THE MISSIONARY SPIRIT of the one Solidarity that we share in common with all of blessed Christendom entire and with our Holy Mother Church in particular is a wholesome balance derived from our disciplined practice of the seal of faith and our unyielding love of others in Christ.
Being mindful of God's gift of free will and it's prime significance in the stage of salvation history, we must never seek to impose or willfully apply, directly or indirectly, the particular doctrines of our Christianity on anyone who is unwilling.
All the while, we must be able to put our complete trust that the Holy Spirit of Christ has the absolute power and freedom to breathe where It wills, liberating hopes, opening hearts, enabling minds, quickening souls, and drawing to Christ His pilgrim Church in exile time according to the good pleasure of the Father alone and never our own.
However, it must be equally emphasized as well, here and now, that as for those whose hearts are willing to see our Jesus Christ, those whose ears are willing to hear His Gospel News, those whose souls are likewise being quickened by God to the faith and obedience of our Holy Mother Church, those whose hopes are parched and dry being thirsty for living waters, those are the souls which must never be denied the truth of Jesus Christ and the eternal promise that shall quench their interior thirst forever.
Neither our one Solidarity nor our Holy Mother Church as a whole shall ever deny our sacred Christian truths nor withhold the passage into baptism to any and all of those whose names eternally belong to the roster of the one flock of the one good Shepherd that encompass all of
our blessed Christendom in time and in eternity.
We behold in the faith of our hearts the vision of Christ in His eternal glory with the Father Who sent Him and believe in the Holy Spirit of God Who bear witness unto our souls of this great mystery, the mystery of the one sacred reality of the Most Blessed Trinity.
Where we to meditate on this most sublime Christian revelation, it will be realized by the grace of God in our hearts that contained in this one vision of one Love is the actual reality of the Gospel promise of eternal life; that eternal life consists of our being forever caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son.
This is the immortal Christian hope that we must always, always be eager to share with any and all of the willing.
This is the missionary spirit of our community.
It is our particular share of joyous labor our Savior Jesus Christ has enjoined all of blessed Christendom to perform in the the Great Commission.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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