The present state of our AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) and our PNP (Philippine National Police) are the most certain indicators of the executive will to preserve the one Republic whole.
The status quo of the forces that serve and defend the social democracy of the Filipino nation represented by her one whole Republic is a measure of the standards that we keep with regards to our hope of Country and at this point in time, it is utterly deplorable.
However, we shall now, as one Republic whole, strong for being faithful, trust to our hope and have faith as a nation of whose sacred trust is safeguarded by our Republic state under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God.
While the watches of the community police to include the Coast Guard as well as our local fire and rescue services is vital to the peace of the national community, we shall deal here with the peace of the one Republic whole, a one indivisible peace that is defended by the dutiful service and undying commitment of one military whole, our AFP.
The executive will being derived from the divine will effects a filial sense of responsibility that is complimentary to the maternal nature of the national whole, therefore, our leadership must treat the people as if they were their own sons and daughters ever as God would for they only act in our LORD's stead and only through His permission.
We live in a Republic and this requires us to understand the nature of this form of state, this is vital to the success of any Republic vision. Lest we live in a lie, we must understand our Republic undertaking, the uniqueness of it's vision adapted to our common experience as a people as well as the universality of it's values in relation to other particular endeavors of Country across our inhabited earth.
Civilian leaders (and combat commanders for that matter) who do not value their soldiers are like fathers who do not love their most obedient of sons and daughters.
Obedience is universally laudable in all human families and this virtue is everyday observed by the military whole, from the most superior of our generals to the greenest recruit, all of them learn to lead by learning first to obey the leaders that preceded them.
All the elements of the national military exist to support the Army mission and the Army mission can not exist without the support of the other armed services within the national military as the Navy and the Air Force.
One life is always too many and while I utterly respect the eternal remembrances of all noble military as a whole, I have remained endeared to the Army because I understand the indispensable demands of the Army undertaking and the vital nature of the ground force mission.
No ground can either be taken or held without Army boots on the ground and as mankind lives on the land and not in the air or in the sea, I have long recognized that it is always the Army (and other land forces like the Marines) that bear the brunt of the blood sacrifice that the military expects with courage and vigilance, ever cognizant of the price that freedom requires so that the life of the nation, family and friends, may be lived to it's fullest fruition and the mission of Country completed at the Last Day.
Defense is the only concern that should consume the hearts and minds of our military and our Republic leadership should reinforce this mindset by giving emphasis to the value and importance of the unique life of every individual citizen without exception to give the military reason to fight and to preserve all that is worth preserving as the hopes of the people, the habitations, institutions and systems that govern the common good and advance the life of our nation. Defense will only take primacy and importance where peace is universally observed and valued by the communities that have come to prosper within the sovereign whole of the one Republic, one shall never understand what to defend where peace is a relative luxury of a few and not a common commodity that circulate hope as currency that build up the unseen economy of the life of the generations of the nation and the wisdom of the state that governs her.
War is never an ambition of any nation, but war too is never the fear of those who know what to love and therefore, understand the right mission of the absolute defense.
Defense operations that exist in the paradigm whole of the peace include national preservation (war fighting), stability (or peacekeeping), search and rescue, disaster relief, civil defense and other humanitarian capabilities that add a new dimension to our nation's external commitment to keep our obligatory treaty functions and common good will with all the other nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, a capability of the peace that grows from our region outwards, from wholes to greater wholes, from strength to strength, ever on behalf of our shared humanity.
These military capabilities within the operational spectrum of the one whole peace that include those aforesaid operations that serve to bolster peace and goodwill between nations are major operations in their own right and are not considered to be anything less (i.e. OOTW or operations other than war including hostage rescue, anti-piracy and anti-terrorism) than the traditional combat oriented operations of which our AFP should also be able to sustain and accomplish. This new nobility of purpose will serve to engage the virtues of our Filipino youth as well as the virtues of old soldiers so that our AFP remain both young and professional.
More importantly, these operations fight against war and the spread of war's ambition as effectively as bullets fired from our infantry soldier's rifles.
The vision of the AFP in the first century of the new millennium must be one that is expert both in international as well as local capabilities with requsite units that is abreast with the technology of the time as well as in the virtues that match every soldier's will to safeguard all human life and defend the peace of our nation so that the sword of our military whole remain exacting in it's sharpness and ability to cut through war and save many other lives from the evils of war. For what is a sword but a base and corruptible metal that without the noble steel of the professional soldier is both worthless and without any ability whatsoever to earn the honor and universal respect of mankind, what then is war without the noble military but an evil unworthy of nothing and destined into nothingness.
One who praises war itself forgets the eternal remembrances of the noble military, for every soldier of all times and places who has ever fought and died with honor intact believed in their hearts not in the spread of war but in the superiority of the peace, and this regardless of the truth of the national ambition, is an accolade to the one indivisible peace, forever remembered by heaven yet many times forgotten by the earth.
No one with a soldier's heart fights with a burning desire to annihilate the nations of mankind for this is precisely the ambition of war.
In the final accounting of all things, there can never be just wars, only just men and women who defend others with their lives against war and war's ambition.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration the Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
O Israel
O ISRAEL, you are the cradle of our peace,
a nation that blesses the other nations
with the knowledge of life and the Everliving
the first people chosen by Almighty God
to bring the light of hope to our poor world.
What has become of us my elder brethren?
Thy terrible hurt, due to war's ambition
shall one day turn into strength, if only
we begin today to become that hope again
the hope of our Father Abraham, a promise
to bless the nations of the world, peace.
I love my Annelies Marie, and I love you.
But not the war, O dear Israel, only you.
Not the hatred, O kindred grace, only you.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
a nation that blesses the other nations
with the knowledge of life and the Everliving
the first people chosen by Almighty God
to bring the light of hope to our poor world.
What has become of us my elder brethren?
Thy terrible hurt, due to war's ambition
shall one day turn into strength, if only
we begin today to become that hope again
the hope of our Father Abraham, a promise
to bless the nations of the world, peace.
I love my Annelies Marie, and I love you.
But not the war, O dear Israel, only you.
Not the hatred, O kindred grace, only you.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The Abrahamic Star
THE ABRAHAMIC STAR is a circle, the true shape of all stars.
This circle represents first of all, wholeness - an absolute commitment to the light of God's peace.
Secondly, it represents an unbreakable continuity, life into life, virtue into virtue, truth into truth, strength into strength and all things that exist in eternity that cleaves into the ascendant unity of our one, infinite and most beneficent LORD.
Thirdly, it represents a harmony of humanity and universality of human values that are present among the Abrahamic sibling hood, who are all kindred by faith in the one unseen and ascendant Truth upon Whom all other truths draw their illuminating order.
Within the circle, with it's points touching the boundaries of the circle, is an eight-pointed star that represents the one Way of virtue which is the convergent path of all three Abrahamic faiths as honorable companions on the Way. For there is but one way to be patient, one way to be kind, one way to be merciful, one way to express and to share our hope, one way to universally cling to faith in greater truths unseen, one way to be grateful, one way to observe the one peace, one way to be compassionate, one way to achieve right action, one way to be free and to set free, one way to ascend from good to greater good, truth unto greater truth, cleaving unto the unity of our one LORD and not a hundred thousand ways that lead to a hundred thousand false idols.
Now, the two squares that make up the star represents the four cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice and the other square being the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love with the fourth point being the one, indivisible peace.
At the center of the Abrahamic star is either the Star of David, the Cross of Christ or the Star and Crescent as their respective religions within the one promise to bless the communities of mankind.
Each star is a unique individual of good will who strives in his or her heart, despite weaknesses and imperfections, to live to be one as God is one.
Furthermore, according to my own understanding which is only personal save for the Holy Cross of Christ which is universal and official in my own Christian faith:
The six-sided Star of David with it's two triangles, one pointing up and the other pointing down, symbolize the unity of heaven and earth. This symbol is a symbol of sacred order present between life, patient and perennial, and all of the habitations of life, seen and unseen, and human life most especially which bears by it's nature with God the liberating salvation of all of the nations of mankind and the restoration into the unfading golden light of eternal glory of the all of the visible universe which is the habitation of man. The hope which Judaism safeguards is the Law and Law which safeguards the sanctity of the relations between men and the habitations of men; the community of the Israel of old. It is Love that gave to mankind through the Jewish people the Law and it is from the Law that Peace draws it's own birth and it is from Peace that Love proceeds forth, being the grace of God which is light of all Life, into the darkness of our world so that soul of humanity may be renewed, the hopes of the nations of mankind sanctified and the nations of mankind restored to the original order of eternal Eden, away from the midnight darkness of war's one whole paradigm lie. Blue is the color of the eternal Daystar sky; the perennial nature of all human hope.
The Cross of Christ represents, the unity of faith and hope in Love; faith being the vertical beam, hope being the horizontal beam and love being the Person of Christ Himself. The Peace of Christianity is the Person of Christ; the pledge of the victory of all life lived in loving service of all good things for the sake of the one Source of all that is good, holy and true. Red is the color of the Precious Blood of Christ, shed to save and to teach to the hearts of men in faith, the immense value of our hope.
The celestial season in relation to the life of our humanity is one great cycle from Eden's fading twilight and the autumnal dusk of our exile time extending into the rising twilight of the new dawning and the promised advent of the morning of our glorious liberation and the Crescent Moon represents the waning of the darkness; a cycle in the season of the celestial firmament that is nearest to the Day of the everlasting peace. And the Star is the one, indivisible peace, shining with the same spirit to be one as our LORD is one with all the Abrahamic stars: Peace which is the true strength of the faith of Islam. Green is the color of the Prophet Muhammad; it is characteristic of the stubborn patience of life that even in the most barren of places clings on to it's hope that it in Itself shall and will inevitably prevail.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
This circle represents first of all, wholeness - an absolute commitment to the light of God's peace.
Secondly, it represents an unbreakable continuity, life into life, virtue into virtue, truth into truth, strength into strength and all things that exist in eternity that cleaves into the ascendant unity of our one, infinite and most beneficent LORD.
Thirdly, it represents a harmony of humanity and universality of human values that are present among the Abrahamic sibling hood, who are all kindred by faith in the one unseen and ascendant Truth upon Whom all other truths draw their illuminating order.
Within the circle, with it's points touching the boundaries of the circle, is an eight-pointed star that represents the one Way of virtue which is the convergent path of all three Abrahamic faiths as honorable companions on the Way. For there is but one way to be patient, one way to be kind, one way to be merciful, one way to express and to share our hope, one way to universally cling to faith in greater truths unseen, one way to be grateful, one way to observe the one peace, one way to be compassionate, one way to achieve right action, one way to be free and to set free, one way to ascend from good to greater good, truth unto greater truth, cleaving unto the unity of our one LORD and not a hundred thousand ways that lead to a hundred thousand false idols.
Now, the two squares that make up the star represents the four cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice and the other square being the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love with the fourth point being the one, indivisible peace.
At the center of the Abrahamic star is either the Star of David, the Cross of Christ or the Star and Crescent as their respective religions within the one promise to bless the communities of mankind.
Each star is a unique individual of good will who strives in his or her heart, despite weaknesses and imperfections, to live to be one as God is one.
Furthermore, according to my own understanding which is only personal save for the Holy Cross of Christ which is universal and official in my own Christian faith:
The six-sided Star of David with it's two triangles, one pointing up and the other pointing down, symbolize the unity of heaven and earth. This symbol is a symbol of sacred order present between life, patient and perennial, and all of the habitations of life, seen and unseen, and human life most especially which bears by it's nature with God the liberating salvation of all of the nations of mankind and the restoration into the unfading golden light of eternal glory of the all of the visible universe which is the habitation of man. The hope which Judaism safeguards is the Law and Law which safeguards the sanctity of the relations between men and the habitations of men; the community of the Israel of old. It is Love that gave to mankind through the Jewish people the Law and it is from the Law that Peace draws it's own birth and it is from Peace that Love proceeds forth, being the grace of God which is light of all Life, into the darkness of our world so that soul of humanity may be renewed, the hopes of the nations of mankind sanctified and the nations of mankind restored to the original order of eternal Eden, away from the midnight darkness of war's one whole paradigm lie. Blue is the color of the eternal Daystar sky; the perennial nature of all human hope.
