The present state of our AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) and our PNP (Philippine National Police) are the most certain indicators of the executive will to preserve the one Republic whole.
The status quo of the forces that serve and defend the social democracy of the Filipino nation represented by her one whole Republic is a measure of the standards that we keep with regards to our hope of Country and at this point in time, it is utterly deplorable.
However, we shall now, as one Republic whole, strong for being faithful, trust to our hope and have faith as a nation of whose sacred trust is safeguarded by our Republic state under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God.
While the watches of the community police to include the Coast Guard as well as our local fire and rescue services is vital to the peace of the national community, we shall deal here with the peace of the one Republic whole, a one indivisible peace that is defended by the dutiful service and undying commitment of one military whole, our AFP.
The executive will being derived from the divine will effects a filial sense of responsibility that is complimentary to the maternal nature of the national whole, therefore, our leadership must treat the people as if they were their own sons and daughters ever as God would for they only act in our LORD's stead and only through His permission.
We live in a Republic and this requires us to understand the nature of this form of state, this is vital to the success of any Republic vision. Lest we live in a lie, we must understand our Republic undertaking, the uniqueness of it's vision adapted to our common experience as a people as well as the universality of it's values in relation to other particular endeavors of Country across our inhabited earth.
Civilian leaders (and combat commanders for that matter) who do not value their soldiers are like fathers who do not love their most obedient of sons and daughters.
Obedience is universally laudable in all human families and this virtue is everyday observed by the military whole, from the most superior of our generals to the greenest recruit, all of them learn to lead by learning first to obey the leaders that preceded them.
All the elements of the national military exist to support the Army mission and the Army mission can not exist without the support of the other armed services within the national military as the Navy and the Air Force.
One life is always too many and while I utterly respect the eternal remembrances of all noble military as a whole, I have remained endeared to the Army because I understand the indispensable demands of the Army undertaking and the vital nature of the ground force mission.
No ground can either be taken or held without Army boots on the ground and as mankind lives on the land and not in the air or in the sea, I have long recognized that it is always the Army (and other land forces like the Marines) that bear the brunt of the blood sacrifice that the military expects with courage and vigilance, ever cognizant of the price that freedom requires so that the life of the nation, family and friends, may be lived to it's fullest fruition and the mission of Country completed at the Last Day.
Defense is the only concern that should consume the hearts and minds of our military and our Republic leadership should reinforce this mindset by giving emphasis to the value and importance of the unique life of every individual citizen without exception to give the military reason to fight and to preserve all that is worth preserving as the hopes of the people, the habitations, institutions and systems that govern the common good and advance the life of our nation. Defense will only take primacy and importance where peace is universally observed and valued by the communities that have come to prosper within the sovereign whole of the one Republic, one shall never understand what to defend where peace is a relative luxury of a few and not a common commodity that circulate hope as currency that build up the unseen economy of the life of the generations of the nation and the wisdom of the state that governs her.
War is never an ambition of any nation, but war too is never the fear of those who know what to love and therefore, understand the right mission of the absolute defense.
Defense operations that exist in the paradigm whole of the peace include national preservation (war fighting), stability (or peacekeeping), search and rescue, disaster relief, civil defense and other humanitarian capabilities that add a new dimension to our nation's external commitment to keep our obligatory treaty functions and common good will with all the other nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, a capability of the peace that grows from our region outwards, from wholes to greater wholes, from strength to strength, ever on behalf of our shared humanity.
These military capabilities within the operational spectrum of the one whole peace that include those aforesaid operations that serve to bolster peace and goodwill between nations are major operations in their own right and are not considered to be anything less (i.e. OOTW or operations other than war including hostage rescue, anti-piracy and anti-terrorism) than the traditional combat oriented operations of which our AFP should also be able to sustain and accomplish. This new nobility of purpose will serve to engage the virtues of our Filipino youth as well as the virtues of old soldiers so that our AFP remain both young and professional.
More importantly, these operations fight against war and the spread of war's ambition as effectively as bullets fired from our infantry soldier's rifles.
The vision of the AFP in the first century of the new millennium must be one that is expert both in international as well as local capabilities with requsite units that is abreast with the technology of the time as well as in the virtues that match every soldier's will to safeguard all human life and defend the peace of our nation so that the sword of our military whole remain exacting in it's sharpness and ability to cut through war and save many other lives from the evils of war. For what is a sword but a base and corruptible metal that without the noble steel of the professional soldier is both worthless and without any ability whatsoever to earn the honor and universal respect of mankind, what then is war without the noble military but an evil unworthy of nothing and destined into nothingness.
One who praises war itself forgets the eternal remembrances of the noble military, for every soldier of all times and places who has ever fought and died with honor intact believed in their hearts not in the spread of war but in the superiority of the peace, and this regardless of the truth of the national ambition, is an accolade to the one indivisible peace, forever remembered by heaven yet many times forgotten by the earth.
No one with a soldier's heart fights with a burning desire to annihilate the nations of mankind for this is precisely the ambition of war.
In the final accounting of all things, there can never be just wars, only just men and women who defend others with their lives against war and war's ambition.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration the Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago