Friday, October 31, 2008

The Difference: Germany vs. Nazism x

FOR AS LONG as mankind exists in exile time, the one race of humanity can never achieve complete and lasting world peace, nor can our poor mankind ever become one nation BUT we can limit the damages that war shall desire to inflict upon our peace and therefore, preserve the greater of the promise of our peoples of the one family of the nations of mankind.

I shall speak now of what I know to be true that God alone may be praised for all truth belongs to God alone. Ponder and hear those who have ears to listen:

I must emphasize that the one German nation is not in any way - as a whole, arrayed as all nations are across time and dimensional space - the same as the fallen Nazi ideology of which she is a victim.

When Hitler declared a death sentence on Germany - his lunatic dreams crashing all around his ears - his blind ambition was not able anymore to comprehend the magnitude of the gravity of his hubris - the singular arrogance that eventually destroyed him was like an imploding hole in the fabric of exile time that sucked him out of his own reality - this same sentence is passed upon all evil things that are aligned with the Devil - to turn to ashes from within, to implode, to self destruct under the massive weight of the gravity of their own evil (Isaiah).

Just think about it, my honorable companion, the implications of a death sentence on a whole nation is unthinkable, it has unforeseeable negative effects both in time, space as well as human potential - all the things that affect the life of our shared humanity.

Citizenship among our nations can not be achieved by being born or by going against the bedrock Noahic covenant foundations behind every nation's founding in eternity.

For the honor of a citizen is realized only by the degree to which the human being, thus called, agrees to cooperate with the grace of God and move the endeavor of his own Country forward. And understand also that there is only one way to go forward.

Having said all of these, I do not see any kind of true citizenship in the Nazi's, theirs was an ambition to destroy the very nations to which the universal call of noble citizenship properly belongs to and pertains. Theirs was an ambition of war. They have willfully chosen to completely respond to the call of war, and now they must know that war itself is a citizen not of this world, belonging not to the original peace of the inhabited earth.

Just because Hitler claimed to BE Germany, doesn't mean it's true. Just because someone shows you citizenship papers, doesn't mean that person lives - by his own life's width and breadth - the truth of his claim. For the truth can never be written in ink - truth can not be set down on paper, truth must be lived. Truth is like motion, it is like the wind that comes and goes without being seen, being felt more than it can be read or understood. True things are true because they apply in all things, and at all times and places exist ultimately as itself, absolute in it's reality, without increase or decrease.

When I think of true things, I always recall the image of our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, a few minutes into His resurrection, rolling the bandages patiently from within the dark of his tomb, perfectly confident of His own glorious reality.

Where is Hitler now? Gone. Where is Germany? Here. Which is real? You decide.

I personally believe the Nazi's have achieved citizenship elsewhere, in places no sane man or angel shall ever dare to tread. Now, I am a firm believer in hope but in the case of Hitler and those unrepentant Nazi's who have cruelly attempted to murder entire nations - including Germany herself, I really do not have much to work with without offending my own sense of justice.

But the holy innocents - of all sides of the one side of the peace - honorable soldiers, fallen civilians, nameless heroes, they shall all forever be remembered by their proper name and shall be restored to their rightful places at the beginning of all things new.

So rest now, dear Germany, thy weary wandering. Complete thy remembrances, bring forward your hopes and be at peace. Look now into the present, O you generations, for sufficient today are the evils that we will face together as the one family of the nations of mankind.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Haiku #78: Home x


O how our Lord longs
for you to come Home, my love,
back to Father's arms.

Consider thy heart,
what it says, amidst the noise,
"Why art thou baptized?"

Kindred grace

Haiku #82: Line x


There exists a line
between yesterday and Now -
between life and void...

Let go of the past
for there is no looking back
to see what's ahead.

Stand your ground
in the Now.

Haiku #80: Mrow x


Sometimes my Miyang
lights me up, for no reason -
she gives me good cheer!

When my Anne's near,
I can almost see her face,
our souls overlap...

And we dance,
till I smile.

Haiku #79: Storm x


There once was a storm
that raged into a great flood
that swept the earth clean...

And the earth wept, and -
mourned many days. And behold!
The Bow of the LORD.

Thy promise,
O nations.

Haiku #81: Bloom x


The fiery flower
shook against thy innocence,
and in an instant -

Thy blossoms, they fell,
and lay still upon the cold,
awaiting the spring.

The war thawed,
life lingers.

Haiku #75: Near x


There once was a flow'r
that our LORD made for Himself
deep in His Garden...

And the LORD took me,
and I saw, His secret flow'r
and my heart blossomed.

I have found,
my Gracie.

Haiku #77: Launch x


Respond to thy call,
be true to thyself, and then -
cast thyself away!

Launch into the deep!
Cast thy suns, O dear Christians,
let us live our Light!

Shine upon
the darkness.

Haiku #76: Brave x


Why is Superman -
so super? Is it because
he is born super?

Heroes are not born,
no one is honored just for
merely exisitng...

No try is
a wrong try.

Haiku #74: Shame x


A man once served, then -
thought about Judas and lo!
He betrayed Peter.

A man once loved, then -
thought about all the unlove
and said, "I serve not."

What kind of
love is that?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Haiku #73: Pain x


Knowing that their love
has yet to arrive when their
faith now rest in God...

The timeless souls - long -
for their burning thirst to end,
their hope they left - HERE.

Pray for the
Holy Souls.

Haiku #71: Fly x


What is expected
of those who are vincible,
unlike Thee, O LORD?

When my heart awakens
to the vincible in me,
I run to my God.

My LORD is
my refuge.

Haiku #72: Mars x


Fiery rock of war,
blazing across the darkness,
burnt, bleeding away!

Thy great promise fled,
thy realms sundered, void of life;
thy hopes defeated!

Look at Mars,
look at us.

Haiku #70: Wish x


O how nice it is -
just to forget, and sometimes,
remember right now:

That I am right here,
upon that hill by the shore,
lost upon our one song:

Just being
with my Anne.

On Racial Tension x

LET US RECALL again to mind, my friend and companion, the dispersion of our one race of humanity at Babel.

Life in this world is probation; it is prologue.

This universe exists inside a closed system of entropy and where we to fast forward in the eyes our souls the flow of exile time, it is quite easy for our imagination to grasp with understanding that the whole of this visible universe shall eventually be brought to dust.

Likewise, if we were to pass through the portal of death and across this veil of shadow and tears and move from time into the timeless, we shall immediately apprehend what judgment our Creator has passed from eternity unto this midnight realm of tears and endless battle. And we shall either wish to die in terror or be glad to have passed from life into life. But of course, since the soul is immortal, the wicked shall wish for the mountains to cover them and die but neither the mountains nor death shall cover them but the just shall reign forever with and in God.

This world, my friend and companion, is not the everlasting habitation that our LORD intendeds for us; it is prologue, it is probation.

