Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009: A Time for Hope, A Season to Build

THE PEACE OF JESUS CHRIST, Prince of Peace, be unto all men of good will.

STARTING THIS MOMENT, Beloved of God, on this day, the 1st of January of the year of our LORD 2009, come the favorable season for building on the peace of our world. For this day marks the 1290th day in Daniel 12 now manifest to our world as a quite real and almost tangible promise of peace as well as an understanding of the eternal fruits of this peace.

It is a choice to consistently, perseveringly and unwaveringly bring the time, times, and half-a-time quickening of the heart into a real economy of human effort, individual as well as national, that shall by the grace and through the beneficence of our LORD, sanctify the hopes of our nations and herald for our unsung generations, the dawning of the new age of peace.

For each of our nations is as an altar of life, our nameless and honest labors of Country, pleasing to the one LORD of life Whose will it is for us to build upon this creation, the necessary things that shall upon each of our nations become the foundations of our peace which shall help lead souls towards attaining liberation and union in, with and through God. And as each of our nations are indeed, instruments of this peace, they are as altars to the God of all life and Holy Sustainer of all of the everliving and are never to be sanctified to nor must it ever stir with and for war.

Because as with all things that come to us from our good God, these things in Holy Scripture prepare us for those other things that shall then pave the way for better things that come.

Now, it is up to our world of the present to cooperate with God's grace to build up a better time and place - one that is able to withstand the approaching tempest which is very terrible indeed.

Lest no one survive, my beloved friend and constant companion - let us all pray that our LORD is merciful to our suffering humanity, victims by first principle - each and every one of us, without exception - good, because each of us is capable of love and of being loved - but love is a choice - and all choice is free.

Yet as our LORD is good: This moment, this year marks the beginning of the favorable season for building - building up the only storm shelters that our humanity possesses in this inhabited earth - the shelters of Country: the warmth of human communities, the sails of human hope, the will of the human spirit to endure.

ALL the nations of mankind must become a FAMILY, live in the spirit of FAMILY and build in the way that a FAMILY builds - for the enemy that shall ride the approaching storm is not going to be a human being and shall have absolutely no regard nor respect for our one suffering humanity - whoever the human being and from whatever nation, tribe or family of mankind will make no difference to it, it shall only desire the annihilation of all: An enemy that is also writ in Holy Scripture.

But TIME is not enemy territory - for time flows not for any enemy of God. We can always rest in our sufficiency, be at peace and stir not with the stirring of war - for the wicked indeed, shall have no rest.

Therefore, those who are patient and persevere in time with the labor of our present hopes till the 1335th day shall be blessed with the everlasting fruits of those hopes that each of us shall share and experience, alone or together, near or far, in the course of this season in exile time.

The span between the two numbered days between 1290 and 1335 means that the work that we shall all become committed to in, with, for and through God with and for each other on behalf of the coming generations of all the nations of our one family of nations shall be very difficult yet, commensurate with this difficulty is the hope that each of us shall share and experience, alone or together, near or far, which shall be just as real and just as attainable as the reality of its one, divine Provider and most beneficent Giver of all good things.

Therefore, my beloved friend and constant companion, let us prayerfully ponder on this and seek in good faith the LORD of all understanding that the one Light of our LORD may become for us our guide, our own truelight, ever as we walk this mountain path, alone with the Alone and intimate with the Intimate, unto the one Summit from whence all things began and shall begin again anew.

From always to always...


Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.
This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

John 13: 34-35

"What War Does to One, War Does to All."

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