IF FAITH is what separates our reality from the one Divine reality, hope is what separates our reality from other human realities. And love is what connects all these realities together.
Observe, my dear Christian, our Blessed Lord Crucified for our sakes'; the vertical beam of His Holy Cross, our happy faith, the horizontal beam of His Holy Cross, our holy hope and the Corpus of our Savior Himself being the infinite Love, broken for suffering humanity, bringing us all together in the unity of the Holy Spirit as the one great Covenant family of God, our Heavenly Father.
FORGET NOT the cradle that gave rise to your present hope of civilization.
For hope is a lineage, it's strength lies in the anchor of it's promise and a promise never made by human hearts. And thy anchor, dear Europe is Christianity.
To forget this lineage is to become mired in a seasonless existence, one that is completely detached to the sage counsels of the past and utterly oblivious to the near infinite promise that the momentum of the present is able to unleash at the approach of tomorrow.
Do not lose yourself in shadow, a denial of both the light as well as the darkness, a denial that shall ultimately deny thy peoples their sense of common destiny.
O dear Europe, if you earnestly desire to show universal religious respect, then begin by showing a fearless respect of your own, because it is only by doing so, that you shall learn that happy sense of reciprocity that shall lead you to a sincere respect of other honorable religious traditions without syncretism or hypocrisy.
As a tree without it's roots shall never bear fruit, a nation without a soul shall never discover it's dream and those nations who do not dream will never awaken to the labor of it's own hope.
A continent is as an orchard of these trees and tasked with the care that ensures that every tree bears abundant fruit and as an orchard can not be denied it's soil, a continent can not be denied it's roots. And thy roots, dear Europe, is Christianity.
Realize this, O dear Europe, without being colored by the distorting paradigm of war as a whole. And be at peace with yourself, your past, your present and your tomorrows.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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