OBSERVE, O SOUL, how thy women soften the hardness of a strange and unwelcoming world - at the autumnal dusk of our Faded Eden, when the beginnings of our exile humanity first began to strike out into the vast and unknown lands of an uninhabited earth, O where was Beauty then, O ye Men, but with thy faithful helpers? As the light that drive thy soul onward, is the truth revealed by the one Unseen, the love that leads your weary spirit back to its rest is founded in thy Women.
BEHOLD, there is no true striving without thy Women! For whom do you strive, O Men, but for the love that you confess - to the beauty that possess you, to the flower that enrich you, to the fragrance that arrests your soul, to the abundance that multiplies your lives together: The companion that completes the you in you. What community endures without Women? For all things become barren where there is no love for beauty and no respect for beautiful things. For whom do you strive, O Men, for the desolation? Strive not for war, if you are wise, turn your hearts towards each other in peace.
And respect your Women, treat them the way angels will treat them, observe them, the way they are - beautiful for being faithful to their own expression - especially widows and young children, the unborn in the womb of a mother, for you will not see beauty if you become ignorant of its primary bearer in this world - a helper that is to you, your own faithful companion in this life - your wife, O Man, your Woman.
For whom then do you strive together, O you Men, but for each other?
But for whom then do you strive in your heart of hearts alone but for the faithful image of the one that reflects for you in your love for each other, the reality of the one Beautiful in thy heart of hearts?
Ponder all of these, my precious friend and constant companion, and seek for an understanding of the truth - arise with thy prayers to the LORD and then believe with strength of faith:
Make peace with thy Women and remain true - forever.
My salutations to the one honorable Ummah of Islam.
For all our beautiful, our Women, who make beautiful our all - in remembrance of thy peace and in respect of your own true reflection in the communities of our nations of the one family of the nations of mankind - among the numberless stars of our Father Abraham.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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