SO BY THEIR FRUITS you will know them.
Matthew 7: 20
THE FIRST AND ONLY prohibition of our good LORD to our first parents was to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This prohibition is symbolic of a choice: A choice to become independent from God; a choice to accept exile away from God.
For the freedom to know good and evil is to become as our Creator, the one Ultimate Judge and the one Absolute Ruler of all creation, seen and unseen. This exposed our humanity to sin.
It was this choice that destroyed our original liberty.
It was this choice that overthrew the original order of the visible universe.
It was this choice that turned our heritage of life and of light into an abyss of sin and of death.
And it was a choice that was not freely undertaken by our first parents but was the result of the willfull interference of Satan with our eternal destiny as the one whole lineage of the generations of Man.
Indeed, it was this choice that stole from us, our one peace.
Thus, in the eyes of our LORD and of all of heaven, we are all victims by first principle.
Now, my dear Christian soul, our most loving Jesus Christ commanded each and every one of us to produce eternal fruit which is fruit that is edible for all mankind and good for all time.
I offer you that both the fruits of the other trees of the garden of our faded Eden mentioned in Genesis and the fruit that is mentioned by our Lord Christ here in the Gospel of Matthew is the same.
It is the fruit of virtue which is right action.
And those trees of old, my beloved friend and companion, are symbolic not only of each and every human person gifted with a timeless soul, these tress are also symbolic of each and every one of our nations gifted by our LORD to all mankind for the building up of the good of the human communities of our inhabited earth, the sheltering of the life of our shared humanity and the advancement of the one peace of our one human race.
Beloved of God, Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace.
Regardless of how one is so religiously inclined to take into his or her heart, the one person of the one Savior of all humankind, our most loving Jesus Christ is real - his ageless teachings are real, his substance and his being is real and his love for all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is real.
He is the one Truelight of our shared humanity.
In the one Solidarity, Jesus Christ is our Exemplar, the First of our First Magnitudes.
There is more to our existence, my beloved friend and constant companion, than war and suffering, let us strive to produce the fruits of our honorable religion and rejoice in the dawning of our hope for the Peace of Christ is upon our poor world - for our good and the good of all men and women of good will.
Let us therefore, cultivate in the garden of our hearts with God, the trees of our true selves and produce for our LORD and for each other the fruits of a good and honorable religion - worship our one LORD with honor and serve God's Kingdom of Peace with both virtue and light that we may bless our Creator's creation with every kind of good thing that is edible unto all mankind, each of us bearing those fruits which are eternally pleasing to our one God.
Let us compete in good works, one honorable religion with another, one faithful nation with another, and become for our poor world what Jesus Christ - however we perceive him to be - would have each of us be - both as individual human beings and as individual human nations - as good trees bearing those much needed good fruits of every kind for all mankind; fruit that is edible unto all men, women and children of every nation of the one family of the nations of mankind which are fruits that remain good and sweet for our one LORD for all time.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
SO BY THEIR FRUITS you will know them - by their works they shall be revealed.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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