Because of this, there is tension, a constant, pervasive, penetrating knowledge that sits at the back of our awareness that reminds us of the paths that lead to sufficiency in ourselves in God; a path that ascends the one mountain of our LORD; a path that draws the limits between life and the void, lack and excess, good and evil, truth and lie, light and dark, treading the middle way of God's peace and ascending with God's infinite grace to the safety of our most beneficent LORD's glorious virtues.

This tension is crucial to maintaining this interior balance and allows us to find our own unique ways of expressing sufficiency with God in ourselves. Understanding this tension and how it works with God's grace or how it runs awry in our lives in spite of God's grace encapsulates the saying of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, not be anxious about the future.

This tension consists of uncertainty and faith and the varying degrees that we are moved by the struggle between the two: Uncertainty in our hearts in what lies ahead of our noses from instant to instant in exile time and faith in the LORD of our hearts that God's grace shall seize us in this free fall that we call life and bear us up upon eagle wings from instant to instant until we come to posses in eternity what in faith we have professed in temporality.

Racial tension is one aspect descriptive of this tension as a whole.

Going back to our remembrance of Babel, we shall apprehend the roots of racial tension and that this tension is meant not to conquer us but to better our appreciation of the nature of our Creator. For God did not disperse our one race of humanity to cause wars and racial hatred, the tension that naturally exists between our different peoples exists as an impetus for understanding and not as a motive for division, discord, dilution and dissolution.

Where one allows the self to be overcome by fears that deny faith a foothold in the heart and allow one's heart to slide down the easy gravity of our differences instead of maintaining the struggle to keep our hope, one becomes an extension of the lie that breeds racial hate.

Where one does not allow faith to be overcome by the uncertainty that exists and therefore, allow God's mercy to act within the space of our hope, one begins to understand and through bridges of understanding becomes an instrument of the peace, and a child of the LORD.

Lastly, it must be said that racism is any untoward attitude that detracts from the bedrock truth that we are all common peers in common creation. For above us exists our LORD and our LORD's hosts and below us exists the Devil and his demons - we ARE the middle ground.

Racism is an evil and like all evil, it is a corruption of God's good intentions. It exists where this kind of hatred works and is readily found in places we don't expect it to be found. It is not, in any way, shape or form, exclusive to any one people, white, black, brown, yellow, red, green or blue, for no nation of our mankind is immune to the subtle whisperings of this malicious lie.

Let us therefore, my friend and companion, make and effort to deepen our understanding of the nature of racial tension and apply ourselves to God's peace, towards the exultation of the one, true nature of our one, true LORD and each other's immortal gain.

Let there be true appreciation in us where our LORD have caused bridges of tolerance and understanding to be built between ourselves and only the utmost respect both for the inherent dignity of our station as human beings as well as for the noble intentions of our LORD where differences are allowed to endure.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Haiku #69: Flow'r x


O Little Flower,
remember us, poor sinners,
whom you loved so much...

Remember the world,
that you left, longing for peace,
longing for Savior.

Pray for us,

Haiku #68: Sports x


Sports is discipline,
the discipline of motion -
the language of life...

The medium of play,
venues for togetherness,
fostering friendships.

It's virtue
is justice.

Haiku #66: Art x


Life to be lived - must
in Beauty be realized,
as It's expression...

This motion is art,
it paints, acts, sings, and creates;
it fills with colors...

Art reminds,

Haiku #65: Tears x


Farewell to promise,
the sun has set, it is dark,
and the night ponders...

Bittersweet the fruit
that once fallen, in dying -
remembers, remains...

resting, here,
with our hope.

Haiku #64: Trust x


Trust is a falling,
into time, towards our hope,
towards faith, one flow...

True hope stands firm, till -
time is met, and faith is let
towards truth, in God.

False things sink
into void.

Haiku #63: Torn x


Why does marriage fail,
when God's grace supports it's vows -
a union with Love...

Is there anything stronger
than love, anything nobler,
anything better?

Love ignored
undoes all.

On Catholic Worship

WORSHIP IS ABSOLUTE ALLEGIANCE and allegiance is absolutely about love; it is like a love that longs for Itself.

We love only because God is Love and only because God abides in us can we truly love all that is in God and we must love truly all that is in God because we must truly love our LORD.

Therefore, love God and God alone and with one love alone, for only the LORD shalt thou worship and the rest of creation shall fall into place.

This one love is descriptive of latria.

Hyerdulia is the proper veneration rightly accorded to the Theotokos, the great Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We love our Lady because we love God alone with one love alone.

Dulia is the veneration rightly accorded to our beloved Saints and the Holy Angels of God.

We love our Saints and Angels because we love God alone with one love alone.

All that is love begins in Love and ends in Love and all that abides in God abides in Love because God is Love and where we to be gifted with the one love of charity, were we to be mindful of this gift, were we to cherish this love, were we to cultivate it like it longs for Itself, we shall soon possess it because we shall be possessed by It.

But in order to truly appreciate the awesome glory of this Love, we must understand the central mystery of our Christian faith - the one triune Perfection, the most Holy Trinity for this is eternal life: To be caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son; this is oneness with God, communion with our LORD, and a return to our Creator.

For this is eternal life, it is one Love, one LORD, and we are one people for we are Love's portion, each of us, a love broken for others for our own good's sake; a one Communion of Saints.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

I AM THE VINE, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.

John 15: 5

Haiku #67: Slur


Garbage in, of course,
garbage out, but some people,
they cherish this smut.

Some people talk - like -
everything's garbage, save them,
they cherish this smut.

Because they
are garbage.

Haiku #62: Dreams x


We live in our dreams,
dreaming of a better world,
and then we grow up...

Why must our dreams die
because the awakening
is painful, my friend?

Dreams grow up
to be born.

Haiku #61: Self x


Know to overcome -
others - know to overcome -
all - it is the same.

Know to overcome -
self - know to overcome -
thy overcoming.

Break thy self,
to know peace.

Haiku #60: Why x


Death is consequence;
a rule laid down by heaven
as a remembrance.

Death is not a choice,
nobody chooses to die,
why must the unborn?

What is your

Haiku #59: Grass x


There once was a man
whose possessions possessed him,
amassing great wealth.

On the day he died,
his possessions died with him,
withering like grass.

Forget not
why we live.

Haiku #57: Fear x


Fear when in excess,
is a cold grip, a blindness,
that undoes reason...

Fear when it's lacking
tempts the good to spurn wisdom,
and undoes the brave.

It quickens
the alert.

Haiku #58: Vote x


If you value choice
then you're first among equals,
a peer among peers...

If you love freedom,
then you must do violence,
against inaction.

Act your will,
speak your mind!

Haiku #56: Drugs x


The first choice you make
is the last you'll ever take,
until you admit...

The first choice you make
is the last you'll ever take,
admit you were wrong.

while there's time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Haiku #52: Crush x


The fire of loss
is like the blackest of tar,
heavy and sticky...

The crush of darkness
shall envelop thy being
like you were buried:


Haiku #53: Emz x


A human being
to be loved, must be loved
from eternity...

Past, present, future,
converge at the heart, and now
you're a young lady.

Walk always
in Beauty.

