BELOVED OF GOD, recall to mind that passage in Holy Scripture in Daniel 12 about a time, times and half-a-time and be mindful hitherto of the passing of our history in the last 2000 years.
For a time, times and half-a-time represents an individual choice that is to be made: time and times representing the one whole history of our salvation as it is witnessed by both heaven and earth in the first and second millennia; a history writ in both war and peace, good and evil, darkness and light - a record penned in gray upon the souls of poor mankind; a muted passing away of the great tides of our generations that for all of those two thousand years were witnessed in shadow by a lukewarm humanity.
And half-a-time represents the cleaving asunder of those two halves to form a one whole, absolute and irreversible choice of heart and mind. For there can neither be any more hearts that are to remain lukewarm nor should there be any more hopes that in the living remain in shadow at the passing away of the last. We are to understand here and now, at the turning of the new, what light and what darkness, what peace and what war, what good and what evil is to be had by each of our lives lived in golden light of the truth or in vile cover of the darkness; one war or one peace, life and the everlasting good or death and the undoing of all hope.
And I would that none of us choose falsely nor take things as regards to the universal dignity of the human person and the inviolable sanctity of every human life lightly. For these are the things that represent for this one inhabited earth, the responsible stewardship of all life on this one planet in our visible universe; these are the things that directly concern the most infinite glory of the one Creator of all creation, seen and unseen. Be ever mindful that all true lineages of hope have as their proper terminus, the glory of the one, peerless God of all creation, seen and unseen.
Therefore, after the half-a-time choice, upon the completion of our every remembrances of the peace, when the doors of the Now in each of our hearts are shut, nothing of the past darkness must carry over into the present - for we must each completely secure the sacred grounds of our souls - and then learn from the waning tides of our midnight past, my beloved friend and honored companion - lest, our ancient enemy - the Dragon, the ancient Serpent of our faded Eden with and through the great and terrible scourge of our one family of nations which is the beast of war gain another substantial foothold in the new age we are trying to forge for our poor world.
And I also would that none of us be lukewarm: For to suffer hellfire for not having made this choice, here and Now, while it is being offered - even while It is speaking to each of us in our hearts not yet hardened to It's beckoning - is a suffering infinitely more unbearable than the suffering of those reprobate human souls who have willfully chosen to drink from the same cup of sin as Satan and all his fallen hosts.
For to remain lukewarm is to be spat out of the reality of all human hope and to suffer without understanding the crushing despair of an everlasting oblivion.
Therefore, I enjoin each of us to ponder deeply what is being spoken to our interior self and arise to our LORD in prayer, when this choice is presented to each our faith, hardening not our hearts to the quickening call that shall bring the realization of these things to rise upon the horizons of our souls, enabling our minds to perceive with understanding the steps that must be taken to heed the beckoning of the light and make the necessary steps - even despite of our selves and in spite of the dizzying events of the ever-changing world around our souls - to trust to our hope and cling to God and to each other in God, without ever looking back.
And turn to our good God eastwards, towards the dawn, each of us walking with our LORD at the pace of our own being alone with the Alone and intimate with the Intimate, yet all of us soldiering on together as nations and as human beings - shoulder to shoulder, to allow the terrible darkness of the midnight past to fade away forever behind us.
And in our bearing of our LORD's good graces patiently, ever as we walk with our one Beautiful from soul to soul, let us never be found to be without forbearance, remembering always that our LORD calls each of us at different times of the day.
So let us be glad - being always, always thankful to our good LORD - for verily, my beloved friend and constant companion, on the year of our LORD 2009 - unto the passing into the new, at the 1335th day - come a favorable season for our building on the peace of each of our lives and through our lives, call down the one peace of heaven upon our poor world so desperately in need of respite and repair; one peace upon our suffering humanity whose universal spirit has become so torn, divided and weary; and one peace upon each of our nations who have become so alienated to its own hope.
And let us remember to rest in each our sufficiency and to be at peace, my beloved friend and constant companion. For verily, time is a flow not for the enemies of sacred life and true liberty exists not for the darkness but for the light.
O numberless stars of our Father Abraham, stand fast together in the faith that justified our Father Abraham; a faith in the one, highest of Truth unseen, remaining true to each our lineages, for we shall do this labor of hope both as individuals and as individual nations together this time - all of us allied to the all in us.
All towards a better world for all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Again, let us please refer to entry: Eastward Dawning 2009
And for further enrichment, most especially to all of my Roman Catholic brethren and sisters, please refer to entry: A Remembrance of Fatima
For more about Angels (as the Archangel Michael in Daniel 12 is an angel), please refer to entry: The Angels
For more about Human Beings (as I am and you are a human being), please refer to entry: Mankind, Our Humanity, Human Excellence, Our First Parents
AS I WITH YOU am also possessed with my own hope for myself and for others, I am a human being and part of this world - so let us harken to the quickening light, a peer to our peers, a friend to our friends and a companion to our companions - let us follow now our one LORD as keepers together, one to another - at a time, times and half-a-time.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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