CREATE IN ME a clean heart, O Lord.
Cleanse my soul from the stain of sin.
And give my life new shape, my Jesus.
Give my soul new meaning, a new song.
Abide with me, my Jesus, remain in me -
Help me abide with You, remain in You.
Then lead me O kindly Light, lead me on.
Through fields of battle and strife of soul -
Beyond the vast empty deserts of my heart.
Above the darkness that consume my mind.
Through the tears, through pain and sorrow -
Across oceans of mercy and into Your arms.
You loved me, O Love, and I knew You not.
O Holy Savior, the darkness consumed me!
I was blind to see the Beauty of Your Face.
O forgive me, my Jesus, please forgive me.
For I was dead to all things living in Thee.
I lived in the darkness and I knew it not.
You called me and I awoke to Your Light.
Now, I am a wretch, my most loving Jesus.
I am mired between Your world and mine.
A miserable sinner yet in love with his sins.
I struggle to follow You yet my soul is caught -
Between tides of darkness and of Your Light.
'Tis my sweetest calamity to love You, my All!
You are the Light that beckon me ever onward -
Abounding in power at the approach of darkness.
Your grace to rouse my heart when evil is near -
That peril that consume my soul with holy fear.
O Silence that fills my heart with consolation -
O Love that was afflicted for our salvation!
Lord, you are my strength when I am weakest;
The courage that inflame my hope with daring,
The daring to be what You truly want me be -
As the great Knight of the Immaculata said:
"A Saint and not just a Saint but a great Saint!"
So deliver me, O Lord, please be merciful to me.
For You are the hope and You are the daring.
Late have I found You, 'tis late that I have risen -
To Your promise of things new and everlasting!
You loved me, O Love, You lived in my heart.
And You let me taste Your everliving waters.
Now my soul pines for You, 'tis in love with You!
Beauty beyond me, living in me, all around me.
O Father Who transcend me, yet so near me.
Savior looking down on me, sitting beside me.
Holy Spirit dwelling in me, alive to my reality.
O Holy Trinity: One, true God, in Persons three!
My heart is hungry for Your acceptance of me.
I desire the joyous company of Your Holy Saints -
Saint Maximilan, Saint Lorenzo, Blessed Jacinta,
My Annelies Marie Frank and all Your Holy Souls,
All of those who love me and whom I love in You,
Archangel Michael, the angelic patron of my family,
Caritas, my dear Angel, all the Holy Angels of God,
Our dearest Mother Mary, the Queen of my heart,
Above all, Your most sweetest embrace, O my All,
"Well done, good and faithful servant, well done."
So deliver me, my Jesus, from this dark twilight.
Lead me into the morning of my new life with You -
And I will give you my life, O God of my heart!
A contrite and humbled heart you will not spurn!
It is out of love of You, my most loving Jesus!
It is out of love of You, said my Blessed Jacinta!
It is out of love of You, my All, so please help me!
It is out of love of You, O Savior, come save me!
It is out of love of You, O my Jesus, set me free!
O my God, make haste to help me, I humbly pray:
Give me a new life and a new song to sing to You -
And I will sing forever of Your Love and Your Light.
I will carry Your Light into the deepest of darkness.
I will advance Your Love into the poorest of hearts.
I will carry my cross with You until my life is spent.
I will live my life to serve You, giving all to my All!
O my Jesus, hear me, deliver me, for I am all Yours.
Through the Mother to the Son, all that I am is Yours.
You are my everything, my All, and I am but nothing!
Come, Lord Jesus, come, become for me my everything!
O Holy Savior, save me, set me free: For I am all Yours.
O God, a contrite and humbled heart you will not spurn!
- EJ San Miguel
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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