Haiku #54: Friend x


The path is lonely
but the journey is lively
because we are friends...

No man walks alone
who trusts to his friends in God,
whose friends trust to him.

We conquer

Haiku #55: Fight


Lion of Panjshir,
defender of the people,
embraced by our peace!

How I long to fight
the defense of the City
with Us in our hearts.

Holding firm
against war.

Haiku #51: Press x


What is truth, my friend,
when there is nothing but gray
and nothing stands firm?

Truth paves our hist'ry,
the light of our hope, one road,
one reality.

Share it like
you mean it.

Falafel Wars

IF ONLY these were our only problems in the Middle East, my precious friend and companion:

A new war between Israel and Lebanon has erupted, but this time the war is not geopolitical, but rather an issue of cuisine-who has sovereignty over traditional Arab dishes and sandwiches.

The president of the Lebanese Industrialists Association Fadi Abboud, said he is preparing to file an international lawsuit against Israel for allegedly "taking the identity of some Lebanese foods" and thus violating a food copyright.

"In a way the Jewish state is trying to claim ownership of traditional Lebanese delicacies like falafel, tabouleh and hummus" Abboud said.

According to Abboud, the Lebanese are losing "tens of millions of dollars annually" because Israel is selling and marketing traditional Lebanese dishes.

"The Israelis are marketing our main food dishes as if they were Israeli dishes," he charged.

"We are working on registering all the foods and ingredients which will be submitted to the Lebanese government so it can appeal to the international courts against Israel," Abboud said.

"The Israelis are marketing such Lebanese delicacies under the same names and ingredients around the world," he added. "This is harming and causing great losses to Lebanon."

Abboud said he prepared his memo on the subject, based on the case of the Greek "feta cheese precedent" that occurred six years ago.

At the time, Greece managed to prove in international institutions that it was the "originator" of feta cheese and won the case.

According to Abboud, while Lebanon never registered the names and ingredients of its own delicacies, "it can refer to the Greece precedent since these foods are historically known as traditional Lebanese foods.

"By doing so, we are preventing Israel from stealing our main food trademarks and selling them around the world," Abboud added.

From: Haaretz News

Listen you who have ears to hear:

WAR IS A TYRANT and the longer we allow war to feed on our peoples, the more energy we shall have to expend in the defense, and the higher the cost we shall have to EVENTUALLY pay before the end.

For there is no moving forward unless we meet the demands of our being human and serve the cause of sacred life upon which we are each brought by our LORD into this world.

Peace in the Middle East, although at times seemingly extremely elusive, should be in the prayers and noble intentions of those who believe in it - as we absolutely do.

Remember that BOTH sides are suffering and forgetting not all the victims and their undying hopes, consider what exactly is being taken from our midst by either our being silent or our turning away from this feral beast.

Remember, my honorable Abrahamic companion, what war does to one, war does to all.

The more we stand divided on this issue, the longer we allow division to stand in the way of peace, the more suffering we shall inherit from the lack that is everyday increased by the lost promise of so many lives devoured by this conflict.

And this lack has long ago surpassed our ability to cope which is why so many have fallen into despair and this despair in turn feeds into the vicious cycles of violence and hatred that in turn only whets the appetite of the beast, to the eternal regret of all.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Between the one Solidarity and the one Majority

ONE CAN ONLY CHOOSE to devote one's exclusive service to either the one Solidarity (the peace within) or the one Majority (the peace without).

Both of these callings serve to better and advance the one, indivisible and ascendant peace of our LORD but each of them constitute two separate and distinct paths upon the one mountain of our one LORD.

Now, it takes a more than a lifetime to conquer one road alone and as each of us in turn are granted only one life to live, we who are no longer lukewarm must choose.

Therefore, each of us must prayerfully consider and choose which path our hearts must take in order for us to aspire to ascend to the summit of the one mountain of our glorious LORD, walking upon eagle's wings of God's grace, and bring down the peace of heaven into our lives, and from our lives into our times and from our times into our poor world.

As for me, I have, am and shall always belong to the apostolate of the Peace of my All, the one Solidarity and it's mission which I utterly comprehend must be kept completely insulated from secular politics.

I and the apostolate however, will continually nurture the spirit of the one Majority, through prayer, meditation and contemplation.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Monday, October 27, 2008

An Ode to our Father Abraham x

across the midnight emptiness
of this season of the sky
toward the eastern advent breaking
of the new millennial age
and the dawning
of a better, kinder world
for all men, women and children
of every nation
of the one covenant family
of the nations of poor Mankind,
the great galaxy of our Father Abraham,
the fulfillment of a promise of old.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

The Kampilan of the one Majority

THE KAMPILAN is a famous Moro long sword still in use by many Filipino-Muslims today. It was also the sword used by Lapu-lapu in his fight with Ferdinand Magellan in the Battle of Mactan 500 years ago. It is single edged and about 35 to 40 inches long, it has a handle that is made up of hardwood and the end is designed to look like the open mouth of a crocodile. It has a spikelet at the tip and is wide at the end and narrows down gradually to the hilt. It is comparable in strength and resilience in battle to the Japanese katana.

The Kampilan is to be adapted as the honorary sword of the one Majority.

It symbolizes the exacting sharpness of the truth; truth that sunders the chains that bind our shared humanity to the lie that makes desolate our nations; truth that makes whole and sets free.

For the Kampilan that is wielded by the one Majority symbolizes peace; the one, ascendant peace that absolutely withstands war. It does not, shall not and will never symbolize war and the descendant gravity of war's ambition.

This honorary sword is to be awarded to honorary Filipino citizens, and natural-born or naturalized Filipino citizens who serve with nobility and distinction the cause of the one, indivisible peace.

Honorary citizenship unlike natural and naturalized citizenship can be stripped should the sacred honor that bind together the person and the particular distinction bestowed in good will by the one Majority be irreversibly violated.

I do not like identifying particulars but I shall make an exception here for the sake of good example. Let us take a certain R. M. who was correctly stripped of his knighthood by H. R. M. Elizabeth II, in the context of how we consider citizenship in this meditation, the dignity of that man has plummeted as astronomically as the inflation that he has helped cause in his own Country (not to mention all the deaths, past, present and future, to which he and his accomplices shall, as a leader of a nation, be held fully accountable for by the Justice of God in heaven with or without the help of the courts of the nations of mankind; death itself shall be the equation that shall square with all those who think that either the dust of the earth or the void of time can hide them from the Justice of God in heaven) and at present - in the context of our meditation on citizenship - is not worth the dignity of one, true Zimbabwean citizen, let alone any honorary title worth it's salt as British knighthood or the Kampilan of the one Majority.

In contrast, natural and naturalized citizenship can never be stripped, but it's distinction and therefore, the actual value of it's dignity as it is significantly recognized by the national community as a whole is completely dependent on how and how much the call of citizenship is answered by that particular individual.

