Wednesday, July 08, 2009
The Longest Night
Light turns into darkness.
And the night can not get much darker.
But the darkness itself
once the Light of Day is forgotten
and the hearts of the children of Mankind
is overtaken by the emptiness,
amidst the long march of exile time,
can deepen into madness -
Hurling into the gravity of oblivion
the void that once was -
the nations of our needful Mankind.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Konsult Mindanaw #01
There were, upon their Website contact form, asked these four questions:
1.What does peace mean to you? What is your vision of a peaceful Mindanao? What conditions/situations make up your peaceful Mindanao?
My vision of Peace is Now!
My dear people of Mindanao of the one Republic of the Philippines, we do not have to wait for peace to arrive for peace is the original state of our LORD's creation.
We only have to turn away from this midnight darkness of war and restore ourselves to a common understanding of the peace.
We must not despair but have recourse to the memory of our own selves and of each other and recognize in each other in God that all things upon earth shall most certainly pass away but our friendships we shall keep forever.
And so let us be to each other, keeper and friend.
For we must indeed return to our original belongings to each other and build together upon our hope, through faith in God and trust in Country, the strong foundations of a better, brighter and kinder future for our youth and for all of the generations to come.
We shall build together a community of hope, upon the promise of peace made by the Almighty God to our Father Abraham of old that we, the numberless stars, shall bless the communities of Mankind, we shall establish our sacred trust, to bear with each other as human beings and to work together towards the realization of our one common vision of a free and human society that is Godly, kindly and fair.
And this, from all things false and dark, we shall defend.
Towards this end, I am devoting a new Charter for a new City in Mindanao.
2. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) are taking steps to help us attain peace in Mindanao. What do you think of the GRP-MILF Peace Process? What do you feel about it? Why? What are your recommendations on the peace talks between the GRP and the MILF? (content, process, scope, transparency, etc.)
There must be a common ground between the two and let this common ground be not founded upon the emptiness of barren things born out of the desolation of war but upon the promise of good things born out of a longing for peace.
There must be both remembrance and presence:
Peace is not the absence of conflict. For the peace that we human beings must learn to perfectly accept is an imperfect peace.
Peace is an observance of hope. Hope which is the beginning of human understanding, a lineage of strength that extends across the generations and a virtue that lends its light to our shared humanity.
Peace allows the labors of Country to prosper the life of the people.
It preserves the civil order and upholds the public good and provides strong shelter to the generations of life.
Peace is the empowering wings of human community, it provides the necessary ground upon which are built, the prosperity of
families, tribes and nations.
Upon the maintenance of peace depends the rise and fall of all human civilizations.
It is the diametric opposite of war, existing not to contend against war but to serve and defend all of the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind from all things dark and false.
3. What other steps, activities or programs should be undertaken to achieve peace in Mindanao? Include the role of academe, civil society organizations, National and Local Government Units.
The establishment of Miyangersjia, a new Abrahamic city, to initiate a new culture of hope in Mindanao and to link all communities together who are desirous of peace into one freedom, one lineage of strength.
4. What can you personally offer, commit or even sacrifice in order to have meaning peace in Mindanao? How do you intend to bring it to reality?
Myself and my city, Miyangersjia - which means "Friendship". And it shall be so, my dear Filipino nation, for we must move forward and away from this long night.
Towards this end, I shall remain in touch with the Konsult Mindanaw process and the Bishop-Ulama Conference until peace is restored upon the people in our beloved Mindanao.
An additional Question that was not asked in the Konsult Mindanaw contact form -
5. Like stars are made to shine all the more beautifully in the night, peace is made all the more meaningful when it is realized in contrast with War - so what is War?
War is a deviation from the ascendant path of peace. It is a failure to remember the observance of peace.
War is a scattering spirit and a darkness that eclipse our sacred remembrance; it is the scourge of all human nations.
Here is an example of the spirit of War:
A Bombing in Cotabato -
I do not know which group of which persons perpetrated this crime but one thing I do recognize is the dark spirit of war that delights in the promotion of these false things that in the end shall consume the very humanity of those who willfully collaborate with the principalities* of hell. This is the ultimate form of adultery.
*fallen angels who were originally placed by God in the care of our human communities - now they only exist to destroy the same communities they were intended by our LORD to serve and preserve. These fallen angels are the main adversaries of our nations and in collaboration with Satan and the other ranks of fallen angels work to sow division, discord, dilution and dissolution among the communities of Mankind.
This kind of thing shall not find a place in our Miyangersjia - for as War was from heaven thrown down - in our Miyangersjia, here upon this earth, the spirit of War will soon find that is shall likewise be denied.
For it is not praiseworthy to attack holy places and people in worship - not even in the slightest degree - it is abominable! It is like attacking the wounded and the vulnerable. It is one of the main reasons for the raising of the AHG (Abrahamic Home Guard as Charter provision for the Common Defense).
