AT THE LAST DAY, there will only be two kinds of people in the world; those who serve life and those who refuse to serve life.
Those who serve life serve God and those who serve God serve God's peace and those who serve God's peace serve because God's love and compassion is present in them. Therefore, peace is a virtue informed and animated by charity; a virtue whose acts are acts of love.
When our Savior gives us His peace, our blessed Lord requires us to realize the wholeness of His trust in our ability to fulfill our Christian promise. In effect, our Lord is telling us, "I am entrusting you with all that I am. All of my love and hope for you, all the examples of my earthly life, my wisdom and counsel, my Passion and Cross, death and Resurrection into new life, I give you. All that I am is yours."
In return, when we give to our Lord and to each other the same gesture of peace, we entrust to God and to each other all that we are. Dear Christian, our peace is not a parting of ways, it is a reciprocal union of the one sacred Christian trust; a loving exchange of solemn promises that we shall forever belong to our Savior and to one another in time and eternity as the one, universal, holy and apostolic Christian Church, the Roman Catholic Church. Our peace is a promise that we receive from God and a hope that we confirm to each other as one communion of Saints in Jesus Christ, a promise to see each other through by grace of God and our intercessions one with another both in time and eternity.
When we value our sacred Christian trust, our peace with one another through our peace with our Lord becomes a power to act. It becomes a virtue with the power to bring down the will of heaven here on earth. Therefore, peace and the works of peace for those who follow our Lord Jesus Christ is a sacred trust and this Christian trust is a public responsibility. It is a gift and a promise that Christianity has always had the potential to give to humankind.
In our present time, we live in a planet engulfed with the conflagrations of war, a world full of nations suffering from conflicts that arise due to lack of concern for this world in general and the dignity of human life that represent the life of our world in particular. Indeed, is vital for us as a planet to understand the relevant truth and necessary importance of peace in order to hold back the devouring evil of war in our present times.
For peace is a virtue with the power to build, preserve and advance entire human civilizations. It is the climate of Christ and a pledge of unity, harmony and continuity among the nations whose hopes it sanctifies.
Peace is a good and is therefore an ascendant truth. It does not exist to oppose war, opposition being the fundamental spirit of conflict, but to lead away from it, rising above the discord, division and dissolution of the desolation of war into the unity of truths that build from strength to strength, truth to greater truth, hope to higher hope, and grace to ascendant grace to cleave to the unity of the Truth in the oneness of our God Himself. Therefore, there can never be two sides to the one peace for our peace is one just as God is one.
This virtue serves as a beacon that illuminate the heart and mind of a person not so much to drive away the darkness of sin in the mind but to open for the soul a new path that lead the heart away from the darkness the nearer it shall brave to walk closer into the Light and see itself as it truly is.
The virtue of peace, in all it's acts ascends to unity, accepts no division within itself, embraces all sides as one and excludes no one from itself. It abhors every kind of division and discord among men. It denies war a footing in the heart because it recognizes only the goodness of itself and speaks only in the tongue of the truth. It acts only to defend and never to offend. It is patient and steady being sure of it's own truth. It defends because it loves and is likewise defended because it is loved. Peace does not recognize war and never acts because of anger or hatred because the ways of war are foreign to her. For the actions of peace are always the actions of love being her divine love for sacred life and for the Good God of all life; the Love that animates and informs her as a virtue.
Peace form the sheltering wings that uphold the public order that preserve the common good that allows the due process of law and right reason to take place and to flourish, affording the citizenry the security to find true freedom enough to gather together in good will and build up the necessary juridical systems of functional constitutional rights that include a unified national vision and mission, the constitutional blueprints of an effective central government, it's scope, hierarchical structure and official responsibilities, efficient national military and law enforcement instruments, potent symbols, colors, hymns and anthems of state, the requisite national and international policy accommodations and limitations, public service, health, education and social welfare institutions, water, food and agriculture, necessary civilian habitations, civil defense, utilities, telecommunications, market and environmental control, trade and banking agreements and the economic and social blueprints of state that that give any particular endeavor of Country a real chance to fulfill her great promise for her people and all her honorable religions the genuine ability to sow the seeds of religious solidarity, human camaraderie, hope of communal liberation from suffering, in living communities of salvation united in safeguarding our lasting peace; the sheltering wings of the one great spiritual commuinion that embrace sacred life and uphold the mighty shield of a faithful state that defend with valor the long march of beloved Country across this vast desolation of war and the midnight darkness of exile time.
Those who are gifted by God with this virtue rise quickly to defend true self, others in God and all of living, breathing creation, those forms of life, animals and plants who can not speak for themselves from sin and the aggression of sin - the beast of war - not because of want of honor or praise or glory or any personal gain - but because there is love of God in them and God's love for life is in them. They know to serve only one Master - bearing full and absolute allegiance to the one common Creator of all life and to God's ascendant truth, rising from strength to strength, truth to truth, hope to hope and grace to grace to the unity of the one whole one of God's peace: the full communion of Saints, all who serve out of love for life and Country and by doing so give glory to the God of life and all creation.
Dear Christian, the struggle to establish peace in the void of our present times is most certainly meritorious in the eyes of heaven and earth because the path of peace is the path of our Savior and ultimately leads us to our promised rest along clear waters of life everlasting.
But war is certain defeat and those who live for war will never see an end to their battle. They will never rest who relentlessly pursue the descendant path of division, discord, dissolution and endless death and destruction.
The things we shall do today matter, my Companion from always to always. From the smallest to the greatest acts, the history of our present time will establish for the next 1000 years the nature of our quickening world for those succeeding generations of innocent life who shall soon follow after ours have faded away into the mysterious embrace of eternity.
Beloved of God, remember when our Blessed Lord said: "no one can serve two masters": Peace is a promise. War is a lie. It is vital that we draw the line.
Glory to God in His creation
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to all men of good will.
Further Reading: Peace as Prologue
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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