THE PEACE OF JESUS CHRIST, to me, is an unspoken promise between me and my Lord, it is a promise He made with all Christians, and a Christian obligation - a sacred duty - between me and my fellow Christians to uphold and safeguard the peace in the Name of Jesus Christ and on behalf of our fellow human beings. Peace is a sacred duty to sacred life most especially binding to Holy Mother Church, to all of blessed Christendom and to all of who have claim to the peace and the promise of the one, great Abrahamic hope, that we shall be as countless as the stars shining so brightly for our one common hope, a one common longing for a peace that only our one God can give us - all of us, and this one common hope regardless of all our marked differences, will clear for us a way out of the death grip of a war that have lasted too long like an unwanted, feral beast that have caused us too much and still desires to do to our unborn generations so much more ill.
One common respect is what we all owe to the one common human dignity bestowed upon us by our one common Creator. To rejoice where we should rejoice and to mourn together where we should shed our tears, this is what it means to say peace. Why does this escape our common humanity? Why does one rejoice where another one mourns? A peace that is divisible is not peace but war in the guise of peace, as a lie within a lie within a lie. Why does one rejoice where another one mourns? Where is the peace where human comfort is lacking and arbitrarily given, embracing only a few and excluding much. No, peace is, among other things an assurance, an assurance of human respect given by those who recognize our God given human dignity. So where human dignity is wanting, wanting what we all owe by sacred rights to each other to appreciate what God has gifted to us, immortal souls crafted in His own image and likenss, souls infinitely capable of loving and of receiving love, souls with the power to create with God new, better and much more beautiful realities than these ugly, evil days we have all gotten so used to, we have laid down with war's ugliness for so long, we have forgotten in this midnight world even the most basic of image of beauty and have trampled on our own human dignity, forgetting what it is and what it is for, affecting not only the natural course of individual lives but also the course of entire nations.
Nations that rise and fall by the truth of it's peace. Peace that is empty of it's essential substance will never serve human civilization nor will a divisible peace that clearly serves the will of war ever bring back what is wanting in our world, real peace, an indivisible, ascendant motion of a virtue that serve and defend sacred life, all of life, even trees and animals, excluding nothing and embracing everything into itself, rising to the unity of it's own most certain truth, as a motion not against war but away from it into the oneness of the God from Whose Sanctuary we have always derived the truth and validity of our peace, safeguarding it's potency within our own selves and also with others.
Without real peace, where will another 1000 years take us? I cringe at the thought of what the beast of war and it's evil would have evolved into after another millennia of feeding on our world, wantonly devouring not only our generations but also the means to sustain the future of life itself on our world. For evil desires our complete annihilation and will not regard neither our dignity nor our difference in it's relentless yet futile drive to complete the lie that make void the will and the purpose of God in His creation.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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