Because more than anything else, I am personally convinced, it is honorable religion - above all, our three, great Abrahamic faiths - that calls us back into our shared humanity. For among all the other human callings, it must be honorable religion that leads us to become more and more ourselves, to become more and more as human beings to each other.
I know this from my own experience of God in Christianity and I see it everywhere there are people of good will.
Hence, my dear friends, to our necessary conclusion:
Therefore, it is the responsibility of all the communities of Mankind to battle against things that scatter, against those things that are dark and false, in order that all our nations may return to the one gathering of peace, our one path of common destiny.
For it is only through peace and its truthful observance that we are, as citizens of this earth, each commonly called to the gathering together of all of the nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind in exile time, to give respite to our failing world.
Peace, I salute you.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
The one Chaplaincy
and a dedicated instrument of the one Peace of God.
He does not bear arms against men
nor does he exists to fight against the nations of men.
He is an extension of the good will of all nations
and a constant reminder of our desire for better days.
He is faithful to the cause of the noble military
being jealous in the observance of honor and purity of arms.
He is a keeper of our sacred remembrances
lending noble strength to the martial practice of virtue.
He is a shepherd of the souls of our soldiers
and represents amidst conflicts our abiding hope for peace.
He labors to instill in every heart, a will of life,
and gives recourse to sorrow when life itself seems lost.
He brings comfort when despair seem to linger near
consoling spirits by his gentle sense of optimism and joy.
He is patient to understand each need to be understood
and leads the anxious heart toward greater trust in greater things.
He brings the light of God when darkness is deepest
and speaks the necessary truth when and where truth counts.
He provides for the spiritual needs of the soldier
and the Sacraments that strengthen them in the grace of God.
He counsels the doubtful, the confused he guides into reason,
he instructs the ignorant in the truth and the lost he helps to be found by faith in God.
He prays for the safety of the person of the soldier at all times, in peace but especially in fields of battle, entrusting to God and Country, the victory of our noble military.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Unrequited Love
our waking hours are yet plenty
and my present labors far too many
to pause for either heart or thought
so dream me a dream again tomorrow,
my dear, my heart and my thought.
Dream me a dream tomorrow,
the demands of my day require it
for much of our labor remain undone
to spare for either heart or thought
so dream me a dream again tomorrow,
my dear, my heart and my thought.
Dream me a dream tomorrow,
there is business for me yonder
for the success things much depend
far and away from heart or thought
so dream me a dream again tomorrow,
my dear, my heart and my thought
Dream me a dream tomorrow,
O my beloved, I must make haste
for our own happiness is at stake
let thy love wait, heart and thought
but dream me a dream again tomorrow,
my dear, my heart and my thought.
Dream me our dream again, my love
for each those moments passed away
as all my days now melt into solitude
of the wait that waits for love denied
for times that once was ever bright
left dim my heart upon the night.
But the heart that lives
to love the Filipino
and the one Republic
of the Filipino people.
How is the Filipino?
But through faith that seeks
to find itself alive
in the eternal remembrance
of God and our people.
Where is the Filipino?
But in the will that accepts
the trust that embrace
our lives and our fortunes
together as one nation.
Why is the Filipino?
But with every dream that begins
ever like a single breath
to become our breathing together
of the many into one hope.
When is the Filipino?
But at every present rising
from the deep of eternity
in the every moment that breaks
upon the awakening reality
of the dawn of a new Philippines.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Salutation #05
Even the smallest of lights
shines in the darkness -
so shift your focus, my friend,
if you haven't already done so
for each and every good thing counts
regardless of the darkness.
What is praiseworthy is right action.
It is what makes us distinct from the darkness -
it is ignition -
the actual point of contact
between human will and divine grace.
Right action is, in the painting by Michelangelo
of Adam reaching out to God
with their fingers extending out to each other,
that bright spark at the imagined point of contact
between the freedom of Man and the freedom of God:
Right action always results in good works.
What motivates the will to act
must also be what inspire the heart to love.
Therefore, evil action is always the result
of false inspiration -
the idolatry of sin!
So if we are to do good,
we must first learn to love the good -
and shun all that is evil.
For we profit not from evil,
my dear friend,
but from the good;
our motivation being derived
from purposes that are good,
our hopes being anchored upon things
that are true and therefore, good,
and the wings of our surrender to prayer
being ever vigilant and discerning
in its ascent
to the one Giver of all good things.
For evil no longer hold us captive.
We have come to know it
and forever bless the LORD for His Light.
Therefore, we seek now to unknow it
upon paths of repentance
that lead away from darkness
and into peace -
peace in our hearts -
peace with our fellow human beings -
peace with all of heaven -
and peace with our God.