Natural and naturalized Filipino citizenship is lifelong but it's true merit is directly reliant on active and lifelong participation in our common endeavor of Country.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Please refer to entry: On Further Understanding the Kampilan of the one Majority
Please refer to entry: On the Call to Citizenship

On the Call of Citizenship

all my honored companions in God and Country,
the body politic of our faithful Republic
upon whom rests the hopes of our nation,
my Abrahamic peace be upon us all:

A CITIZEN IS NOT A PERSON. Every one of us who can read and understand these words that I write is born a human being and must therefore be recognized as one and readily accorded the universal dignity that is proper to all human beings.

If one would apply even a few moments of one's day to consistently meditate a little deeper on our being human, one would learn to quietly and with increasing degrees of loving appreciation, constantly apprehend that our being human itself, both our body and soul together, is a gift of the one common Creator of all common creation, our one LORD.

And that in this universal gift of humanity that we are all given to share in each ourselves with one another through God, is the image and the likeness of our Creator that is indeed found and truly present in each and every one of us.

And out of the universal gift of our shared humanity, the grace of our LORD God calls each and every one of us every moment of every day to apply our near infinite human potential through our willing cooperation into paths that glorify the creative ideal that embodies the perfect magnanimity of the glorious and beneficent nature of our one and only Creator.

To the degree that we are obedient in the faith that reveals to us the path that our hearts must follow unto God by the living waters of His Word, our LORD allows us to grow in and through His grace according to the seed of the truths that our LORD have willed to entrust to us in the garden of the Eden that survives within our heart of hearts.

Now, along the way of this path, in the journey that we each must make as exile children of this world, are different awakenings - milestones, if you will, that realize in each of ourselves, an awareness; a calling towards a particular beginning which is one among the many beginnings that each of us shall surely be asked to embark upon in our encounters with our LORD before our LORD calls us to our life's completion into Himself and the golden vision of God in eternity that we shall share in holy communion with the elect of our LORD across the void of time; beyond the illusion of death which is the veil of shadow and tears that covers this exile universe with tears that keep us salty and shadow that vindicates our faith in life and the everliving God of all the living and the everliving in, with, for and through Him.

However, if we are reticent in accepting even the truth of our shared humanity and continually deny ourselves it's inherent duties common as well as individual by our relentless willful turning away from our one and only Creator, we will have come to terms not in the illusion of death and the void of exile time but in death and void itself and because of the very nature of our shared humanity, create for ourselves in spite of our good LORD and the pleading of our souls, the hellfire that awaits - an everlasting death in the grip of the everlasting crush of the fiery darkness that shall forever torment those who choose to suffer to stay in the void with Satan and his rebellion after the true purpose of exile time has been consummated.

In the depths of this hellfire, I tell you, my precious friend and companion, one shall barely be recognizable as once a human being with a soul meant to be beautiful as the holy angels of our LORD, a fate no human being of good will should ever desire for another. For to desire hellfire on another human being is contemptuous of life, judging another without hope, this is the embodiment of the hypocrisy of those who say peace but believe in war, who say they serve and defend sacred life but believe in the abomination that creates the desolation.

But before we fly off on a tangent, we shall now return our meditation on the topic at hand: One of the awakening calls which the grace of our LORD through Divine Providence shall bestow upon our hearts is the call of the state; the state which is the necessary structure of Country
that lawfully govern the synergies that animate the peace and the economies that direct the common good towards the will of the nation or "the people".

This call is the call of the citizen.

Because our citizenship call, my honorable Filipino compatriot, is a call of blood and fire, it is a sacred covenant between ourselves written not just with ink and paper but with the blood and fire of virtue and selfless service.

Therefore, this sacred covenant must be substantiated by our free and meaningful participation in our common endeavor of Country; we must in a labor of community live in exile time to harness and unite the synergy of our generations, binding us to our hopes as a nation in time and in eternity and consummating our lives in compact, one with another, as a community of the one indivisible peace, marching together across the desolation of this midnight world, under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God, towards the Last Day and the shores of forever.

Furthermore, it must also behoove us as a Republic citizen-state, my honorable compatriots, to make sure that honorary Filipino citizenship is made free and available to all those foreign born non-residents who have so honorably and willingly served this Filipino nation for more than 5 consecutive years who wish it; all those human beings who live in their hearts to be as one, true citizens of our one planetary whole, who have selflessly devoted their lives' width and breadth to share with us, the one Filipino people, the cause of our hope in God and in Country - missionaries, social workers, ambassadors, teachers of honorable religion and all persons of proven good will.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

of the status quo
and instead of feeding
into wars's evil ambition
the near limitless
potential of our own souls
let us apply ourselves
under the eternal vigilance
of our one Almighty God
to the labor of each Country
by our absolute turning away
from the descendant gravity
of war's evil ambition
into the ascendant direction
of the one whole peace
and build upon our civilization
the sheltering wings of
the one, indivisible peace
that prosper the life
of our shared humanity.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

An Angel Weeping

in my heart of hearts
an angel weeping,
saddened but not bowed,
shedding holy tears,
shed for Love.

"O hellfire!",
said the presence
within the comforting silence
of our hearts' mingling,
"The greatest abomination
is not thy existence!"

"I weep not
for thy blasphemy
and the abominations
that you relentlessly hurl
in the face of my Creator."

"I weep
with tears
that is shed
like the rain
filling the rivers
that flow in time
from the golden deep
of the eternity of my LORD."

"I weep
because I am wounded
but not by thy evil
O reprobate sink
of wasted creation."

"I weep
not because of thee
O hellfire
for I am hurt not
by the bankrupt nature
of the Devil and his demons
and the reprobate men
who condemn themselves
by their unwavering
and immovable
to the everlasting death
that was decreed
from eternity."

"I weep
because of Love
knowing the unbearable hurt
of the terrible affliction
that thy rebellion
have inevitably caused
to the most beneficent nature
of my most loving and most merciful
one LORD and only Creator."

"O hellfire,
thy existence
is a curse,
right by Justice,
but a transgression
against the infinite
dignity of Love!"

"I weep
because I am hurt
but not by thee,
O hellfire,
I am sorrowful
not for thy eternal woe
and the crushing depths
of the gravity of thy fiery defeat;
not for thy reprobate evil
do I shed these tears."

"I weep
because I am hurt
and I am hurt
because my God is hurt,
my LORD and my only Creator."

"I weep
with all the love
that longs for Itself
and I shall weep
in great torrents
like the rain
to fill the rivers
that flow in time
into you, O nations,
into you, O my beloved,
into those new seasons of life
that advance the cause
of suffering mankind
and serve my one LORD
and be like unto my God,
extending the glorious will
of my divine Sovereign
until my only Creator,
most forgiving
and with kindness
wipes away the tears
at the springtime beginning
of all things new."

"And thou
O hellfire
and all thy
that fight against
the rivers that flow
becomes to me
a forsaken season
shed like these tears
and overwhelmed like the darkness,
at the final winter of my memory,
and the daybreak of the everlasting peace."

Alleluia, glory to our Creator,
holy, holy, holy is our Sovereign
alleluia to our LORD,
beloved to God are those that weep
and labor in their hope,
believing in faith
and understanding in good will
that all will be well,
all will be well, peace,
amen, alleluia."

