WHEN MY MOST LOVING JESUS puts in my heart a love that keeps, it keeps forever. And so this is true for all that I love which includes my own native Philippines, Australia and the United States; the three nations I have had the honor and the opportunity to experience in my life and from whose goodness and bounty I have had the grace to benefit from.
I try to live a life of gratitude to God and profess a witness of Jesus Christ that makes an effort to always be appreciative of the little things that I can understand within the much larger picture of the graces that God is so generous enough to shower me in my poor life despite the darkness in myself through the instrumentality of the lives of others universally faithful to the one Source of all good things.
There is a hierarchy of truths in my life and all of them being distinct from each other none the less align to form a synergy of the one love that extends from my faith and absolute allegiance to God right down to the very least important truth which is the truth of my own self. Within this hierarchy is the truth of Country and Country defined as being every nation's particular endeavor within exile time to perfect the synthesis between the citizenry and the state.
Every endeavor of Country in time and dimensional space is a struggle for the peace, a peace that though imperfect fosters the people and preserve the discipline of the state; an indivisible peace that is a one whole truth by itself and therefore, serves life, is in conflict with nothing and is defended by everything.
In this way, the truth of Country transcends all false and meaningless things that pertain not to it's own self-evident truth because the only kind of truth that this concept of Country can be built upon is service and this service to be meaningful must be compassionately employed for the good of life - the life of our shared humanity and by extension, the sacred life of all of our one common Creator's lower, visible creation.
For we, as the one race of humanity fostered by the peace and discipline of our nations, share a common duty of universal stewardship not only of each other but also of God's lower, visible creation as it exists in our sphere of experiential influence here within our one planetary whole.
The Millennium goals of our United Nations can only be brought to their fullest fruition where the dark atmosphere of war and the poisonous tides of war's ambition have been pushed back to the extent that our one family of nations can truly breathe in the freedom of our shared human values illumined under the light of one indivisible peace so that we, the peoples of this poor world, are able to concentrate our wills together in this new labor of hope which is the work of building a better, safer, kinder and more meaningful world if not for ourselves, for our children and the generations to come even long after our own generation have passed away into the deep of our LORD's eternity.
Indeed, all our nations are from eternity endeared to our LORD, but as the fleeting history of our world has proven, not all of our nations are meant to prevail in the peace of God and endure with her people's hopes into the shores of forever at the Last Day. In fact, all of the nations within this present time are existentially threatened by a feral and uninvited beast, the beast of war. For what war does to one, war does to all.
This is the reason why the void at the threshold of the third millennium is such a crucial time for our suffering humanity, because many are sought but none are yet to be found; many shall awaken but many, too shall choose to remain in their slumber and sleep the sleep of oblivion.
Now, within a human family, whether kindred by blood ties or kindred by the grace of our covenants with our LORD, there exists different and distinct individuals blessed by our one common Creator with unique talents meant to serve, support and defend the one family whole, this is also true within our one family of nations.
Within this one family of nations there must exist elder nations, and you, O dear America, are one of these elder nations. In fact, dear America, you, among our one family of the nations of mankind, are given by God to possess, at this present time, the most responsibility among all the other nations.
I have personally tread the soil of your sovereignty, I have breathed the air of your hopes, I have experienced the substance of your Country and have among your people counted many friends as well as family of my own.
Because of this, dear America, while my citizenship call shall and will always belong to the one Republic of my native Philippines, I am relieved by the knowledge that my absolute allegiance shall and will always belong to God and therefore, to the shared life of our humanity as the one whole family of the nations of mankind and by extension to the sacred life of our one planetary whole. This absolute allegiance transcends national differences and this makes us, and all the other nations of good will, allies in the new becoming of our world in this new age.
Dear America, understand today that you are a crucial and integral part of our one family of nations. The past shall forever fade away with the darkness when one learns to walk towards the dawn and this our nations must do to prevail against the longest night of our poor world. Your calling in the paradigm of the peace is to be a shepherd state, a keeper and a guide to younger nations, a leader within the one indivisible peace and an honorable peer to all the other elder states of our poor world.
All heaven and earth know of the vital importance of the votes that your citizenry shall cast in November but do not be so anxious about all of this for the burden of the world is not ours to carry, our burden is to love and to love all things well; our burden is to carry our burdens with each other as individual human beings and as individual human nations: to truly be each others' keeper.
And so when time comes and you must cast those choices that shall decide the continuity and not the will of thy governance, do so and with one accord, answer the call of your particular democracy at this year's election but leave also with this same mature democracy in your hearts. Let your choices remain in the ballot boxes and unite your national will under the quorum of the people.
Be sincere, one with another, and there shall be no wrong choice between two ardent motives that mutually desire to safeguard and advance your particular endeavor of Country.
There are a million things that can happen between two moments in time and likewise there are near infinite things that can be achieved in a democracy from this November, by and by, to the next elections. You just have to learn to rediscover the dream that must awaken in you, O dear elder nation, of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Have good faith as you have always done since the time of your Founding Fathers, have good faith in the august power of Almighty God and His most beneficent Providence and all shall be well, dear America, be true to your own true self - in the Republic image forged in thy Declaration - and all shall be well, all shall be well.
And be of good cheer, dear America, however evil these days may be, many hearts are yet joined with you in hope and in prayer.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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