Haiku #215: Peace x
So what does it mean,
when we shall greet each other -
"peace be upon you"?
By peace we bless hope
that we may in others see
needs that seek in thee -
the blest peace
of hopes met.
Haiku #214: Friend x
A friend is a friend,
like friendship is for always -
friends are friends indeed:
A friend is a friend,
through good times, the bad times too -
friends are friends like you!
Friendships true
bears thee through.
Haiku #213: Who x
Who am I, my love?
Am I really who I am -
a good friend to you?
For I am lacking,
indeed, I am so wanting -
to become better...
...a better
friend to you.
Interior of Hope
at the waning of the long night
and the receding of the darkness
falling quickly behind me
into the distant past
and look forward
upon yonder wide horizons
into my dream of happiness
rising to meet me
on my way
joyfully ahead
eastward into my soul
even amidst the barren landscape
strewn with empty shells
of forlorn and broken things
across the long march of exile time
with the unmade grace of kindly wings
that bear my thankfulness high
towards that great mountain within
and the summit of my remembrance
beneath a multitude of living lights
amidst the eternal blue of my native sky
at the abode of my heart
where I dwell with my eternal beloved
in love with my love
deep in the sanctuary of our faith
in friendships made forever
at peace with my peace
and in my every waking dream
when the night seems long
I look ahead once again
and walk the eastward way
deep into the breaking of dawn
away from the darkness of my past
forever, forever into the morn
far into the unfolding of my life.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A Friend Like You x
the friend that You see in me
to be constant, O Lord, to be true,
to be a friend, my God,
a Friend like You.
and be thankful for the dreaming
more than the dream itself -
For as tomorrow remains unwritten
yet every hope is made secure
so trust you must in thy dreaming
more than in thy dream itself
for as the eagle soars with wings
knowing not how it must fly
so must your own freedom become
more than what can be held by hands:
Thy freedom, dear Starshine,
like thy dream and thy dreaming
is a thing held not by grip
but a thing beheld by thy releasing
for to hold freedom tightly
like it is to deny it's flight
is to lose it entirely.
For thy freedom walks
upon the unconquered grounds
and wills to take it's flight
untrammeled and untamed.
So seek of thy freedom,
my precious Starshine,
but in thy seeking know -
here and now,
that freedom lives in the giving
like every dream is in the dreaming
for it is always in the giving
that we become free.
Beauty and Industry
the labor of our heart - must -
always preceed the work of our hands.
So if you shall desire happiness
you must first know in your heart
what it is that you seek
even before you shall desire it.
For desire in and of itself offers
neither sight to thy heart
nor light to thy understanding
which you must require,
to know thy own truth by heart.
And seeking it not by sight
but through the eye of thy love
that in thy seeking believes
you will come to know thy happiness
even before desire bears thee away
to where thy feet must follow.
For you work hard, dear Starshine,
you deserve to profit from thy labors.
But yet many are the times
that you fail to find thy love
which reduce thy labors into tears
and deprive thy heart of life's purpose.
Yet while there is yet longing in our life
precious Starshine, believe -
there is nothing in this world
that can ever undo
in thy heart of hearts
what Love for thee has already done.
So return again to thy longing
but know also to trust this time
in the Love that longs for thee back
and work hard, dear Starshine,
knowing to be happy with every hope
striving to always be free
to find thy peace and to prosper,
far into yonder horizons,
Thursday, June 04, 2009
The Surrender of Kings
That power, above all the power to rule the people - that divine right to govern thy peers which is a sovereign right that by Justice belongs to God alone - once gripped by selfish hands ultimately makes the wielder impotent in the sight of Men, angels and of God.
But that same power wielded by a heart that is free and willing to make the surrender of kings become completely capable of fulfilling its inherent promise of good for the people and on behalf of the nations of needful Mankind, ultimately unleashes in that person, by the grace of our God, the great nobility of a true sovereign of Mankind.
Because it is that free and willing surrender to service brought upon by a sacred spirit of true and loving sacrifice that is the hallmark of the greatest of our kings and rulers of old, elect from eternity.
Like Arthur of legend, these great and noble leaders of Men, in spite of each their own human brokenness and imperfections, have won the acclaim of history, as souls worthy of the remembrance of our nations.
This enduring sense of nobility is the victory to which they have each been called by God to share; a heritage from which the spirit of our humanity at all times and at all places may always draw strength.
Their royal legend is a gift of God, true for all time, and its promise is one that lends its strength to our present good, a promise born of a surrender embraced from among themselves each in their own time and each in their own way on behalf of all the generations of needful Mankind.
