IN THE BEGINNING, when God created the heavens and the earth,
the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters.
Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
God saw how good the light was. God then separated the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1: 1-4
CONSIDER thy human soul, Beloved of God, drawn from nothingness, thy own name written in the heavens by the changeless will of thy one Sovereign LORD, continually sustained in its being itself by an eternal remembrance of thy one, true and proper place in the belonging sky of the one celestial firmament of eternity and existing where two worlds, one seen and one unseen, juxtapose at the hidden crossroads of thy heart of hearts.
Consider these two worlds, my friend and constant companion, one realm inescapably caught up within the restless flow of time and arising from the darkness like a multitude of living lights reflected by the golden reflection of the one Light Complete and one realm resting upon the calm of the everliving waters of the timeless Deep, for it is from these two distinct worlds of light and darkness (Gen. 1: 1-4) that the window of our faith opens into so the eye of the heart may begin to perceive by the gentle beckoning call of the singular LORD of our own existence, the one creative ideal that exists in our being as God's image and likeness in our souls.
This creative ideal is made manifest to each of our hearts in the context of our own particularly human experience of the seamless reality of the visible universe of our native habitation that is constantly unfolding before us, through the grace that allows the sight of the heart to see by the borrowed light of faith, the truth hidden from the unseeing that each of us is a singularly unique, unrepeatable and irreplaceable instrument of continuous creation, within and without, set aside by our one continuous Creator and Holy Sustainer of all worlds, in truth and in spirit, both in the physicality of our being and in the spirituality of our becoming, alone and in community, in time and in dimensional space, within our exile mortality and at the beginning of all things new, in life and at the restoration of all life, for the singular task of manifesting the glory of our peerless LORD in lower creation which is the eternal glory of the one Sovereign of all creation, seen and unseen.
For the soul is the animating breath of thy spirit and timeless abode of thy being, containing within itself, in thy exterior benignity that rules over the physicality of thy own body and in thy interior luminosity that governs the one radiant spread of thy own awareness, intimate with thy Intimate, alone with thy Alone, the glory of our LORD that in thy stillness rests upon thy hopes made manifest to the eyes of seeing hearts by its own witness of the truth that lives inside of ourselves through which these two worlds intertwine at the crossroads of our souls into the one seamless reality of the greatest human undertaking of all, the divine undertaking to perfect our being human.
This one seamless human reality being the one whole life of our shared humanity broken into a myriad different self-conscious reflections of our own self-awareness of the continuous witness of every heart of the one Heart of all our hearts, ever like stars rising as lights upon the darkness of exile time, ever like the spiritual ascending of broken arcs wheeling across the one inward season of our hearts.
This one inward season cast in the perennial blue of our native sky is an at-oneness of breath with one whole of our spiritual breathing with the one Breath of life that everywhere quickens in time those souls ascending into season and season which is a singular cycle of the inward firmament of the human soul from the autumnal dusk of faded Eden advancing eastward with every soul reborn upon the one celestial firmament into the dawning of the new.
Every soul reborn upon the one celestial firmament quickened by, through and with the good of our common labors in time and dimensional space which is the advancement of the one whole peace of this visible creation.
And the one whole peace of visible creation advancing with each and every singular soul of our generations constantly born into the darkness of the earth that the Spirit of the LORD hovering over the everliving waters redeem, by revelation of truth, causing both night and day to converge upon the sacred grounds within the precincts of every heart into that one common hope of an eternal summertime at the shores of forever which is the intended destination of all time at the restoration of the one original state of our creation as it was in faded Eden.
This human soul is the one helm by which as individual human beings we steer this vessel of life in a journey eastward across the vast marches of the darkness of exile time and upon the hostile wilderness of the unknown earth, seeking in community with other souls, alone with the Alone and intimate with the Intimate, for the one Light of the one peace that establishes for our world an ascendant foundation upon which the civilization of our nations may for the people be secured in the course of common hopes that lead back to the gathering of the one whole one at the uncovering of the timeless reality of our one peace.
This one peace, what it is and how we do experience it, issues forth from the contents of this heart - contents that we know through our knowledge and understanding of those worlds within those infinite worlds within; our human soul.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sancti!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Refer to entry: Walker of Worlds
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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