war and therefore is deployed to restore stability whether it be on a local, national, regional, continental or planetary scope.
Whatever the scale of the deployment, from one whole to one greater whole, as part and parcel of the greater governance of Divine Providence, the mission and the nature of the stability force is changeless and that is to repair any and all breaches in the continuum of the one, indivisible peace.
Stability forces operate under the aegis of the one family of the nations of mankind as represented by the charter of the United Nations as amended to reflect the original paradigm of the peace.
They operate directly under the banner of the UN or in extraordinary circumstances, if necessary to preserve the greater promise of our one family of humanity - to prevent genocide and to quash or interdict international criminal acts that constitute crimes against humanity or
actions that contravene international law and threaten the established peace of the greater whole, under the battle flag of the one Abrahamic nation (a union of Abrahamic states - Judaic, Christian and Islamic plus any honorable religion likewise willingly aligned to operate under
the common provision to provide common alms under the category of personal security) UNDER the auspices and general directive of the United Nations, never unilaterally or preemptively.
The paradigm of the peace itself once established shall provide an envelop of truth whose leading edge shall prevent any proactive or preemptive strikes against nations whose intentions, if harmful, can be easily detected and isolated by the one family of nations within the fifth battle space "decisive clarity" provided for by the synergy of the truth, truth being is the official tongue of the peace and peace being the one Tao or way of victory.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoartion to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
- Clarity of Motive
- Decisiveness of Intent
- Purity of Arms
INSTEAD OF KEEPING THE PEACE, the stability force, operating within the one paradigm of the peace, is meant as a deterrent to war and therefore is deployed to restore stability whether it be on a local, national, regional, continental or planetary scope.
Whatever the scale of the deployment, from one whole to one greater whole, as part and parcel of the greater governance of Divine Providence, the mission and the nature of the stability force is changeless and that is to repair any and all breaches in the continuum of the one, indivisible peace.
Stability forces operate under the aegis of the one family of the nations of mankind as represented by the charter of the United Nations as amended to reflect the original paradigm of the peace.
They operate directly under the banner of the UN or in extraordinary circumstances, if necessary to preserve the greater promise of our one family of humanity - to prevent genocide and to quash or interdict international criminal acts that constitute crimes against humanity or
actions that contravene international law and threaten the established peace of the greater whole, under the battle flag of the one Abrahamic nation (a union of Abrahamic states - Judaic, Christian and Islamic plus any honorable religion likewise willingly aligned to operate under
the common provision to provide common alms under the category of personal security) UNDER the auspices and general directive of the United Nations, never unilaterally or preemptively.
The paradigm of the peace itself once established shall provide an envelop of truth whose leading edge shall prevent any proactive or preemptive strikes against nations whose intentions, if harmful, can be easily detected and isolated by the one family of nations within the fifth battle space "decisive clarity" provided for by the synergy of the truth, truth being is the official tongue of the peace and peace being the one Tao or way of victory.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoartion to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Haiku #150: S x
Yeah, she's quite wacky,
and she uses shocking words,
but always means well...
You can't just give up
when life gets you down, say "Yes!"
Big S for Big Smile.
Turn that frown
upside down.
Yeah, she's quite wacky,
and she uses shocking words,
but always means well...
You can't just give up
when life gets you down, say "Yes!"
Big S for Big Smile.
Turn that frown
upside down.
Haiku #149: Hey x
"Hey", I hear you say -
and in my heart, you're there,
and sweet as you are...
"Hey" is our hello,
how's life and I care 'bout you,
and all in one go.
Hey, is like,
I love you.
"Hey", I hear you say -
and in my heart, you're there,
and sweet as you are...
"Hey" is our hello,
how's life and I care 'bout you,
and all in one go.
Hey, is like,
I love you.
General Judgment: An Outline x
- The Song of Moses and the vigilant hymn of the Triumphant Church.
- Some will not taste death: The final triumph of the Militant Church.
- The emptying of the tomb: the Resurrection of the Body.
- The gathering of the one family of the nations of mankind.
- The public revelation of the mysteries of salvation.
