Please refer to a CLARIFICATION on this previous entry: The Beast of War
The title of this particular entry should read, "The Beast".
My precious friend, right from the very beginning, this enemy has imposed itself upon our One Peace. Having destroyed our Original Peace in faded Eden, this enemy has evolved and gathered much strength.
Today we now find ourselves fighting the final line of our defense here at the longest night of our midnight world in a battle deep within our hearts and minds that will determine for us and our posterity the nature of the next 1000 years. Right from the very beginning, we never chose to fight against it, we are obliged to fight against it. For we must fight to defend ourselves against this terrible desolation that constantly pose a threat to our rightful custodianship of our world, each other and our very own souls.
We must fight the defense not out of lust for fighting or affinity to war but out of love of God and affinity to all true things in God as our true selves, our neighbors on account of God and all of God's living creation. Let us never forget this gratuitous debt of native life sown upon our world and lovingly entrusted by our Creator to the one lineage of our first parents, a lineage from which each and every human being that constitute our humanity have arisen in exile time to form the synergistic whole of the one race of mankind. For this beast threatens not only our one humanity, but all of life - plants and animals - as well. It has done its terrible turn in the angelic realms and now it is hell bent upon the absolute annihilation of all life here in the realms of man.
The beast of war is the synergistic whole of sin, its agents and its allures. It is the ancient enemy of God, angels and men. This wicked beast is fed by the unholy substance of sin, drawing all the diverse forms of evil born from the darkest fire of an immortal hatred of God into the intense gravity of itself. Every sin of every kind, un-repented and unaccounted for, from the gravest to the most venial, gives this, our most vicious enemy its strength. This beast lives for one thing and one thing only, the complete and absolute destruction of each and every one of our souls and the utter annihilation of all of our humanity. From the defeat of our humanity this treasonous beast proceeds to overthrow the sovereign rule of our most loving God in His own realm, here in His own living creation on earth.
This raging beast has the body of a dragon, three monstrous, devouring heads with seven proud horns, two enormous, dark reptilian wings, four powerful legs and the tail of a serpent that leaves only death, destruction, anarchy, tears and confusion in its terrible wake.
The three monstrous, devouring heads are - the malice of the Devil, the Lord of the hosts of hell, the Father of lies, the accuser and the murderer, the proud prince of this world, and all his fallen angels with him; the evil fashions of the world - the vanities born of the collective sins of all mankind carried over through time, and the concupiscence of the flesh - the effects of Original Sin, our own weakened and wounded nature.
The three mouths of the beast whisper poisonous blashpemies and utter obscene, scandalous maledictions against our good God, day and night, secretly fomenting discord and a deepening hatred among the many communities of men and usurping the truth with insidious lies that lead to war and division, desolation and despair among individuals, families, peoples and nations.
The menacing eyes of this beast are pitiless sunken black pits looking out at us from a pitch black heart of pure hatred of life. This beast sees us, in our common humanity, the exact opposite way that our most loving Lord sees us for it sees us as faceless, identical, worthless, hopeless, unloving, uncaring, undreaming, unfeeling, repeatable, replaceable, spiritless, nameless masses unfit for human living and therefore, fit only for every kind of slavery, atrocious exploitation, wholesale slaughter and complete annihilation precisely because we are unique, because we are different.
Its listens intently to all our murmurings against the Holy Spirit of God, all our greatest lies, all our malicious backbiting, all our blasphemous slanders and betrayals against our one triune God, His Holy Mother, His angels, His saints, His holy souls in purgatory and his faithful militant Church on earth, all our reckless gossiping and all our hearts lying in wait against one another like a terrible, evil presence that draw very near to our souls because of our lack of love for the truth and quiet self-discipline, ever attracted by our attachment to vain arguments and empty, loose words.
This devouring beast knows its own stink and is drawn to the sinister odor of sin. It relishes with great delicacy the festering stench of proud rebellion, wicked agendas, hidden perversity, deliberate faithlessness, hatred of life, willful denial of the truth and all manner of secret sins that reeks from a proud and unforgiving heart; an abominable stench that rises up to the heavens.
The seven proud horns are the seven capital vices that lead to sin: Pride, Anger, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony.
The two enormous, dark reptilian wings are the means by which this beast relentlessly pursues our immortal souls waging war with our hearts from within and then spilling out into the darkness and violence of the sins that pursue and harass us from our world without.
The body of the beast is a dark, convulsive mass of pure, raging evil; the unholy substance of sin that draws all evil things into the immense crush of the descendant gravity of itself.
It reeks of the treacherous scent of perfumed lies, the deadly odor of temptation and is a great abomination in the face of the Lord.
It is ever pregnant and expecting the birth of even greater evils to curse and afflict our poor humanity and having given birth to many terrible wars and great inhuman acts that have severely wounded the collective, noble spirit of our common humanity in the past, it has now started giving birth to genocide in our present time. Its last spawn will be evil incarnate itself.
The four legs are - heretical materialism, that both the goal and the substance of life is purely material because the physical universe is all there is, atheistic secularism, that there is no God because man is independent and self-sufficient by himself alone, moral relativism, that justice is arbitrary because there are no moral absolutes as both good and evil come in convenient shades of gray, and social Darwinism, that brute force is the singular social requirement, in the absence of virtue and truth, that measure the excellence of nations or individuals.
My most precious friend, this beast spares no one, harbors no mercy and has only grown in size and strength as manifest by the manner and scope of the evils that we face at this present time.
From this beast and its breathing our own native air is come this strange, polluting darkness that we call the culture of death that has been slowly engulfing our midnight world in a poisonous fog of war.
Where shall we draw the line, Beloved of God? Do we resort to sin and feed the beast that threatens to devour us, our kith and kin and destroy our nations and the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind in a fiery conflagration of unremitting hatred and violence? Do we idolize this maleficent beast as a god in place of our most loving Lord? Or do we draw the line here at the threshold of our own hearts and commit, as much as we can in spite of ourselves, by grace of our Lord never to add anymore to the evils of this present time?
Our Lord judges us as particular souls at the culmination of our lives at Particular Judgment but our salvation is always to be worked out together in community with all of common humanity as evidenced by General Judgment at the resurrection of the body. For no one can stand alone in the face of this overwhelming evil.
To the extent that we become aware, we slowly emerge from deep cover of shadow; moment by moment, truth upon truth, hope upon hope, and grace upon grace, ever plunging easily into the darkness of the beast or attempting bravely to fly into the Light. What will ultimately win out in the end is neither the darkness nor the Light but what fullness of the truth our love will forever confess. For we will indeed become like to what we love according to the measure of our love. But in the order of grace, where - we - all of the baptized dwell, it is more true to say that we will absolutely become what we love absolutely because the measure of God's love for us is absolutely beyond measure.
So lets make a choice, my precious friend, lets make an absolute choice. Let us cling to Jesus, let us cling to Him in humble, living repentance and promise each other no matter how many times one should fall, never, ever to let go of our love of God knowing that, as long as our grip is strong and secure - as long as our choice is one and absolute - our Lord will never ever let us go, He never has, He never will.
Where will the quickening time of our midnight world lead us?
How will this longest night end?
Peace to all men of good will
Adoration to Jesus Christ
And Glory to God in creation.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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