The Cross of Christ represents, the unity of faith and hope in Love; faith being the vertical beam, hope being the horizontal beam and love being the Person of Christ Himself. The Peace of Christianity is the Person of Christ; the pledge of the victory of all life lived in loving service of all good things for the sake of the one Source of all that is good, holy and true. Red is the color of the Precious Blood of Christ, shed to save and to teach to the hearts of men in faith, the immense value of our hope.
The celestial season in relation to the life of our humanity is one great cycle from Eden's fading twilight and the autumnal dusk of our exile time extending into the rising twilight of the new dawning and the promised advent of the morning of our glorious liberation and the Crescent Moon represents the waning of the darkness; a cycle in the season of the celestial firmament that is nearest to the Day of the everlasting peace. And the Star is the one, indivisible peace, shining with the same spirit to be one as our LORD is one with all the Abrahamic stars: Peace which is the true strength of the faith of Islam. Green is the color of the Prophet Muhammad; it is characteristic of the stubborn patience of life that even in the most barren of places clings on to it's hope that it in Itself shall and will inevitably prevail.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Haiku #26: You x
Where can joy be found
within the prison of self;
outside looking in?
We are through others
the completion of our lives;
giving to be free.
You for me,
I for you.
Where can joy be found
within the prison of self;
outside looking in?
We are through others
the completion of our lives;
giving to be free.
You for me,
I for you.
Haiku #27: Us x
What of kin and kith,
of blood ties and friendship bonds,
in the Hereafter?
No words can describe
the company of heaven,
joy and fruition!
Never doubt
faith that binds.
What of kin and kith,
of blood ties and friendship bonds,
in the Hereafter?
No words can describe
the company of heaven,
joy and fruition!
Never doubt
faith that binds.
Haiku #25: I x
Who has valid claim
to the possession of truths
above all mankind?
Division is rife
and all the world is in tears
because men says, "I".
God is I,
One, Alone.
Who has valid claim
to the possession of truths
above all mankind?
Division is rife
and all the world is in tears
because men says, "I".
God is I,
One, Alone.
Haiku #24: Am x
Time flows constantly
as rivers flow into sea
against human hope...
Above the waters,
one golden eternity
the Am of the I.
Seek the LORD
in the Now.
Time flows constantly
as rivers flow into sea
against human hope...
Above the waters,
one golden eternity
the Am of the I.
Seek the LORD
in the Now.
Haiku #23: Work x
Why must we labor
against the harshness of earth
below silent skies?
Because God is good
we are given to the dream
of the becoming.
We labor
to become.
Why must we labor
against the harshness of earth
below silent skies?
Because God is good
we are given to the dream
of the becoming.
We labor
to become.
Haiku #22: Pray x
What can any man do
in the face of all evil,
relentless as death?
We must in quiet
becalm our hearts and pray
and speak not of words.
Hear the calm,
with bowed hearts.
What can any man do
in the face of all evil,
relentless as death?
We must in quiet
becalm our hearts and pray
and speak not of words.
Hear the calm,
with bowed hearts.
Haiku #20: Sin x
Why do many fail
to become what Truth there is
in the unseen life?
Sin is division:
knowledge of good and evil
God or godlessness.
Make your path
Why do many fail
to become what Truth there is
in the unseen life?
Sin is division:
knowledge of good and evil
God or godlessness.
Make your path
Haiku #21: Life x
What must we live for
in this world of endless strife
eclipsed by much death?
We are not from here,
life here is not possession
but a confession.
God Alone,
that is all.
What must we live for
in this world of endless strife
eclipsed by much death?
We are not from here,
life here is not possession
but a confession.
God Alone,
that is all.
Haiku #19: Grace x
Why is there tension
between two oppositions
in the hearts of men?
When the soul is sure
yet the flesh is unwilling
God beckons, "Come see."
The deaf hears,
the blind sees.
Why is there tension
between two oppositions
in the hearts of men?
When the soul is sure
yet the flesh is unwilling
God beckons, "Come see."
The deaf hears,
the blind sees.
On the Death Penalty
WE SHALL treat as concisely as possible the subject of the virtue justice as it is applied in the communities of mankind.
All laws carry with them a necessary penalty of justice. One who openly espouses a belief in capital punishment must first understand the nature of justice which govern the relationship between law and the penalty of the law and not confuse justice with punishment and punishment for law.
Justice is never vengeful as vengeful men are never just men. To find sufficiency in matters pertaining to justice, one must first understand both it's excess and it's lack. For the justice of men is not the infinite justice of God to which human justice infinitely aspires for. To exceed justice in all human societies is the disintegration of law but failure to adhere to justice is the disintegration of peace. Lawlessness serve no nation, recognizing nothing but violent force. Lack of peace serve no nation, miring the peoples in poverty and despair.
Justice exists to preserve the law and sustain the will that drive the juridical institutions of the nations of mankind to refine and adapt the necessary laws that ensure both the discipline and the well being of the life of the citizenry, both the right promulgation and the diligent enforcement of the law protects the peace and the common good of the civil community where the citizenry live out their hopes. Any body of law as a whole can not be disengaged from justice because justice is the virtue that bind the will of heaven upon the earth; the order of heaven to the order of the earth.
And as all virtue serves the life of the people, any law by itself or as a codified body can not be rightfully considered to be either wise or just if it does not first abide by the first principles laid down by God not only in the hearts of all mankind but also in His actions throughout human history.
A penalty against justice is a penalty of virtue, a necessary debt of good will that must be satisfied in order to restore the original ideal.
Truth restores trust. Peace restores hope. Mercy restores life.
Death is warranted to preserve the peace and defend the common good in communities where mercy is found to either be lacking in the people who are rightfully offended by a transgression against the life and peace of their community. Death is common as capital punishment implemented by the community to those who are found to be guilty of malicious betrayal of either the life of the community as in treason or the malicious betrayal of the life of an individual as in murder.
This was a universal feature in the ways of those nations of old, in those primitive human societies from whom we owe our descent, in those times where much of the harshness of the inhabited earth yet ran wild across the lands and the refining nature of law and it's juridical systems and institutions was yet an absent thought among the abodes and the communities of men.
One who is a believer in justice knows that the measure of all virtue, especially social virtues as peace, valor and justice is summed up in lives lived to fruition.
Although suffering is a pain that is intrinsic to every mode of virtuous restoration as a means towards an end, the real object of the penalty of justice is not suffering, for the sword of the virtue justice is a sword against crime and a bane to all criminal action but her scales always tend towards life and therefore she includes in her judgments the rehabilitation of the life of criminals who despite their guilt and stigma irrevocably remain human beings and therefore, always possess in themselves the inalienable right to human dignity as human beings the same with all human beings that was, is and ever will walk this earth on God's own behest as the one common Creator of all common creation.
However, it must remain in the eyes of the courts of our nations that the life of the community holds an unmistakable precedence over the life of any single individual for as the eyes of justice is a respecter of no person, the purpose of justice serve the whole of the nation with the wisdom that combine the will of the nation-state against the evils that constantly assault the life of her peoples.
In this day and age, most especially in societies I would like to call Abrahamic, the prevalence of greater mores and nobler means to effect the restoration of the original ideal require the rethinking of the law in terms of the real deterrent value of capital punishment.
Corporal punishment is often times a more effective means to achieve the same end that the penalty of justice require. This should be reinstated in my own nation and the death penalty removed. Value reformation in terms that emphasize time served in community service coupled with civic education is also a valid means to an end.
All things considered, where any matter pertaining to human life is concerned, it is a basic rule in the Way of virtue to understand that there are only two instances where hope become absent in the life of men; in eternity where hope is realized in God, and in hell where hope is irrevocably denied by the souls of the damned in spite of God. In between heaven and hell, in the abode of our human family, hope is as perennial as the grass. The reprobate angels, envy our human hope and burn more intensely in their undying hatred of all human beings because of this fact, Satan himself utterly detests the validity of our claim to hope, never having any claim to it himself, and will do anything and everything to sever this connection we have with each other that raises our hearts in faith to God, a reality of life that transcends our differences. Hope is a requisite virtue that with faith opens into the love of God that animates and directs the actions of all the other virtues. Thus, my honorable companion, to judge without hope is contempt of life. And the measure by which we judge is the measure by which we shall likewise be judged by the Justice of God in eternity.
Military justice however, being of a different momentum than the civil justice of the civilian sphere, must retain the death penalty for treason with proven malice effected against the unit whole of the profession of arms. In the unenviable places where the noble military of our nations operate, the discipline and the morale of the elements of each unit that makes up the one cohesive military whole, takes precedence over the life and peace of individuals, it takes a will of sacrifice to honorably serve in the noble military and this every soldier knows, for the valor of each of their will of sacrifice, the nobility of their readiness to die, is the common currency of the universal respect that all fighting persons recognize in each other regardless of sides and despite the times and the places they are called by God to serve in defense of the peace of their particular nations and the lives and the hopes of family and friends and all that they all equally hold dear.
Any serious breach in military discipline that is not held to exact account by the justice of the advocate general risks not only the vital sharpness of the military whole but more importantly it risks the very reason that soldiers exist; the nation to whom he or she is commissioned to serve and defend.
The reach of justice both military as well as civil is a matter of the conductivity that affects the promulgation of the law and is therefore reliant on natural human reason present in the Eternal law written into every human heart, it is also a matter of the universal validity of the laws meant to serve the purpose of justice and is therefore a matter of first principles, lastly and most importantly, it is a matter of human accord, these are the resultant agreements dictated by mutual principles that are forged in the fires of adversity in the Name of Truth, signed between nations and bound by witness and sacred honor by the one family of the nations of mankind.
The justice that serves is the one that keeps safe, amidst the changing times, the ideal to which all mankind universally aspires for, life and the fruition of every life's honest pursuit. Even in death, man aspires to live, justice recognizes this and makes it her wisdom.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
All laws carry with them a necessary penalty of justice. One who openly espouses a belief in capital punishment must first understand the nature of justice which govern the relationship between law and the penalty of the law and not confuse justice with punishment and punishment for law.
Justice is never vengeful as vengeful men are never just men. To find sufficiency in matters pertaining to justice, one must first understand both it's excess and it's lack. For the justice of men is not the infinite justice of God to which human justice infinitely aspires for. To exceed justice in all human societies is the disintegration of law but failure to adhere to justice is the disintegration of peace. Lawlessness serve no nation, recognizing nothing but violent force. Lack of peace serve no nation, miring the peoples in poverty and despair.
Justice exists to preserve the law and sustain the will that drive the juridical institutions of the nations of mankind to refine and adapt the necessary laws that ensure both the discipline and the well being of the life of the citizenry, both the right promulgation and the diligent enforcement of the law protects the peace and the common good of the civil community where the citizenry live out their hopes. Any body of law as a whole can not be disengaged from justice because justice is the virtue that bind the will of heaven upon the earth; the order of heaven to the order of the earth.
And as all virtue serves the life of the people, any law by itself or as a codified body can not be rightfully considered to be either wise or just if it does not first abide by the first principles laid down by God not only in the hearts of all mankind but also in His actions throughout human history.
A penalty against justice is a penalty of virtue, a necessary debt of good will that must be satisfied in order to restore the original ideal.
Truth restores trust. Peace restores hope. Mercy restores life.
Death is warranted to preserve the peace and defend the common good in communities where mercy is found to either be lacking in the people who are rightfully offended by a transgression against the life and peace of their community. Death is common as capital punishment implemented by the community to those who are found to be guilty of malicious betrayal of either the life of the community as in treason or the malicious betrayal of the life of an individual as in murder.
This was a universal feature in the ways of those nations of old, in those primitive human societies from whom we owe our descent, in those times where much of the harshness of the inhabited earth yet ran wild across the lands and the refining nature of law and it's juridical systems and institutions was yet an absent thought among the abodes and the communities of men.
