O MOST PATIENT FILIPINO PEOPLE, our call to citizenship is not a matter of ink and paper, it is a matter of fire and blood. The soul of our nation is not satisfied with vain and empty words as our substance comes from our very hearts.
We must not speak in lies and circles for we are not a people of the darkness but a portion of the one Light, and therefore speak of the peace and stand for the truth, in kindred good will among ourselves and among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Let us be cautious about what we love and be eternally thankful to Almighty God for the gift of each other.
I LOVE YOU, my nation.
I love to observe you, my people:
Our hustle and bustle life,
our noisy, chaotic streets
full of pedestrian colors
and the sweetness of
our nameless, honest labors.
O my Philippines, advance!
Into brighter, better days
where I know
our hearts belong.
O my Filipino compatriots,
companions of national destiny:
We are not a bad people
these are just bad times,
but let us fear not
for I have seen our hearts
and I know we have it in ourselves
to make it all right.
We are a people of the peace,
stalwart defenders of life -
and worthy of each others sacred trust.
Let us remain who we are
to become our better selves:
One nation, strong for being faithful
with one, indivisible peace
under the eternal vigilance
of our one Almighty God
and valiant keepers
of each other's
human hope and good will.
These evils times will pass
and all will be well, my nation,
we shall outlast these evil days.
All will be well, peace -
my one people.
I love you,
We love you -
O eternal Philippines -
from always to always.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
IT IS IN GIVING that we shall become free and a giver must always have something to give: a smile, a shoulder, an ear, a kind word, a peso, a prayer, a good will thought...but a true giver always has something to give because what he or she gives is love which like the loaves and fishes of our good Lord, never runs out in time and in eternity.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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