SO WHAT DOES IT MEAN for us to be a people of the peace?
Sequence #12 of the Pax Pilipinas Series
It means that we have resolved to eliminate from our collective midst war and the ambition of war as a paradigm whole.
This also means that our national values will now be guided by peace and the original system of the peace as a paradigm whole.
It means that our nation now appreciates the value of sacred life as a whole in all of our animals and plants but most especially human life.
It means that our nation now recognizes and appreciates the value of every human life and places a holy regard to the image and likeness in the soul of every human being from conception to natural death as the universal basis for our common human dignity.
It means that our nation shall now defend our common human dignity and ensure that even the most defenseless of human life shall enjoy the benefits of basic human respect accorded to all human beings for no other reason than because we are human beings.
This means that our nation shall now appreciate the universal value of our common human dignity as the common medium of basic human respect that directly regulate the way in which human interactions gives shape to the civil order of present society.
Human dignity and the basic respect it commands from our understanding peers in common creation is the very soul that makes every community a truly human community.
Thus, where there is lack of universal recognition and real appreciation of common human dignity, basic human respect shall also decrease.
And where there is lack of human respect, social interactions shall also likewise reflect a decline in the necessary politeness which is the very art of all good and ordered society.
Our adherence to the paradigm of peace also means that our nation will now appreciate the immense value of truth which is the mother tongue of the peace.
It means that a reciprocity of truth shall now permeate the language of our national dialogue and that we, the people, can now rightfully and sincerity expect widespread honesty and transparency in all levels of Filipino society and public government.
Just like that record obtained of the Filipinos of old, truthfulness then becomes for us the virtue upon which we may build a lasting heritage that our present time can honorably bequeath unto the continuity of the line of our generations, God-willing, unto the last generation.
This also means that our nation as a whole has become cognizant of it's own distinctive peace and this national awareness being neither tolerant nor ignorant of war and the will of war, shall suffer no more the plague of festering lies, division, dishonesty, hypocrisy, duplicity and brazen half-truths that arise from the material as well as spiritual corruption that through grave scandal infects the intrinsic decency of our Filipino society.
This also means our nation now distinguishes between the mother tongue of war which is deception and the mother tongue of peace which is truth and have unanimously decided to forsake the former in favor of the latter.
This means that our nation will now appreciate the value of peace as a paradigm whole, and will allow this peace to guide and inspire her public offices.
This also means that our nation shall have for her consideration in all her decisions and all her executive motions, the will of the one peace which is to serve, so that our Republic peace may prosper for our people the abundant blessings of Country.
This means that our nation will now appreciate the value of our shared humanity and shall work to instill greater tolerance for religious and/or political differences not openly and/or manifestly hostile to either our peace or our continuing existence.
We completely and categorically deny the stereotypes that the world have thought to conveniently label our Philippine Republic or our Filipino nation for we have ceased believing in our human lack and have taken on the abundant hope that believes in our completeness as a nation.
We are a people recovering from our wounded past yet our poverty does make us the easy prey of empty words, these labels and stereotypes hold no more water for we refuse to believe them, we refuse to allow ourselves to be defined by them.
We will be individually described as human beings by promise of our birth, citizens of the one Republic of the Philippines by will of our destiny, believers of our own honorable religious tradition by our faith and reason, common peers from among common peers in common creation by divine design, and kindred beings belonging to the one family of humanity by nature of good will.
This means that our nation will now appreciate the value of just equality and a meaningful unity that promote a culture of responsibility among our nation and this same culture of responsibility combined with the identity of participation among our citizenry create a synergy of industry that will power those labor intensive and quality driven opportunities that will help turn the gears of our nation's economy.
This means that our nation will now reserve in herself, an honored place for Almighty God Whose definitive reality now forms an integral part of her Republic peace eternally enshrined as the First Defender of the one, faithful Republic of the Philippines.
Our Republic is best described as a Republic of the peace and we, a people of the peace.
For peace becomes for us, our national ethos, and is also the best singular term that describes our one Republic whole.
The external world may be at an odds to label us since we are not a wholly secular Republic nor are we a completely religious state.
The apparent novelty of our national undertaking will for a time occupy the minds of other people until it is realized that there is nothing entirely new in our Republic undertaking. It has been intended to be this way since the foundation of the order of our nations.
The one thing that sets us apart is our national ethos of peace summed up in the words "Pax Pilipinas" and even this itself is nothing new, it has been merely overlooked in the prevailing paradigm of the present.
So what does peace mean to us as individuals? Peace is our ethos. It is an absolute choice that we shall make to deny war and the will of war a footing within our heart.
The prevailing paradigm of war has deceived our shared humanity. It has worked it's poisonous malice deep into our consciousness so that we may wholly submit to the lie that there must be opposition in everything or else the order of the entire world will come crashing down.
Opposition is wholesome if by it we are formed in virtue just the same as affliction is necessary if the truth is to be refined.
But opposition itself is not a virtue just as much as affliction wrongly inflicted contain no ability to convince anyone.
Yet many people seem to have accepted the rule of war here in our world where opposition have become an adaptation to order and affliction its method.
Opposition being the fundamental spirit of conflict is necessarily empty by itself because it needs to prey on other truths to wax meaningful. It relies completely and exclusively on it's hostility toward other truths to give it shape and power it's relentless denials of the same.
Our peace as a paradigm whole exists not to oppose war but to completely replace it so that we may hope once again upon the promise of Country and freely build our present futures together upon the unshakable foundation of the peace at the faithful heart of our one strong Republic.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Iustus Takayama Ukon, Servant of God, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
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A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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