One who is a believer in justice knows that the measure of all virtue, especially social virtues as peace, valor and justice is summed up in lives lived to fruition.
Although suffering is a pain that is intrinsic to every mode of virtuous restoration as a means towards an end, the real object of the penalty of justice is not suffering, for the sword of the virtue justice is a sword against crime and a bane to all criminal action but her scales always tend towards life and therefore she includes in her judgments the rehabilitation of the life of criminals who despite their guilt and stigma irrevocably remain human beings and therefore, always possess in themselves the inalienable right to human dignity as human beings the same with all human beings that was, is and ever will walk this earth on God's own behest as the one common Creator of all common creation.
However, it must remain in the eyes of the courts of our nations that the life of the community holds an unmistakable precedence over the life of any single individual for as the eyes of justice is a respecter of no person, the purpose of justice serve the whole of the nation with the wisdom that combine the will of the nation-state against the evils that constantly assault the life of her peoples.
In this day and age, most especially in societies I would like to call Abrahamic, the prevalence of greater mores and nobler means to effect the restoration of the original ideal require the rethinking of the law in terms of the real deterrent value of capital punishment.
Corporal punishment is often times a more effective means to achieve the same end that the penalty of justice require. This should be reinstated in my own nation and the death penalty removed. Value reformation in terms that emphasize time served in community service coupled with civic education is also a valid means to an end.
All things considered, where any matter pertaining to human life is concerned, it is a basic rule in the Way of virtue to understand that there are only two instances where hope become absent in the life of men; in eternity where hope is realized in God, and in hell where hope is irrevocably denied by the souls of the damned in spite of God. In between heaven and hell, in the abode of our human family, hope is as perennial as the grass. The reprobate angels, envy our human hope and burn more intensely in their undying hatred of all human beings because of this fact, Satan himself utterly detests the validity of our claim to hope, never having any claim to it himself, and will do anything and everything to sever this connection we have with each other that raises our hearts in faith to God, a reality of life that transcends our differences. Hope is a requisite virtue that with faith opens into the love of God that animates and directs the actions of all the other virtues. Thus, my honorable companion, to judge without hope is contempt of life. And the measure by which we judge is the measure by which we shall likewise be judged by the Justice of God in eternity.
Military justice however, being of a different momentum than the civil justice of the civilian sphere, must retain the death penalty for treason with proven malice effected against the unit whole of the profession of arms. In the unenviable places where the noble military of our nations operate, the discipline and the morale of the elements of each unit that makes up the one cohesive military whole, takes precedence over the life and peace of individuals, it takes a will of sacrifice to honorably serve in the noble military and this every soldier knows, for the valor of each of their will of sacrifice, the nobility of their readiness to die, is the common currency of the universal respect that all fighting persons recognize in each other regardless of sides and despite the times and the places they are called by God to serve in defense of the peace of their particular nations and the lives and the hopes of family and friends and all that they all equally hold dear.
Any serious breach in military discipline that is not held to exact account by the justice of the advocate general risks not only the vital sharpness of the military whole but more importantly it risks the very reason that soldiers exist; the nation to whom he or she is commissioned to serve and defend.
The reach of justice both military as well as civil is a matter of the conductivity that affects the promulgation of the law and is therefore reliant on natural human reason present in the Eternal law written into every human heart, it is also a matter of the universal validity of the laws meant to serve the purpose of justice and is therefore a matter of first principles, lastly and most importantly, it is a matter of human accord, these are the resultant agreements dictated by mutual principles that are forged in the fires of adversity in the Name of Truth, signed between nations and bound by witness and sacred honor by the one family of the nations of mankind.
The justice that serves is the one that keeps safe, amidst the changing times, the ideal to which all mankind universally aspires for, life and the fruition of every life's honest pursuit. Even in death, man aspires to live, justice recognizes this and makes it her wisdom.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Capital Punishemnt,
Criminal Justice,
Death Penalty,
On One Love Alone
OUR LORD'S goodness is great and the only judgments that our LORD are judgments that create the unforeseeable paths that open the way for soul of humanity to advance in the knowledge of the one Divine reality and therefore, deepen their understanding of one another through, with and in Him for love of God and of each other by way of the same love.
There is can be no variance to love, there is but one love, because of this, man is made with but one heart. Therefore, we must reserve this love for God alone and God alone must we worship.
In the Gospels, the greatest commandment spoken by our Blessed Lord Himself to love God and secondly to love others are not separate loves distinct from each other for the second love proceeds from the first love without which there can be no substance in the second love, making it meaningless and unbinding, as fickle and ephemeral in the face of spiritual aridity and frustrations of sin and human weaknesses as the rest of the world gripped with so much unbelief in the unseen substance of spiritual realities that gives matter and meaningfulness to all things otherwise empty and without purpose.
One can not love God and reserve another love for man, another one for another man, one for angels and one for the living things of this world for even if we say that we reserve our highest form of love to God alone and love others with a love that is different from the love that is due to God, we only delude ourselves, it is like saying, "I love you LORD but what You infinitely love, my God - as the sacred life of Your creation, virtue, Your holy angels, saints, true self, our humanity and all good things, I will have to place my own personal conditions on them, my God, for these are not as important to me as my love for You": perhaps, indeed, you will agree with me, my honorable companion, that this is by far, one of the highest kind of hypocrisy which pretends to love God but in truth loves without substance all things, including God.
There is no value in split loyalties and in the military, this kind of treachery is punishable by death.
If one has no love for others, if one needs to choose between what love in God is good and what love in God is evil, one really has no claim at all to the love of God for all love proceeds from God Who loves all things, seen and unseen, in all of His creation observing all of it to be good and after the fall of our first parents bidding every generation of mankind to be good as He is good, true as He is true, holy as He is holy, loving and longing for Love as God is Love Itself, longing for us and giving each of us enough to sustain our faith, being Himself the pledge that give sense to the victory of human hope, that in spite of it all, we will prevail.
Everything and everyone that we have been given to love brings joy to our life according to how courageous we are in bringing each of those loves, whether family, friend, angel, saint or remembrances of noble men, closer and closer to God; nearer and nearer to the one Love that desire all love to return Home to Him into an intimate union of the one Love that shall perfect the light of the truths that we have been given to witness in faith so that we may one day possess the life that was promised to all of those who have believed with faith in the hope that was laid down since the foundation of the world, the hope of true and everlasting happiness.
Because mankind lives in the darkness and the emptiness of the air of this world that causes our souls to thirst for life and our hearts to pine for love, have caused so much of our numbers to fall away into many diverse paths that all lead to one lie that destroyed the promise of our faded Eden in an unholy exodus that causes many more souls to doubt their own faith in the one reality that we need as a whole not only to overcome the darkness but to prevail against the lie that gives birth to the sins that allow evil things to enter freely into our world, afflicting our humanity with suffering, our nations with war and our souls with the curse of an everlasting death, we are not accustomed to the Light.
For the Light refines as fire, penetrating the darkness with an exacting sharpness of truth. It is a Presence that at the outset our realization of It's immense reality is quite terrifying to those whom are drawn to the call of the one common covenant shared by God from eternity with all of mankind and this is the covenant of the human soul with it's own nature, the primordial covenant that from eternity bind us to one common beginning and to one last end in God.
Our souls being endowed with the image and likeness of God, without exception, respond to and are ultimately bound by the Eternal law of God written in our hearts, this is the foundation of both our reason and faith that prepare those of us who believe with faith to encounter our LORD in our lives and make covenant with the Giver and the Guarantee of all human hope.
Therefore, one is required to have courage and strength to be able to really love in truth and in Spirit with one love alone. But by the grace of our LORD and our hearts willing cooperation with God's presence in our lives, through commitment and the gradual acceptance of of the ways of our God, this Love, once blinding and terrifying to souls so used to the emptiness of the dark, shall become for us our sight; our faith, our strength; and our hope in our God and in each other in God.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
There is can be no variance to love, there is but one love, because of this, man is made with but one heart. Therefore, we must reserve this love for God alone and God alone must we worship.
In the Gospels, the greatest commandment spoken by our Blessed Lord Himself to love God and secondly to love others are not separate loves distinct from each other for the second love proceeds from the first love without which there can be no substance in the second love, making it meaningless and unbinding, as fickle and ephemeral in the face of spiritual aridity and frustrations of sin and human weaknesses as the rest of the world gripped with so much unbelief in the unseen substance of spiritual realities that gives matter and meaningfulness to all things otherwise empty and without purpose.
One can not love God and reserve another love for man, another one for another man, one for angels and one for the living things of this world for even if we say that we reserve our highest form of love to God alone and love others with a love that is different from the love that is due to God, we only delude ourselves, it is like saying, "I love you LORD but what You infinitely love, my God - as the sacred life of Your creation, virtue, Your holy angels, saints, true self, our humanity and all good things, I will have to place my own personal conditions on them, my God, for these are not as important to me as my love for You": perhaps, indeed, you will agree with me, my honorable companion, that this is by far, one of the highest kind of hypocrisy which pretends to love God but in truth loves without substance all things, including God.
There is no value in split loyalties and in the military, this kind of treachery is punishable by death.
If one has no love for others, if one needs to choose between what love in God is good and what love in God is evil, one really has no claim at all to the love of God for all love proceeds from God Who loves all things, seen and unseen, in all of His creation observing all of it to be good and after the fall of our first parents bidding every generation of mankind to be good as He is good, true as He is true, holy as He is holy, loving and longing for Love as God is Love Itself, longing for us and giving each of us enough to sustain our faith, being Himself the pledge that give sense to the victory of human hope, that in spite of it all, we will prevail.
Everything and everyone that we have been given to love brings joy to our life according to how courageous we are in bringing each of those loves, whether family, friend, angel, saint or remembrances of noble men, closer and closer to God; nearer and nearer to the one Love that desire all love to return Home to Him into an intimate union of the one Love that shall perfect the light of the truths that we have been given to witness in faith so that we may one day possess the life that was promised to all of those who have believed with faith in the hope that was laid down since the foundation of the world, the hope of true and everlasting happiness.
Because mankind lives in the darkness and the emptiness of the air of this world that causes our souls to thirst for life and our hearts to pine for love, have caused so much of our numbers to fall away into many diverse paths that all lead to one lie that destroyed the promise of our faded Eden in an unholy exodus that causes many more souls to doubt their own faith in the one reality that we need as a whole not only to overcome the darkness but to prevail against the lie that gives birth to the sins that allow evil things to enter freely into our world, afflicting our humanity with suffering, our nations with war and our souls with the curse of an everlasting death, we are not accustomed to the Light.
For the Light refines as fire, penetrating the darkness with an exacting sharpness of truth. It is a Presence that at the outset our realization of It's immense reality is quite terrifying to those whom are drawn to the call of the one common covenant shared by God from eternity with all of mankind and this is the covenant of the human soul with it's own nature, the primordial covenant that from eternity bind us to one common beginning and to one last end in God.
Our souls being endowed with the image and likeness of God, without exception, respond to and are ultimately bound by the Eternal law of God written in our hearts, this is the foundation of both our reason and faith that prepare those of us who believe with faith to encounter our LORD in our lives and make covenant with the Giver and the Guarantee of all human hope.
Therefore, one is required to have courage and strength to be able to really love in truth and in Spirit with one love alone. But by the grace of our LORD and our hearts willing cooperation with God's presence in our lives, through commitment and the gradual acceptance of of the ways of our God, this Love, once blinding and terrifying to souls so used to the emptiness of the dark, shall become for us our sight; our faith, our strength; and our hope in our God and in each other in God.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
On the One Family of the Nations of Mankind
WAR was thrown upon the earth along with the Dragon and all his fallen angels the precise moment that Satan entered into the heart of Cain and possessed his soul so that he may kill his own brother, Abel.
But Cain expressed fear more than regret and was marked by God. God gave to Cain a sanctuary in the land of Nod to calm his pleading and did to his soul a mark manifest in those whose guilt makes them into fugitives to their own heart, restless in their desire for mercy but knowing not where to find it, helpless and trapped in their own desolation.
