AUSTRALIA FAIR, I am thankful for you.
I have awakened to things greater than myself through the experience of your own hopes as a nation for I have tasted the substance of your Country, O dear great Southern Continent, in the memorable years that I have spent with you and your good people. You have gifted my heart with many things that I carry with me as an indelible and precious part of me today and I shall never forget this, my Australia Fair.
Now that you are suffering through this worst of bushfire seasons in thy memory as a nation, I want you to know that I hurt with you. I know you to be a tight-knit national community for I myself have felt this in the spirit of thy own undertaking as Country when I was there amidst thyself and felt it to such a degree, good nation, that I hurt with you even now. A part of me I have left forever Down Under for you are a good ship, Australia Fair, thy convict chains have set me free and I shall salute you forever.
Indeed, too many lives have been taken from our love, good nation, and without sense so it seems; their unique and unrepeatable promise stolen from our shared humanity without warning. I offer you no explanations, dear Australia, only that I and all those who love and care for you feel your pain and recognize this most human of needs that we share together and so we stand in clear solidarity with you in this thy lonely hour of tears and rebuilding.
May they all who are nameless no more rest in the peace of our Lord's eternal remembrance ever as they shall live in the hearts and lives of all those who love them and celebrate their lives with them together in God and Country for always.
So may God be with you, Australia Fair, and may God's peace be in all of you, O good and kindred nation, today most especially and forevermore.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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