To my brother and sister Christians in Asia
The Beloved of God in Jesus Christ
among all the Beloved of God in Jesus Christ
of the one universal Roman Church
living in the same Love of the Holy Spirit
in full communion with one another
and the successor of Saint Peter, Benedict XVI
and all Bishops in communion with our Holy Father
as the Sacrament of unity for mankind.
All of my precious friends,
Companions from always to always.
Our beloved native continent is fallen
with all the autumnal lands of the earth
far beyond our faded Eden
under these unconscious Eastern skies;
skies that are nearest the morrow,
skies that embrace our hearts,
hearts that are nearest the dawn,
the dawn being an awakening
to the Light
here in the East,
here in mother Asia -
a place nearest the morning
that is to come from on high,
reborn from the unforgotten promise
of the everlasting Peace
and a better world for all mankind.
is God's greatest gift to humanity.
He is our Eternal Daystar -
The Light of the human race
And the Splendor of the Truth.
As the Great Dawn Star of the East -
The Prince of Peace
calls out to His Church in Asia
for humble laborers in His vineyard of life -
faithful Christian souls who are willing to walk with Him
towards the Promise of a New Morning from on high
a world reborn from a Peace that only God can give
into a new age of life and renewal for all mankind
Let us each remember
my precious friend
Our Lord was born in Asia
And the Salvation He purchased
For all souls without distinction
Past, present and future
At the terrible cost of His Passion and death
Was a Promise wrought for the whole world
here on our native Asian continent.
The Christian hope that was kindled
By His Resurrection into everlasting glory
In God's plan for peace and reconciliation
For all mankind without exception
Was proclaimed in the Name of Jesus Christ
As the Gospel of everlasting life and Salvation
From our native Asia and outward
Into the tremendous world of our common hopes.
Now after 2000 years,
A twinkle in the eye of God,
That one universal Love of God;
That Christian Love immortal and divine;
That sanctify our Hope;
Make mighty our Peace;
And make holy our nations
Is come calling in our midst once again.
The resounding, universal Call of the Spirit of God
that quicken the Truth in hearts of all the faithful -
the flock of Jesus Christ from all the lands of earth -
is calling for a harvest of believing hearts here in Asia
Where the journey of our common human Salvation
Was begun by Jesus Christ the same,
Yesterday, today and forever -
Here on our native Asian soil,
Here in our native Asian soul -
for all mankind from the least to the greatest.
Once, twice and a choice
Here at the threshold
Of the third Christian millennium
At the longest night of our poor world
From Europe, to the Americas,
From Australia and Oceania, to Africa
and from Asia and back
outward and onward once again,
My precious friend and beloved Christian,
from love to love, life to life and hope to hope
the joyful work of our Lord's Hands!
God's most eloquent message left unspoken
lived through the life and death of our Savior
and written in the truths of Sacred Scripture
Is the essential will of God for man in creation
That one universal Defense of Sacred Life
that uphold the sanctity and dignity
of our common humanity
God's Promise is Life,
lived forever abundant and complete.
This Life is that One Light of the Christian People
The Life which is found in Jesus Christ our Savior
In the Salvation that is wrought for all mankind
And the Promise of Peace that abide in our souls
The Cause of our Roman Catholic Church
Lo behold our Blessed Christendom!
All of us who walk among the nations
One Church divided and weakened
One People wounded by the beast of war
yet united in our greatest of hopes
our past and present being of one accord
and filled with an undying Love of God
Marching with one heart of Peace
For the universal defense of Sacred Life
Advancing the Cause of Jesus Christ
Across the longest night of our poor world.
One Universal Defense of Sacred Life:
To Sanctify the Hopes of our nations
To make mighty the One Peace,
Turning every tear into gladness,
And all swords into plowshares
To give ALL OF LIFE a chance to be beautiful.
Ever unto that New Morning from on high -
And a new age of peace and renewal
For all men, women and children
Of the one family of the nations of mankind
at the daybreak of the Daystar of peace
an end of the longest night of our poor world.
Glory to God in the highest!
Adoration to Jesus Christ -
Peace to all men of goodwill.
Asia Caelestis,
An Asia of peace and love
risen from the old world
of war and discord
A harmony of differences
united like a hymn
of our common love for God
as a new culture of life
is realized from lives past
by lives lived in faith of tomorrow
An imperfect place
in an imperfect world
of imperfect lives
lived with less tears
laboring with much hope
casting our deepest longings
far away from the war
that has hurt us so much
and is still so determined
to do us terrible ill.
Once, twice and a choice.
Further Reading: Ecclesia In Asia
A Catholic Life Podcast: Episode 106
12 hours ago
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