- The passing of judgment prepared from the foundation of the world.
- The breaking of the midnight world: the passing away of the heavens and the inhabited earth.
- The end of the necessitate Suffering Church.
- Sin exorcised forever: the eradication of death and suffering.
- God wipes away all tears: the exorcism of the pain of memory.
- The reunification of heaven and the inhabited earth: the final liberation of the habitations of life.
- The Beatific Vision: The nature of the finite and the infinite reward for virtue.
- The citizens of the Holy City: Why one must never judge without hope.
- The noble society of men and angels: friendships that remain are the friendships that shall remain uninterrupted forever.
- The end of the beginning at the beginning of all things new.
- Happiness becomes a dedicated place as well as a state of being.
- Hellfire becomes a dedicated place as well as a state of being.
- The everlasting death of Satan and the reprobate, of forsaken memory.
- Epilogue: The Sacred Wounds of our Lord Christ: The Love that remembers is the Love that remains: one Love, one LORD, and We, one People - forever.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
NO MAN, NO ANGEL, NOT EVEN JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, knows the exact hour of the Last Day; only God the Father knows precisely when the gossamer veil of time shall be ripped in two and our fragile, shadowy existence directly exposed to the unmitigated, immovable, supernatural reality of the blinding purity of the Divine existence.
Final Judgment,
Judgment Day,
Last Day,
Second Advent,
Second Coming
Triumph of the Two Chinas
THE TRIUMPH of the two Chinas is reunification without battle.
IN THE SAME BREATH that the one Majority should stand for the peaceful reunification of the Koreas and rejoice at the peaceful reunification of the one German nation, it must also be affirmed that the peaceful reunification of the one Chinese nation also stand as a hope proper to the one Majority's vision of lasting peace in our local region, in our Mother Asia and in our one planetary whole.
The two Chinas is one China.
The one Majority should recognize both the PRC and Taiwan as legitimate expressions of the one hope of the one Chinese nation.
It is the animus that is caused by the artificial state of war that currently exists like a wedge between the two Chinas which is detrimental to the peace of the region and the authentic good of the one Chinese nation, which has been one nation since the dawn of human history.
The Chinese have been a people since the dawn of written history and therefore, it is inevitable that the two Chinas, as authentic expressions of the one Chinese nation, shall decisively cross paths.
And it would behoove our shared humanity to see to it that when the two Chinas do cross paths, that it is in an atmosphere of peace, far away from the darkness of war and war's ambition.
Therefore, it is only consistent with the values of the one Majority to help foster the unity of the two Chinas; that both the PRC and Taiwan should meet on level ground; that both must realize that they have kept their honor, and are to be recognized as victors whose greater victory lies in their reunification without battle, that the will of their one nation prevail in peace.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
THESE ARTIFICIAL SPLITS between our nations exists as vestiges of the last millennium and therefore, in the interests of furthering the cause of our one family of nations here in the third Christian millennium, and in order for our shared humanity to advance the peace of our world, these vestigial expressions of the last age must no longer be viewed through the myopic prism of conflict but broadly understood within the embrace of the one, indivisible peace.
In our rapidly globalizing world, the one Majority - exisiting within the one paradigm of the peace - should adapt the following as a rule with regards to dealing with regional instability issues (that require the deployment of stability forces or in the old terminology, peacekeeping forces) :
Weak states must be prevented from emerging and for their own people's good sakes' BUT a weak state is infinitely better than an oppressed people.
IN THE SAME BREATH that the one Majority should stand for the peaceful reunification of the Koreas and rejoice at the peaceful reunification of the one German nation, it must also be affirmed that the peaceful reunification of the one Chinese nation also stand as a hope proper to the one Majority's vision of lasting peace in our local region, in our Mother Asia and in our one planetary whole.
The two Chinas is one China.
The one Majority should recognize both the PRC and Taiwan as legitimate expressions of the one hope of the one Chinese nation.
It is the animus that is caused by the artificial state of war that currently exists like a wedge between the two Chinas which is detrimental to the peace of the region and the authentic good of the one Chinese nation, which has been one nation since the dawn of human history.
