MY DEAR CHRISTIAN SOUL, bearing into thy mind that our God is pure Spirit, all of our understanding of our one LORD must be imbued with a continuity of action that is proper to the creative ideal that our Creator is a continuous Creator; that our one LORD and Holy Sustainer of all universes within and without, as we attempt to apprehend the actions of the will of Divine Providence in exile time, is a verb that shall always, always, escape our understanding and never a noun to be fully understood by man or angel.
It is God that possesses us, and not the other way around.
And our one LORD shall always be infinitely more that our understanding of our one LORD, for in the new heaven and the new earth to come when our universe is restored to the presence of our LORD as the perfected reality of our human habitation, our learning shall be forever, our happiness is an always being fulfilled, our souls immersed in the direct presence of our Creator. For fully conscious and golden was the blue of our native skies in Eden before the fall of our first parents.
Therefore, the sacred revelation of the Most Holy Trinity which is central to our Christian faith is as our LORD opening up His Heart to gather into Himself, the exile children of mankind - for our LORD indeed is one God in eternity. It is as our Lord Jesus Christ described it - as a mother hen gathers up her chicks - we are ALL - remember, one Peace - caught up in exile time, ascending to the Love that exists in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son - one God, from always to always - a one, triune Perfection. Verily, my beloved friend and constant companion, the Holy Spirit of our LORD is truly present within the hearts of ALL good men and women - for our Peace, yours and mine, is to all men of good will.
For the most Holy Trinity is the primary principle behind the ascendant unity of our LORD - a one Reality which can not be separated from Itself.
This apprehension of the creative ideal is requisite foundation especially for those who desire to belong to the work of the one Solidarity for this establishes for the Christian mind and heart, the necessary meditation that builds into the first of the three minimums.
Hence, never judge anyone without hope. For as you judge, thou shalt be judged.
We shall let our one LORD breathe freely amongst us.
For indeed, we are loved - ALL of us. Next year, we shall all - including myself, of course - and with my darlingest Annelies Marie, begin a work of hope - to transform our world and our lives into instruments of God's peace - for the good of all of suffering humanity - past, present and future.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Merry Christmas and Cheers to a great New Year 2009 to all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind!
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
1 comment:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2009!
I invite you to listen a special Christmas episode of my podcast “Levántate y Sal a Caminar”
28 minutes of Christmas carols in many languages, meditations and more…
Jesus loves you.
Luisa Veyan S.
From Lima-Peru
You can listen it in:
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