The mark implores other men who are faithful to the one LORD to show Cain mercy so that he may know that mercy is from God and not from men. It is not a mark of temporal difference as the color of one's skin, the sound of one's language, the lineage of one's descent, nor any kind of peculiar distinction that is inescapably derived from either birth or ignorance.
After Abel and to justify the blood of his faithful innocents who have since Abel called out to God from the soil of the earth, murder became a seminal point in the Decalogue that was given by God to the patriarch Moses, this Law is a refinement propounded from the Eternal law for the sake of the faith of the Jewish people.
It is the ten points of the Decalogue that have in time codified the universal morality of common humanity.
The learned elders of the one nation of ancient Israel derive also from the Decalogue through their common experiences as one people the Mosaic Law which constitutes the body of their wisdom tradition from which all expressions Jewish wisdom is an extension.
From Abel down to Israel, it is observed that God had intended all law to serve life and it is this for this reason and this reason alone that all juridical systems exist for and on behalf of, it is this reason that make laws instinctively right among the people and thus, just and conductive in it's necessary promulgation, it is also this reason that connects all bodies of laws together into the seminal points from which they are all derived; the defense of sacred life and the preservation of the peace of the nations of sacred life.
Without this one reason at the source of any body of law, law becomes meaningless and all meaningless laws may only be enforced through violent means for they are not laws made for the liberation of the social life of the national communities of our humanity but the arbitrary dictates of one whose disregard for life tramples our nations under feet, a tyrant and a servant of the beast of war.
It was from eternity and for our salvation that God had conceived of the order of the nations of mankind which in time, shortly before the closing of the doors of heaven and the native skies of our inhabited earth fell unconscious, our God established upon our world through the Noahic covenant that our LORD made with the patriarch Noah and his family after the great flood that destroyed the great and lawless iniquity that threatened the generations of life that was to come.
It is the Noahic covenant that binds the nations of the inhabited earth as the one family of the nations of mankind.
From the patriarch Noah, time proceeded and at Babel, where our humanity was dispersed to preserve the truth of greater things, the beginnings of the lineages of the communities whose birth gave direct descent in time to the order of the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
In time, our LORD established with our Father Abraham the covenant of the peace of the nations and the one Abrahamic promise of the great nation, numberless as the stars, descended from the kindred faith of our Father Abraham that safeguards this hope of old.
This is the Abrahamic promise that binds together all who are children of our Father Abraham, a promise to bless all the communities of the earth and sanctify the hope of peace in our times and in our lands over run by war and war's ambition; a promise of hope that allow God the space to act with His mercy on our behalf and through our own willing and faithful instrumentality for the sake of the generations of life that is to come; a promise made to the numberless stars that in these dark times must arise to be present for the peace that many may see the dawn of the new.
Of the one family of our nations that proceeded from Babel and the vital leadership entrusted from eternity by our one sovereign LORD with the divine authority to govern their peers and direct the executive will of the nations of mankind, some have endured and some have succumbed to the terrible sieges of war and the relentless assaults of sin on both the soul of individuals as well as the souls of individual nations, and we are come to this generation and the evil of these days that is this generations burden of hope.
For every generation has it's share of the afflictions that either refine or refuse the true nature of the realities that all human beings, without exception, must eventually face and the evil of these days is apparent to those who trust not in lies, believing not in sin in spite of all things, and hoping for all things cling to the LORD Who reveals to them the truth that illuminates the souls of those who seek Him in darkness and reveals the sins of those who turn away from the light.
In this midnight world threatened by so much war, peace is the salvation of the times, this is the longest night of our poor world and the burden of this generation, the elder generations gifted to us by God who are yet with us here and now and the generation that is to come after us.
In this war, we must turn away, in this darkness we must establish the Abrahamic peace and begin to build institutions of sacred life and the one indivisible peace that shall shelter the life of the unsung songs of each our nations within the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
For the intrinsic challenges, scientific, sociological and juridical, of international, regional or national scope that are inherent in this new millennium require us to speak as one heart in the universal language of moral truths, the tongue of our common creation, and lay the systems derived from the combined wisdom traditions of all honorable religion that shall safeguard for the humanity of the next generations, a place that still recognizes and understands the nature of our shared humanity with it's common lack, weaknesses and derivative hopes in God and each other; a place in time where life is held to be sacred and inviolable because of itself and not in spite of itself amidst the growing utilitarian culture of secular technologies and it's elitist perfectionism so incompatible with all the teachings of all honorable religion that shall inevitably arise from this present time.
This ideology, an ideology of perfectionism, combined with the historic human zeal for war and the great allure of war's ambition shall afflict our common humanity to no end with much abominations we can not even begin to conceive in our time for those images are the images of hell.
We can not even begin to aspire to this task without first establishing peace within ourselves in and with God by an absolute and irrevocable choice to serve the life of creation - in spite of ourselves - that make peace meaningful and therefore, comprehensible to our souls; worth the price of our vigilance and the sacrifice of it's defense; a peace that command the loyalty of both our love as well as our lives, a peace fit for our nations of the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
From our peace within proceeds peace between others from without and from this peace with each another in time is established the good will that is necessary between our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind to prevail in their original purpose as vessels of life, altars dedicated to the LORD of all life and not as instruments of death, an abomination in the sight of God, the angels of our LORD, the souls of all the just and the just who in every generation, walks this world with us.
Today, we - including myself - have a choice so that tomorrow may also exercise theirs. What we do today matters for it is in the nature of the light to shine in the darkness so that even the smallest light in the darkness is not overcome but forever holds a place in the firmament with all other hearts called forth to shine in kindred grace; the numberless stars of Abrahamic promise who like the stars of the visible universe, from least to greatest, illumine with one accord in the darkness of this midnight world to guard common humanity against the despair of war and guide the way of our nations into the waning of the darkness so that night shall soon turn to day that life may be spared much evil and the hope of our humanity prevail in it's unbroken lineage in God and with each other.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
But Cain expressed fear more than regret and was marked by God. God gave to Cain a sanctuary in the land of Nod to calm his pleading and did to his soul a mark manifest in those whose guilt makes them into fugitives to their own heart, restless in their desire for mercy but knowing not where to find it, helpless and trapped in their own desolation.
The mark implores other men who are faithful to the one LORD to show Cain mercy so that he may know that mercy is from God and not from men. It is not a mark of temporal difference as the color of one's skin, the sound of one's language, the lineage of one's descent, nor any kind of peculiar distinction that is inescapably derived from either birth or ignorance.
After Abel and to justify the blood of his faithful innocents who have since Abel called out to God from the soil of the earth, murder became a seminal point in the Decalogue that was given by God to the patriarch Moses, this Law is a refinement propounded from the Eternal law for the sake of the faith of the Jewish people.
It is the ten points of the Decalogue that have in time codified the universal morality of common humanity.
The learned elders of the one nation of ancient Israel derive also from the Decalogue through their common experiences as one people the Mosaic Law which constitutes the body of their wisdom tradition from which all expressions Jewish wisdom is an extension.
From Abel down to Israel, it is observed that God had intended all law to serve life and it is this for this reason and this reason alone that all juridical systems exist for and on behalf of, it is this reason that make laws instinctively right among the people and thus, just and conductive in it's necessary promulgation, it is also this reason that connects all bodies of laws together into the seminal points from which they are all derived; the defense of sacred life and the preservation of the peace of the nations of sacred life.
Without this one reason at the source of any body of law, law becomes meaningless and all meaningless laws may only be enforced through violent means for they are not laws made for the liberation of the social life of the national communities of our humanity but the arbitrary dictates of one whose disregard for life tramples our nations under feet, a tyrant and a servant of the beast of war.
It was from eternity and for our salvation that God had conceived of the order of the nations of mankind which in time, shortly before the closing of the doors of heaven and the native skies of our inhabited earth fell unconscious, our God established upon our world through the Noahic covenant that our LORD made with the patriarch Noah and his family after the great flood that destroyed the great and lawless iniquity that threatened the generations of life that was to come.
It is the Noahic covenant that binds the nations of the inhabited earth as the one family of the nations of mankind.
From the patriarch Noah, time proceeded and at Babel, where our humanity was dispersed to preserve the truth of greater things, the beginnings of the lineages of the communities whose birth gave direct descent in time to the order of the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
In time, our LORD established with our Father Abraham the covenant of the peace of the nations and the one Abrahamic promise of the great nation, numberless as the stars, descended from the kindred faith of our Father Abraham that safeguards this hope of old.
This is the Abrahamic promise that binds together all who are children of our Father Abraham, a promise to bless all the communities of the earth and sanctify the hope of peace in our times and in our lands over run by war and war's ambition; a promise of hope that allow God the space to act with His mercy on our behalf and through our own willing and faithful instrumentality for the sake of the generations of life that is to come; a promise made to the numberless stars that in these dark times must arise to be present for the peace that many may see the dawn of the new.
Of the one family of our nations that proceeded from Babel and the vital leadership entrusted from eternity by our one sovereign LORD with the divine authority to govern their peers and direct the executive will of the nations of mankind, some have endured and some have succumbed to the terrible sieges of war and the relentless assaults of sin on both the soul of individuals as well as the souls of individual nations, and we are come to this generation and the evil of these days that is this generations burden of hope.
For every generation has it's share of the afflictions that either refine or refuse the true nature of the realities that all human beings, without exception, must eventually face and the evil of these days is apparent to those who trust not in lies, believing not in sin in spite of all things, and hoping for all things cling to the LORD Who reveals to them the truth that illuminates the souls of those who seek Him in darkness and reveals the sins of those who turn away from the light.
In this midnight world threatened by so much war, peace is the salvation of the times, this is the longest night of our poor world and the burden of this generation, the elder generations gifted to us by God who are yet with us here and now and the generation that is to come after us.
In this war, we must turn away, in this darkness we must establish the Abrahamic peace and begin to build institutions of sacred life and the one indivisible peace that shall shelter the life of the unsung songs of each our nations within the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
For the intrinsic challenges, scientific, sociological and juridical, of international, regional or national scope that are inherent in this new millennium require us to speak as one heart in the universal language of moral truths, the tongue of our common creation, and lay the systems derived from the combined wisdom traditions of all honorable religion that shall safeguard for the humanity of the next generations, a place that still recognizes and understands the nature of our shared humanity with it's common lack, weaknesses and derivative hopes in God and each other; a place in time where life is held to be sacred and inviolable because of itself and not in spite of itself amidst the growing utilitarian culture of secular technologies and it's elitist perfectionism so incompatible with all the teachings of all honorable religion that shall inevitably arise from this present time.
This ideology, an ideology of perfectionism, combined with the historic human zeal for war and the great allure of war's ambition shall afflict our common humanity to no end with much abominations we can not even begin to conceive in our time for those images are the images of hell.
We can not even begin to aspire to this task without first establishing peace within ourselves in and with God by an absolute and irrevocable choice to serve the life of creation - in spite of ourselves - that make peace meaningful and therefore, comprehensible to our souls; worth the price of our vigilance and the sacrifice of it's defense; a peace that command the loyalty of both our love as well as our lives, a peace fit for our nations of the one covenant family of the nations of mankind.
From our peace within proceeds peace between others from without and from this peace with each another in time is established the good will that is necessary between our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind to prevail in their original purpose as vessels of life, altars dedicated to the LORD of all life and not as instruments of death, an abomination in the sight of God, the angels of our LORD, the souls of all the just and the just who in every generation, walks this world with us.
