There are some people in our needful world, Beloved of God, consumed with so much worry about the end of things, who forget to even begin in themselves that necessary journey upon which the purpose of all these things in all of creation are intended by the timeless LORD of all time; that journey which all human beings and all human nations are in the course of our hope in exile time intrinsically called by a desire that runs from deep within, beckoning us to Itself like a shedding away of the darkness.
This world will end, O ye nations - that is a scientific fact. This whole visible universe shall in time exhaust the very purpose for its being - but the business of life and the living of its reason to be, it shall continue - and continue in ways often profoundly mysterious even to the deepest eye of faith, but continue it will, my love, not because things have an end but because life's reason for being is an endless truth - for the glory of God is eternal.
So it is the business of beginnings that all human hope is intended and not the despair of things that are not given to it's virtue - indeed, no man nor angel knows the precise time of those things that are neither in themselves native to either our respective stations in the universal order of life nor to the individual will that is possessed by the intelligence that is seated from within each our being - for only God knows the precise hour of the Last Day.
It is the lack of this knowledge in each of us and in all of us that work to advance the greater sweep of those higher purposes of creation that all good things know to trust and fulfill.
Must this be a cause for despair?
Life is activity, my love - and this activity transcends the corruption that rots away at the evil in evil things. Hope is an inherently human virtue, therefore, let us now begin to live by its works - knowing enough of what precious promise there is within each individual human being to begin to see what great potential for good we each possess as individual human persons but above all as each individual human nations - beyond our differences and despite any difficulties - of the one family of the nations of Mankind.
Not by tyranny of War nor the acceptance of the will of war can we ever begin to appreciate all of this for the desire of War are not these things.
If we love what we do as imperfect human beings, even the act of loving itself, this love shall seek to perfectly define us and if we allow for this love to perfectly define us, we shall begin to mature in time and within the order of God's grace in the age of our virtues to even approach the true promise of the creatures that we were intended by God right from the very beginning, and in eternity become perfected in our shared humanity as human beings, in complete possession of ourselves - and of our names - and being given to our timeless and ageless belongings to each other - from always to always - as ascended nations - to work the works of God with the angels of God forever.
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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