"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". - Ephesians 6:12
Along with the Church Triumphant in Heaven, the Church Suffering in Purgatory, the Church Militant which is God's Pilgrim Church on earth form the entirety of our Holy Mother Chruch. We are the Church Militant precisely because we fight, we fight to set ourselves free from the slavery of sin and death, the world, the flesh and the Devil and all his agents. We fight to reform, conform and unite ourselves to the truth of the image of God in Jesus Christ within ourselves through the power of the Holy Spirit. We fight for each ourselves as well as for each other in the Name of Jesus Christ on behalf of the entire human race to diffuse the grace of God here on earth and advance the cause of truth, justice, solidarity, goodwill and peace for all souls without distinction.
We are repentant sinners like myself, the weak and the infirm, exiled hearts and searching souls with faults as numerous as the hairs on our heads. Exile children of this captive earth, the lost and the forsaken, descended from the one family of humanity who from the dawn of time were cast into this vale of tears, born to labor and grieve upon this desperate and fallen world of suffering and death. Valorous souls who do battle with chaos to give law a chance to give birth to peace. The nameless multitude of silent innocents oppressed by the darkness of sin and uncertainty; subjugated by the proud Prince of this fallen world, a murderer and a tyrant, vain and full of lies, a wicked lord, defeated and empty of promise. All who respond to the universal call of Jesus Christ and cry out with one accord to the one, true God of our fathers as our one hope of life and liberation.
- EJ San Miguel
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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