THIS IS THE ONE COMMON HOPE of the Solidarity: a better, more peaceful world for all men, women and children. It is the hope of every human being. It is also the basic goal of every honorable nation and the fundamental mission of all honorable alliances of nations.
These are the three threads that lead to the one common hope of the Solidarity: 1) a common understanding of the principles of the peace 2) the avoidance of war and 3) the alleviation suffering in all its forms.
The path of the Solidarity is the timeless path of the spirit, the mountain path of Christian perfection which is our hard and narrow way and we climb this path together, alone with the Alone, as faithful and obedient children of the Roman Catholic Church.
Therefore, the Solidarity also has an eschatological hope and that is to see an end to the beast of war at the consummation of our exile time at the overthrow of this world and the breaking of the power of the proud Prince of this world who is Satan, the ancient serpent of our faded Eden, and the huge dragon - the beast of war - who is the principal cause of the deception that turned our heritage of life and light in God into an abyss of misery and death, the Devil who with his demons are the agents of a hatred of God that brought us all into slavery and bondage to sin and with sin, evil and with evil, suffering and death.
If we pause and ponder for a moment at the greatness of the damage that the malice of the Devil and his agents have inflicted upon both the angels and our one family of humanity from our first parents right down to our present generations, all the loss that we personally endure, all the loss that we see everyday, all the loss that we know were taken from us yesterday and all the loss that are yet to be endured by every human being of every place and every time until the consummation of exile time, one would almost be tempted to sin. But with Jesus Christ Crucified as our pledge of victory, we are afforded the benefit of seizing victory before the battle, a very sound military strategy, executed perfectly by the Wisdom of God Himself that places in our hands the truth of God's peace in the very midst of our struggle against the beast of war. It is therefore a favorable feature of our spiritual warfare against the beast of war that we are never really conquered until we ourselves give up fighting. So never give up, my precious friend, once God calls you into battle. No matter how many times we should fall into sin, we may promptly rise again to repent - this time with greater humility, larger contrition, lesser dependence on self and stronger Christian hope and trust in God's strength and fidelity - to fight another battle, endure another temptation, suffer another evil - thankfully, willingly and with joy - until the love of Christ in our hearts prevail and the grace of God in our souls overcome the power of sin in our lives.
In the Solidarity, the beast of war is used to refer as a whole to the hostile actions of sin (the seven capital sins especially pride and hatred) and the agents of sin (the concupiscence of the flesh, the evil fashions of the world and the Devil and his fallen angels) against the human soul as well as its external effects that bring forth the curse of war and bloodshed into the reality of the present time as a great evil that threaten the one family of the nations of mankind.
Within the Solidarity, an unbroken lineage of hope carried forward from all hopes past to propel the hopes of the present under the guidance of Almighty God from one generation to the next until the consummation of exile time is called an Allied Generation.
An Allied Generation being one thread from among all the Allied Generations of the Solidarity form the sheltering wings of the Peace that by the grace of God shall work to stay and frustrate the beast of war as our nations march across the void of exile time and the one strong cord that together with the witness of all our Saints and the blood of all our nameless Holy Innocents at the final overthrow of this world God Himself will use to bind the Devil, his fallen angels and all reprobate souls who have unrepentantly forsaken God and trampled on the Blood of the Son of God and drag them all the way into the deepest, darkest depths of hell.
All our collective hopes, dreams and promises that we share in common reality with all mankind - of a better, more peaceful world for all men, women and children - freely, willingly, faithfully and lovingly commended to our eschatological hope and therefore made subject to the power and fidelity of Almighty God even as we commit ourselves humbly to the daily labors in His vineyard (being our own particular states of life) in, with, through, and for Jesus Christ in order to better ourselves as Christians and diffuse the grace of God into the immediate world around us shall form the exacting, noble sharpness of that Holy Silver Spear that Jesus Christ Himself shall let fly to bring down the beast of war at the Last Day, at the establishment of His Peace. For indeed, He will see us through to a better world and will not let His faithful perish in the end.
That is the eschatological hope of the Solidarity: to see an end to the beast of war.
Both our common hope that we share with mankind and our eschatological hope that we share as Christians lead us to the one end that all members of the Solidarity with and on behalf of the one family of humanity is striving for and that end is peace.
Peace in our hearts and peace in our times, peace that strengthens our nations and lengthens our days - a one whole peace - this peace being the climate of Jesus Christ Whose law in the Gospel is truth, truth that liberate from sin and frees from the oppression of war, hatred and death and the sharp tongue of truth which at the consummation of exile time is certain victory over war.
The means to acheive this one end, Per Matrem ad Filium - Through the Mother to the Son: the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus Christ in all our hearts through the Immaculate Heart of Mary - the Alter Christus born from the seed of the sanctifying grace of our common baptism as Christians which is the seed of the Kingdom of our God in heaven in our hearts that must die with our false self from within ourselves that it may grow with the warmth of our own gentle nurturing and the everlasting waters of God's grace to bring forth a whole new universe of supernatural realities growing into the fullness of the age of Jesus Christ in you and in me.
"Peace is a promise.
A promise I make to you,
My precious child.
A promise to see you through
right to the bitter end."
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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