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Friday, October 24, 2008

On Secularism

IN THE GOSPELS, our Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ, explicitly recognizes the secular that makes cohesive the universal peace (Pax Romana) that during His time, served to foster the discipline and the well-being of the communities of the empire, albeit imperfectly and vincibly: "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God."

This is the secularism that the one Majority believes in and stands for:

"E PLURIBUS UNUM" - this is the quintessential equation that, I personally believe, most succinctly defines the true essence of secularism - egalitarian pluralism.

The Founding Fathers of the American Republic must have understood in this well-known American motto that in order to unify the physical geography of the American Colonies, they would first have to unify the geography of the Republic as it exists in the hearts of the people.

And so this motto, "from the many, one", must have had that twofold dimension in it's meaning and this meaning can only be rendered meaningful if the secular equation of which this motto represents is understood to be this, an egalitarian kind of pluralism and not a militant form of atheism, fundamentalism or religious extremism.

Secularism is not the denial but the admission of our shared humanity and the common needs that define our being human.

Secularism therefore, as a recognition of our hope, is a turning towards ourselves and not a moving away from ourselves.

It is the pragmatic expression of the ideal of political inclusivity that embraces dimensions common to our shared humanity and fosters social harmony through universality of the civic values that underpin the unity of the national community.

It works to completely exclude within the body politic the natural animus that is organic to lesser lines of departures, whether racial, tribal, familial or religious, that it explicitly recognizes as hostile to the ideal social fabric that fosters the peace of secular communities.

Let me emphasize once again that it is the animus or the spirit of conflict that the secular peace recognizes as hostile to the human endeavor of Country and not it's victims - honorable religion and suffering humanity.

Let us meditate more deeply in the quiet of our souls about the essence of the separation of Church (honorable religion) and State.

It is this separation that is the founding juridical principle that establishes both the political vector and legislative scope of the necessary laws that define for secular cultures the abiding guidance from which they uniquely shape each of their own particular endeavor of Country according, of course, to the common experience of their own particular nations as it unfolds in exile time.

It means that the truth of the State and the truth of the Church are two distinct and separate truths, whole within themselves; each of them independent in it's being itself; each of them complete and utterly unable to increase or decrease through either praise or condemnation of human judgments cast within the context of other self-aware and self-realizing truths, as Church and State, and their vital relation to each other.

Again, it must be emphasized that the secularism that recognizes the inherent plurality of our shared humanity and is founded to make the many into one does not recognize that Church and State are hostile to each other, only that they are distinct and separate.

A true secularist recognizes in all honorable religions, without publicly and explicitly subscribing to any, a universal purpose that serves to ennoble the spirit of humankind and therefore, a utilitarian means that serve to refine the shared mores that define in exile time the evolving civic culture of our nations. He or she understand that it is the conflicts that both religion and human civilization has fought in the name of war and war's ambition and not the revealed truths that allows religion and it's particular wisdom tradition to endure nor the peace that allow human civilization to flourish in exile time that is and must be excluded from the body politic of all secular democracies.

Let us once again emphasize that secularism is a political ideal and is therefore an ethos expressed in community with other people. It is not in any way, shape or form a way of religion professed individually with other people of the same community.

I say this because I absolutely believe that secularism was never intended to foster a militant form of atheism nor must militant atheism ever be confused with secularism for secularism operates in an absolutely different dimension than atheism. Secularism shapes the civic life of the citizen whereas atheism is a religion professed in the private of an individual's personal choice to believe freely what universe may be found within the self.

The secular peace is founded on the vision of life lived in abundance and happiness pursued through justice, freedom, fraternity and understanding not on the desolation of war, the rule of war's ambition and the tyranny of fear, chaos and ignorance.

A secularist can be an atheist just the same as a secularist can be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist, etc. But secularism itself as a whole can not be atheistic nor can it's nature be considered as completely Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, or Buddhist, etc. and remain true to it's own founding principle nor can true secularism be a vehicle of the tyranny against which it's principal ideals were meant to absolutely withstand. Indeed, my precious friend and companion, all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists, etc. can be secularists but all secularists can never be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists, etc.

A secularist believes in the Providence of God (in the gifts though not necessarily in the Giver), in the absoluteness of the good (secularism is rational, driven by reason and therefore, can not be relativistic just as much as law can not be chaos), and in the unity of all good things (harmony and the synergy of a unified diversity - egalitarian pluralism) that serve the life of our shared humanity (the endeavor of Country). A secularist believes in Country and the equality of human dignity, the defense of the common good, authentic human freedom, the maintenance of the civic peace, in interdependence more than co-existence, in rising above adversity within a diversity and the harmony of forces, in the generations of shared humanity lived abundantly and fostered by tolerance and understanding of the same and therefore, opposes war and war's ambition. In this sense, the secular holds to the same line with all honorable religions (i.e. those that recognize and uphold the common good and serves the cause of sacred life) - including moderate atheism - without hypocrisy and syncretism.

I hold in my heart that my most loving Jesus would never have recognized a secularism in Caesar that is utterly and completely atheistic, much less one that is hostile to all the honorable religions of humankind. Christ would have soundly condemned atheistic secularism as being absolutely inimical to His saving work if it had emerged during the time when our Lord walked this world with us.

The Church and the State are not inimical to each other, in fact, they are interdependent truths that must align to serve the life of our shared humanity so that our generations may be fostered by the filial discipline and maternal peace of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.

Secular democracies must realize again in themselves where the lie begins and where the truth ends and avoid crossing the threshold that turn the universality and outward benignity of it's ideal inward into confusion; imploding it's sense of social harmony; igniting those wars within itself.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

On Press with Humanity

HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT ONLY IMPERFECT, we are also extremely vulnerable and these two most universally significant of human weaknesses are also the two most significant weaknesses intrinsic in all human constructs - nations, societies, corporations, systems, and institutions - all of these, we must be extremely mindful, inherit - by direct extension - what weaknesses are obviously present, prevalent and pervasive in the nature of our being human.

Now, there are diverse manifestations of these human weaknesses, so many to even make an accurate count, but let us rest assured that all of them stem from the two aforesaid weaknesses - imperfectibility in exile time and vulnerability in exile time.

This inevitable truth, that the completeness of truth is inadvertently missing in all human constructs, must be one of the most significant of concerns that should preoccupy those who realize the inescapable nature of this truth; that the very essence of the truth is missing within all things that human beings think, say or do - that is good for him (or her) and others like him (or her), and therefore, that our LORD must be present indeed for the watch to maintain it's vigilance over the city, lest the city should fall and the people perish.

For the truth require nothing but itself to be true but man require the truth to be able to see the liberation that works within himself which is the salvation of God.

