HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT ONLY IMPERFECT, we are also extremely vulnerable and these two most universally significant of human weaknesses are also the two most significant weaknesses intrinsic in all human constructs - nations, societies, corporations, systems, and institutions - all of these, we must be extremely mindful, inherit - by direct extension - what weaknesses are obviously present, prevalent and pervasive in the nature of our being human.
Now, there are diverse manifestations of these human weaknesses, so many to even make an accurate count, but let us rest assured that all of them stem from the two aforesaid weaknesses - imperfectibility in exile time and vulnerability in exile time.
This inevitable truth, that the completeness of truth is inadvertently missing in all human constructs, must be one of the most significant of concerns that should preoccupy those who realize the inescapable nature of this truth; that the very essence of the truth is missing within all things that human beings think, say or do - that is good for him (or her) and others like him (or her), and therefore, that our LORD must be present indeed for the watch to maintain it's vigilance over the city, lest the city should fall and the people perish.
For the truth require nothing but itself to be true but man require the truth to be able to see the liberation that works within himself which is the salvation of God.
Therefore, because man is kindred to the darkness even as all that is truth is kindred to the light, each of us must walk this world by a sight that is borrowed. And so any man or woman who truly realizes the faith that God has placed in his or her heart quite readily, with the fear of our LORD made present in his or her soul, humbly admits to God, to all the holy angels of God, to all other men (and women), yea, even to the Devil and to all of hell itself that no man (or woman) may by his or her own power and volition lay claim to possess all of the truth; that neither he (or she) nor any man (or woman) who has, is and shall ever walk this midnight world in exile time walks with a light that is separate and distinct from the one Light which signify the presence of the one highest of Truth unseen, our one LORD God, the one common Creator of all common creation, seen and unseen.
Nay, my precious friend and companion, we may as human beings only bear humble and contrite witness to the truth but only the LORD, only Truth Itself can reveal the glory of Itself as Itself.
Man's imperfectibility and the perfection of God makes possible, those quite impossible human aspirations that we all possess in exile time, whether they be those individual, eschatological ends as a true and lasting happiness and personal liberation from evil or those communal means by which we may attain to the same divine promise of salvation contained in the hope of our being human in the Church (honorable religion) and in the endeavor of Country (secular, national community).
Recall what our Blessed Savior said about man and the God of all mankind that "with God all things are possible", as a counterpoint contrast that implicitly explains to all human hearts the universal wisdom of being alone with the Alone or of being present in the Presence of God in our hearts and conscious of Beauty in all other hearts being, in all our endeavors, surrounded by Beauty in prayer, thus, being in the solitude of our souls, intimate with the Intimate.
Now, the business of the press is the business of the truth, specifically, the business of reporting objectively the unfolding of the human endeavor in exile time - in relation to the subjective Truth, which is the goodness of the one Source of all that is good and therefore, real in all of creation - our one LORD and common Creator. Without being anchored in the Rock of this subjective Reference, all truth become objectively meaningless, tumbling and drifting restlessly here and there, blowing along by and by with the unpredictable winds of human brokenness, pandering to the every whim of the sin that loves to serve itself alone and serving nothing but the empty vanity of this ephemeral universe to the eternal regret of all human hope.
Press freedom is primarily meant to elevate the social consciousness of our national communities and though it may also serve to entertain us, entertainment is not the central reason why this freedom is made free.
And though freedom of the press is a very important component in all truly democratic societies who are capable of self-realizing and therefore, capable of self-maturating, this freedom must come to all men as all freedoms come - with the price of eternal vigilance - a vigilance over the truth that knows implicitly and perseveringly what is right and what is wrong.
Admittedly though, as we have already established, the press, however free, may never become perfect and invulnerable to the evil that feeds on it's own true purpose but it must never be allowed to become so ignorant of it's ascendant mission to serve sacred life so as to allow evil to completely distort it's own truth, effectively cutting off the proverbial branch it is sitting on.
As the light is by it's own true nature, the light, it is meant by God to shine in the darkness. And so the light can never become ignorant of either itself or the darkness. In very much the same way, the truth may never become ignorant of itself nor can the truth become ignorant of the lie that relentlessly seeks to oppose and divide it. For the Father of all lies knows he must continuously prey on the truth in order for his lies to become meaningful and therefore, comprehensible to the unaided souls of men whom the Devil desires to absolutely and completely annihilate from existence both as a race of created beings and as a divine grace bestowed upon our visible universe to inhabit and to prosper the peace and the glory of God in lower creation.
Yet the darkness by it's own true nature is ignorant of the light. For the darkness is meant by God to be the darkness and so sees naught but the darkness in itself and so presumes darkness in all things, it even presumes the light to be darkness itself for darkness has no native ability whatsoever to comprehend itself, much more the light.
Within this darkness are the vicious cycles that feed the descendant gravity of division, discord, dilution and dissolution that not only threaten the souls of individual human beings and individual human nations entire but also those systems and institutions of our shared humanity, those vital inner workings of our economies, seen and unseen, known and hidden from human knowledge; distinctly separate synergies of both human and divine good will that exist nonetheless to individually align the will of man with the one will of Divine Providence that wills to dutifully serve and advance the good that benefits the life of the national communities of our mankind.
Now, tabloid trash reporting is one of these vicious cycles.
For it betrays the truth of our shared humanity with the empty lie that sensationalism without humanity is press freedom. It forgets the great spiritual dimension inherent in all that is truth and seeks to adulterously and materially profit form the scandalous and bankrupt substance of wicked and vain things proper only to wicked and vain people. For one can not report murder for the sake of murder, injustice for the sake of injustice, the pain of others for the sake of knowing and letting others know that others are in pain and make evil the sport of the masses; to report evil for evil's sake is a betrayal of the sacrifices that God, the holy angels of God and the peoples of the free world have laid down for the sake of the freedoms that serve the hope of the nameless multitude.
This empty and unloving sensationalism magnifies the consuming darkness and feeds the growing appetite of the ignorance that victimize and ensnare countless lives, miring them in the darkest depths of despair that feed those vicious cycles; a toll exacted against the promise of human lives counted in more companions lost to us in the way of evil - suicides, muders, rapes, abuses, and even wars. Much worse, this malignancy primarily targets the most vulnerable and most precious segment of our shared humanity, our Lord's poor, sowing those proverbial tares into the very soil of every nations' sovereignty. This naturally affects our ability as a nation within a one family of nation to bear for one another those necessary and eternal fruits of Country required by our LORD for our own good's sake.
Now, if we can not recognize this, we must be empowered again by the manifest and obvious truth of our hopes so that, by our own faith and through the grace of Almighty God, the choice that enables authentic human freedom can be made again and this deluge of tabloid trash be recognized and it's spread and lethal influence arrested so that some responsible and truly virtuous human reporting can once again filter down to our communities to be enjoyed even by the most lowliest and least of our common citizenry who just the same with the noblest and most honorable of our compatriots require the truth in order to become truly free.
For this is press freedom, my honorable Filipino compatriot, it must represent the good, it must be an economy of the unseen truth that manifestly serves to feed and to quench the real human needs of our national community, this is press with humanity.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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