Today, we - including myself - have a choice so that tomorrow may also exercise theirs. What we do today matters for it is in the nature of the light to shine in the darkness so that even the smallest light in the darkness is not overcome but forever holds a place in the firmament with all other hearts called forth to shine in kindred grace; the numberless stars of Abrahamic promise who like the stars of the visible universe, from least to greatest, illumine with one accord in the darkness of this midnight world to guard common humanity against the despair of war and guide the way of our nations into the waning of the darkness so that night shall soon turn to day that life may be spared much evil and the hope of our humanity prevail in it's unbroken lineage in God and with each other.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
On Babel and Human Accord
LIGHT being the language of wisdom is the common currency that bind together the economy of unity within the many Abrahamic nations whose commitment to God's peace must transcend their differences in sacred revelation, doctrine and tradition and though many become one; the one great nation born of a promised hope of old; to be one as God is one.
Babel speaks to us of human accord for the dispersion of humanity at Babel is a divide of temporal languages and not the Truth Itself. Truth being the language of eternity is the language not only of the human soul but also of God Himself and all of our LORD's holy hosts. This truth is the common tongue of our Abrahamic accord, one with another, that meaningfully speak to the world of the unity of God's peace; of the oneness of our God Himself.
Every free action in all of God's creation are like ripples upon the calm of the living waters, discordant actions produce ever increasing degrees of turbulence detrimental to the calm of the peace while concordant actions produce harmonious tendencies that safeguard the calm, adding to the tranquility of the peace.
This calmness, present in the original order that was faded Eden, is a clearness that allow the living waters the consistency of the truth of the creative ideal that all things in the universe are interconnected and that there is nothing in the realms of God's creation, both seen and unseen, even God Himself not as Himself Alone but in His relation to lesser truths, that is capable of being truly independent in terms of being able to act freely and without consequence, whether good or ill, to the person whose free will effected the act and to other existent things whether gifted with life, angel or man, or gifted for life, animal, plant or mineral, that are affected by it, directly or indirectly, in time and in eternity.
This interconnected nature of all things in the seen and unseen realms is a reality that indicate the presence of a continuity that underlies all existent things and this continuity is the primary reason why all things as a whole share an inescapable interdependence, one with another, one common destiny, if you like, that is greater than all the differences wrought by God for man's own sake during the dispersion of the nations of mankind at Babel.
For the Biblical account of Babel is not a record of our differences but a foundation for our accords.
It is an account not about punishment but about the nature of God's actions in history that when taken together reveal to every generation of mankind that divine actions are always actions of salvation and that these actions although sometimes seemingly incomprehensible to the soul of our LORD's creatures can and will safeguard the liberation of those who are willing to trust in them and believe in faith in the constant presence of Almighty God throughout human history as a calmness that connect human hopes together; a presence that is peace amidst the sins that constantly threaten the destiny of our souls and the wars that have devastated so much of our nations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Babel speaks to us of human accord for the dispersion of humanity at Babel is a divide of temporal languages and not the Truth Itself. Truth being the language of eternity is the language not only of the human soul but also of God Himself and all of our LORD's holy hosts. This truth is the common tongue of our Abrahamic accord, one with another, that meaningfully speak to the world of the unity of God's peace; of the oneness of our God Himself.
Every free action in all of God's creation are like ripples upon the calm of the living waters, discordant actions produce ever increasing degrees of turbulence detrimental to the calm of the peace while concordant actions produce harmonious tendencies that safeguard the calm, adding to the tranquility of the peace.
This calmness, present in the original order that was faded Eden, is a clearness that allow the living waters the consistency of the truth of the creative ideal that all things in the universe are interconnected and that there is nothing in the realms of God's creation, both seen and unseen, even God Himself not as Himself Alone but in His relation to lesser truths, that is capable of being truly independent in terms of being able to act freely and without consequence, whether good or ill, to the person whose free will effected the act and to other existent things whether gifted with life, angel or man, or gifted for life, animal, plant or mineral, that are affected by it, directly or indirectly, in time and in eternity.
This interconnected nature of all things in the seen and unseen realms is a reality that indicate the presence of a continuity that underlies all existent things and this continuity is the primary reason why all things as a whole share an inescapable interdependence, one with another, one common destiny, if you like, that is greater than all the differences wrought by God for man's own sake during the dispersion of the nations of mankind at Babel.
For the Biblical account of Babel is not a record of our differences but a foundation for our accords.
It is an account not about punishment but about the nature of God's actions in history that when taken together reveal to every generation of mankind that divine actions are always actions of salvation and that these actions although sometimes seemingly incomprehensible to the soul of our LORD's creatures can and will safeguard the liberation of those who are willing to trust in them and believe in faith in the constant presence of Almighty God throughout human history as a calmness that connect human hopes together; a presence that is peace amidst the sins that constantly threaten the destiny of our souls and the wars that have devastated so much of our nations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Friday, September 26, 2008
On the Culture of Death
EVIL is absolutely particular, good is absolutely absolute.
Therefore, let us think also in this way - a terrorist is an individual person not a people just as much as criminal acts are recognized by justice as individual acts and are not national in their scope.
And in this way banish this day, in this generation, some of the things that might forever haunt us in the history of our children and their better tomorrows.
Justice may be portrayed as blind but it is not mindless nor does it ever relax it's strict vigilance over the civil peace of the people; it is the marrow that gives strength to the very bones of the state.
A culture of death is a culture of contempt for life. It is a culture that breeds the darkness that sustains the beast of war.
It harbors a great disregard and common disrespect for the universal spirit of all the heroes of life as all our patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, queens, apostles, bishops, martyrs, virgins, doctors, saints, holy personages and even the common peoples of mankind, known and known to God alone: All who are particularly beloved of every honorable religion, and the one Icon of life, the one true Divinity, the one Creator of all sacred life in all It's revealed mystery.
In my own humble observation, after much thought and prayers about the matter, I have come to believe that the roots of this culture of death are:
1. Heretical Materialism - the social doctrine that both the goal and the substance of life is purely material because the physical universe is all there is.
2. Atheistic Secularism - the religion that believes there is no God because man is independent and self-sufficient by himself alone.
3. Moral Relativism - the lie that believes that justice is arbitrary because there are no moral absolutes as both good and evil come in convenient shades of gray.
4. Social Darwinism - the lie that believes that brute force is the singular social requirement, in the absence of virtue and truth, that measure the excellence of nations or individuals.
LET US REMEMBER that these evils are to our nations like the plague and it affects the atmosphere that the universal spirit of all mankind needs to be able to breathe properly and therefore directly affect the health of the life of our one family of nations.
Let none of us believe that any of us is exempt from these evils, lest our mindfulness in prayer and vigilance of heart be as fickle and vain as the external world. They bring war into the hearts of our nations and slaughter into the souls of our peoples.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Santis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
THE ANGER of men does not serve the righteousness of God.
Make your peace with each other before the setting of the sun, thus do you recognize and uphold your human dignity and sacred honor, one with another, as common peers in common creation.
Prove unto your own selves that divine justice does not divide our troubled hearts like the darkness of war but restore our troubled hearts to our one common belongings in the outstretched arms of God's peace.
It takes courage to accept our common humanity.
Therefore, let us think also in this way - a terrorist is an individual person not a people just as much as criminal acts are recognized by justice as individual acts and are not national in their scope.
And in this way banish this day, in this generation, some of the things that might forever haunt us in the history of our children and their better tomorrows.
Justice may be portrayed as blind but it is not mindless nor does it ever relax it's strict vigilance over the civil peace of the people; it is the marrow that gives strength to the very bones of the state.
A culture of death is a culture of contempt for life. It is a culture that breeds the darkness that sustains the beast of war.
It harbors a great disregard and common disrespect for the universal spirit of all the heroes of life as all our patriarchs, prophets, judges, kings, queens, apostles, bishops, martyrs, virgins, doctors, saints, holy personages and even the common peoples of mankind, known and known to God alone: All who are particularly beloved of every honorable religion, and the one Icon of life, the one true Divinity, the one Creator of all sacred life in all It's revealed mystery.
In my own humble observation, after much thought and prayers about the matter, I have come to believe that the roots of this culture of death are:
1. Heretical Materialism - the social doctrine that both the goal and the substance of life is purely material because the physical universe is all there is.
2. Atheistic Secularism - the religion that believes there is no God because man is independent and self-sufficient by himself alone.
3. Moral Relativism - the lie that believes that justice is arbitrary because there are no moral absolutes as both good and evil come in convenient shades of gray.
4. Social Darwinism - the lie that believes that brute force is the singular social requirement, in the absence of virtue and truth, that measure the excellence of nations or individuals.
LET US REMEMBER that these evils are to our nations like the plague and it affects the atmosphere that the universal spirit of all mankind needs to be able to breathe properly and therefore directly affect the health of the life of our one family of nations.
Let none of us believe that any of us is exempt from these evils, lest our mindfulness in prayer and vigilance of heart be as fickle and vain as the external world. They bring war into the hearts of our nations and slaughter into the souls of our peoples.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Santis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
THE ANGER of men does not serve the righteousness of God.
Make your peace with each other before the setting of the sun, thus do you recognize and uphold your human dignity and sacred honor, one with another, as common peers in common creation.
Prove unto your own selves that divine justice does not divide our troubled hearts like the darkness of war but restore our troubled hearts to our one common belongings in the outstretched arms of God's peace.
It takes courage to accept our common humanity.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I Love You, My Nation
O MOST PATIENT FILIPINO PEOPLE, our call to citizenship is not a matter of ink and paper, it is a matter of fire and blood. The soul of our nation is not satisfied with vain and empty words as our substance comes from our very hearts.
We must not speak in lies and circles for we are not a people of the darkness but a portion of the one Light, and therefore speak of the peace and stand for the truth, in kindred good will among ourselves and among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Let us be cautious about what we love and be eternally thankful to Almighty God for the gift of each other.
I LOVE YOU, my nation.
I love to observe you, my people:
Our hustle and bustle life,
our noisy, chaotic streets
full of pedestrian colors
and the sweetness of
our nameless, honest labors.
O my Philippines, advance!
Into brighter, better days
where I know
our hearts belong.
O my Filipino compatriots,
companions of national destiny:
We are not a bad people
these are just bad times,
but let us fear not
for I have seen our hearts
and I know we have it in ourselves
to make it all right.
We are a people of the peace,
stalwart defenders of life -
and worthy of each others sacred trust.
Let us remain who we are
to become our better selves:
One nation, strong for being faithful
with one, indivisible peace
under the eternal vigilance
of our one Almighty God
and valiant keepers
of each other's
human hope and good will.
These evils times will pass
and all will be well, my nation,
we shall outlast these evil days.
All will be well, peace -
my one people.
I love you,
We love you -
O eternal Philippines -
from always to always.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
IT IS IN GIVING that we shall become free and a giver must always have something to give: a smile, a shoulder, an ear, a kind word, a peso, a prayer, a good will thought...but a true giver always has something to give because what he or she gives is love which like the loaves and fishes of our good Lord, never runs out in time and in eternity.
We must not speak in lies and circles for we are not a people of the darkness but a portion of the one Light, and therefore speak of the peace and stand for the truth, in kindred good will among ourselves and among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Let us be cautious about what we love and be eternally thankful to Almighty God for the gift of each other.
I LOVE YOU, my nation.
I love to observe you, my people:
Our hustle and bustle life,
our noisy, chaotic streets
full of pedestrian colors
and the sweetness of
our nameless, honest labors.
O my Philippines, advance!
Into brighter, better days
where I know
our hearts belong.
O my Filipino compatriots,
companions of national destiny:
We are not a bad people
these are just bad times,
but let us fear not
for I have seen our hearts
and I know we have it in ourselves
to make it all right.
We are a people of the peace,
stalwart defenders of life -
and worthy of each others sacred trust.
Let us remain who we are
to become our better selves:
One nation, strong for being faithful
with one, indivisible peace
under the eternal vigilance
of our one Almighty God
and valiant keepers
of each other's
human hope and good will.
These evils times will pass
and all will be well, my nation,
we shall outlast these evil days.
All will be well, peace -
my one people.
I love you,
We love you -
O eternal Philippines -
from always to always.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
IT IS IN GIVING that we shall become free and a giver must always have something to give: a smile, a shoulder, an ear, a kind word, a peso, a prayer, a good will thought...but a true giver always has something to give because what he or she gives is love which like the loaves and fishes of our good Lord, never runs out in time and in eternity.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Haiku #18: Faith x
Knowledge of the Son
and the Father who sent Him,
how is this our faith?
