THE HUMAN FAMILY is a divine institution. It is for the singular purpose of family that the sacramental grace of the wedlock union signified by the vows of one man and one woman and witnessed by God and His whole Church is dedicated by the will of God as a living institution within His Church established through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Capital Grace and the Author of Human Salvation.
This institution is entrusted by God with no less than the procreative act that ensure the continuity and Providential order of the lineages of human generations and conduct in their succession the transmission of the faith that universally preserve the one lineage of our common human hope.
For it is not religion that the family is entrusted to safeguard in the hearts of our young, it is reality and the ethical shaping of reality, the basic moral foundations of human experience that enable honorable religion and it's sacred doctrines of unseen eternal possibilities to be embraced wholly and completely, bearing life fruitful in the service of life and completing the necessary cycles of the one whole mission upon which the cause of every particular human family is supernaturally founded.
What is sacred and universal in the family is what exactly guarantees the continuity of both the one race and the one spirit of humanity.
It is for us the Domestic Church, the one source of the life blood that flow into the one heart of our Militant Church, the Church of our exile hope shared in common charity with the Church Triumphant, the invisible Church of our most beloved Saints, and in common trust with the necessitate Church of final purification, the Church Suffering, and the merciful sojourn of our Holy Souls, these three manifest realities, two of them unseen and the one seen when perceived by eyes of our heart in the illumination of our faith form the one great reality of the New Covenant Christian communion of our Holy Mother Church, the Roman Catholic Church.
Profanation of the family and the secular uprooting of it's established institution serve to break not only the good order of our generations but also the entire lineages of hope that reaches out through time to bring continuity to the faith that serve the very soul of honorable religion and the sacred traditions of specific revelations of common values of truth and benevolence born of wisdom eternal and meaningful to all human life brought to the universal service of all sacred life.
Weakening the strength of family, the distortion of it's elements, the division of it's central truth of union, the dilution of it's sacred values, the dissolution of it's holy witness, and the destruction of it's right cause to exist is both an imminent threat and an inhuman catastrophe of terrible unseen proportions.
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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