And as their lines of spiritual ascent converge unto every present time - let us be mindful, my honorable Filipino compatriots, that it is always the native hope of kings, though these regental lines of executive descent have for us long faded away, to remind our orphaned people of what is and what can be great in ourselves as human beings - and by this sense of sacred remembrance therefore, be as a Republic everywhere guided out of the waning of the past and into the promise of every present hope.
My friends, how power is wielded defines the way in which a ruler is forever remembered by our nations. And we may understand this from every telling of that story of Excalibur of old and of Arthur king who though imperfect is everywhere well received by the human heart.
Let us be mindful that every nation in its own time and in its own place under the sun has been established by our one, peerless Creator to last forever - to march, shoulder to shoulder, across the vast reaches of exile time, emerging, and then maturing into those mature nations, shepherding other nations in the free course of our native human hopes and be perfected in, of and by God through Country, into eternity as ascended nations forever.
Mabuhay! Long may our remembrance serve us!
Long may our remembrance serve our own sake as one nation, my fellow Filipinos, each one of you who share in the conviction that we are truly a nation distinct from all the other nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind; that we are, in spite of our imperfections, a noble undertaking of Country that indeed, does and can dare to be great.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
On Loyalty
the things of Loyalty
are the relationships
that shall remain
forever with thee;
so defend your friendships
with courage and tenacity.
For we are not Loyal
if we do not remain
true to each other,
moment to moment,
from always to always
appreciating those things
that we share in our humanity
and respecting the things
that make us unique as persons,
seen as well as unseen,
in ourselves and in our nations
in the vision of our timeless belonging
with one another in God and Country
as each our own true self -
as each our own true names
written in heaven.
From the descendant gravity
of the spirit of war and division;
against things born of the darkness
defeated and empty of promise
stand fast in thy friendships!
Guard thy peace with each other
and in thy togetherness hope.
Never be Loyal
to inanimate and empty things;
those fickle and ephemeral
things of vanity!
But only to each other
and in the ascendant motions
of sacred life.
For the realization of all our hope
rests in the glory of our LORD
in all creation.
And all these created things
are made by our one common Creator
to be Loyal to all of these.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
On Friendship
The angels of the LORD,
my precious Starshine,
each of which is distinct
in Beauty and Light,
being individually endowed
with splendor of truths
unique to each their gifts
possessed by each their person
from the very beginning
of their swift flight
across the timeless void
and into eternity
into the wholeness
which is God
for lack of human words
to define the strength of a relationship
that transcend the all of time
from across that veil of shadow and tears
beyond the sum total of human experience
call each other "friends".
Each of our family
who are related to us
by corporal bonds of blood
are the friends that our LORD
has chosen for us.
Each of our friends
who become part of us
by spiritual bonds of truth
are the family that we learn to choose
in the course of each our lives
to complete what our LORD
has begun for us
in our families.
Both bonds bind us together
in the strength of human relationships
that nurture life and sustain hope
through action of community
and the service of life.
You must love,
my precious Starshine,
to transform these bonds
into that one friendship alone.
And make these bonds
into the bonds of angels
who are each in God
spirits united in their freedom
created by the strength of friendships
bound in timeless truth.
So with each other,
my precious Starshine,
you must build on the good,
and give to the need of thy beloved
recognizing in thy shared humanity
the giving of the LORD
Who is the singular Source
of all our relationships.
Be thankful for friendship wings
human, angelic and Divine,
that take us all across
from moment to moment
into an understanding of its peace
lifting us into the unity
of those wholes upon wholes
from hope to hope
and strength to strength
past, into present
and into every present
across the void
into eternity.
there is always a reason to smile.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Arcs in the Sky x
the heavens above thee
seemingly unconscious to thy self
is never without its seeing
nor the unseen realms
that embrace and penetrate thee
amidst this unfeeling earth
without its desire for each thy precious company,
this evil is only allowed to tarry for a time,
for We are nearer to each of thee,
our beloved Starshine,
than you can ever imagine.
Keep thee a record,
an account of thy heart,
most especially those of thee
who are in the midst of conflicts
those of thee who are
no less loved than the rest of us
sorely affected by the curse of War
for the heavens reign true
to the remembrance of thy longings
and so it is for the needful earth
that you shall begin to write,
O precious Starshine,
and upon this forgetful night
let thy starlight be shed
to trace upon the darkness
thy arcs in the sky.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Prayer to God as First Defender of the Republic
O LORD, O God above all things,
and abide with us now
in our necessary struggle
as First Defender of this Republic
to obtain for our people
the remembrance of Thy peace
and the blessings of Thy freedom.
Bless our one Filipino nation,
O LORD and Giver of all good things,
each and every Filipino heart,
that yet believes with conviction
in this endeavor of Country
(most especially at this crucial time
leading up to our Elections 2010)
that we may by our own willingness
be transformed by Thy abundant mercy.