The Chinese have been a people since the dawn of written history and therefore, it is inevitable that the two Chinas, as authentic expressions of the one Chinese nation, shall decisively cross paths.
And it would behoove our shared humanity to see to it that when the two Chinas do cross paths, that it is in an atmosphere of peace, far away from the darkness of war and war's ambition.
Therefore, it is only consistent with the values of the one Majority to help foster the unity of the two Chinas; that both the PRC and Taiwan should meet on level ground; that both must realize that they have kept their honor, and are to be recognized as victors whose greater victory lies in their reunification without battle, that the will of their one nation prevail in peace.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
THESE ARTIFICIAL SPLITS between our nations exists as vestiges of the last millennium and therefore, in the interests of furthering the cause of our one family of nations here in the third Christian millennium, and in order for our shared humanity to advance the peace of our world, these vestigial expressions of the last age must no longer be viewed through the myopic prism of conflict but broadly understood within the embrace of the one, indivisible peace.
In our rapidly globalizing world, the one Majority - exisiting within the one paradigm of the peace - should adapt the following as a rule with regards to dealing with regional instability issues (that require the deployment of stability forces or in the old terminology, peacekeeping forces) :
Weak states must be prevented from emerging and for their own people's good sakes' BUT a weak state is infinitely better than an oppressed people.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
On Justice: The Original Ideal
LET US BE MINDFUL of the original ideal:
A table is true because it is good.
It is good because it serves a purpose outside of itself.
The table serves us, our souls recognize the truth of the table because of it's meaningfulness and law maintains it because it has a purpose.
It has a purpose because it is meaningful.
And the table is good not because we are good but because our LORD alone is good.
Our one Creator made the idea of the table and filled it with substance of His will that made the table true and therefore, existent and tangible.
Our souls can read this substance as meaning.
The table is meaningful to us because it serves us.
And "us" being the, we, the one whole of the one race of humanity and therefore by extension, the one whole of the sacred life of this one planetary whole.
If the table were evil it wouldn't be a table.
If evil was done to take the good out of the table, the table would be broken.
Now, if this evil was a physical evil i.e. force of nature or incident, it would be wrong.
If this wrong was recognized as right, it would be mischief.
Thus, mischief begins with a lie in the being. It is sin lurking at the door of the heart.
If this wrong was recognized as wrong, it would be right.
Thus, being right consists of recognizing what's wrong in being. It is the beginning of fear of the LORD who alone is good.
Now, if this evil were a moral evil, it would be a transgression of the Eternal Law of God and a crime against the laws of the one family of the nations of mankind.
As regards to all criminal acts, it is vital to establish either malice or weakness.
From here, one can reliably trace the evolution of the various laws that protect the peace and the common good of our national populations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A table is true because it is good.
It is good because it serves a purpose outside of itself.
The table serves us, our souls recognize the truth of the table because of it's meaningfulness and law maintains it because it has a purpose.
It has a purpose because it is meaningful.
And the table is good not because we are good but because our LORD alone is good.
Our one Creator made the idea of the table and filled it with substance of His will that made the table true and therefore, existent and tangible.
Our souls can read this substance as meaning.
The table is meaningful to us because it serves us.
And "us" being the, we, the one whole of the one race of humanity and therefore by extension, the one whole of the sacred life of this one planetary whole.
If the table were evil it wouldn't be a table.
If evil was done to take the good out of the table, the table would be broken.
Now, if this evil was a physical evil i.e. force of nature or incident, it would be wrong.
If this wrong was recognized as right, it would be mischief.
Thus, mischief begins with a lie in the being. It is sin lurking at the door of the heart.
If this wrong was recognized as wrong, it would be right.
Thus, being right consists of recognizing what's wrong in being. It is the beginning of fear of the LORD who alone is good.
Now, if this evil were a moral evil, it would be a transgression of the Eternal Law of God and a crime against the laws of the one family of the nations of mankind.
As regards to all criminal acts, it is vital to establish either malice or weakness.
From here, one can reliably trace the evolution of the various laws that protect the peace and the common good of our national populations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
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