Friday, January 30, 2009

On the Politics of the one Majority

AS ROMAN CATHOLIC LAITY, we must be able to clearly and distinctly express social actions within our national community which are done in the Name of our LORD God in Jesus Christ as a Church - in communion with our pastors and each other as Christians - as well as those which are done in the name of Country as a body politic - in community with our state and each other as citizens under one God. This need was expressed by Pope John Paul II in the encyclical Sollicitudi Rei Socialis.

Therefore, as regards to the apostolate of the Peace of Jesus Christ and its particular charism, in order to promote the two-fold mission of our community, the one Solidarity and the one Majority shall be this clear distinction desired by our most loving Lord, Jesus Christ, through Pope John Paul II, of blessed memory, in the encyclical Sollicitudi Rei Socialis.

All Preservators of second Magnitude down echelon and their constituent active elements in the community are heretofore strongly encouraged to participate as dutiful citizens when necessary in the civic actions that constitute the social mission of the one Majority.

However, all first Magnitude Preservators are heretofore, to be completely dedicated to the one Solidarity alone - having to undertake a solemn vow of obedience to the Vicar of Christ on earth in particular and to the Bishops in communion with our Holy Father in general.

As the political leaning of the one Majority seem to be towards Christian Democracy and its perfection in exile time as an instrument of God in Country, we shall ally ourselves closely with the Centrist Democrats International in general and in particular here in the Philippines with Lakas-CMD (Christian-Muslim Democrats).

However, we shall keep to our own distinct identity as a buffer to make sure that the party that carries the electoral mandate of the people in the Republic is for the people and never for the party; that public service always remain a calling of God and never an ambition of Man.

Let us always bear in mind the motto of the one Majority: SERVIAM - only this keeps us who we are, only this keeps at least two-thirds of the stars of heaven always present in our hearts with God, keeping us who we are as a whole - a one Majority.

As any fruit can never be known just for being a tree, a Christian can never be defined by definition alone but by action. As no prayer is ever complete without its act, we must, as a whole, be able to intertwine commission and mission into Christian duty, into real charity - for when one sows a thought (in the ground of the heart-mind as in prayer), we reap an act, when one sows an act, we reap a habit, when one sows a habit, we reap a character, when one sow a character, we reap a destiny.

Therefore, let us be ready to produce in ourselves (shoulder to shoulder with all honorable religion most especially, our Abrahamic brethren and sisters) what Christ requires of us - fruit which is edible unto all mankind and good for all time - for there is but one way to achieve right action, for being patient, kind, merciful, just, truly loving and every way good in God for others with God becomes only when we learn to become who we are in Jesus Christ, neither holding back nor exceeding the promise that we have gained through His life, labor, Passion and Cross, death and Resurrection at the Incarnation and His most glorious rule over us in heaven and on earth at every Holy Mass unto the Last Day.

Finally, where the one Solidarity can not endorse a candidate for presidency in 2010 or at any other time, the one Majority can - as a matter of civic duty - so therefore, we shall seek today - across party lines - and ponder in our own hearts, the attributes that best characterize the person that would be most suitable to govern with justice and charity our long-suffering Filipino nation.

I, as I am, can neither name nor endorse any person, I may only describe the need. However, let me impress upon each of you the great depth of this need: Verily, we can not, as a nation, afford in this day and age to not pay complete attention to this, our own endeavor of Country, anymore - the consequences are just too dire, I can not fully express them.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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