MY DEAR CHRISTIAN, as we travel in time closer to Christmas day in this year of our Lord 2008, let us consider in our hearts and minds (in our heart-minds or in our souls) this Yuletide season the nature of human hope and its existence as well as its co-existence among individual as well as communal hearts of our suffering humanity respectively as a human virtue before the dawn of the first Christmas when at the Incarnation of our Lord and through His mighty and saving walk on this earth with all of mankind, our LORD God gave both our individual as well as our collective human hopes a supernatural character.
AS WE KNOW, through our collective meditations, the virtue of hope is distinct from the virtue of faith in that hope is something to be expressed and shared in common and in good will with and in God among both believing as well as awakening human hearts, all of them, without exception understood to be capable of a certain degree of hoping.
For all of us exist in time and dimensional space where unfolding before us, here in the Now, amidst the darkness of exile time is the promise itself of this particular virtue, vested in time, experienced in safety as the shared bubble of our human reality floating in the void and aligned towards the glory as well as the greater glory of our LORD God and one Creator.
Towards Christmas, let us recognize the commonality as well as the universality of the hopes of the shared life of our humanity so that by Christmas day we may rejoice at the great gift of God's own Peace made possible by the Incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ, on that day in our time and upon our poor world close to 2000 years ago.
Remembering, my constant friend and companion, that no one who must, by covenant with God, dwell within our nations, true to each its divine calling, of the one family of nations of poor mankind (Republic or otherwise, for a state is righteous in the order and magnitude that it fosters the people, maintains the one peace, advances the good as well as the common good and preserves the discipline of the national community) can stand taller than the calm of our native waters for above the coherent parity of our stillness there is only our peerless LORD, within us there is only the sacred abode of each of our individual heart of hearts, a sacred sanctuary within each of us that we share only with our LORD Who will not suffer to coerce our free choices and which can not be trespassed by men, angels or demons, beyond us is the void, behind us is the sink of oblivion, beneath us is hellfire and outside of us are the other wholes upon greater wholes constituting the one whole one of the governance of Divine Providence in all of creation, seen and unseen, all of whom abide by the same absolutes and align together for the same purpose and design; to prosper the peace and to foster the life of the human people which is the glory of God in our visible creation.
For as war does not exist in this, our paradigm - against us, this we shall most certainly defend, in time and dimensional space, in life and in eternity, with our lives width and breadth, by lines drawn by our noble military in time, outside of time and at the threshold of our souls, we shall press this fight eastwards as nations together - towards the shores of eternity, resting in each other's sufficiency and leaving all else with the one omnipotent and invincible defense of our one Almighty God, our first and our final defender, until the enemy of our peace is vanquished forever.
Thus, the only thing that we may be distinguished by among our common peers in common creation, under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God, is by our spirit of service - both by the magnitudes of our virtue as individual stars and the luminosity of our particular galaxies as nations competing in good works, one with another, for the benefit of the good, the common good and all towards the greater good of visible creation which is the glory of God, within and without, in the shared life of our humanity.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the Peace.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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