LET US RECALL again to mind, my friend and companion, the dispersion of our one race of humanity at Babel.
Life in this world is probation; it is prologue.
This universe exists inside a closed system of entropy and where we to fast forward in the eyes our souls the flow of exile time, it is quite easy for our imagination to grasp with understanding that the whole of this visible universe shall eventually be brought to dust.
Likewise, if we were to pass through the portal of death and across this veil of shadow and tears and move from time into the timeless, we shall immediately apprehend what judgment our Creator has passed from eternity unto this midnight realm of tears and endless battle. And we shall either wish to die in terror or be glad to have passed from life into life. But of course, since the soul is immortal, the wicked shall wish for the mountains to cover them and die but neither the mountains nor death shall cover them but the just shall reign forever with and in God.
This world, my friend and companion, is not the everlasting habitation that our LORD intendeds for us; it is prologue, it is probation.
Because of this, there is tension, a constant, pervasive, penetrating knowledge that sits at the back of our awareness that reminds us of the paths that lead to sufficiency in ourselves in God; a path that ascends the one mountain of our LORD; a path that draws the limits between life and the void, lack and excess, good and evil, truth and lie, light and dark, treading the middle way of God's peace and ascending with God's infinite grace to the safety of our most beneficent LORD's glorious virtues.
This tension is crucial to maintaining this interior balance and allows us to find our own unique ways of expressing sufficiency with God in ourselves. Understanding this tension and how it works with God's grace or how it runs awry in our lives in spite of God's grace encapsulates the saying of our blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, not be anxious about the future.
This tension consists of uncertainty and faith and the varying degrees that we are moved by the struggle between the two: Uncertainty in our hearts in what lies ahead of our noses from instant to instant in exile time and faith in the LORD of our hearts that God's grace shall seize us in this free fall that we call life and bear us up upon eagle wings from instant to instant until we come to posses in eternity what in faith we have professed in temporality.
Racial tension is one aspect descriptive of this tension as a whole.
Going back to our remembrance of Babel, we shall apprehend the roots of racial tension and that this tension is meant not to conquer us but to better our appreciation of the nature of our Creator. For God did not disperse our one race of humanity to cause wars and racial hatred, the tension that naturally exists between our different peoples exists as an impetus for understanding and not as a motive for division, discord, dilution and dissolution.
Where one allows the self to be overcome by fears that deny faith a foothold in the heart and allow one's heart to slide down the easy gravity of our differences instead of maintaining the struggle to keep our hope, one becomes an extension of the lie that breeds racial hate.
Where one does not allow faith to be overcome by the uncertainty that exists and therefore, allow God's mercy to act within the space of our hope, one begins to understand and through bridges of understanding becomes an instrument of the peace, and a child of the LORD.
Lastly, it must be said that racism is any untoward attitude that detracts from the bedrock truth that we are all common peers in common creation. For above us exists our LORD and our LORD's hosts and below us exists the Devil and his demons - we ARE the middle ground.
Racism is an evil and like all evil, it is a corruption of God's good intentions. It exists where this kind of hatred works and is readily found in places we don't expect it to be found. It is not, in any way, shape or form, exclusive to any one people, white, black, brown, yellow, red, green or blue, for no nation of our mankind is immune to the subtle whisperings of this malicious lie.
Let us therefore, my friend and companion, make and effort to deepen our understanding of the nature of racial tension and apply ourselves to God's peace, towards the exultation of the one, true nature of our one, true LORD and each other's immortal gain.
Let there be true appreciation in us where our LORD have caused bridges of tolerance and understanding to be built between ourselves and only the utmost respect both for the inherent dignity of our station as human beings as well as for the noble intentions of our LORD where differences are allowed to endure.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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