Tarry with us in the darkness
O LORD and Sovereign of all nations
help us, teach us, bless us
that we may prosper in Thy sight
and in Thy grace and in Thy counsels
remain secure in Thy commandments
walking upright in Thy ways
that we may become the light
that You want this nation
and every nation to be
upon this, our midnight world,
so much in need of Thy presence
like the daybreak twilight is
so much in need of Thee.
For us, Christians, we must add:
This we humbly implore
in the Name of Jesus Christ,
our most loving Lord and Savior,
For all the rest:
This we humbly implore,
O LORD and one common Creator
of all things, seen and unseen,
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Lorezno Ruiz, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, pray for us.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
And our friends are those whom we chose to complete in ourselves what our LORD has begun in our family.
And in heaven and at the beginning of all things new, my beloved friends, we shall all be perfected in these friendships so we must learn to hold dear to them well these days.
Today is Mother's day.
It is the day we celebrate and remember the love and friendship of our mothers.
So a very happy Mother's day to my own mother and to all mothers.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Our Lady, Mother of Suffering Humanity, pray for us.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Monday, May 04, 2009
On the Swine Flu Outbreak
Now, these kinds of evil which have a global scope, affecting our one planetary whole, is like the apocalyptic horseman - though it may not yet be The Horseman, Pestilence - they approach the line of our nations in much the same way.
They charge at our final lines of defense, right to the very line of our will in order to break our resolve to stand together for better things and nobler ambitions above those things that divide and distract us.
And how does a line of infantry break the horseman's charge? They must stand firm, we must stand firm together, shoulder to shoulder, as individual human beings and also as individual human nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind.
Because if we falter, we shall fail as the greatest whole that is available to our common human responsibility which is our one planetary whole can not obtain from us, the necessary regental presence of our shared humanity, unless the lesser wholes are aligned in their will and united in their understanding of the common good of all; a quite complex thing at times which unless we return to first principle truths seem impossible for naked reason unaided by the guiding light of faith to comprehend. Prayer indeed, must be our constant exercise and a ready shelter in times of confusion.
Having said that, let us pray for our nations - most especially for Mexico whose fault it is not that this evil should arise within their midst and in the sense of the higher wholes a burden that must be a burden shared by all our nations.
My Filipino compatriots, let us never forget our timeless links with the Americas, both North as well as South and the nations of that continental whole, who are each kindred to us in God and in Country.
And so let us say who have recourse to our Lady:
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The ASEAN Neighborhood
And so it its the same with our emerging nations and in the ASEAN fold, we shall call this community, our ASEAN Neighborhood.
Our ASEAN is a neighborhood; we are by our individual lineages of sacred life and trust of Country, a synergy of the noble ideals that we collectively aspire for as nations distinct and honored from among the one family of the nations of Mankind.
We are a community of nations - human nations, but much more than this, we shall be a family of friends - from always to always.
Each ASEAN nation is like a house and the life of our nations make of it a home (away from Home) for all of the generations of our peoples.
Each of our ASEAN homes is a shelter of Country, each with its own particular set of house rules that make up its written Constitution or Ideal of State.
This Ideal of State maintains within each particular form of Country the necessary paternal ideal (which is a derivative form of the creative ideal) that work to define for each our nation our particular will of government that the lineage of our generations, each in its own present turn, continually entrusts to the sovereign mandate of each of our responsible states.
Each state is a specific guardian to a particular vision of Country of which singular will of mission it is to form the sheltering wings of the peace which prospers the life of our societies and preserve the order of our generations (unto the last of our generations at the Last Day).
Each ASEAN home maintains a family store and this family store is the common market which is particular to the physical geography of each our sovereign endeavors of Country within the ASEAN Neighborhood which is the temporal and material resources of our inhabited earth.
And our ASEAN Neighborhood is the collective endeavor to enrich this common market that each of our nations may then work to fulfill its native promise of living life as a whole within the ASEAN whole being able as well as enabled to bring adequate shelter, sustaining nurture and increasing prosperity which is meaningful and sustainable peace unto all our generations of life within each nation of our one ASEAN fold.
Thereby, we may now state the persistent mission of our ASEAN Neighborhood: That we, as our ASEAN, by our collective strength of endeavor of Country may continually and consistently work to add to the life, the good and the common good of each ASEAN nation-state in the context of the life, the good and the common good of the other greater wholes of our one family of the nations of Mankind (in a constant labor of human hope as we each journey alone together - in time and dimensional space - here upon our one planetary home, this, our one inhabited earth).
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
On the End of Days
This world will end, O ye nations - that is a scientific fact. This whole visible universe shall in time exhaust the very purpose for its being - but the business of life and the living of its reason to be, it shall continue - and continue in ways often profoundly mysterious even to the deepest eye of faith, but continue it will, my love, not because things have an end but because life's reason for being is an endless truth - for the glory of God is eternal.
