O Filipino nation, who are you? Why do we long to wear the image of other nations like a mask? Why do we take certain delight in being somebody we are not? What have become of us? Why do we seek to imitate the way of other peoples? Do we not have our own image to honor and way to cherish? Can we not see our own reflections in the timeless places and faces contained in the spirit of our Country? O where is the soul of my Filipino people?
Why should we love and honor those wicked things that disrupt the peace and harm our common good? Are we not a free Republic? Do we not share common commitments to look after each other's good in a true spirit of service; to labor in hope and goodwill to fulfill the promise of our present, to be at peace with the living memory of our past and to honor our duty to all our future generations? Do we not have recourse to the strength and potential of our social Democracy? Have we not learned from the pain of our martyred past of the high cost of heroes blood that was paid for this present promise of liberty and self-determination? Have we forgotten the native heart that beats for this beloved motherland that provides for us a certain place between this one earth and sky? How much more noble suffering and sacred blood must be spent in the name of this present moment before the dawn of the morning is come into our hearts and the will of the one Filipino Republic is made to shine like a bright sunrise in our souls?
We are a patient people. But too long have we waited, too much have we suffered, to high a price have we paid to let anything hold us back from the promise of tomorrow that awaits us:
The vision of a united, free, peaceful and prosperous Filipino Republic with liberty, equality, justice and opportunity for all our citizens and our posterity without distinction or prejudice as to race, creed, sex, age, ethnicity or social class.
O my beloved people, the captive soul of the Filipino nation must be set free! We are the masters of our national destiny but until we realize who we are as a people and as individual citizens worthy of a free Republic, the dawn of our morning will seem so far away. We as a people must awaken to the soul of Country. It only takes an instant to see her for who she truly is together in each ourselves and a lifetime to become for her as we truly must as the faithful sons and daughters of a motherland that has loved, sheltered and sustained us all under the eternal vigilance of Almighty God from the very beginning of the generations of our one people.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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