BELOVED OF GOD, realize what promise there can be had from among those who profess peace the greatest from among all the religions of the world: the great monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Together we form that one lineage of Abrahamic faith in one God, in one common Creator and in one common beginning for the one human race, in the one parentage of the one family of the peoples of all mankind.
In the Solidarity, we shall refer to this one great lineage without any particular distinction to any particular faith as the Abrahamic branch - a harmony of spiritual strengths founded on the vision of the common practice of the peace between our three great monoitheistic faiths, in the Name of our one God, for the benefit of all of suffering mankind. The commissioning of an Abrahamic squadron within the national wing of the Solidarity is a means toward this end.
Therefore, we must treat all honorable believers of all honorable religious lineages of truth and wisdom with dignity and respect, most especially, our brethren Jews and Muslims. We must purge ourselves of any personal or cultural prejudices that demonize, belittle or hold in contempt the honorable believers of other particular faiths, most especially, our brethren Jews and Muslims. We must annihilate any kind of evil in ourselves that will prevent us from understanding and benefiting from the lineages of divine truth and spiritual wisdom that surely exists in the heritage of other particular faiths (Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, etc), most especially Judaism and Islam.
In our present world dominated by war where lies most especially about honorable religion are normally bandied about either knowingly or unknowingly by the most common folk. A midnight world where the common language of hell has become fit for the consumption of innocent souls, it would truly benefit every honorable religion, all of Christendom most especially, to foster with a common will to preserve the soul of the race of humanity entire, true harmony and cooperation from among the world's great religious traditions. True to this purpose, it is only befitting of our Dominican heritage in the Solidarity that we embrace the richness of the wisdom and the truths founded in other traditions of religious worship that we may build bridges and knock down walls. This must be done without dissipation or syncretism to our own particular Roman Catholic faith knowing with the conviction of the Holy Spirit that the fullness of the Truth subsists wholly in our Holy Mother Church in the Person of Jesus Christ, our Savior, our All.
Who is greater than a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew or any other believer but God alone? This makes us all equal save for our understanding of the truth about God, the universe and each other and the progress of our inward journey into union with the One. For our one God both ascends as well as transcends our divisions of self and religion to unite all true things from truth unto greater truth unto the one Truth that there is but one God and no other. No man is greater than any other man save for the spirit of selflessness and virtue that wills to serve the good of humanity in community with God and one another.
Realize, my Companion, that the common hope of the whole world for Jews, Muslims and Christians and the great potential of the Abrahamic branch must constitute 2/3's of what is necessary to bring about the change needed to transition the paradigm of our world from one of war to one of peace.
And realize, my Companion, that we do not have to be anything but our better selves to realize this potential for we each already profess an undying faith to one God. However, it would do us good to know what it is to come from one lineage of universal faith for although we will always be who we have been called by our own particular faiths to be, we are yet come from one Source and so what makes us one - what raises us to the ascendant unity of our God - our common patrimony, our theological parallels, our spiritual similarities, our geographical interconnectedness, our common human hopes and our shared thirst for knowledge, truth, understanding and peace must be seen as greater than the things that divide us. Because we should be appreciative of what makes us similar and at the same time there should be nothing but respect for our differences.
The reason things are not the way it should prevent safe passage across this longest night of our poor world both for our planet and for our one human race that, in spite of it all, must at the end of the day call this little blue world home.
My dear Christian, religious cooperation and spiritual interconnectedness is part and pre-requisite of that one, ascendant peace that our Solidarity exists to firmly establish, by grace of our Lord, so that we may build for the generations of life to come, a better, kinder, safer world for all men, women and children of every nation of the one family of the nations of mankind.
Shalom, Salaam Aleikum, Peace and Godspeed - do they not all mean one thing?
Glory to God in His creation
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to all men of good will.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Holy Father Dominic, pray for us.
Recommended Reading: Part I of One Country: Faith in God, Nostra Aetate, Ut Unum Sint
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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