Therefore, because man is kindred to the darkness even as all that is truth is kindred to the light, each of us must walk this world by a sight that is borrowed. And so any man or woman who truly realizes the faith that God has placed in his or her heart quite readily, with the fear of our LORD made present in his or her soul, humbly admits to God, to all the holy angels of God, to all other men (and women), yea, even to the Devil and to all of hell itself that no man (or woman) may by his or her own power and volition lay claim to possess all of the truth; that neither he (or she) nor any man (or woman) who has, is and shall ever walk this midnight world in exile time walks with a light that is separate and distinct from the one Light which signify the presence of the one highest of Truth unseen, our one LORD God, the one common Creator of all common creation, seen and unseen.

Nay, my precious friend and companion, we may as human beings only bear humble and contrite witness to the truth but only the LORD, only Truth Itself can reveal the glory of Itself as Itself.

Man's imperfectibility and the perfection of God makes possible, those quite impossible human aspirations that we all possess in exile time, whether they be those individual, eschatological ends as a true and lasting happiness and personal liberation from evil or those communal means by which we may attain to the same divine promise of salvation contained in the hope of our being human in the Church (honorable religion) and in the endeavor of Country (secular, national community).

Recall what our Blessed Savior said about man and the God of all mankind that "with God all things are possible", as a counterpoint contrast that implicitly explains to all human hearts the universal wisdom of being alone with the Alone or of being present in the Presence of God in our hearts and conscious of Beauty in all other hearts being, in all our endeavors, surrounded by Beauty in prayer, thus, being in the solitude of our souls, intimate with the Intimate.

Now, the business of the press is the business of the truth, specifically, the business of reporting objectively the unfolding of the human endeavor in exile time - in relation to the subjective Truth, which is the goodness of the one Source of all that is good and therefore, real in all of creation - our one LORD and common Creator. Without being anchored in the Rock of this subjective Reference, all truth become objectively meaningless, tumbling and drifting restlessly here and there, blowing along by and by with the unpredictable winds of human brokenness, pandering to the every whim of the sin that loves to serve itself alone and serving nothing but the empty vanity of this ephemeral universe to the eternal regret of all human hope.

Press freedom is primarily meant to elevate the social consciousness of our national communities and though it may also serve to entertain us, entertainment is not the central reason why this freedom is made free.

And though freedom of the press is a very important component in all truly democratic societies who are capable of self-realizing and therefore, capable of self-maturating, this freedom must come to all men as all freedoms come - with the price of eternal vigilance - a vigilance over the truth that knows implicitly and perseveringly what is right and what is wrong.

Admittedly though, as we have already established, the press, however free, may never become perfect and invulnerable to the evil that feeds on it's own true purpose but it must never be allowed to become so ignorant of it's ascendant mission to serve sacred life so as to allow evil to completely distort it's own truth, effectively cutting off the proverbial branch it is sitting on.

As the light is by it's own true nature, the light, it is meant by God to shine in the darkness. And so the light can never become ignorant of either itself or the darkness. In very much the same way, the truth may never become ignorant of itself nor can the truth become ignorant of the lie that relentlessly seeks to oppose and divide it. For the Father of all lies knows he must continuously prey on the truth in order for his lies to become meaningful and therefore, comprehensible to the unaided souls of men whom the Devil desires to absolutely and completely annihilate from existence both as a race of created beings and as a divine grace bestowed upon our visible universe to inhabit and to prosper the peace and the glory of God in lower creation.

Yet the darkness by it's own true nature is ignorant of the light. For the darkness is meant by God to be the darkness and so sees naught but the darkness in itself and so presumes darkness in all things, it even presumes the light to be darkness itself for darkness has no native ability whatsoever to comprehend itself, much more the light.

Within this darkness are the vicious cycles that feed the descendant gravity of division, discord, dilution and dissolution that not only threaten the souls of individual human beings and individual human nations entire but also those systems and institutions of our shared humanity, those vital inner workings of our economies, seen and unseen, known and hidden from human knowledge; distinctly separate synergies of both human and divine good will that exist nonetheless to individually align the will of man with the one will of Divine Providence that wills to dutifully serve and advance the good that benefits the life of the national communities of our mankind.

Now, tabloid trash reporting is one of these vicious cycles.

For it betrays the truth of our shared humanity with the empty lie that sensationalism without humanity is press freedom. It forgets the great spiritual dimension inherent in all that is truth and seeks to adulterously and materially profit form the scandalous and bankrupt substance of wicked and vain things proper only to wicked and vain people. For one can not report murder for the sake of murder, injustice for the sake of injustice, the pain of others for the sake of knowing and letting others know that others are in pain and make evil the sport of the masses; to report evil for evil's sake is a betrayal of the sacrifices that God, the holy angels of God and the peoples of the free world have laid down for the sake of the freedoms that serve the hope of the nameless multitude.

This empty and unloving sensationalism magnifies the consuming darkness and feeds the growing appetite of the ignorance that victimize and ensnare countless lives, miring them in the darkest depths of despair that feed those vicious cycles; a toll exacted against the promise of human lives counted in more companions lost to us in the way of evil - suicides, muders, rapes, abuses, and even wars. Much worse, this malignancy primarily targets the most vulnerable and most precious segment of our shared humanity, our Lord's poor, sowing those proverbial tares into the very soil of every nations' sovereignty. This naturally affects our ability as a nation within a one family of nation to bear for one another those necessary and eternal fruits of Country required by our LORD for our own good's sake.

Now, if we can not recognize this, we must be empowered again by the manifest and obvious truth of our hopes so that, by our own faith and through the grace of Almighty God, the choice that enables authentic human freedom can be made again and this deluge of tabloid trash be recognized and it's spread and lethal influence arrested so that some responsible and truly virtuous human reporting can once again filter down to our communities to be enjoyed even by the most lowliest and least of our common citizenry who just the same with the noblest and most honorable of our compatriots require the truth in order to become truly free.

For this is press freedom, my honorable Filipino compatriot, it must represent the good, it must be an economy of the unseen truth that manifestly serves to feed and to quench the real human needs of our national community, this is press with humanity.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.


Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Haiku #50: One x


There is but one peace
and but one final outcome;
many worlds within...

Observe, O Mankind,
the unity of heaven:
The mandate of Truth!

As God is,
so must we.

Haiku #49: Stars x


I saw them, the stars!
Numberless, shining with hope,
against the darkness...

Embraced by heaven,
understood by exiled earth,
avoided by hell.

Do you know
the difference?

On Politics, Elections, Honor and one Love

IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD here and now that the one Solidarity is not to be used for political gain; the purpose and the path of the apostolate is not secular in nature and thus, our labors as kindred grace within our community should never be confused to be anything less than divine.

Being absolutely allied by sacred vows to each other on our God's own behest and on His Name's behalf in the service of the sacred life of this world and in defense of the one indivisible peace of the nations of our mankind, we disown and disinherit ourselves from all paths that lead to lawless and unmitigated violence and hatred.

We walk the one, ascendant mountain path that lead to unity which is the exaltation of our God's glorious nature and abhor with one heart the one lie within all sinful things in the numerous unholy idols that lead to discord, division, dilution and dissolution among the souls of men and desolation among the nations of our mankind.

