It takes a community to raise a child - a family to nurture its life and a family of friends to fulfill its promise of living life.
And so it its the same with our emerging nations and in the ASEAN fold, we shall call this community, our ASEAN Neighborhood.
Our ASEAN is a neighborhood; we are by our individual lineages of sacred life and trust of Country, a synergy of the noble ideals that we collectively aspire for as nations distinct and honored from among the one family of the nations of Mankind.
We are a community of nations - human nations, but much more than this, we shall be a family of friends - from always to always.
Each ASEAN nation is like a house and the life of our nations make of it a home (away from Home) for all of the generations of our peoples.
Each of our ASEAN homes is a shelter of Country, each with its own particular set of house rules that make up its written Constitution or Ideal of State.
This Ideal of State maintains within each particular form of Country the necessary paternal ideal (which is a derivative form of the creative ideal) that work to define for each our nation our particular will of government that the lineage of our generations, each in its own present turn, continually entrusts to the sovereign mandate of each of our responsible states.
Each state is a specific guardian to a particular vision of Country of which singular will of mission it is to form the sheltering wings of the peace which prospers the life of our societies and preserve the order of our generations (unto the last of our generations at the Last Day).
Each ASEAN home maintains a family store and this family store is the common market which is particular to the physical geography of each our sovereign endeavors of Country within the ASEAN Neighborhood which is the temporal and material resources of our inhabited earth.
And our ASEAN Neighborhood is the collective endeavor to enrich this common market that each of our nations may then work to fulfill its native promise of living life as a whole within the ASEAN whole being able as well as enabled to bring adequate shelter, sustaining nurture and increasing prosperity which is meaningful and sustainable peace unto all our generations of life within each nation of our one ASEAN fold.
Thereby, we may now state the persistent mission of our ASEAN Neighborhood: That we, as our ASEAN, by our collective strength of endeavor of Country may continually and consistently work to add to the life, the good and the common good of each ASEAN nation-state in the context of the life, the good and the common good of the other greater wholes of our one family of the nations of Mankind (in a constant labor of human hope as we each journey alone together - in time and dimensional space - here upon our one planetary home, this, our one inhabited earth).
Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.
Sancta Sanctis!
Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
5 hours ago