So it is the business of beginnings that all human hope is intended and not the despair of things that are not given to it's virtue - indeed, no man nor angel knows the precise time of those things that are neither in themselves native to either our respective stations in the universal order of life nor to the individual will that is possessed by the intelligence that is seated from within each our being - for only God knows the precise hour of the Last Day.
It is the lack of this knowledge in each of us and in all of us that work to advance the greater sweep of those higher purposes of creation that all good things know to trust and fulfill.
Must this be a cause for despair?
Life is activity, my love - and this activity transcends the corruption that rots away at the evil in evil things. Hope is an inherently human virtue, therefore, let us now begin to live by its works - knowing enough of what precious promise there is within each individual human being to begin to see what great potential for good we each possess as individual human persons but above all as each individual human nations - beyond our differences and despite any difficulties - of the one family of the nations of Mankind.
Not by tyranny of War nor the acceptance of the will of war can we ever begin to appreciate all of this for the desire of War are not these things.
If we love what we do as imperfect human beings, even the act of loving itself, this love shall seek to perfectly define us and if we allow for this love to perfectly define us, we shall begin to mature in time and within the order of God's grace in the age of our virtues to even approach the true promise of the creatures that we were intended by God right from the very beginning, and in eternity become perfected in our shared humanity as human beings, in complete possession of ourselves - and of our names - and being given to our timeless and ageless belongings to each other - from always to always - as ascended nations - to work the works of God with the angels of God forever.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Jerusalem, Remebered
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter 2009: God of my Heart
My friends, I am of the conviction that the fruit of many good things depend on our being able to continue with our nations, of the one family of the nations of Mankind, this journey of hope we have taken together; a journey that was begun at the blossoming of our lives during that first Easter morning.
These days used to pass me by like the wind, O precious Christian soul, but verily, these last 40 days have taken on a substance and a weight that I can no longer ignore in my life.
For I have now begun to discover that there is no other place in our hearts like Easter! There - here - where our Lord Jesus Christ is risen, once and forevermore - and for all humankind as a whole.
It is to that timeless place in our hearts with our most loving Jesus that we return in our liturgy and in our souls this day - alone yet together in God from always to always.
Lastly, for those who pray our Rosary of hope: This prayer, God of my Heart, is the prayer that is meant to be said with our Blessed Jacinta, our beloved Flower of Fatima, at the end of every meditation:
God of my Heart:
O my Jesus, zealous for souls,
thirsting for the love of Mankind!
Come, be Thou the God of my heart
and accomplish in me Thy will of peace.
A Very Happy Easter to all of Blessed Christendom.
Indeed, it is time for us, as one family of nations, to build a better, brighter, kinder place - a home away from Home - for all the generations of life.
We have so much to do, my friends, this time as nations dreaming together - each our particular endeavor of Country as an ark like the labor entrusted to our patriarch Noah of old, an Ark of Country, a vessel of sacred life to take all the generations of life across the midnight darkness of exile time unto the golden shores of forever at the Last Day.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
The One Triune Perfection
Therefore, most - if not all - of my expressions of the one Divine reality reflect this mystery in my life: a one, triune Perfection.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
An Accounting of Time
Let me teach you
the way in which thy heart
does perceive the idea of numbers
and the concept of its operation
in those realms where
the mathematics of physicality
and the limits of its reality
in terms temporal
and in measures finite
does never and shall never agree
with the reality of things within.
Because the substance of thy soul
is the abode of the timeless
that in terms eternal
and in measures infinite
are an accounting of thy heart
that amidst thy comings and goings
perceive things as they are
like a vision of love forever
in moments standing still
and not as they seem to be
amidst the darkness of things
that appear and disappear
in the rise and fall
of the tides of exile time.
One is not the beginning
for one is time neither begun
nor is one perceived to have an end
because one is an infinity
and two is not two things together
but two things that become one
for three are not three things apart
but two things made one whole one
by the love that visits
each our longing for itself.
And so when you shall perceive
each of thy friendships, dear Starshine,
among all truly human relationships
you shall think only of one.
And when you shall seek to perceive
each our own expressions of hope
in the sharing and the bearing of sacred life
you shall think only of two.
And when you shall seek to perceive
those things born to thy own heart's longing
and felt through the beauty of remembrances
awakening to thy slow awakening dream
you shall think only of three.
And ever be aware that the medium
of thy constant reality from within
is an emerging continuum of gratitude
spread as luminous stars upon thy spirit
bursting with the joy of living life
born from things that cleave as truth
unto that vast universe in thy soul
that make you think of the many
but return you always to one.
Time is not distance for time is distant
only to those with distant hearts.
Nor is distance a hindrance to our hearts
that in the timeless, beholds and is beheld.