We shall not and we shall never constitute a voting bloc and rob our peers of the dignity of their authentic human freedom but rather be an enabler of the truths that liberate and empower the people, our Holy Mother Church, all of blessed Christendom, the numberless stars of the great nation of our Father Abraham and by extension, the one family of the nations of mankind and the sacred life of lower creation.

We encourage and support a democracy that is forged from the unique, defining, and common experience of each and every emerging nation-state, built from values derived from our shared humanity and definitively supported by the combined wisdom and universal good will of all the free nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, most particularly the elder nation-states of our one planetary whole.

We draw not our initiative for right action from the ephemeral nature of the evil that we expect from this world but from the eternal and pre-existent purity of the good that we recognize and appreciate in the hearts of all who are good and build not our foundation for virtue upon the lies of the Devil but on the solid granite of the immovable mountain of the manifest will of God in all creation.

And because we believe absolutely in the ascendant good, being vigilant and astute students of Divine Providence, we have liberty within our community to question not our motives but only our methods of effectively and efficiently delivering the grace of God from our hearts to the very least of our Lord's poor; competing always in good works which are the eternal fruits of virtue and never reveling in evil things nor seeking to profit from the wickedness of others.

Therefore, as it is relevant at this time to discuss the particular call of democratically electing the necessary governance of the people and therefore, responding by the grace of God in Country to our common human need for the continuity of the evolution in exile time of just societies in our world and in particular, to our own particular national communities, it must be stressed again that the apostolate DOES NOT and shall NEVER constitute a voting bloc.

But this we are obliged by sacred duty to do, VOTE - in truth, in conscience and in secret - thus, do we honor, as human beings, man or woman, ably and with maturity, our citizenship call and fulfill one of the most important civic duties of a citizen of a social democracy framed and represented by a Republic state.

We shall, in the one Solidarity, encourage the choice and enable it in ourselves and in others by God's grace but we shall never take it away.

And because we readily recognize and fulfill the love of a citizen that is required of us by our LORD, thus do other men also recognize by the same kindred grace that abides in us, the universal honor bestowed upon the good of the citizen in ourselves in the context of our own particular endeavors of Country.

Let us be mindful, my dear companions, from always to always, that as human beings, we are created with but one heart.

Therefore, to be true to ourselves, we are commanded by our LORD to love with but one love alone. We must then be single-hearted in our love for and of God knowing that all other love proceeds from charity.

By thus, our Blessed Savior recognizes us, by thus, we are made brothers and sisters, one to another in time and more significantly in eternity.

A father who observes a father's love recognizes a fathers love and by fulfilling this love, by his selfless bearing of this love in God with courage, gratitude and fidelity even as a gift, he advances in this love closer and closer to our LORD and by becoming intimate with the Intimate - even if it hurts him, he fosters the life of his wife and his children and is then recognized by both heaven and earth as a father and thus, retains the intact honor of a father who prevailed in the truth not in the overcoming of others but in the overcoming of the self.

So it is, my precious friend, are we all as human beings the same, endowed with but one love that rests in God alone and called by our one LORD to the particular love in God of a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, a sister, a brother, a son, a daughter, an Abrahamic companion on the one Way of virtue, a friend, a teacher, a citizen, a pope, a bishop, a priest, a king, a queen, a prince, a princess, a preacher, a pastor, a president, a minister, an elder, a soldier, a worker, or any person of proven virtue and good will that responds with universal service to the common needs of our shared humanity, the sacred life of our one planetary whole and the common defense of the one indivisible peace of the nations of our mankind.

Charity indeed covereth a multitude of sins, preventing scandal and arresting the advance of hell on earth.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Please refer to Blog: The one Majority

Monday, October 20, 2008

Anne's Window

My darlingest

Annelies Marie
looked out
with eyes longing for peace
from her little attic window
and saw the tyranny of war
and the suffocating
of war's ambition.

She looked out
at the looming evil
of the devouring darkness
that was marching relentlessly
across her troubled world
and like stars
looking out
of themselves
saw through
the enveloping darkness
that threatened her life
and her times
shedding her precious starlight
into our hearts.

My darlingest
believed so much
in our shared humanity
and in the
of the human being
not because
the Nazi's were consumed
by war's ambition
and her times were evil
but because her heart
was noble.

For my darlingest
Annelies Marie
loved life
and believed
in the intrinsic goodness
of all things
created by God,
seen and unseen,
and that despite
the great evil
of her times,
human hearts
were good.

War looked back at her
and saw nothing.

For God took her
and hid her
into His bosom
unto a place
upon the firmament
within Himself
long before evil saw
the secret starlight
of her undying hope
bursting from
windows within
her heart of hearts.

War looked back at her
and saw nothing
for there is no hope
in war
only death
and the darkness
of death.

War looked back at her
and saw nothing
for in the darkness
of war and sin
is also found
the crushing gravity
of it's own demise.

But goodness looked back at her
and saw
through her little attic window
her starlight smile.

And smiled back.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Haiku #46: Hell x


I don't understand
why one would desire hellfire
on other people...

As if hell was theirs
to provide and Thou was theirs
to deprive, O LORD.

and scandal!

Haiku #47: Gold x


People value gold
but gold does not value us.
So let's set things right...

Gold is in a smile!
The color of true friendships;
forever binding.

Use your wealth
to make friends.

Haiku #45: Like x


I like this, oh yes,
I like that in a woman!
Then the heart wakes up...

In matters of love,
what one likes, is not always
what one gets, my friend.

Love chooses
to like love.

Haiku #44: Yang x


How I miss my Yang
sometimes in my heart of hearts!
I love her so much....

She is a promise,
a gift of hope, come from God,
my help and comfort.

Bestest friends

Haiku #43: Song x


In the soul is song
the music of our witness;
the hymn of our lives...

An ode to our LORD
Who gave us reason to sing
letting each song be...

We are song,
one music.

Haiku #42: Worlds x


In our heart of hearts;
an infinite universe,
worlds within ourselves...

From these worlds within
by the grace of God, we shape
our one world without.

Peace within,
peace without.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Haiku #41: Black x


Open your heart, friend,
and your will see in the wing
the black of our hope...

The Power of night
is the myst'ry of the Light;
preludes to the Dawn.

unborn dreams...
unsung songs....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Haiku #40: Falls x


When I was young, I
thought like a child, expecting
perfection from men...

When I got older,
I realized from my falls,
our imperfection.

We err, but
God does not.

Haiku #39: Lie x


There's a million ways
to live and a million ways
to die, O my soul!

But the Way of truth
is one and the lie that kills
is one, O my soul!

To thine own
self, be true.

Haiku #38: Law x


From Babel was born
the need for human accord;
a longing for peace...

Within human hearts
exists the Eternal Law:
the map of our hope...

Peace descends
from the Law.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Haiku #37: Gift x


Jesus Christ unrolled
patiently the bandages;
unfolding the Gift...

The tomb was empty
and a third of heaven lit
because of the Gift.

As Love lives
death has died!

Haiku #36: Give x


"What profits a man
to gain the whole world", says Christ,
and lose his own soul..."

