FROM GREAT EVIL, God always intends to produce greater good. For our God is a good God and He does not permit evil to happen without the promise of good things to come.
Beloved of God, have we made an effort to understand this promise enough to be able to pursue with our LORD, as co-creators with our God through His grace, the good that He intends to bring into our times through our afflictions?
Today marks the 7th anniversary of the tragedy that is September 11 - the day that changed the course of our world entire.
Let us observe this day by quietly reflecting on the direction towards which we must, as one family of nations, move towards - the direction of life and of peace, and the direction that this course is mindlessly leading our world. The world on it's own can not think for itself and if it is allowed to go it's own way without responsible human stewardship would lead us to paths where even angels fear to tread.
How then, as the whole of humanity, do we honor the sacred memory of this day?
We honor our heroes by properly aligning ourselves towards the direction of their last hopes. The hopes that they would have left for us as their last wisdom upon this earth below.
Therefore, let us begin thinking for ourselves and understand that to do this we must first find something worthwhile to spend our thoughts with and there is nothing more worthwhile than the sacredness of human life and peace among our nations.
Let us understand that choice is all about accountability and accountability is all about life. Life is all about happiness and democracy is the freedom to perfect that choice that leads to true and lasting human happiness.
Freedom is the endowment of that choice, the choice that supports our individual human right to be happy. Democracy is therefore, not the absence of responsibility, as a matter of fact, it is a responsibility of all citizenry to be present for the right choices that lead to the liberation of our humanity as a whole.
Let us pray in memory of this day that we may soon - as one family of nations - perfect the choices that would lead us towards mastering our one planetary course that we may all find a clear path to safe harbors - for all men, women and children of the one human race.
Thus do we honor their sacred memory.
Lest we forget.
Lest we forget.
---<--@ for all 2751 the victims of September 11 in the USA and it's continuing aftermath around the world, peace and Godspeed...
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
SEPTEMBER 11 teaches us, among other things, that there IS a family of nations in our world in the sense that every nation in our world is affected, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, by the actions of any one nation.
And this is most especially true of the actions of those elder nations who wield much influence over the younger ones and this influence shall more and more importantly be of a moral kind than anything else.
In this sense, no one nation stands alone in our world today, every nation is interdependent of each other and therefore, all are hurt by war's evil ambition just as much as all can benefit from the diligent observance of peace as a paradigm whole.
The United States must awaken to her third Christian millennium calling as a Shepherd state and shed the superpower image of her past that she may find strength enough again to effectively lead the free world on behalf of Almighty God in the spirit of our humanity for the sake of the one family of the nations of mankind and our one planetary whole.
In the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, every nation of good will just as much as every person of good will must turn away from the past into the direction of the new morning lest the darkness be allowed to linger and this midnight world eclipsed by a fallen star define for our humanity the shape of the next 1000 years.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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