ANY ISSUE that involve the desecration of the one peace of our nations and the profanation of the dignity of the human person whether by enemies, foreign or domestic, shall carry with it escalating costs that shall directly tax the strength of the greater wholes.
THESE SEEDS OF INSTABILITY, in the context of our rapidly globalizing world, when allowed to linger on the ground of our nations shall eventually take its root and choke with weeds the labor of its host Country, miring that nation in poverty. And this infestation, in the course of time, may only spread to the other greater wholes until it shall be as a massive toll on your own strength, African Union.
Therefore, as regards issues that involve the desecration of the one peace of our nations and the profanation of the dignity of the human person, the more you are indecisive, the longer that inaction is allowed to paralyze your sense of continental responsibility, the heavier the price you shall have to pay when those same untoward circumstances whose consequences were left to chance have matured into greater evils that can not longer be avoided because they have now arrived to directly threaten the sovereign authority of the continental whole that you represent.
Please bear all of that in mind as we now speak in specific about the growing plight of the Zimbabwean people.
I am from a nation colonized by a foreign power for longer than Zimbabwe was a nation and even I cringe at the accusations that the intransigent tyrant of that nation, Robert Mugabe, blindly and witlessly hefts around about the British wanting to invade or about Europe wanting manipulate that nation of Zimbabwe that he himself seems so hell-bent on utterly annihilating by his unbelievable hardness of heart. I believe I speak at the level of an emerging nation whose own colonial past gives me an even perspective with Robert Mugabe and in another world, this would have been common ground between us, but I utterly abhor that man for all the suffering he is causing his own people.
And yet he still retains the audacity to blame the British, the Americans, the Europeans, who else is immune where nothing is sacred to this man and this lie shall only fester until this evil upon your continent spreads out of bounds of Zimbabwe and into other African nations.
But I do not judge that man without hope, Robert Mugabe himself said that only God can remove him, and I hope for his own sake that he was speaking of God not in the way that he speaks about the British, or the Americans, or the Europeans, for that truth is an inevitable reality in the course of time.
It is the hope of the one Zimbabwean people, those nameless who suffer, that I seek to recognize, comfort and uphold.
And I would that you shall ponder these things and observe the unfolding of the events.
I write this because I care about some things that I know you also care about - African Union - which is the building of a better world.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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