Pre-Requisite Reading: The Mythos of Country
OF THE KINGDOMS OF OLD, of the original lineages of the rulers mankind, as the Wisdom of God has foreseen, not all will survive into these latter-days. At the eternal conception of the plan by which the Lord our God Himself willed, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, to draw the most good from the order of the one family of the nations of mankind, He made provision for the emergence of a guardian state, a Republic.
In the numerous battles that God, the Holy Angels of God and all the generations of mankind will be fighting with much violence across the battlefields of exile time against the beast of war - the beast of war being the enemy of all good, true, living and noble creation - i.e. sin and the agents of sin: the concupiscence of the flesh, the evil fashions of the world and the malice of Satan and his demons - both from across the infinite worlds that are hidden within the hearts of men as well as the reflections of these inward struggles painted in much tears and bloodshed into the unfolding canvas of the history of our one human race, the Wisdom of God has foreseen, the fall of many of our original lines of executive leadership and therefore, the emergence of the orphaned peoples of mankind - peoples who emerge into the Providential stage of the present state of the one family of the nations of mankind who are bereft of the natural, unitive advantages of the original lineage of a righteous executive class.
It is for these peoples, the orphans of the peace, that the truth of the Republic spirit is called forward by God from eternity to serve and defend. It is for them that the Republic state have Providentially emerged into the world stage from the eternal decree of the Lord our God. From its fiery birth, the Republic form have evolved in a short space of time - as truth cleaves unto the ascendant truth unto a synergy of lights - becoming a more and more expansive and beneficent force against the darkness of war the greater and the higher its hope ascends to the one highest of Truths unseen. This is the secret to the spirit of the Republic will and strength. Because the evolving traditions of the state which is the collective heritage of the truth as it is advanced cummulatively and naturally forward into the present time by the original lineages of our natural rulers - that bring the natural advantages of cohesion, continuity and unity to her people, a Republic accomplishes by lifting the mind and heart of her orphan children toward the reality of the one highest of Truths unseen.
It is indeed absolutely true that every endevour of Country, regardless of the structure and form of the state - is the story of one particular people's valiant attempt to stay the beast of war. These stories taken collectively together make up the one record of the rise and fall of human civilization, of the ebb and flow tides of war and peace that make up our sorrowful history; a record, the complete truth of which is not available to us on earth where we are witnesses only to a small part of the story and prejudiced as well by our heritage of death and our own personal sins. There is a full record of this truth, however, a record that is even now being written in heaven by the wakeful vigilance of the angels that God Himself has assigned to this task. The truth of this record will be revealed to us at the close of our age at the Last Day - at the resurrection of the body. It will be a complete record of God's love - a love that has Calvary as it's pivot and the Crucified Savior as the pinnacle of God's triumph and our pledge of victory - the love of our Immaculata, the love of God's Holy Angels and Saints, and our own love, hope and faith; a truth which shall be glorious for some and shameful for others.
It is of a truth that every human being, regardless of difference or distinction, has an innate love of good and detestation of evil for this is the way our souls that inhabit our flesh bodies are created by the Lord our God. But why else are we also social beings - why else do we endeavor in the name of our particular state - in the name of common Country - but to pursue the good and to avoid evil in community because we, as individuals alone, can never become strong enough to survive the beast of this world - a beast who is described in Scripture like a roaring lion seeking for someone to devour, someone who strays from the safety of the flock of Chruch and state - of Country.
But a nation that does not value truth and moral absolutes shall never fly high enough above the fog of war that envelop our world in an invisible darkness which is an unnatural darkness, darker than the deepest of natural darkness, and infinitely more malevolent. For any nation, however strong and valued her hopes and her principles are, once turned away from the one ascendant Light compared to which all other lights are utter darkness, shall slowly and most certainly be overcome and destroyed by the relentless assaults of the forces of the beast that desire the division of her people, dilution of her peace and complete dissolution of her spirit and with the complete annihilation of the spirit of the state shall soon follow the slaughter of the people, first as a corruption in their hearts and then as injustices grow, a curse of anarchy shall engulf the land - everything which is in keeping with the ultimate goal of the beast of war, the drestruction of all life - life which bring glory to God in creation.
But the true spirit of the state exists to selflessly serve and defend her people - to nurture and to preserve them, to prosper and enrich them and to shelter and defend them by gifting them and their posterity with liberty - true human feedom, a freedom to chose the good and never any evil by which choice, freedom itself as a good is destroyed - under the sheltering wings of her peace.
