WAR was thrown upon the earth along with the Dragon and all his fallen angels the precise moment that Satan entered into the heart of Cain and possessed his soul so that he may kill his own brother, Abel.
But Cain expressed fear more than regret and was marked by God. God gave to Cain a sanctuary in the land of Nod to calm his pleading and did to his soul a mark manifest in those whose guilt makes them into fugitives to their own heart, restless in their desire for mercy but knowing not where to find it, helpless and trapped in their own desolation.
The mark implores other men who are faithful to the one LORD to show Cain mercy so that he may know that mercy is from God and not from men. It is not a mark of temporal difference as the color of one's skin, the sound of one's language, the lineage of one's descent, nor any kind of peculiar distinction that is inescapably derived from either birth or ignorance.
After Abel and to justify the blood of his faithful innocents who have since Abel called out to God from the soil of the earth, murder became a seminal point in the Decalogue that was given by God to the patriarch Moses, this Law is a refinement propounded from the Eternal law for the sake of the faith of the Jewish people.
It is the ten points of the Decalogue that have in time codified the universal morality of common humanity.
The learned elders of the one nation of ancient Israel derive also from the Decalogue through their common experiences as one people the Mosaic Law which constitutes the body of their wisdom tradition from which all expressions Jewish wisdom is an extension.
From Abel down to Israel, it is observed that God had intended all law to serve life and it is this for this reason and this reason alone that all juridical systems exist for and on behalf of, it is this reason that make laws instinctively right among the people and thus, just and conductive in it's necessary promulgation, it is also this reason that connects all bodies of laws together into the seminal points from which they are all derived; the defense of sacred life and the preservation of the peace of the nations of sacred life.
Without this one reason at the source of any body of law, law becomes meaningless and all meaningless laws may only be enforced through violent means for they are not laws made for the liberation of the social life of the national communities of our humanity but the arbitrary dictates of one whose disregard for life tramples our nations under feet, a tyrant and a servant of the beast of war.
It was from eternity and for our salvation that God had conceived of the order of the nations of mankind which in time, shortly before the closing of the doors of heaven and the native skies of our inhabited earth fell unconscious, our God established upon our world through the Noahic covenant that our LORD made with the patriarch Noah and his family after the great flood that destroyed the great and lawless iniquity that threatened the generations of life that was to come.
It is the Noahic covenant that binds the nations of the inhabited earth as the one family of the nations of mankind.
From the patriarch Noah, time proceeded and at Babel, where our humanity was dispersed to preserve the truth of greater things, the beginnings of the lineages of the communities whose birth gave direct descent in time to the order of the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
In time, our LORD established with our Father Abraham the covenant of the peace of the nations and the one Abrahamic promise of the great nation, numberless as the stars, descended from the kindred faith of our Father Abraham that safeguards this hope of old.
This is the Abrahamic promise that binds together all who are children of our Father Abraham, a promise to bless all the communities of the earth and sanctify the hope of peace in our times and in our lands over run by war and war's ambition; a promise of hope that allow God the space to act with His mercy on our behalf and through our own willing and faithful instrumentality for the sake of the generations of life that is to come; a promise made to the numberless stars that in these dark times must arise to be present for the peace that many may see the dawn of the new.
Of the one family of our nations that proceeded from Babel and the vital leadership entrusted from eternity by our one sovereign LORD with the divine authority to govern their peers and direct the executive will of the nations of mankind, some have endured and some have succumbed to the terrible sieges of war and the relentless assaults of sin on both the soul of individuals as well as the souls of individual nations, and we are come to this generation and the evil of these days that is this generations burden of hope.
For every generation has it's share of the afflictions that either refine or refuse the true nature of the realities that all human beings, without exception, must eventually face and the evil of these days is apparent to those who trust not in lies, believing not in sin in spite of all things, and hoping for all things cling to the LORD Who reveals to them the truth that illuminates the souls of those who seek Him in darkness and reveals the sins of those who turn away from the light.
In this midnight world threatened by so much war, peace is the salvation of the times, this is the longest night of our poor world and the burden of this generation, the elder generations gifted to us by God who are yet with us here and now and the generation that is to come after us.
In this war, we must turn away, in this darkness we must establish the Abrahamic peace and begin to build institutions of sacred life and the one indivisible peace that shall shelter the life of the unsung songs of each our nations within the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
For the intrinsic challenges, scientific, sociological and juridical, of international, regional or national scope that are inherent in this new millennium require us to speak as one heart in the universal language of moral truths, the tongue of our common creation, and lay the systems derived from the combined wisdom traditions of all honorable religion that shall safeguard for the humanity of the next generations, a place that still recognizes and understands the nature of our shared humanity with it's common lack, weaknesses and derivative hopes in God and each other; a place in time where life is held to be sacred and inviolable because of itself and not in spite of itself amidst the growing utilitarian culture of secular technologies and it's elitist perfectionism so incompatible with all the teachings of all honorable religion that shall inevitably arise from this present time.
This ideology, an ideology of perfectionism, combined with the historic human zeal for war and the great allure of war's ambition shall afflict our common humanity to no end with much abominations we can not even begin to conceive in our time for those images are the images of hell.
We can not even begin to aspire to this task without first establishing peace within ourselves in and with God by an absolute and irrevocable choice to serve the life of creation - in spite of ourselves - that make peace meaningful and therefore, comprehensible to our souls; worth the price of our vigilance and the sacrifice of it's defense; a peace that command the loyalty of both our love as well as our lives, a peace fit for our nations of the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
From our peace within proceeds peace between others from without and from this peace with each another in time is established the good will that is necessary between our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind to prevail in their original purpose as vessels of life, altars dedicated to the LORD of all life and not as instruments of death, an abomination in the sight of God, the angels of our LORD, the souls of all the just and the just who in every generation, walks this world with us.
Today, we - including myself - have a choice so that tomorrow may also exercise theirs. What we do today matters for it is in the nature of the light to shine in the darkness so that even the smallest light in the darkness is not overcome but forever holds a place in the firmament with all other hearts called forth to shine in kindred grace; the numberless stars of Abrahamic promise who like the stars of the visible universe, from least to greatest, illumine with one accord in the darkness of this midnight world to guard common humanity against the despair of war and guide the way of our nations into the waning of the darkness so that night shall soon turn to day that life may be spared much evil and the hope of our humanity prevail in it's unbroken lineage in God and with each other.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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