What we have received
is what God has been giving!
Where is God's giving?

Live to give,
give to live.

Haiku #35: Coin x


What is the measure
of the profits of talents
entrusted to us?

Coin is a product
of the graces we receive
and not it's measure!

Virtue is

Haiku #34: Gun x


If swords are evil
for virtue has ignored us,
woe to us, O LORD...

God of all virct'ry,
when Thy enemies rise up,
bind us to Thy will!

And evil
shall tremble.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Haiku #33: Oz x


An island cont'nent
rich in bounty, good at heart
that land Down Under...

I appreciate you!
Fairness and mateship, I learned:
Thy ode to ANZAC.

Convict chains
set me free.

Haiku #32: Cat


"Something 'bout something",
meowed my cat. "What is it?",
I asked her. "Something..."

See, dogs are desperate
but cats are ambiguous.
That's the way it is!

"...something 'bout
something else..."

Haiku #31: Nat x


Petite, erudite,
shining with another light,
beautiful and bright.

Hollywood glamour
was never your life's measure;
means to better ends.

Your starlight
is your own.

Haiku #30: Rain x


Blue skies turn to gray
the stillness breaks, the wind howls:
"Another typhoon?"

My nation braces,
the people pray for safety:
raindrops fall, fall, fall...

Our weather
is broken.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Haiku #29: Joy x


Pleasure is a snare -
the mire of concupiscence!
The lust of the flesh...

Joy is in the soul -
our thirsting for life's fullness!
The cloth of virtue...

Wedding feast
of our LORD!

Haiku #28: Free x


This life is warfare,
the ancient bondage of sin:
what then is freedom?

Our release is Truth
that break the chains of slav'ry;
giving to be free.

To let God
is release.

On the US Elections 2008

WHEN MY MOST LOVING JESUS puts in my heart a love that keeps, it keeps forever. And so this is true for all that I love which includes my own native Philippines, Australia and the United States; the three nations I have had the honor and the opportunity to experience in my life and from whose goodness and bounty I have had the grace to benefit from.

I try to live a life of gratitude to God and profess a witness of Jesus Christ that makes an effort to always be appreciative of the little things that I can understand within the much larger picture of the graces that God is so generous enough to shower me in my poor life despite the darkness in myself through the instrumentality of the lives of others universally faithful to the one Source of all good things.

There is a hierarchy of truths in my life and all of them being distinct from each other none the less align to form a synergy of the one love that extends from my faith and absolute allegiance to God right down to the very least important truth which is the truth of my own self. Within this hierarchy is the truth of Country and Country defined as being every nation's particular endeavor within exile time to perfect the synthesis between the citizenry and the state.

Every endeavor of Country in time and dimensional space is a struggle for the peace, a peace that though imperfect fosters the people and preserve the discipline of the state; an indivisible peace that is a one whole truth by itself and therefore, serves life, is in conflict with nothing and is defended by everything.

In this way, the truth of Country transcends all false and meaningless things that pertain not to it's own self-evident truth because the only kind of truth that this concept of Country can be built upon is service and this service to be meaningful must be compassionately employed for the good of life - the life of our shared humanity and by extension, the sacred life of all of our one common Creator's lower, visible creation.

For we, as the one race of humanity fostered by the peace and discipline of our nations, share a common duty of universal stewardship not only of each other but also of God's lower, visible creation as it exists in our sphere of experiential influence here within our one planetary whole.

The Millennium goals of our United Nations can only be brought to their fullest fruition where the dark atmosphere of war and the poisonous tides of war's ambition have been pushed back to the extent that our one family of nations can truly breathe in the freedom of our shared human values illumined under the light of one indivisible peace so that we, the peoples of this poor world, are able to concentrate our wills together in this new labor of hope which is the work of building a better, safer, kinder and more meaningful world if not for ourselves, for our children and the generations to come even long after our own generation have passed away into the deep of our LORD's eternity.

Indeed, all our nations are from eternity endeared to our LORD, but as the fleeting history of our world has proven, not all of our nations are meant to prevail in the peace of God and endure with her people's hopes into the shores of forever at the Last Day. In fact, all of the nations within this present time are existentially threatened by a feral and uninvited beast, the beast of war. For what war does to one, war does to all.

This is the reason why the void at the threshold of the third millennium is such a crucial time for our suffering humanity, because many are sought but none are yet to be found; many shall awaken but many, too shall choose to remain in their slumber and sleep the sleep of oblivion.

Now, within a human family, whether kindred by blood ties or kindred by the grace of our covenants with our LORD, there exists different and distinct individuals blessed by our one common Creator with unique talents meant to serve, support and defend the one family whole, this is also true within our one family of nations.

Within this one family of nations there must exist elder nations, and you, O dear America, are one of these elder nations. In fact, dear America, you, among our one family of the nations of mankind, are given by God to possess, at this present time, the most responsibility among all the other nations.

I have personally tread the soil of your sovereignty, I have breathed the air of your hopes, I have experienced the substance of your Country and have among your people counted many friends as well as family of my own.

Because of this, dear America, while my citizenship call shall and will always belong to the one Republic of my native Philippines, I am relieved by the knowledge that my absolute allegiance shall and will always belong to God and therefore, to the shared life of our humanity as the one whole family of the nations of mankind and by extension to the sacred life of our one planetary whole. This absolute allegiance transcends national differences and this makes us, and all the other nations of good will, allies in the new becoming of our world in this new age.

Dear America, understand today that you are a crucial and integral part of our one family of nations. The past shall forever fade away with the darkness when one learns to walk towards the dawn and this our nations must do to prevail against the longest night of our poor world. Your calling in the paradigm of the peace is to be a shepherd state, a keeper and a guide to younger nations, a leader within the one indivisible peace and an honorable peer to all the other elder states of our poor world.

All heaven and earth know of the vital importance of the votes that your citizenry shall cast in November but do not be so anxious about all of this for the burden of the world is not ours to carry, our burden is to love and to love all things well; our burden is to carry our burdens with each other as individual human beings and as individual human nations: to truly be each others' keeper.

And so when time comes and you must cast those choices that shall decide the continuity and not the will of thy governance, do so and with one accord, answer the call of your particular democracy at this year's election but leave also with this same mature democracy in your hearts. Let your choices remain in the ballot boxes and unite your national will under the quorum of the people.

Be sincere, one with another, and there shall be no wrong choice between two ardent motives that mutually desire to safeguard and advance your particular endeavor of Country.

There are a million things that can happen between two moments in time and likewise there are near infinite things that can be achieved in a democracy from this November, by and by, to the next elections. You just have to learn to rediscover the dream that must awaken in you, O dear elder nation, of the one family of the nations of mankind.

Have good faith as you have always done since the time of your Founding Fathers, have good faith in the august power of Almighty God and His most beneficent Providence and all shall be well, dear America, be true to your own true self - in the Republic image forged in thy Declaration - and all shall be well, all shall be well.

And be of good cheer, dear America, however evil these days may be, many hearts are yet joined with you in hope and in prayer.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.