EVERY NATION that fits into a place in Mother Asia form together a picture of her. But because every nation is not the same, the image of our Asia may only become clearer to us when every Asian nation finds it's own place among all the others and when all the Asian nations have agreed, the complete mosaic that highlight the richness and the bounty of the great Asian continent will show that our Mother Asia have always relied on a unity of our differences to make things harmonious and understood in the hearts and minds of all Asians. For Asia herself is a diverse mosaic of differences.
How to recognize our one Mother Asia:
1. We must desire to know her.
What promise can there be had from our rising together? Knowledge and understanding of each other, mutual security and greater prosperity for all Asian nations, many things that are good for our own particular national endeavors which we can not obtain as individual nations will only be realized by our coming together than by our keeping
2. We must tell her our desire.
How do we propose unity to other Asian nations? Not without being truthful, reassurances of peace, sincere concern and acceptance for each and every Asian nation as she is - status quo - can Asia know of our hope see her. A hope that accepts her for who she is now with the promise to make her better and a timetable for each Asian nation to move toward unity with the particular requirements that create a medium of universality across the continent. This medium of universality must be a value that can be shared, appreciated and honored by all Asians and this value is peace and the great promise of peace that would grow with time to calm restless Asia.
3. She must agree to our request.
As respect must exist between two individuals, the same respect must also exist between two nations. All the nations of Asia deserve her and so can not be excluded from her. Truth as the mother tongue of Asia must begin to take the place of deception as peace become ascendant over war.
Our honesty and sincerity opens the way to open dialogue and the mutual understanding that form the basis of agreements that move forward toward a consensus of Asian nations that validates the will of Asia to move toward unity.
4. We must accept her as she is.
Will we reject her now that we have come this far?
Asia is a continent wounded by much war. A lot of people here are hurt. And with this much adversity in Asia there is also the prevalence of much hope. We will realize there will be a much to do to obtain to her true beauty after the horrible scarring that war has inflicted upon her.But wee must not ignore her hope, for her hope carry the weight of centuries that once added to the momentum of our present hopes become a force of human spirit potent enough to restore her to her beauty.
Prologue: Shall we now tell Asia our name?
To discover ourselves, we must look to others and now that we know Asia, we have also found our proper place with her and being content among all the other nations of Asia in the knowledge that we are who we are meant o be not in comparison to other Asian nations, but simply because we know, we are as a nation content.
Asia moves to unity and becomes Asia Caelistis, the Celestial Asia, , a place of harmony in our diversity, a unity of diffirences where wars are less because peace is much more known, valued and practiced.
Where wars are less, there is more length added to to our days, and our beloved peoples receive more time to find their own true happiness.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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