SEE THE NUMBERLESS STARS, my precious friend and constant companion, how they shine. Do they care that they are stars? Nay, for they are all born of one Truelight. And in that way they become free to shine.
The one Majority takes from both Judeo-Christian as well as elements of Islamic Democracy to form an Abrahamic Democracy which considers as whole and indivisible, the one REALITY of Almighty God and the unseen supernatural order with the seen material reality of the visible universe that form the seamless whole which is the habitation of Man who is created both spirit and earth and therefore may only be understood in that context as a human being inherently possessed with a divine dignity and intrinsic natural rights.
Our ideal of secularism does not subscribe to the concept of a militantly atheistic state divided against the truth of its own humanity, nor to the belief that religion is the source of the reality of our Almighty God, we recognize and uphold the separation of religion and state but acknowledge the transcendental reality of the one LORD of all creation as inseparable to the life of our shared humanity and therefore recognize and uphold all that is honorable and true in all religions within a free and democratic society that is both pluralist and synergistic.
Unique Elements of an Abrahamic Democracy
That Almighty God, our peerless LORD and the one common Creator of all common creation, seen and unseen, transcending the totality of all human experience is a supernatural Reality that singularly reigns, sovereign and supreme, over all other realities, seen and unseen, without neither beginning nor end as the one highest of spiritual Truths unseen;
That all lineages of sacred wisdom and sacred revelation diligently preserved by each and every honorable religion in time and dimensional space is the direct result of Humankind's reaction to God's Presence in exile time and the Holy Spirit of God Being Present throughout human history and collectively constitute as a one divine trust, a one Commonwealth Trust, provided for the common good of all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind;
That Almighty God has invested in this visible creation, the one family of the nations of mankind, as responsible stewards and co-creators with His grace and that for this reason our LORD has gifted each human being with a will that is free;
That upon this free will and its dutiful and responsible human exercise is founded the bedrock principle of an Abrahamic democracy.
...decide today whom you will serve... As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24: 15
Therefore, SERVIAM: Let us each produce the fruits of a good and honorable religion; live always in the light and be led by all true things. Let us each compete in virtue and good works; to prosper the peace that all our peoples may prosper, and our nations dwell in good will, growing to each their kindred fullness in time as keepers and friends to each other.
For that is what it means to say, "peace" - it means, "I am here for you for I see your human need, my beloved friend and constant companion. Therefore, I will be to you as your hope".
How then can this peace ever be won in battle?
Lakas CMD and the one Majority in the Context of the Philippine Republic
It is the aim of the one Majority to achieve one standard of Liberty on behalf of the one Filipino nation with Lakas CMD (Christian Muslim Democrats) as established in our Salutation #04 that our endeavor of Country become enabled in exile time and the will of the people be advanced in the Republic that represents them in the state.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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