Faith distills like dew
the truths of our Christian faith
upon hearts made free.
Truth is Christ,
Spirit life!
Knowledge of the Son
and the Father who sent Him,
how is this our faith?
Faith distills like dew
the truths of our Christian faith
upon hearts made free.
Truth is Christ,
Spirit life!
Haiku #17: Night x
Men loathe the darkness
their hearts gripped by night time fears:
O LORD, what is night?
Night time is stillness.
Nature's own act of prayer;
preludes to the dawn.
Black of hope,
Men loathe the darkness
their hearts gripped by night time fears:
O LORD, what is night?
Night time is stillness.
Nature's own act of prayer;
preludes to the dawn.
Black of hope,
Haiku #16: Time x
Is time a tyrant;
a constant bleeding away
till all life is spent?
Time is about choice.
An act of giving away
till our Love is lived.
Life is choices.
Time serves life.
Is time a tyrant;
a constant bleeding away
till all life is spent?
Time is about choice.
An act of giving away
till our Love is lived.
Life is choices.
Time serves life.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Haiku #16: Name x
"Bah! What's in a name?"
Spake the Devil to our LORD,
"they all look the same!"
"My Name is that name
I in them and them in Me,
Each is my portion."
I know them.
They know Me.
"Bah! What's in a name?"
Spake the Devil to our LORD,
"they all look the same!"
"My Name is that name
I in them and them in Me,
Each is my portion."
I know them.
They know Me.
Haiku #15: Death x
Death is mystery
a veil of shadow and tears
and feared by many...
Yet death is a help
that life may be lived with love:
The sum of our faith.
To lose Love
is to die.
Death is mystery
a veil of shadow and tears
and feared by many...
Yet death is a help
that life may be lived with love:
The sum of our faith.
To lose Love
is to die.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Salutation #02
Look at our time today
and the world we move in
everything about it
is born of the will of war.
There is much despair
there is much suffering
as all our kindred peoples
labor through oceans of tears
our common hopes forsaken
in the darkness of our time.
Let us then take ownership
of the status quo
and instead of feeding
into war's evil ambition
the near limitless
potential of our own souls
let us apply ourselves
under the eternal vigilance
of our one Almighty God
to the labor of each our Country
by our absolute turning away
from the descendant gravity
of war's evil ambition
into the ascendant direction
of the one whole peace
and build upon our civilization
the sheltering wings of God's peace
to serve and defend
the life of our humanity
wheeling as numberless as the stars
shining across the midnight emptiness
of the season of the sky
toward the twilight breaking
of the new millennial age
and a better, kinder, safer world
for all men, women and children
of every nation
of the one covenant family
of the nations of mankind.
When we observe the Sabbath, in the day of our public worship, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
Life belongs to God, time belongs to man. Life is sacred. Time serves life.
When our nations are afflicted by wars' evil ambition, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
Peace is the common struggle of all the generations of life. War is but a complete surrender to death. Like the Daystar sun that rises to outlast the midnight darkness of this longest night, our peace is ascendant over war's descendant gravity.
When our souls mourn, with tears that keep us salty, for those who were abruptly taken away from our midst by acts of blind hatred and mindless violence, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
Life can not be inimical to life. Life is life and life begets life and because life itself is one whole indivisible truth, death become for us another encounter with Life itself.
Let us never be divided by wars' evil ambition nor be diluted with hatred's grand delusion and believe absolutely with one heart in the absoluteness of life, for death is death and death begets death because death itself is an everlasting regret that we have failed to honor the one everliving God of all everliving life and serve the sacred life of His glorious creation.
When we shall rally to the great cause of our hope, when we shall answer the righteous call to our nation's defense, when we shall march to serve each other with our lives' width and breadth on behalf of civil peace and common humanity, for the sake of laws that make men just and good will democracy that make men free, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
To place our trust, above all else, in the beneficent Providence of God Almighty and to rest in each other's sufficiency. Thus do we ensure that we shall forever march with our LORD's all-victorious Eternal Army.
Let us each understand that war can not be opposed, it is a path that can only be forsaken. One can strenuously resist all that is war and still move in the way of war, trudging with heavy steps downward into the same complete annihilation which is wars' end. There is no such thing as anti-war for all that war touches, it divides and all that it divides death conquers. And despair follows suit, a darkness that eclipses all hope.
One can not long oppose war without sin. For opposition itself is the fundamental spirit of conflict. Violence feeds upon violence, hatred welcomes more hatred and these cycles of endless battle like an overwhelming crescendo continue by increasing degrees until all our humanity is overcome, our nations defeated, our lives spent and our times over run by war's evil ambition.
Therefore, let us turn away from war and build upon the peace of Country, lets us be keepers, one to another and ascend with our hopes together and like human sails, advance the cause of civil peace and common humanity as the one covenant family of the nations of mankind unto the new dawn of the new millennial age.
Should war oppose any of us, let us defend this peace together, never again to lose sight of what we love and fall short of why we fight nor become blinded by the rage of the evil that we hate and exceed the sight that causes us to see that we ourselves have completely become the enemy we claim to fight.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Look at our time today
and the world we move in
everything about it
is born of the will of war.
There is much despair
there is much suffering
as all our kindred peoples
labor through oceans of tears
our common hopes forsaken
in the darkness of our time.
Let us then take ownership
of the status quo
and instead of feeding
into war's evil ambition
the near limitless
potential of our own souls
let us apply ourselves
under the eternal vigilance
of our one Almighty God
to the labor of each our Country
by our absolute turning away
from the descendant gravity
of war's evil ambition
into the ascendant direction
of the one whole peace
and build upon our civilization
the sheltering wings of God's peace
to serve and defend
the life of our humanity
wheeling as numberless as the stars
shining across the midnight emptiness
of the season of the sky
toward the twilight breaking
of the new millennial age
and a better, kinder, safer world
for all men, women and children
of every nation
of the one covenant family
of the nations of mankind.
When we observe the Sabbath, in the day of our public worship, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
Life belongs to God, time belongs to man. Life is sacred. Time serves life.
When our nations are afflicted by wars' evil ambition, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
Peace is the common struggle of all the generations of life. War is but a complete surrender to death. Like the Daystar sun that rises to outlast the midnight darkness of this longest night, our peace is ascendant over war's descendant gravity.
When our souls mourn, with tears that keep us salty, for those who were abruptly taken away from our midst by acts of blind hatred and mindless violence, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
Life can not be inimical to life. Life is life and life begets life and because life itself is one whole indivisible truth, death become for us another encounter with Life itself.
Let us never be divided by wars' evil ambition nor be diluted with hatred's grand delusion and believe absolutely with one heart in the absoluteness of life, for death is death and death begets death because death itself is an everlasting regret that we have failed to honor the one everliving God of all everliving life and serve the sacred life of His glorious creation.
When we shall rally to the great cause of our hope, when we shall answer the righteous call to our nation's defense, when we shall march to serve each other with our lives' width and breadth on behalf of civil peace and common humanity, for the sake of laws that make men just and good will democracy that make men free, let our hearts be constantly mindful:
To place our trust, above all else, in the beneficent Providence of God Almighty and to rest in each other's sufficiency. Thus do we ensure that we shall forever march with our LORD's all-victorious Eternal Army.
Let us each understand that war can not be opposed, it is a path that can only be forsaken. One can strenuously resist all that is war and still move in the way of war, trudging with heavy steps downward into the same complete annihilation which is wars' end. There is no such thing as anti-war for all that war touches, it divides and all that it divides death conquers. And despair follows suit, a darkness that eclipses all hope.
One can not long oppose war without sin. For opposition itself is the fundamental spirit of conflict. Violence feeds upon violence, hatred welcomes more hatred and these cycles of endless battle like an overwhelming crescendo continue by increasing degrees until all our humanity is overcome, our nations defeated, our lives spent and our times over run by war's evil ambition.
Therefore, let us turn away from war and build upon the peace of Country, lets us be keepers, one to another and ascend with our hopes together and like human sails, advance the cause of civil peace and common humanity as the one covenant family of the nations of mankind unto the new dawn of the new millennial age.
Should war oppose any of us, let us defend this peace together, never again to lose sight of what we love and fall short of why we fight nor become blinded by the rage of the evil that we hate and exceed the sight that causes us to see that we ourselves have completely become the enemy we claim to fight.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The Original Ideal
IN THE ETERNAL SENSE, where we able to remove the element of time that imparts consequent motion to the continuum of lesser things, created seen and unseen, all that exists exist purely because they are good.
This is the original ideal.
And all virtuous acts of justice is a motion towards restoration of this original ideal.
Every crime constitutes an attack on a specific pre-existent good.
All criminal activity transgress the eternal law of God because these acts contravene the truth, the truth being all things real, all things real being all things good and all things good being the creative ideal that represent the original order of divine creation.
Any deviation of the heart of man from this original order is sinful as the law of God makes all mankind responsible for the common good of all living things and all sinful acts that issue from a deviant heart are criminal acts as the responsible laws of the nations of mankind derived from the law of God makes every individual accountable for the good of another and therefore, made directly accountable to the justice of both heaven and earth.
Where sins are being committed, crimes are being conceived and where sins are allowed to tarry, criminal activity become rife.
Sin is a matter addressed by religious authorities. Crime, on the other hand, is a matter addressed by secular authorities of every nation of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Please refer to entry: On the Death Penalty
This is the original ideal.
And all virtuous acts of justice is a motion towards restoration of this original ideal.
Every crime constitutes an attack on a specific pre-existent good.
All criminal activity transgress the eternal law of God because these acts contravene the truth, the truth being all things real, all things real being all things good and all things good being the creative ideal that represent the original order of divine creation.
Any deviation of the heart of man from this original order is sinful as the law of God makes all mankind responsible for the common good of all living things and all sinful acts that issue from a deviant heart are criminal acts as the responsible laws of the nations of mankind derived from the law of God makes every individual accountable for the good of another and therefore, made directly accountable to the justice of both heaven and earth.
Where sins are being committed, crimes are being conceived and where sins are allowed to tarry, criminal activity become rife.
Sin is a matter addressed by religious authorities. Crime, on the other hand, is a matter addressed by secular authorities of every nation of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Please refer to entry: On the Death Penalty
To the European Community
IF FAITH is what separates our reality from the one Divine reality, hope is what separates our reality from other human realities. And love is what connects all these realities together.
Observe, my dear Christian, our Blessed Lord Crucified for our sakes'; the vertical beam of His Holy Cross, our happy faith, the horizontal beam of His Holy Cross, our holy hope and the Corpus of our Savior Himself being the infinite Love, broken for suffering humanity, bringing us all together in the unity of the Holy Spirit as the one great Covenant family of God, our Heavenly Father.
FORGET NOT the cradle that gave rise to your present hope of civilization.
For hope is a lineage, it's strength lies in the anchor of it's promise and a promise never made by human hearts. And thy anchor, dear Europe is Christianity.
To forget this lineage is to become mired in a seasonless existence, one that is completely detached to the sage counsels of the past and utterly oblivious to the near infinite promise that the momentum of the present is able to unleash at the approach of tomorrow.
Do not lose yourself in shadow, a denial of both the light as well as the darkness, a denial that shall ultimately deny thy peoples their sense of common destiny.
O dear Europe, if you earnestly desire to show universal religious respect, then begin by showing a fearless respect of your own, because it is only by doing so, that you shall learn that happy sense of reciprocity that shall lead you to a sincere respect of other honorable religious traditions without syncretism or hypocrisy.
As a tree without it's roots shall never bear fruit, a nation without a soul shall never discover it's dream and those nations who do not dream will never awaken to the labor of it's own hope.
A continent is as an orchard of these trees and tasked with the care that ensures that every tree bears abundant fruit and as an orchard can not be denied it's soil, a continent can not be denied it's roots. And thy roots, dear Europe, is Christianity.
