"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life". - Proverbs 4:23
Happiness depends not so much on what is happening outside of a man. For the world outside of ourselves is but an empty dream. Happiness depends very much on what is happening inside of a man. For within each of us is the timeless realm we create in our hearts. Within each of us is contained a fragile world much more wondrous and sublime than all the universe outside of us. It is here, in the unseem realm of the spirit which is the domain of our soul that the source of our happiness may truly be found. It is here, in our hearts, that the Kingdom of God is to be firmly established. It is here that our blessed Lord Jesus Christ wishes to dwell with us with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. For what rules our hearts determines our realities.
What contains these infinite worlds within each individual man is love. Love is also the key that open the door to our heart, to let the beloved through. We must be careful then what we love. For indeed, we become like to what we love. For we open up these worlds to each other in the love of friendship whereby in time old friends become familiar with the landscapes of each other's souls so much so that their souls become as one. It is the object of our love that is the source of each man's happiness.
From out of the depths of our hearts we are caught in the ebb and flow tide of either darkness or light. For the interior worlds hidden within ourselves silently contain an epic struggle. There are powers in unseen places, both malicious and good, that are constantly at work all about us. Both the light and the darkness vie with great violence for that singular throne of love enshrined at the very summit of the very heart of each our worlds within. The darkness seeks to extinguish the light by corrupting the truth with lies, it is a limiting, binding, evil force that seek to destroy all that is real in ourselves. The light seeks to dispel the darkness by revealing the truth that undoes the lie, it is a magnificent, expansive, beneficent force that seek to reform, conform and unite us into the ultimate reality of Itself. Darkness exists not because of the absence of light but because of it for the darkness comprehends not the light yet even the smallest light shines forth in the darkness.
It is the nature of man to be free. But true human freedom consists not in the ability to choose between darkness and light for to choose the darkness is to lose freedom itself. True human freedom is preserved only by freely choosing the light for it is through the light that is preserved the very life of the human race.
Therefore, we must be careful where we may tread when allowed to walk within the unseen worlds of other people's hearts. Let us be easily inspired by our witness of even the smallest of lights within knowing that without it, our faith is unable to see, our hope is unable to walk and our love is unable to contain these infinite worlds within ourselves. We must also be careful not to let ourselves be taken or surprised by the darkness that we may find nor must we judge the darkness for only the Light may preside over the darkness. And we are not the Light.
- EJ San Miguel
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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