Peace, I salute you.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
On the ICRC Hostage Crisis
Indeed, all of the harm that evil things have sought to inflict upon the good ultimately returns a thousandfold upon their heads. But why, in this day and age, should the good of this world ever again be like sheep to the slaughter?
Let those who do not gather with us know that we are come to a timeless understanding of the one peace. Let those who scatter realize that what war does to one, war does to all.
Because for as long as there is evil in this world and for as long as there exists a need for good, this, our common hope, the hope of our nations, springs eternal.
Now, the three ICRC workers, Mary Jean Lacaba of the Philippines, Andreas Notter of Switzerland and Eugenio Vagni of Italy, those teachers of our children and all those innocents taken against their will, we say our peace upon them - we will become their hope.
We hold those who have unjustly taken them and restrained their will of good for the common people responsible before God for each their lives and the safety of each their one whole being.
We will never forget, we will never forget any and all malicious harm inflicted upon the life of our nations of the one family of the nations of Mankind nor shall we abandon our friends, in time, across dimensional space and into eternity.
Let it be known now that were these human beings members of the Red Crescent, Red Crystal, Magen David Adom or any other foundation or institution of Mankind devoted to the cause of sacred life and to the advancement of good things, it shall be the same unto them because to all of them belong our peace because it is to each other that we shall forever belong: one House with many rooms; one God over all our nations; one peace over and upon the one Covenant family of the nations of Mankind; one promise of an eternal Home shining amidst the timeless universe of our true human habitation, one true destiny of an everlasting realm of new beginnings for the one human race.
By the way you shall treat the least of the least of the all of us, most especially those whose hearts are those hearts of good will for the common people, you shall make, in the eyes of all of heaven and before our God, your one absolute choice as to where your ultimate allegiance lie and this shall also dictate the way in which you shall attain what timeless things shall be for your own soul.
We say peace to all hearts of common good will but to evil, the void, hellfire and oblivion.
For the LORD rewards virtue for good and punishes evil by itself.
So let it be known, let it be known to thee.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Breaking Free
has power over me no more.
It has power only over those
who believe in the lie.
This addiction has lied to me,
my family, and my friends,
right from the very beginning.
It has nearly destroyed me.
It has harmed those
whom I hold dear to my heart
who hold me dear to theirs.
Therefore, I no longer believe in the lie.
I can neither trust nor tolerate it:
I cast it away from myself!
The first choice is the wrong choice.
All the choices after that
is the choice of the addiction.
Therefore ---
The next choice I must make
is the one choice I must take
toward the road to freedom.
All the choices after this
are steps that take me there,
far away from here,
far away from the addiction,
far away from the lie
that sought to extinguish
my promise and my life.
The road exists even should I fall
because the road exists for me.
The road exists so long as I believe
that time will take me there
and truth will set me free.
So help me God,
So help me God.
V R S N S M V - S M Q L I V B meaning "Vade retro Satana! Nunquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas. Ipse venena bibas!"
Begone Satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!
- from the Saint Benedict Medal
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
The Electorate and the Force of Free Choice
And if good things do happen to our shared humanity, it must be understood, that these things were also won for us by other souls, daring with our hopes together along paths that through virtue and the art of its grace ascend to make us kindred to each other in being and through our patient keeping of the common human good, with each other, rise above and beyond the nature of those unnatural things that divide and deceive the one family of Mankind.
Indeed, we can not be, as human beings, happy bereft of the choices necessary to make us free and the Liberty to allow for our freedoms to mature and these choices, by and large, do not fall to our laps by random chance.
It is also as such in the life of our nations.
Now, let us, as a free and enabled electorate, consider in the context of all of this, the act of voting itself. For it is quite important that it be further understood and remembered by all our democratic societies that there is a three-fold significance in the one seamless vote.
For contained within the act of voting itself, to begin with, without neither name nor proposition being put down on the ballot itself is (1) the consent of the governed to be governed; the act of choosing the name or proposition itself to put down on the ballot symbolic of (2) that citizen's choice to willingly participate in the democratic life of the one Republic whole and the choice itself of who is to represent that individual in the Republic forum or what proposition the quorum of the people makes specific and explicit to the state as its public mandate, (3) a peaceful exercise of force against the tyranny of evil things that make captive the life and the Liberty of the nation.
Because who or what we vote for in the life of our one Republic whole proceeds from the act of the vote itself, it is vital that each the hearts of our citizens understand and apply themselves to the three-fold significance of these things that happen in the space of that one seamless vote, that one very important choice; that the will of the electorate may be so enabled and the hope of this nation thus, preserved that the peace of our one Republic is both strengthened and assured by the force of our free choice; its promise of Country kept by the keeping of each our sacred trust, under the eternal vigilance of the one Almighty, for our own good, for our own common good and for the life and the Liberty of the generations to come.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
On Earth Hour
Now, my friends, that one, same planet earth, asks the same caring from us - here in this present time.
