THE ETERNAL LAW OF GOD, by virtue of its timeless promulgation among the hearts of all men and women of good will seeks always to continually recognize and uphold our humanity, as we are, a becoming, an emerging in time.
And as our humanity is distinguished by our common lack, our hopes as human beings are defined by our common needs.
These needs are protected by the Eternal Law of God.
For long have our LORD maintained a commandment that prohibits anyone to seek to profit from the need of others.
Upon this principle are all truly responsible business activities founded upon.
ENTERPRISE as a whole is the collective building up of the common market.
Every time we are outside the stillness of our souls, or outside of our holy places of corporate worship and sacred remembrance, or away from the hearth of our homes, we step into the realm of the common market. Every time we transact a trade or an exchange of any of our own goods (material, intellectual/scientific or technological) and/or services (either labor or labor product) we participate in the enterprise economy of Country.
Banks initiate, provide, sustain and fulfill the capital needs of this enterprise economy primarily by fostering material liquidity that facilitate the flow of necessary transactions between both individual as well as conglomerate business entities of whose enterprise undertaking as a responsible entrepreneurial whole works to support the growth and vitality of the nation. In this way, banks advance the common good that propel the progress of Country - which is the commonweal - and in the course of building up the commonweal, support the will of the sovereign state that in turn maintain the mission and discipline of the banking industry.
Banking is a service industry as the currency of state which is its primary responsibility is not its own product.
Now, for the intents and purposes of this meditation, let us perceive currency as the visible motion of business and businesses as a whole making up each our industries which when taken as a whole constitute the honest labor of each our nation of the one family of the nations of mankind to build up this inhabited earth. Industry is therefore an undertaking that is vested in the expectation, reputation and reality of its own positive growth in time. But the positive growth of all businesses must in reality rely on its ability to serve and fulfill a particular human need and never the other way around.
In the banking industry, interests that penalize due to lack of fiscal discipline and/or human errors in business accounting are meant not as a means to profit but as a means to lend disciplinary force to the form and policy of the banking contract. Therefore, these banking contracts must never be treated as business negotiations that seek profit but as service contracts that bind two parties in common good will.
Because all overt and covert forms of usury is a transgression of the Eternal Law, seeking to profit by the charging of interests in a banking transaction is a sure way of inviting calamity.
Now, let us bear in mind that virtue is currency. The principles of accounting recognize good will as an immaterial asset which can not be exactly recorded like all other things that appear on the business ledger. Recognition of good will in the accounting reports is evidence that good will is also a form of currency, albeit immaterial, that flow in time to shape greater and greater economies of itself.
I advance for your own meditation, my beloved friend and constant companion, that upon this principle is built the true foundations of all truly human banking activities
Now, let us upon this principle build a banking model: Let me propose that every banking contract that is to be fulfilled should carry with it a debt of good will. And let us recall to mind that virtue is currency and therefore, this good will albeit immaterial in form should for our own business good also be allowed to be circulated into an economy in and of itself. And let us conceive of this economy as an economy of alms or charitable donations surrendered freely to the bank in a model where thankfulness is an integral part of the business culture as a professional obligation that is distinct and apart from any material obligations to religion. From this good will, banks in their own responsible turn should be able to screen, scrutinize, build up and sustain its own responsible charities and these charities submitted (and governed) by civic organizations to the fostering, material care of the banks should in their own turn recognize, support, promote and expand the business good of those same businesses that drive forward the enterprise economy of the common market.
This is a very simplistic example of an economy based on virtue and good will that, of course, still desire much improvement but the gist of the matter still stands: Virtue is true currency, money is not the end result of business profit and no one should ever seek to profit from the needs of others - above all our banking institutions.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi. I see you are a friend of Anne Frank. You may also find a relationship with:
Immaculee Ilibagiza (Rwanda) and her book: "Left to Tell".
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