IN THE REALM OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE, my beloved friend and constant companion, nothing is as constant and as universal as suffering.
We are, in our common humanity, both confused and enlightened by the existence of these pains that we share; the pains of grief, illness and death, borne by cycles, great and small, that cause human hearts to reach out towards answers that beckon or cave in against questions that dare all that is human in our being to be able to withstand completely the withering assault of the reality of suffering.
Suffering is a symptom of the absence that is felt in the heart of Mankind; it is the direct evidence of that great struggle to fill this existential breach in the wholeness of human identity and the unity of our being that from within create the need in the human will that makes us vulnerable.
Indeed, suffering makes us vulnerable as a result and not as a consequence of our experience of it and this vulnerability is at the heart of its mystery.
Because our experience of suffering is ordered according to the degree by which the desire that must dwell inside of our selves is awakened to the path that leads each human heart to the overcoming of the imperceptible distance between the wandering soul and its eternal destiny.
For The existence of human suffering and the understanding of its nature leads us to the question of the reality of evil itself.
when in pondering deeply
the question of evil things
does not in its seeking
pray for necessary prudence
with vigilance of heart
seeks without first being
established firmly upon the
grounds of pre-existent good
soon become enslaved by the power
of the evil within all evil things.
For Our bearing of good things
in our poor and needful world require
that we learn to recognize and love
like the Day and the Night
all good things
and all that is good in things
- apart from -
the darkness that is present
in the evil
in these evil days.
Let us understand,
here and Now,
those who are present
who are present to our LORD
that there is evil in our world
and that because of evil things,
suffering is a universal human experience
and a common reality to all human beings.
And that in our poor world,
both good things and evil things
are established each according to
the experience of suffering.
there must be neither time nor place
from those worlds within ourselves
into exile time and dimensional space
within the abodes of our nations
and in the life of our Mankind
that should allow for the lie
of relativistic moral complacency
for neither does a thing exist
within the one seamless reality
of the whole of human experience
that is both good
- and at the same time -
evil in its substance.
These lukewarm shadows make meaningless
the reality of all human suffering,
for it is a deception that makes void
any reason for the human being
to attain the purpose of time itself
which is to bring him or her
towards a destiny appointed
by the one common Creator of all creation;
the one LORD of all the living
as well as all of the Everliving.
Lukewarmness of heart is a complacency
among the absent and bankrupt of spirit
manifest as a willing surrender of true self
as well as of others in need of true self
to the void of nothingness
at the end of every moment lost
and is a grave and inhuman crime
for it is willful moral cowardice;
a seeking to lie in wait
and remain hidden in the relativistic gray
of the shadows of both indifference and aversion
amidst the unmistakable reality of human suffering
notwithstanding the call of the one Divine
upon all things human and angelic
to make present this one lineage of hope
of peace and common human destiny
upon all the generations
of the one family of the nations of Mankind
so that the common good of all in All
shall through remembrance of God in Country
remain ever present in the context of
the divine command to subdue
from all the lands of the unknown earth
the evil in evil things
and overcome through suffering
the absence of unity in Man.
For the one whole entirety
of the great human endeavor
required of all the nations Mankind
of civilizing the unknown earth
in the course of our exile time
is ultimately about
the absolute liberation
of what is human in our being
from all that is inhuman in things;
a common destiny of peace
among all knowing souls
who are awake to this reality
that is ever like the difference
between hot or cold,
Day and Night.
The growth of our understanding
of the experience of human suffering
like answers obtained
from questions that deny
from the one whole sphere
of all human undertaking,
what make us completely whole
in our common humanity
by our being present
with each ourselves in God
as well as present
with each other in Country,
require the recognition
derived from particular witness
that because evil
has entered into our world
from the autumnal dusk of faded Eden
and had spread into the one whole
of our human habitation,
as human beings,
we experience the effects
of the corruption
and the destruction of what is good
as suffering - but -
more to the point,
we experience this suffering
because in our souls
there is an absence of a reality
felt like a betrayal of all things
that we each need to address
as human beings.
And indeed,
Mankind through the ages
has had different ways
of dealing with this
peculiar sense of brokenness.
As our hearts only respond
to the reality of good things,
both pre-existent as well as absolute,
evil being naturally incomprehensible
to every human soul
who is not by its own collaboration
with the evil in evil things
become completely subdued by sin,
we suffer in our common humanity - both -
because of the presence of evil
in our poor world - that breed -
that absence of meaningfulness
in our souls.
As the entrance of evil
into our experience of human reality
is the cause of all human suffering,
the restoration of both the good
as well as the everlasting good
is the only foundation upon which
all of this evil is allowed to endure.
For all things in this world,
both good and evil,
are established in suffering
- it is how we chose to suffer -
that makes distinct in ourselves
by force of our own true convictions
the cause of a righteousness in God
that maintain all that is noble in Mankind.
For evil things
cause suffering as a consequence
of the evil in evil things
and this consequence
is a descendant gravity
that pulls the soul
into the darkness of itself.
On the other hand,
good things require suffering
as sacrifice - sacrifice being -
the one path chosen and revealed by
the one Source of all good things:
Love Itself.
Upon this path we shall experience
the interior landscapes of this Lenten Journey
that we shall each take together.
Peace, I salute you.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to all men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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