Realize this, O dear Europe, without being colored by the distorting paradigm of war as a whole. And be at peace with yourself, your past, your present and your tomorrows.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Observe, my dear Christian, our Blessed Lord Crucified for our sakes'; the vertical beam of His Holy Cross, our happy faith, the horizontal beam of His Holy Cross, our holy hope and the Corpus of our Savior Himself being the infinite Love, broken for suffering humanity, bringing us all together in the unity of the Holy Spirit as the one great Covenant family of God, our Heavenly Father.
FORGET NOT the cradle that gave rise to your present hope of civilization.
For hope is a lineage, it's strength lies in the anchor of it's promise and a promise never made by human hearts. And thy anchor, dear Europe is Christianity.
To forget this lineage is to become mired in a seasonless existence, one that is completely detached to the sage counsels of the past and utterly oblivious to the near infinite promise that the momentum of the present is able to unleash at the approach of tomorrow.
Do not lose yourself in shadow, a denial of both the light as well as the darkness, a denial that shall ultimately deny thy peoples their sense of common destiny.
O dear Europe, if you earnestly desire to show universal religious respect, then begin by showing a fearless respect of your own, because it is only by doing so, that you shall learn that happy sense of reciprocity that shall lead you to a sincere respect of other honorable religious traditions without syncretism or hypocrisy.
As a tree without it's roots shall never bear fruit, a nation without a soul shall never discover it's dream and those nations who do not dream will never awaken to the labor of it's own hope.
A continent is as an orchard of these trees and tasked with the care that ensures that every tree bears abundant fruit and as an orchard can not be denied it's soil, a continent can not be denied it's roots. And thy roots, dear Europe, is Christianity.
Realize this, O dear Europe, without being colored by the distorting paradigm of war as a whole. And be at peace with yourself, your past, your present and your tomorrows.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Remembrance of Fatima
EVERY NATION as a whole
in time and in dimensional space
is vulnerable to one sin
and one sin alone:
The sin of wars' evil ambition.
The one sin that divides
the one Noahide covenant
that established the one family
of the nations of mankind.
For each nation is an altar of life
who lives to unite the hopes of her people
that her peace and her people's peace is one
a one nation in the one LORD,
a one whole upon the one greater wholes
within the one governance
of Divine Providence.
O my beloved children, turn away
and build upon the peace of Country.
Spread thy sheltering wings, my nations
of the one family of the nations of mankind!
See all thy living communities safely across
the vast desolation of War's great abomination.
O MANKIND, my nations,
today is not the same as it was
the world is beginning to speed up once again.
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Do not look to Russia, she is as each of you
an integral part of the one Noahide covenant
that established upon the threshold of faded Eden
the one family of the nations of mankind.
Does not her people hope as we hope?
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Do not look to the honorable ummah of Islam,
for she is as much a holy vessel
in the service of sacred life
as the honorable religions of our world
an imperfect child among imperfect children
and born of the one Abrahamic promise
much misunderstood, yet willing to give much.
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Look into yourselves, O Mankind, repent!
None have been found but many are being sought.
Look into yourselves, o ye nations, repent!
Establish thy ground upon the holy ground of life
and believe again in the sacred hope of thy founding.
For War itself shall test thy limits
but only those nations of good will
who are destined by our LORD to prevail
will be converted to the one peace.
The rest will not withstand War.
For those that continue to sow in war
shall begin to reap the fruits of war.
But those who are of good will shall sow in peace
and those who shall sow in peace shall labor in the land
and those who labor in the land shall reap prosperity
adding to the life of her people, giving length to their days;
a hope that endures unto many generations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, Flower of Fatima, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
My precious friend, please be mindful that this entry is NOT about the salvation of individuals but that of entire nations.
I should also like to confide in you that for a long time, wretched as I am, I have been inescapably preoccupied with the thought of that passage from Daniel 12 that says, "a time, times and half a time".
The thought of this passage has constantly been surfacing and resurfacing in the deep of my silence to mean this: That unlike before, we will not be presented with great signs.
We will simply be presented with a choice and the knowledge to understand their very real consequences.
And those who shall choose wisely shall be as the stars i.e. the numberless stars of our Father Abraham.
One thousand is a time, two thousand is twice a time and half a time means that by this present time, after 2000 years, it must now be clear to those stars, elect from eternity, who are asleep within shadow which half of lukewarm gray is the one whole lie and which half is the one whole truth, which half is the darkness and which half is the light, which is war and which is peace.
And here at the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, we are now being asked to make this absolute choice, to be quickened by the truth, and awaken from our sleep, the great Abrahamic promise.
Let us pray for each other, Beloved of God and for the whole of suffering humanity.
in time and in dimensional space
is vulnerable to one sin
and one sin alone:
The sin of wars' evil ambition.
The one sin that divides
the one Noahide covenant
that established the one family
of the nations of mankind.
For each nation is an altar of life
who lives to unite the hopes of her people
that her peace and her people's peace is one
a one nation in the one LORD,
a one whole upon the one greater wholes
within the one governance
of Divine Providence.
O my beloved children, turn away
and build upon the peace of Country.
Spread thy sheltering wings, my nations
of the one family of the nations of mankind!
See all thy living communities safely across
the vast desolation of War's great abomination.
O MANKIND, my nations,
today is not the same as it was
the world is beginning to speed up once again.
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Do not look to Russia, she is as each of you
an integral part of the one Noahide covenant
that established upon the threshold of faded Eden
the one family of the nations of mankind.
Does not her people hope as we hope?
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Do not look to the honorable ummah of Islam,
for she is as much a holy vessel
in the service of sacred life
as the honorable religions of our world
an imperfect child among imperfect children
and born of the one Abrahamic promise
much misunderstood, yet willing to give much.
Who is thy enemy, O ye nations?
Look into yourselves, O Mankind, repent!
None have been found but many are being sought.
Look into yourselves, o ye nations, repent!
Establish thy ground upon the holy ground of life
and believe again in the sacred hope of thy founding.
For War itself shall test thy limits
but only those nations of good will
who are destined by our LORD to prevail
will be converted to the one peace.
The rest will not withstand War.
For those that continue to sow in war
shall begin to reap the fruits of war.
But those who are of good will shall sow in peace
and those who shall sow in peace shall labor in the land
and those who labor in the land shall reap prosperity
adding to the life of her people, giving length to their days;
a hope that endures unto many generations.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, Flower of Fatima, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
My precious friend, please be mindful that this entry is NOT about the salvation of individuals but that of entire nations.
I should also like to confide in you that for a long time, wretched as I am, I have been inescapably preoccupied with the thought of that passage from Daniel 12 that says, "a time, times and half a time".
The thought of this passage has constantly been surfacing and resurfacing in the deep of my silence to mean this: That unlike before, we will not be presented with great signs.
We will simply be presented with a choice and the knowledge to understand their very real consequences.
And those who shall choose wisely shall be as the stars i.e. the numberless stars of our Father Abraham.
One thousand is a time, two thousand is twice a time and half a time means that by this present time, after 2000 years, it must now be clear to those stars, elect from eternity, who are asleep within shadow which half of lukewarm gray is the one whole lie and which half is the one whole truth, which half is the darkness and which half is the light, which is war and which is peace.
And here at the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, we are now being asked to make this absolute choice, to be quickened by the truth, and awaken from our sleep, the great Abrahamic promise.
Let us pray for each other, Beloved of God and for the whole of suffering humanity.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Haiku #14: Light x
How do we know God,
when knowing is not knowing
the Unknowable?
True Light is presence
of our LORD's deep mystery,
faith, a sight that seeks
Walk in light,
not by sight.
How do we know God,
when knowing is not knowing
the Unknowable?
True Light is presence
of our LORD's deep mystery,
faith, a sight that seeks
Walk in light,
not by sight.
Haiku #13: War x
Why do nations weep?
What do we entrust, I ask
to our Country's keep?
Wars' evil ambition
is the sin of division,
the death of nations!
War undoes,
Why do nations weep?
What do we entrust, I ask
to our Country's keep?
Wars' evil ambition
is the sin of division,
the death of nations!
War undoes,
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Abrahamic Peace
IN THE INTEREST of our common humanity, under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God, on behalf of all nations of good will who are afflicted by the evil ambition of war, here in our longest night, at the void at the threshold of the third Christian Millennium, in this war on terror, this is our victory condition:
The Abrahamic Peace is our hope of old; a hope built upon a promise and a promise made by God to the holy Patriarch Abraham.
A promise that brings together upon one native sky the children of our Father Abraham, every one who is beckoned by a hope that binds together those numberless stars as one great nation that shines with the light of God's peace through the darkness and despair of war.
All who are children of our Father Abraham are bound to this one promise.
O MANKIND, my nations,
saith the LORD, our God,
where is thy one heart?
The heart that yearns
to be one as I am one.
O ye believers, listen:
Have thou loved another?
Dead things who love thee not
more than the everliving Love
in the I am in the I am in thee?
O ye peoples, gather about!
Return to Me, O my portion,
come and learn again My ways
for My ways lead thee to life
and My peace is thy only path.
I am the LORD, thy living God:
Behold! I am but one God alone,
worship Me not with thy divisions!
Serve me not with wars' ambition
but turn away, O stars of Abraham,
and serve the life of My creation.
The LORD said to Abram: "Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father's house to a land that I will show you.
"I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you."
Genesis 12:1-3
SOME TIME after these events, this word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Fear not, Abram! I am your shield; I will make your reward very great."
But Abram said, "O Lord GOD, what good will your gifts be, if I keep on being childless and have as my heir the steward of my house, Eliezer?"
Abram continued, "See, you have given me no offspring, and so one of my servants will be my heir."
Then the word of the LORD came to him: "No, that one shall not be your heir; your own issue shall be your heir."
He took him outside and said: "Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can. Just so," he added, "shall your descendants be."
Abram put his faith in the LORD, who credited it to him as an act of righteousness.
Genesis 15:1-6
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, Flower of Fatima, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The Abrahamic Peace is our hope of old; a hope built upon a promise and a promise made by God to the holy Patriarch Abraham.
A promise that brings together upon one native sky the children of our Father Abraham, every one who is beckoned by a hope that binds together those numberless stars as one great nation that shines with the light of God's peace through the darkness and despair of war.
All who are children of our Father Abraham are bound to this one promise.
O MANKIND, my nations,
saith the LORD, our God,
where is thy one heart?
The heart that yearns
to be one as I am one.
O ye believers, listen:
Have thou loved another?
Dead things who love thee not
more than the everliving Love
in the I am in the I am in thee?
O ye peoples, gather about!
Return to Me, O my portion,
come and learn again My ways
for My ways lead thee to life
and My peace is thy only path.
I am the LORD, thy living God:
Behold! I am but one God alone,
worship Me not with thy divisions!
Serve me not with wars' ambition
but turn away, O stars of Abraham,
and serve the life of My creation.
The LORD said to Abram: "Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father's house to a land that I will show you.
"I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you."
Genesis 12:1-3
SOME TIME after these events, this word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Fear not, Abram! I am your shield; I will make your reward very great."
But Abram said, "O Lord GOD, what good will your gifts be, if I keep on being childless and have as my heir the steward of my house, Eliezer?"
Abram continued, "See, you have given me no offspring, and so one of my servants will be my heir."
Then the word of the LORD came to him: "No, that one shall not be your heir; your own issue shall be your heir."
He took him outside and said: "Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can. Just so," he added, "shall your descendants be."
Abram put his faith in the LORD, who credited it to him as an act of righteousness.
Genesis 15:1-6
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, Flower of Fatima, pray for us.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Haiku #12: Anne x
I often wonder
Why my darlingest did die
amidst War's great lie...
Anne's life is vict'ry
When her hope is currency
Our peace, her beauty.
My Miyang's
Starlight Smile.
I often wonder
Why my darlingest did die
amidst War's great lie...
Anne's life is vict'ry
When her hope is currency
Our peace, her beauty.
My Miyang's
Starlight Smile.
Haiku #11: Peace x
What is peace, my friend?
