AT THE DAWNING OF THE NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH, my beloved friend and constant companion - after our General Judgment at the Last Day - here at the beginning of all things new - I would that you shall prayerfully ponder upon these things that I shall share with each of you:
If the holy angels in heaven are arrayed in their choirs; our humanity at our restoration shall be arrayed as our one family of nations - ascended nations, perfected in peace and infinitely wholesome with all kinds of good things. For God shall be our Country, God's perfect Peace shall be our state and we shall each possess as our eternal belonging, the wonderful strength of all of our national communities - all who are good and who have left this world in friendship with God, reborn and perfected in everlasting friendships with each other in God, dwelling forever in pious society with all the holy angels of God.
Truelight shall imbue and permeate our quicksilver reality with a golden radiance, as the infinite majesty of the one Presence of our LORD - our one triune Perfection, shall for all eternity completely rest upon the one whole one of our human habitation; upon all of our worlds and all of our cities in the visible universe stretching out from before our feet.
Our own true skies shall be conscious and awake to our human longings and evermore shall the radiant light of our heavens be open to our heart's yearnings as well as responsive to our mind's eagerness to learn - for not only shall we be ageless as the angels, we shall also be timeless as they are timeless and travel the way the timeless and the ageless travel - by speed of spirit - moving from thought to thought, sliding from moment to moment, and we shall nevermore feel pain nor hunger, neither shall the fear of separation or death anymore haunt our steps as we labor to discover and understand together the inexhaustible mysteries of time and creation, salvation and redemption - ever as the vision of our LORD opens up to our souls to bring our lives forevermore into a state of constant felicity.
And, greatest and most exquisite of all wonders - our Savior, Jesus Christ - our one and only Truelight, shall walk among us once again - even as the most gentle mind and the most loving heart of our Lord Christ dwell with us from within as our own true rest, ever as a timeless peace in our souls, and along with all the blessed Saints of God - those prophets, kings, queens, bishops - the all the true heroes of all mankind - each and every one of them servants of God from all times and from all places whose eternal fruits are edible for all and fruitful for all time - who are, each of them, elect of God from eternity and upon whose happy company we shall be included forever as the one ascended family of the perfected nations of mankind.
And we shall know all of this and many, many, many more things when we get there, Beloved of God - but verily, we will not get there - at the one gathering - as perfected nations lest our own nations survive here in this midnight place of war and sin; here in our poor world.
That we may each survive into the coming of the new as individuals is also true but is it not infinitely better, my beloved friend and constant companion, to persevere as nations together here as well as in the Hereafter? For the benefits of Country is true and its promise is obviously manifest to us even here whilst we yet journey with our hopes together through exile time; ever as we experience the reality of the unfolding of our faiths together today.
So in the unfolding of our reality today, my beloved friend and constant companion, here in this present time, even as war is still among our nations, let us be sure that sufficient to and for our good is the evil therewith and so let us be ever mindful of all of these things as well that we may learn to respect and understand the reason why things are they way they must be: why we must make this one choice of the one peace or forever lose something good in our becoming that we will never know the completeness of.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
TO ALL MY ROMAN CATHOLIC brethren and sisters, that indwelling life of the Holy Spirit that in eternity we shall share with each other within ourselves through our one, most loving Jesus Christ Who is our rest and our peace forever in our souls is the crown of life which is the actual possession of the promised truth of the one triune Perfection - everlasting life - that in its wholeness in you and me and in all of us together in God is the fullness of our Holy Mother Church in eternity and this vision of our one family of ascended and perfected nations dwelling together in everlasting peace in eternity with and in God and all the holy angels of God is that part of our creed we say together during every celebration of Holy Mass where we profess with conviction of faith, to God and to each other, our belief in "the resurrection of the body and life everlasting".
And the "AMEN" at the conclusion of that same creed, my beloved friend and constant companion, is the choice to own up to this, our own hopes together.
As the fruits required from us by our Savior is one that is edible for all mankind and good for all time, never must any of us judge those who are different from us without hope. For in the end, there shall remain only those that serve and those that serve not.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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