in the battle to secure our hearts everyday
let us not be fooled by the enemy of our souls
for the striving for peace indeed is fierce
and the war to win our infinite worlds within
abate not from without, my friend and companion,
for the stillness is only certain and true
where the quiet is an indwelling from within,
alone with the Alone and intimate with the Intimate:
So let us not be deluded by the guile that whispers
that all is oh so quiet everywhere in our poor world,
let us not be drawn in by those oh so ordinary days
those oh so dreary, long and drawn out days
when there seems to be a lull in the fray
in the battle to secure our hearts everyday
for all is still only when we are well with God
and we are well with God when we cherish from within
the one Beautiful whose reflections we are striving to be -
So these days we must count our blessings, Beloved of God,
living at all times in praise and exaltation to the one God
grateful for the gift of belonging to God and each other in God:
Alleluia, Amen to God, Alleluia to the LORD.
"The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still."
Exodus 14: 14
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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