Is peace an endless battle,
a fight to the end?
Peace is observance,
a turning away from war
towards yonder dawn.
War deceives,
Peace speaks truth.
What is peace, my friend?
Is peace an endless battle,
a fight to the end?
Peace is observance,
a turning away from war
towards yonder dawn.
War deceives,
Peace speaks truth.
Haiku #10: Hope x
Can we ever cope
when no one ever listens
to each others' hope?
Hope makes us human.
And faith makes our hope sublime.
Virtue made divine.
When we care...
Can we ever cope
when no one ever listens
to each others' hope?
Hope makes us human.
And faith makes our hope sublime.
Virtue made divine.
When we care...
we belong.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11
FROM GREAT EVIL, God always intends to produce greater good. For our God is a good God and He does not permit evil to happen without the promise of good things to come.
Beloved of God, have we made an effort to understand this promise enough to be able to pursue with our LORD, as co-creators with our God through His grace, the good that He intends to bring into our times through our afflictions?
Today marks the 7th anniversary of the tragedy that is September 11 - the day that changed the course of our world entire.
Let us observe this day by quietly reflecting on the direction towards which we must, as one family of nations, move towards - the direction of life and of peace, and the direction that this course is mindlessly leading our world. The world on it's own can not think for itself and if it is allowed to go it's own way without responsible human stewardship would lead us to paths where even angels fear to tread.
How then, as the whole of humanity, do we honor the sacred memory of this day?
We honor our heroes by properly aligning ourselves towards the direction of their last hopes. The hopes that they would have left for us as their last wisdom upon this earth below.
Therefore, let us begin thinking for ourselves and understand that to do this we must first find something worthwhile to spend our thoughts with and there is nothing more worthwhile than the sacredness of human life and peace among our nations.
Let us understand that choice is all about accountability and accountability is all about life. Life is all about happiness and democracy is the freedom to perfect that choice that leads to true and lasting human happiness.
Freedom is the endowment of that choice, the choice that supports our individual human right to be happy. Democracy is therefore, not the absence of responsibility, as a matter of fact, it is a responsibility of all citizenry to be present for the right choices that lead to the liberation of our humanity as a whole.
Let us pray in memory of this day that we may soon - as one family of nations - perfect the choices that would lead us towards mastering our one planetary course that we may all find a clear path to safe harbors - for all men, women and children of the one human race.
Thus do we honor their sacred memory.
Lest we forget.
Lest we forget.
---<--@ for all 2751 the victims of September 11 in the USA and it's continuing aftermath around the world, peace and Godspeed...
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
SEPTEMBER 11 teaches us, among other things, that there IS a family of nations in our world in the sense that every nation in our world is affected, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, by the actions of any one nation.
And this is most especially true of the actions of those elder nations who wield much influence over the younger ones and this influence shall more and more importantly be of a moral kind than anything else.
In this sense, no one nation stands alone in our world today, every nation is interdependent of each other and therefore, all are hurt by war's evil ambition just as much as all can benefit from the diligent observance of peace as a paradigm whole.
The United States must awaken to her third Christian millennium calling as a Shepherd state and shed the superpower image of her past that she may find strength enough again to effectively lead the free world on behalf of Almighty God in the spirit of our humanity for the sake of the one family of the nations of mankind and our one planetary whole.
In the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, every nation of good will just as much as every person of good will must turn away from the past into the direction of the new morning lest the darkness be allowed to linger and this midnight world eclipsed by a fallen star define for our humanity the shape of the next 1000 years.
Beloved of God, have we made an effort to understand this promise enough to be able to pursue with our LORD, as co-creators with our God through His grace, the good that He intends to bring into our times through our afflictions?
Today marks the 7th anniversary of the tragedy that is September 11 - the day that changed the course of our world entire.
Let us observe this day by quietly reflecting on the direction towards which we must, as one family of nations, move towards - the direction of life and of peace, and the direction that this course is mindlessly leading our world. The world on it's own can not think for itself and if it is allowed to go it's own way without responsible human stewardship would lead us to paths where even angels fear to tread.
How then, as the whole of humanity, do we honor the sacred memory of this day?
We honor our heroes by properly aligning ourselves towards the direction of their last hopes. The hopes that they would have left for us as their last wisdom upon this earth below.
Therefore, let us begin thinking for ourselves and understand that to do this we must first find something worthwhile to spend our thoughts with and there is nothing more worthwhile than the sacredness of human life and peace among our nations.
Let us understand that choice is all about accountability and accountability is all about life. Life is all about happiness and democracy is the freedom to perfect that choice that leads to true and lasting human happiness.
Freedom is the endowment of that choice, the choice that supports our individual human right to be happy. Democracy is therefore, not the absence of responsibility, as a matter of fact, it is a responsibility of all citizenry to be present for the right choices that lead to the liberation of our humanity as a whole.
Let us pray in memory of this day that we may soon - as one family of nations - perfect the choices that would lead us towards mastering our one planetary course that we may all find a clear path to safe harbors - for all men, women and children of the one human race.
Thus do we honor their sacred memory.
Lest we forget.
Lest we forget.
---<--@ for all 2751 the victims of September 11 in the USA and it's continuing aftermath around the world, peace and Godspeed...
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
SEPTEMBER 11 teaches us, among other things, that there IS a family of nations in our world in the sense that every nation in our world is affected, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, by the actions of any one nation.
And this is most especially true of the actions of those elder nations who wield much influence over the younger ones and this influence shall more and more importantly be of a moral kind than anything else.
In this sense, no one nation stands alone in our world today, every nation is interdependent of each other and therefore, all are hurt by war's evil ambition just as much as all can benefit from the diligent observance of peace as a paradigm whole.
The United States must awaken to her third Christian millennium calling as a Shepherd state and shed the superpower image of her past that she may find strength enough again to effectively lead the free world on behalf of Almighty God in the spirit of our humanity for the sake of the one family of the nations of mankind and our one planetary whole.
In the void at the threshold of the third Christian millennium, every nation of good will just as much as every person of good will must turn away from the past into the direction of the new morning lest the darkness be allowed to linger and this midnight world eclipsed by a fallen star define for our humanity the shape of the next 1000 years.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Our Missionary Spirit
THE MISSIONARY SPIRIT of the one Solidarity that we share in common with all of blessed Christendom entire and with our Holy Mother Church in particular is a wholesome balance derived from our disciplined practice of the seal of faith and our unyielding love of others in Christ.
Being mindful of God's gift of free will and it's prime significance in the stage of salvation history, we must never seek to impose or willfully apply, directly or indirectly, the particular doctrines of our Christianity on anyone who is unwilling.
All the while, we must be able to put our complete trust that the Holy Spirit of Christ has the absolute power and freedom to breathe where It wills, liberating hopes, opening hearts, enabling minds, quickening souls, and drawing to Christ His pilgrim Church in exile time according to the good pleasure of the Father alone and never our own.
However, it must be equally emphasized as well, here and now, that as for those whose hearts are willing to see our Jesus Christ, those whose ears are willing to hear His Gospel News, those whose souls are likewise being quickened by God to the faith and obedience of our Holy Mother Church, those whose hopes are parched and dry being thirsty for living waters, those are the souls which must never be denied the truth of Jesus Christ and the eternal promise that shall quench their interior thirst forever.
Neither our one Solidarity nor our Holy Mother Church as a whole shall ever deny our sacred Christian truths nor withhold the passage into baptism to any and all of those whose names eternally belong to the roster of the one flock of the one good Shepherd that encompass all of
our blessed Christendom in time and in eternity.
We behold in the faith of our hearts the vision of Christ in His eternal glory with the Father Who sent Him and believe in the Holy Spirit of God Who bear witness unto our souls of this great mystery, the mystery of the one sacred reality of the Most Blessed Trinity.
Where we to meditate on this most sublime Christian revelation, it will be realized by the grace of God in our hearts that contained in this one vision of one Love is the actual reality of the Gospel promise of eternal life; that eternal life consists of our being forever caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son.
This is the immortal Christian hope that we must always, always be eager to share with any and all of the willing.
This is the missionary spirit of our community.
It is our particular share of joyous labor our Savior Jesus Christ has enjoined all of blessed Christendom to perform in the the Great Commission.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Being mindful of God's gift of free will and it's prime significance in the stage of salvation history, we must never seek to impose or willfully apply, directly or indirectly, the particular doctrines of our Christianity on anyone who is unwilling.
All the while, we must be able to put our complete trust that the Holy Spirit of Christ has the absolute power and freedom to breathe where It wills, liberating hopes, opening hearts, enabling minds, quickening souls, and drawing to Christ His pilgrim Church in exile time according to the good pleasure of the Father alone and never our own.
However, it must be equally emphasized as well, here and now, that as for those whose hearts are willing to see our Jesus Christ, those whose ears are willing to hear His Gospel News, those whose souls are likewise being quickened by God to the faith and obedience of our Holy Mother Church, those whose hopes are parched and dry being thirsty for living waters, those are the souls which must never be denied the truth of Jesus Christ and the eternal promise that shall quench their interior thirst forever.
Neither our one Solidarity nor our Holy Mother Church as a whole shall ever deny our sacred Christian truths nor withhold the passage into baptism to any and all of those whose names eternally belong to the roster of the one flock of the one good Shepherd that encompass all of
our blessed Christendom in time and in eternity.
We behold in the faith of our hearts the vision of Christ in His eternal glory with the Father Who sent Him and believe in the Holy Spirit of God Who bear witness unto our souls of this great mystery, the mystery of the one sacred reality of the Most Blessed Trinity.
Where we to meditate on this most sublime Christian revelation, it will be realized by the grace of God in our hearts that contained in this one vision of one Love is the actual reality of the Gospel promise of eternal life; that eternal life consists of our being forever caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son.
This is the immortal Christian hope that we must always, always be eager to share with any and all of the willing.
This is the missionary spirit of our community.
It is our particular share of joyous labor our Savior Jesus Christ has enjoined all of blessed Christendom to perform in the the Great Commission.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Seal of Faith
THE SEAL OF FAITH is a guarantee of religious respect accorded to all active ecumenical and non-Christian members within the one Solidarity.
It ensures that social missions that serve and bring relief to our Lord's poor are given their due attention and proper significance in the life of the community.
It also acts as a neutral buffer that safeguard from hypocrisy and syncretism our active members who work in missions right alongside their ecumenical as well as non-Christian peers thereby preserving not only the integrity of our active membership but also that of our entire apostolate.
It serves to foster a deeper sense of trust which in turn help open the way toward greater understanding between Christian denominations as well as with those non-Christian religions who share with us, a common desire for religious peace and harmony.
This understanding is to be realized through shared service experiences built upon values that are truly human and therefore, truly common, all towards religious peace and harmony which is the stated mission of our Ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-Faith commissioning.
The principle of the seal of faith can be summarized in this statement; that "in matters particular to our own faith, we may only hope through the Holy Spirit to convince ourselves and to speak with conviction where God asks us to speak His witness in us but in sundry times, we will speak our witness by writing with our own lives our Savior's love and His peace into other people's hearts."
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
It ensures that social missions that serve and bring relief to our Lord's poor are given their due attention and proper significance in the life of the community.
It also acts as a neutral buffer that safeguard from hypocrisy and syncretism our active members who work in missions right alongside their ecumenical as well as non-Christian peers thereby preserving not only the integrity of our active membership but also that of our entire apostolate.
It serves to foster a deeper sense of trust which in turn help open the way toward greater understanding between Christian denominations as well as with those non-Christian religions who share with us, a common desire for religious peace and harmony.
This understanding is to be realized through shared service experiences built upon values that are truly human and therefore, truly common, all towards religious peace and harmony which is the stated mission of our Ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-Faith commissioning.
The principle of the seal of faith can be summarized in this statement; that "in matters particular to our own faith, we may only hope through the Holy Spirit to convince ourselves and to speak with conviction where God asks us to speak His witness in us but in sundry times, we will speak our witness by writing with our own lives our Savior's love and His peace into other people's hearts."
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
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