TO BE SURE, wars are never won - war only waits till we, all of humanity - in spirit as well as in form, are utterly defeated by it.
For the cessation of conflict that heavily involves our nations - as their wholes, relies on attrition, exhaustion or petition and none of these constitute as victory over war.
War can only be deferred. For the spirit of war has no other ambition than the utter annihilation of all our human nations and through this, all of our shared humanity and by extension, all the life of visible creation.
War confers victory to no one, not even itself. For war has no place either in heaven or here on our earth, in exile time as well as at the beginning of all things new.
We are always left with two things where the focus of the will is on war, the degradation of the human spirit and the defeat of the truth.
Where there is any virtue in conflict, that is exclusively the merit of good human beings. We must always be mindful of this and confuse not the nobility of man with ignoble, base and evil things.
To every battle, an outcome. War has no outcome. In the Art of War, the Tao (a dynamic system or climate) of War is deception. But the Tao of peace is victory.
It is good for the military to study battles but know that war must be understood. For war has no outcome that is favorable to the military.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu states that it is inhuman to prolong conflict. For the prolongation of conflict favors no one - it exhausts the state, dulls the noble military, and brings great suffering to the people.
In my own view, the Tao of battle is no battle - that is to say, a way of decisiveness of spirit; a clarity of purpose - a Straightpath. For the greatest battles of all are those that are won but never fought. And the battles we must fight must be won without war.
For war as a paradigm whole is not to be fought, only God can slay this beast, because as it is from heaven thrown down, it must be on earth refused.
Peace as a paradigm builds on its own truth, a reality that is very distinct from that of war, along a path that takes our nations far away from the midnight darkness of war.
It serves the people. It guards our hope. It defends where it must. It teaches our nations. It enobles our states. It fosters our own undertakings of Country. It preserves the order of our generations. It prospers the spirit of our humanity. It is sufficient in and of itself, being confident of its own truth. And it leaves all things to the invincible and omnipotent defense of Almighty God.
Propser the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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