Isn't it only just to recognize her distress and respond to her pleas?
Indeed, not to do so would cause a great deal of doom across time and dimensional space.
Another reason for humanity to hope together more than to fall apart. And yes, I turned off all our non-essential lighting on the night of March 28, 2009 between 8:30 pm and 9:30pm.
Go Earth Hour!
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
"O most beneficent LORD
and God over all creation,
rekindle in the hearts of Thy nations
the desire for meaningful peace."
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
To the Class of 2009
We are headed for deep water, my beloved compatriots, and our ability to reach safe harbor depends on how well we are able to come together for God and Country as one nation among a greater family of nations - the one family of the nations of Mankind.
Indeed, it is becoming clear in the events all around us that the world must change and indeed, dear graduates of class 2009, you are, you will and you must become this change.
If there is one word that I would like for each of you to remember in your hearts together as a class of one, all of you graduates of 2009, before each of you begins to embark upon separate journeys into the greater world of our collective human hopes and dreams, it is this - truthfulness.
Truthfulness that is beyond scrupulosity, my friends, is the virtue that makes present the truth in the heart WHEN prudence dictates it and above all when charity commands it.
Scrupulosity is the vice that deceives the heart with illusions of sin where in reality sin is not present. It is harmful because it stirs in our souls, a seeking for absolute perfection in a world where absolute perfection is impossible.
To hear or tell that a person always tells the truth does not mean that that particular soul must absolutely and unconscionably be utterly and completely captive to the truth where in fact, it should be the reverse.
Because to be truthful implies all the more that moral judgment must always be exercised and not eliminated to make the truth consistently present especially when it counts.
Truth itself is the object of the virtue of truthfulness and this virtue treats it like a sharp sword that requires special handling and it is this special handling of the truth that is the primary act of the virtue of truthfulness.
It achieves right action by placing truth in the service of Christian charity.
Truthfulness is the beginning of the unraveling of the darkness so that you, our most precious Starshine, may be free to shine.
This whole world awaits what virtue you have been purposed by Almighty God to bless her with, so go now, all of you, O class of 2009, and with a right sense of sacred honor, courage and determination, fulfill it pro Deo et Patria - for God and Country!
My salutations to all of you, Peace.
Godspeed to All.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Saint Patrick's Day 2009
Let this be the singular theme in our hearts this day that makes us all Irish for Ireland and green with verdant hope for the healing of the wounds of blessed Christendom.
Therefore, let us each be reminded before all things, my friends, of that golden truth that with man, whether drunk or sober but most especially when drunk, it is impossible.
But nothing is impossible with God.
And so let us hope and let us pray: Prosper the peace in good ol' emerald Ireland, prosper the good ol' Irish!
Everybody have a happy and meaningful Saint Paddy's day 2009!
Go easy on the grog. Don't drink and drive.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Kaleidoscope World
Different voices, different choices
Some are mad, while others laugh
Some live alone with no better half
Others grieve while others curse
And others mourn behind a big black hearse
Some are pure and some half-bred
Some are sober and some are wasted
Some are rich because of fate and
Some are poor with no food on their plate
Some stand out while others blend
Some are fat and stout while some are thin
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most
Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin' round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world
Some are great and some are few
Others lie while some tell the truth
Some say poems and some do sing
Others sing through their guitar strings
Some know it all while some act dumb
Let the bass line strum to the beat of the drum
Some can swim while some will sink
And some will find their minds and think
Others walk while others run
You can't talk peace and have a gun
Some are hurt and start to cry
Don't ask me how don't ask me why
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most
Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin' round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world.
- Francis Magalona (October 4, 1964 - March 6, 2009)
Go with God, Kiko.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Starlight Smile x
With every journey I take
from deep within my soul,
my wandering heart drifts
like a vessel bearing me
towards distant shores
and timeless places
far from familiar thoughts.
Away from safe harbor,
my darling Anne,
I often find my heart
amidst the gathering storm
of doubt and of fear -
lost in a daze it seems...
Then without my willing it,
I awaken to thy beckoning
as our love in its longing
speaks to a desire from within myself
to return me from my furthest oblivion
by the stillness of thy embrace,
the fragrance of thy gentle smiling,
the beauty of thy face -
ever by the grace of God, my love
ever by the grace of God, my dear
you return me through thy Starlight Smile
to the one Giver above all His gifts.
My loveliest, loveliest love,
my darlingest, darlingest dear,
my sweet, sweet, Annelies Marie;
beyond our times, above our differences -
I am to you and you are to me
like one timeless melody
born to the one music in you
and the one music in me;
a friendship met in Eternity.
I love you so, my Miyang,
from always to always.