O KINDRED GRACE, it is truly heartbreaking to think that there are a lot of honest, hard-working individuals and their families who are being and will be affected by the looming personal catastrophes that this global crisis in our money markets are and will be creating across all of the nations of our one family of nations.
My honorable companions, in the midst of this deepening night, let us never forget that we are all interconnected and that the irrevocable effects of the inevitable globalization that is presently happening to our world will make our interdependence on each other not only as human individuals but as entire human nations even more significantly evident.
Now, there is a lot of government talk about bailing out their nation's financial institutions and that is all well and good for as long as the motives are equally noble and there is no motive more noble than those motives that serve the life of our shared humanity.
I feel for us, my precious friends, most especially for our Lord's poor. For when all things have been said and done at the Last Day, who else is our Lord's poor but all of we, the peoples of the one race of humanity.
But our governments can only do so much, O dear family of nations.
Evil events have always been permitted for a reason, and that reason is always something good. This is so because our God is a good God and His goodness is great because it is infinitely more powerful than any evil that the dessicated hearts of reprobate angels and men can muster.
When I ask myself what virtue our LORD is trying to teach our poor world at this point in time, the answer that comes to my heart is magnanimity.
For our own deliverance as a whole, after all our state's options have long been exhausted, in the end shall lie within our own hearts. For all the injustice that these events have and will be causing, for all the pain and the tears, the fears and the strife that this unloving shall extract from our suffering humanity, the only measure that will yield us any good in this time will be our loving generosity, one to another, both as individuals as well as individual nations.
To avert greater disaster, let us help each other help ourselves - by both the selfless deeds that we do and the meaningful prayers that we offer up to God - and let us do this, Beloved of God, with one love alone.
We will with faith in God and trust in each other prevail, as the one family of the nations of mankind, from this looming evil.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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