Every choice of the good ascends as truth unto the collective hope of the final liberation of the individual through communion with God and others in God and move the endeavor of Country ever onward through the battlefields of exile time. A painful passage that until each sorrowful passing away of the old into the new is, is like the birth pains in the Gospel, complete and our hope is fulfilled as evil passes away and all truth cleaves unto truth, ascends to the highest truth, and the reality of a new heaven and a new earth have come into full fruition at a time of God's own choosing.
Therefore, true Country must never betray this sacred trust - of life and of peace - in the debt of life that God had willed to favor her with and the will of peace that her people have enshrined in her heart. For all true nations - all that stand the test of time - must walk true to the path of the truth of life and of peace unto ultimate liberation and true happiness that is laid by God and her people before her feet. The path is common passage through the darkness of exile time. It is the comings and goings of every life which lives - for God and Country - as truth cleaves unto other truths into a lineage of hope ascending into the Light of the one highest of Truths unseen - the transcendental reality of the one God of our common creation.
The common ablity of Country to stay the beast of war is wholly dependent on the strength of her fidelity not only to her principles of the truth which is the natural heritage of her own particular experience in history as it is embodied and advanced by her original executive lines of leadership which God has ordained from eternity in solemn witness of all the souls present at that great and legendary gathering of all the souls of all mankind, but above all on the strength of the truth of her allegiance to the absolute reality of the One Who breathe life and meaning into her spirit.
Therefore it is essential that the collective awareness of the people must not be confused as to the reality of the state and be carried away by the deceptions of the true enemy of all nations, the beast of war. There are forces that seek to sever the synergistic strength of the intrinsic unity of the truth of both God and County - fanatical fundamentalism on the exteme right and heretical materialsim on the extreme left.
The reality of the state is not found singularly in her laws that are promulgated and enforced to guide and direct right reason, as a reflection and a participation in the Eternal Law as it exists in the Mind of God, in the service of the peace that unify, govern and advance the common good of the people for the people nor can the reality of the state be singularly found in her honorable religious traditions, the truths of which must serve the one ascendant Truth of the one common Creator of all life. The reality of the state is a syergy of both realities, a synergy that is guided and shaped by Divine Providence - the government of God Himself - by the seeds of His peace - seeds planted in the hearts of men of goodwill that with due diligence and faith grows into the mighty Kingdom of promise, a Kindgom of God that once firmly established upon the infinite worlds within each human heart, shall - by the grace of God the Holy Spirit- eventually break forth in razor sharp rays of radiant morning light as the splendor of the truth shines forth to quicken and empower the will of the peace which is the will of Country.
To neglect to nurture the seeds of this truth is to be mired in darkness, this is true both for individuals as well as nations who live with a unique spirit of their own. Any nation who is lacking in its will of the peace - collectively nurtured by her people - will not grow and advance, by the Light of God and by the power of God, in both grace and truth from the initial seed of the hope planted at her founding into the mature bulwark of charity and justice sufficient enough to see her people advance, united across all her generations, through the darkness of exile time in their particular endeavor of Country onward to the liberating vision which is the vision of the Light illuminating their ideal common good.
Therfore, precious friend, the ethos of the Republic is peace - there can be no other - certainly, I hold this as my own ethos both as a Roman Catholic Christian as well as a member of the Body Politic of my own one Republic of the Filipino people - and I must, I must cling to the hope that there are others who also struggle, though we may walk in different paths, to live in the same way - for God and Country.
As I live and as I breathe, Beloved of God, I confess to you that I walk this life deeply and permanetly indebted to those, from every paths of life, whose hearts of goodwill answer the universal call of peace which is also the call and the battlecry of the Republic state and I write this in solemn salutation to their noble spirit that I know live on forever in the heart of God. For all of the noble heroes of mankind - of all times and places, and of my nation in particular, and all the the Saints of God - known and most especially the nameless who are known to God alone, to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, to Mary, our Lady of Peace, to all the angels of God and to you, my precious friend, my most sincere salutations of peace and goodwill.
Beloved of God, the Republic state exists in spirit as a guardian - a Mother Protectess - to her own children, as a nation distinct from among the one family of the nations of mankind, a people orphaned by the malice and relentless hatred of the beast of war.
Next: The Shepherd State
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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